Hiatal Hernia Relief: Top Natural Remedies Guide

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Ward (Atlanta) on 08/27/2015

in 1985 I was diagnosed with hiatal hernia and stomach ulcers.Tagament pills for ulcers and Galviscon for my hiatal my doctor wanted to book me in for surgery as I could not lie down without my stomach acid burning my throat. anything I ate gave me pain and heart burn.

I have always hated hospitals so I refused, I cured myself by not eating and drinking anything with acid eg: tomatoes lemon, oranges, beer, no white bread or pastries that was doughy. I only ate brown bread and veggies with meat no gravy not much fruit but I did add peppers to all my food.

After 6 months, my hiatal hernia was healed and my stomach ulcers gone.my doctor scratched his head. He had never known that one could heal hiatal hernia as the valve had been stretched open and surgery was the only option.

It is now 2015 and I do not suffer ulcers or hiatal hernia. Ulcers is sores in the stomach breeding on bacteria, kill the bacteria and the sore heals. I believe pepper did the trick.

EC: Hi Ward,

Thank you for your feedback. Can you please let us know what kind of pepper you used. Was it cayenne or black pepper? Thank you!

Replied by Ward

I cut up peppers (chillies) into all my food

Replied by Lola
(New York)

Re:Ward (Atlanta) on 08/27/2015 Ward (Atlanta) on 08/27/2015

"I only ate brown bread and veggies with meat no gravy not much fruit but I did add peppers to all my food."

Hi! Ward from Atlanta replied on 08/31/2015

"I cut up peppers (chillies) into all my food".

I went online in search of chillies and so many came up. I am hoping that Ward reads my post and can kindly respond to which chillies in particular is he referring to sweet or hot?

Replied by Jimy Flores
(New York)

I think he means cayenne pepper. After the article's I've been reading I'm gonna give it a shot.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver, Co, Usa) on 11/09/2012

I was diagnosed with a hiatel hernia in 1988 at 30 years old and was told it would be prescriptions the rest of my life. A chiropractor taught me how to push it back into place on my own and a kinesiologist helped to determine food allergies and aggrevators. Stayed on a diet without wheat, sugar, caffeine and dairy for a year when my physician said it wasn't bad enough to operate on. I can't imagine what 'bad' was! Anyway, the diet worked for over 20 years. It helps to eat on a regular schedule and not to wait until your stomach is growling. It began coming back about a year ago so am careful to eat and manage stress. ACV definitely helps with the reflux.

Finger Pressure

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Angelo (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/10/2022

I can't thank the person who posted this finger technique enough in 2011. Seriously. THANK YOU!

The last 2 weeks for me have been absolute hell.

I've been waking up with this strange feeling in my stomach/lower chest that I thought was a tumor everytime I try to take a deep breath. Felt like my insides were out of place. I haven't slept much at all in the past 2 weeks because of acid, constantly burping and tight chest that would make it difficult to breathe laying down. I usually sleep like a baby. It got so bad one night last week I went to the hospital(and if you know me, I don't step foot in those places or see doctors unless I think I'm dying) I was burping for 4 hours straight. When I say burping I mean belching like I've been drinking pop all day and never drink that garbage. I couldn't stop and it was affecting my breathing. The pain from this hernia was there when I was trying to breathe as well but I didn't know what it was. I thought my lungs were just inflamed. I have asthma that acts up sometimes depending on how much I vape but never requires a puffer or actually worries me.

In the past few days I've gone from thinking I have GERD, COPD, cancer/tumors and a bunch of other stuff.

Ive started taking glutathione, msm, Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda in the last few days. I've had some minimal relief from those but the pain to breath wasn't going away and feeling like my insides are out of place has been constant.

I tried this finger technique quickly (not truly believing I even have a hernia) and that breathing pain is gone!!! Not sure even sure I did it properly. I'm shocked. I'm going to continue doing this a few times a day or as needed.

Thanks again and God Bless this site. I'm writing this in 2022 and it unfortunately seems like this beautiful site is dead. The pharmaceutical industry has ruined health and internet censorship has made finding natural cures nearly impossible. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Replied by Barbara

What is this finger pressure you're referring to? Is there a website or YouTube video that shows it? Thanks for any info!

Replied by Melissa

Per the post further down on this page from 2011:

"I have a hiatel hernia and a simple and fast correction for it. Every morning or when it is acting up stand up staright, feet shoulder width apart, take a deep breath and place your fingers into your "chest" (right where your rib cage seperates) as far as you can, upon exhale pull the fingers straight down. Repeat as nescessary. God Bless!"

Finger Pressure
Posted by Laurens. (Saratoga, Ny ) on 02/01/2011

This website helps so many people. I have a hiatel hernia and a simple and fast correction for it. Every morning or when it is acting up stand up staright, feet shoulder width apart, take a deep breath and place your fingers into your "chest" (right where your rib cage seperates) as far as you can, upon exhale pull the fingers straight down. Repeat as nescessary. God Bless!

Replied by Jana
(Bountiful, Utah, Usa)

I also found that massaging my stomach right under the ribcage helps me with my Hernia. I also take 4 tablets of tums. Drink lots of water too.

Glitzy Feather
(York PA)

I know this is a super old post, but so thankful I found it. Just did this and amazingly has helped me. Thanks you so much for posting this idea and a huge thanks to Earth Clinic for making sharing all this natural remedies possible. So very much appreciated! THANK YOU!!! I am referring to massaging just under the rib cage. I rubbed/massaged downward, to my left, in a circular massage. I do believe trapped gas was released.

Replied by Pyroluriac
(Alamogordo, Nm)

Jana from Bountiful, Utah: It's good you learned how to get your stomach down. Now you might want to learn what causes hiatal hernia. Look up "hypochlorhydria" and "low stomach acid". The tums may be what is causing your trouble.

Replied by Malisa

I tried this method and I was amazed that it really works. Anyone that suffers from a hiatal hernia should try this. I've tried everything and nothing worked but this truly does work.

Replied by Wendy
(Melbourne, Australia)

That's a Bowen move which is a form of body work. I am a Bowen practitioner.

Replied by Emi
(Charlotte, Nc)

This hand treatment for Hiatal Hernias originated more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Japan. It has been passed down into the traditional acupressure technique of Te-A-Te, for one. I studied it with a Japanese Master in the 1970's, and he, born in 1896, studied from his Master, and so on. Very effective for immediate relief and can be of lasting help when combined with dietary changes and herbs.

Replied by Armin
(London uk)

I've got a lot hiatus hernia, severe chest pains breathing difficulties etc, came across a YouTube chiropractor based in new York, he teaches the finger technique!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Elizabeth (Savannah, GA) on 02/17/2022

So, it's been many years, but I actually used a home remedy that completely cured my hiatal hernia. I read about it in an alternative medicine textbook.

I used a juicer every day, & made homemade ginger juice, I drank a shot (from a shot glass, 1 oz.) of it, straight, on an empty stomach every morning for 14 days. I also had an inguinal hernia, diagnosed at the same time as the hiatal. My surgeon was supposed to repair both, but he told me after the surgery that the hiatal hernia had disappeared! Ginger did not just help the inguinal hernia, but cured the hiatal.


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Posted by Rhett (Canada) on 06/05/2014

I seemed out a naturopath after severe burning in my throat, although the exercise didn't work for me, I hope it will help others. Why pay for the info when I can offer it lol. Drink 24 oz of warm water (first thing in the morning before coffee or breakfast) drink the water down as fast as you can. (You want your stomach to be full). Then stand up, and no shoes is usually best, or shoes with a thin bottom. As you want a hard drop. Stand, feet should be hip distance apart, then rise up on your tippy toes and drop your heels down hard. No controlled drop, the more momentum you have the better. The idea is the water in your stomach will be weight and as your drop it will pull your stomach down and remove the bulge from within the diaphragm, allowing your hernia to heal. I hope to for this helps someone, I fear mine is worse then what this can normally fix, good luck to you all.

Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 09/28/2010

The following is from a website "A Quick Fix for Hiatal Hernia" Worked instantly for me and I do it whenever I feel bloated. No medicines needed. First thing in the morning, after fasting all night, drink a full glass of water quickly. This puts weight in the stomach. Then hop up and down (You don't have to leap entirely off the ground. Getting up on your toes and bouncing will do. ) while relaxing your abdominal muscles. Basically, what this does is pull the stomach back down below the diaphragm where it belongs. Then if you can avoid putting pressure on the stomach from below while it is full, it will pretty much stay there.

Replied by laura

Yes, this the only thing that helps me!

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by GayleS (Mississippi, USA) on 10/09/2019

I wanted to post what is working for me for my hiatal hernia, acid reflux and low stomach acid.

I thank GOD I finally figured out my remedy and I thank all the people posting in here for all your input and knowledge. Within the last 3 months I read (I think) in Earth Clinic almost every post relating to hiatal hernia, low acid stomach, enzymes, digestion you name so I could get as much info as I could to figure out what to do. I even purchased Ted and Bill's book on Amazon and all the meters they recommended to test your own health. By the way, it's an awesome book and the meters work great they recommend! A little about me: I'm 62 years old, female, and was diagnosed 8 years ago with a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, and gastritis.

They also tested for H-pylori and it was negative. Docs wanted to put me on antacids, but I refused them knowing at that time they don't cure anything. You've got to get to the real problem, I learned that working in health food/vitamin stores for years. My digestion in the last 8 years has been on and off good and bad. I used some supplements and baking soda for acid reflux and some digestive enzymes, I got by on that. I also narrowed down what foods were giving me trouble and stopped eating them or cut back. I am also type 2 diabetic and have a ton of food sensitivities. My mom had Crohn's disease, sisters and brothers have digestive issues too. Gut problems run in my family. Within the last 3 month my digestive issues turned for the worse. The hiatal hernia would not stay down and it seemed like I couldn't digest anything!! I was jumping with the warm water in my stomach after every meal with pain in my chest almost all the time from the hiatal hernia. All this ‘really' got my attention to dig in on the post on Earth Clinic and read…read…read. After some trial and errors on trying different remedies, I finally figured out my unique remedy.

I used a combination of products mentioned in some of the post and made notes on what I ate, took, and if it helped or made it worse. Here's what I've been taking for the last 5 days that's WORKING. I've not had my hiatal hernia in my chest and no acid reflux.

Products I'm using: Ginger tea (made from fresh ginger), ACV mixed with water, eating foods that contain natural enzymes for digestion (I can post the list I created if you want to read it, let me know) and the one I'm most amazed with - Premier d- Limonene liquid drops made by Premier Research Labs.

Here's what I do:

Every morning first thing: I drink a cup of warm ginger tea. I make it at night and just warm up. I don't have coffee for about one hour after drinking it. The ginger tea gets the digestive system going (muscles). Before every meal: I drink AVC (I started with ¼ teaspoon and now use ½ teaspoon) in 8 oz. of water. While eating I drink the ginger tea. Not a lot, about one cup throughout the meal. It was suggested to drink with meals by someone, so that's why I do it this way. Apparently helps stimulate digestion. After every meal: I drink 2 drop of the Premier d-Limonene liquid in 8 oz. of water after I'm done eating. Do not take it without food in your tummy. It even says on the bottle not too. I forgot one day and took it without food. My tummy didn't like it.

This is all that I'm doing right now. I will post again to update everyone on my progress. I am so happy because I was so miserable. Thank you again everyone for all your posts.

Replied by GayleS
(Mississippi, USA)

Update: 11/5/2019 –

What I learned from a mistake' It's been close to a month since I discovered a regimen that helps my hiatal hernia stay down and not slide up into my chest. BUT, I also found out no matter how good I'm doing I still cannot eat certain foods, it will flare up the hiatal hernia!

Here's what happened:

I made the mistake of adding one shake of red pepper flakes to my collard greens cooking pot. I also buy sausage from a local farmer who raises animals without chemicals and non GMO feed. His sausage has a slight heat to it, so I ate one sausage patty with a bowl of collard greens. Neither of these foods were very spicy, but it was enough to inflame the hiatal hernia. I thought I could handle this spicy food since I was doing so good…WRONG!! I suffered for about 6 days and today it finally calmed down! I learned a good lesson so not all is bad in this situation.

Just stay away from spicy foods, you're better off. Even though all seemed fine with my hiatal hernia, I still cannot forget it's there and the possibility of it getting inflamed again.

Orange Peel, Chamomile Tea

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Greg M. (Walla Walla, Wa) on 07/30/2009

I suffer from a Hiatal Hernia which in itself brought on my suffering from GERD. I was desperate in finding a way out. So by the time I realized that I was suffering from a hiatal hernia (caused by a real bad vomiting episode)I was desperate in finding a way out of this ill feeling I was ALWAYS having. I found this website and tried ACV with some good results but it still wasnt the normal feeling I was looking for. I forget how I started on Prilosec but it gave me the best results but I was still was feeling ill. My doctor gave me Nexium, but that was no better than the Prilosec I was taking. I tried other over the counter acid reflux medicines also but with little or the same results. I then read a book. What I read about those drugs was a bit scary. You actually need the stomach acids you produce to digest the food you eat. Dilute or reduce the acid you need and you are allowing raw food through your intestines and bowels. Yikes! No wonder the makers of those drugs want you to use them for no longer than 2 weeks at a time!

So I went back to the Internet to research my affliction again. Now, I dont want to take the credit, and I cant remember the site where I read my finding. So I give all the credit to that person who posted their results. But what I found and tried was too simple to ignore and that was ORANGE PEEL seasoning. Thats right! Just the very same Orange Peel Seasoning you can buy off your supermarket's shelves. Its somewhat expensive at $5-$6 for 1.5 oz's but a single bottle has lasted me nearly 2 months. I found a 16 oz bottle for less than $20 while searching the net. Well anyway, I use just a sprinkle on my breakfast cereal in the morning, and I sprinkle a little on my toast also, and I'm good for the day! All together the amount I use must equal to no more that a 1/2 teaspoon.

I also have two cups of Chamomile Tea a day, one at 7 AM with breakfast and one in the evening around 7 PM. The Tea works wonders and settles me down. I find I really only need the Orange Peel once a day but twice a day wouldnt hurt I guess. So I'm really interested in other people's experiences with the orange peel so please write and share your findings. If you are as desperate as I have been in feeling normal please give this a try. I'm glad I did :-) Thanks

Replied by Greg M.
(Walla Walla, Wa)

Hello again, Just checking back in after my posting in July 2009 about the Orange Peel Seasoning. First of all it never bothered me in any way and I never lost any sleep. But the good news is I no longer suffer from GERD in everyday living. I never used any other medications while using the Orange Peel so I firmly believe in the use of the seaasoning. I wish there were more testimonals after all this time. If you read this please spend $5 and try home remedy and let us all know your results. Thanks. Greg

Replied by Desiree
(Portland, Or)

D-Limonene - available at your health food store. It has orange peel "oil" in it. I paid about $9 at a chain called "Super Supplements. " I couldn't find it any place else, but you can order it online. You can also find out how it works online. It takes care of the reflux part of the hiatel hernia. The other part can be helped with exercises. Some people report only needing to take it 2-3 times. Please take as directed (with food) and read the directions. This is an incredible fix for the reflux. I didn't even think I really needed it, but it helped the pain alot. Best Wishes!

Replied by JANET
(Miramar Beach, Florida)

Thank you for your post in 2009. Because of it, I have been using Orange Peel seasoning for years with great results. I sprinkle it on my morning cereal. I take it for all the ailments posted in your original post, plus I like the fiber.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Don (Queens, New York) on 11/17/2015

Sliding Hiatal Hernia

Have similar symptoms. Been using DGL tablets, (licorice) which doesn't affect blood pressure. Also start the day with Endefen, wonderful for digestive tract, recommended by my alternative MD. What really helps is peppermint sugar free gum. It helps after meals to get the gastric juices flowing and reduce gas.



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Posted by Donna (North Carolina) on 02/23/2022

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and from time to time it acted up and caused a real problem swallowing. I found some advice online that mentioned jumping up and down hard to move the diaphragm back into place. That worked a little sometimes.

What HAS worked for me is to use a rebounder, a mini-trampoline, several times a week for 8 or 9 minutes while I listen to a short podcast. I also have been taking some prebiotic supplements to aid and heal the digestive tract. Using the rebounder often sends me to the bathroom afterwards. I have not had an incident with the hernia since I started using the rebounder.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Rafael (Manila, Philippines) on 10/31/2010

Manila, Philippines

I also been with this worst agony in my life. I thought I will be 6 feet below the ground by now if not been cured of my sliding hiatal hernia. These are some of the symptoms:
1. Adrenal fatigue
2. Weight loss (from 150lbs to 90lbs)
3. Easily loss my temper
4. Hair fall
5. Loss appetite
6. Palpitation
7. Difficulty in grasping fresh air
8. Regurgaration
9. Constipation

ACV, pickle juice and other medication mentioned in this website helps temporarily. I was diaganosed with Sliding hiatal hernia. By the way, dont take those medicine given by doctors for it will only worsten your acid reflux and will enhance your palpitation based on my personal experience. Last April 19 2010, I decided to undergo risky surgery for I have no choice since im lossing weight significantly. It's better to die fighting than doing nothing. I really selected the best thoracic surgeon in the city and also conducted some background investigation on his patients who undergo the same operations. Now its already November and feel like a brand new person again. However almost 3 months after the operation, you will still feel pain but after that it feels like heaven. Hope this help those who have been in the same situation. [email protected]...


Replied by Rafzacarias
(Makati, Philippines)

I'm here again... I regained my original weight of 150lbs and all the symptoms are gone.... .. God Bless

Replied by Rafzacarias
(Manila, Philippines)

It's more than 2 years ago when I got a surgery. Feel great and im in excellent condition. In fact I will be joining Milo Marathon late this month.. Thanks and God bless!!!

Vitamin B1 Injections

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Charles (Scotland) on 05/11/2015

I also had a severe episode of vomiting followed by five weeks of hiccups. Acid reflux, bloated feeling and generally not feeling well with no energy left me tired and loosing weight. An endoscopy revealed duodenitis, gastritis and hiatal hernia. Coming off medication and managing a diet with less fat, wheat, gluten and spices improved things. However a blood test revealed pernicious anemia indicating malabsorption of vitamin B. A course of six vitamin B 1ml injections over two weeks has cured all of that. Looking forward to the next shot in 3 months.

Vitamin B12

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cordell (Saint John, New Brunswick Canada) on 07/28/2009

B12 Cure for Hiatal Hernia and Illoceal Valve Syndrome

For more than a year I suffered from very poor digestion, with hiatal hernia, a closed illoceal valve, and trouble breathing or standing up quickly. Thankfully I just recently found the main culprit. Lack of B12! After taking 1000mcg sublingual tablets (methylcobalamin) twice a day, my symptoms have improved tenfold! Not to mention I have much more energy, and way less stress then I did before. After suspecting that my b12 might be low earlier on in my search for a cure I tried the non-sublingual tablets, but they hardly proved effective. This could possibly be because lack of instrisic factor in my body, or bacterial overgrowth. But I should note that I eat very healthy, and prior to discovering this, I had done several parasite cleanses, colon cleanses, and liver flush. I also avoided gluten containing products too (as I still do), as I suspected my poor digestion might be from gluten intolerance.

Anyway, I'm sharing this info because I hope that someone else that suffers from hiatal hernia and the breathing problems that comes with it might find that they just need more b12.

I would also like to add that taking enzymes, betaine hcl (hydrochloric acid tablets), and probiotics helped with my digestion too. But in the end b12 seemed to be the major component I was missing all along. If you suffer from the above mentioned problems that I did, I'd advise getting your b12 levels checked, or simply trying the sublingual tablets (b12 is very safe to take even if you have adequate amounts) to see if they help!



Replied by Cordell
(Minto, New Brunswick Canada)

I have to somewhat recall this feedback, because since the time I posted it I discovered vitamin b12 may have only played a minor role in complete healing. I did not heal completely with b12 alone in other words. After adding in the alkaline remedy of 1/4 sodium bicarbonate plus potassium citrate about 3 times daily: 11am, 3pm, and 11pm, between meals, and also taking magnesium citrate 5 days a week I noticed significant improvement. I had to eliminate dairy and wheat though as well. However, this still was not enough. Things were better, but still not the best. I had read on this site from Ted, that hernia was most likely cause by a bacteria. For a few days on and a few days off I also consumed milk of magnesia (with a ph of 12) to try and kill off any bacteria along the digestive tract. I did this for a couple weeks. I did have diarrhea, but went on the recommendation it causes some internal cleansing. This seemed to really help with distention in the lower part of the stomach I had experienced for some time. Ok. So did this heal the hernia, and stomach distention I had completely? Still no, but things were definitely looking up! I must also mention that, yes, b12 did help to relax me and this did help with the hernia and acid reflux burning, and since it helps other b vitamins absorb it is worth mentioning again since it wasnt until after I began taking high doses of niacinamide (b3), coupled with b50 twice a day that I noticed most improvement, and overall healing. I originally began taking niacinamide to deal with paranoid thoughts, anxiety and delusions that were bothering me. I wasn't diagnosed schizophrenic but from what I read on it, I was slowly becoming just that. Anyways, it worked wonders for anxiety and paranoia. But was unexpected was how much better I was feeling overall after a couple days, with increased energy, mental clarity, and how the hernia wasn't bothering me much at all. I'm now quite persuaded these remedies will work, especially if done long term, as long as it takes basically. One really interesting piece of information I discovered on b3 (niacinamide) was this:

"Niacin is one of the substances the body uses to help keep the smooth muscle of the digestive tract relaxed(smooth muscle is different from other muscle)without niacin the smooth muscle will tend to knot or kink or twist, it will do this especially where there is already a twist or turn in the tract, this occurs at the hiatus(the part of the esophagus which makes a 90 degree turn into the stomach). "

If anyone had bad digestion it was me, from top to bottom my stomach was in knots. Not anymore. I owe this to most of all Ted's remedies, and Dr. Abram Hoffer's research on b3. I'll mention briefly some other remedies I took. 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in water with alkaline remedy sometimes for microminerals. Small pieces of zinc gluconate infrequently for immunity, plus selenium. Eating healthy, eating garlic from time to time for immunity. I consider the potassium citrate added with baking soda to be quite essential, as I noticed a more speedy recovery from this, than sodium bicarbonate alone. The excess gas I often had dissipated after a couple weeks entirely. Anyways, I hope this can be of help for someone. If you have any questions about anything I've posted here please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I have taken a long road to get where I am now (3 years of intense bad digestion and anxiety), and I take little credit except that I did some research on this site and otherwise, used myself as a guinea pig in this time *laughs*. Peace and love.

Replied by Cordell
(Minto, Nb Canada)

UPDATE: Something else that helps to reduce the hiatal hernia: Eating green apples. I experimented with this off and on, and it helps the healing. They are supposed to be good for dissolving gallbladder stones. Stones generally accumulate as a result of poor digestion, which leads to further impairment. So, I would suggest adding green apples (maybe 1-3 or more! ) to this healing regimen. Don't forget to keep alkaline! Cordell

Replied by Cordell
(Minto, Nb Canada)

UPDATE: add to this regimen a good multi-mineral supplement, to complete the healing. The most important seem to be the boron, chromium, and selenium. The reason being I suspect is that fungus or mycobacteria are also involved. I've yet to determine which minerals are most vital, but a good multi-mineral at substantial dosages should be therapeutic in time. One I take now is a liquid mineral supplement that contains macro-minerals, boron, zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum. Besides this I take extra boron (in capsule form) for it's anti-fungal properties, and extra manganese (for hair loss). Anyway, acid reflux, hernia, bowel distention, gastritis etc have all gone into remission for me on all the above protocol. Hopefully it helps someone else too. Peace and love

Replied by Cordell
(Minto, N.b Canada)

I have recieved a few emails lately in regards to the exact protocol I have used to treat hiatal hernia, stomach distention, acid reflux etc.... So I would like to post the response I made to a few people, in hopes that someone might find it helpful. The cause of hiatal hernia appears to be invading bacteria or fungus, or a combination of both due to lowered immunity (environmental toxins, heavy metals, poor diet etc) Anyway, here is the response for anyone who is wanting to know what helped me put my symptoms into remission:

My response to questions about dosage etc:

The dosage of b3 (niacinamide) that seems most helpful is 500-1000mg per day. This helps with low energy (along with b complex at 50-100mg per day), and seems to clear the liver out too (I only know because I sometimes suffer from allergies, and it helps dramatically).

** If b12 is low, then all b vitamins will absorb poorly.. It may be worth it to check b12 status at a physician

As far as the minerals, Ive experimented a bit since posting on earthclinic.. and from my observations the most helpful minerals are chromium, selenium, boron (or borax), and magnesium.

You can play around with the dosages, but what works best for me is 500mcg of chromium chloride or chromic chloride (sometimes known as chromium gtf).. Chromium picolinate can also be used. 50-200mcg of selenium. 1/4 teaspoon of borax (mineral boron) dissolved completely in a litre of water. And roughly 500mg of magnesium (chloride or citrate form) per day. some breaks are needed such as a day or two off after every 4-5 days.

another one worth mentioning is copper. In my case copper seems to raise the immunity against whatever bug causes the hernia (maybe candida, maybe some mycobacterium, or both)... If you suspect you are low on copper it may be helpful.. one sure sign of deficiency is white hairs, and possibly headaches

Consuming cilantro to remove heavy metals from the body may also be helpful, if the bacteria is using heavy metals to hide from whatever is helpful in killing it off, but ive yet to confirm that this has any effect on the symptoms or not long term....

I have had the symptoms come back at different times, as well as gone into complete remission several times... In my case, I suspect the reason for symptom flare-up is because I end up stopping this protocol (thinking im completely cured) , and things like binging on junk foods (holidays etc)... There are certain foods which make the symptoms worse such as processed sugar, sweets, white bread, and other processed foods being the obvious ones. Also cooked vegetable oils seem to cause problems as well, such as deep fried or heavily fried foods

I highly suspect there is a certain bug/bacteria that causes hiatal hernia, and ive yet to totally beat this one, but I've yet to give up on fighting it. as time goes on this protocol seems to work effectively, but it may take more diligence on my part, or anyone trying to raise immunity to it to really beat this thing out. (the amount of time and diligence needed to completely heal is yet to be determined) there are probably other things that can help raise the bodies immunity to whatever the true cause is... And im sure that with enough diligence it could probably be taken care of for good

having said all that.. Id also like to just throw in that cayenne pepper, like say one teaspoon to a glass of warm water is also really good at relieving the symptoms... I do this when symptoms flare up and it helps.. Plus the cayenne is very good at killing off invading bacteria and improving digestion overall.. Another one is the organic apple cider vinegar, but ive had mixed results with that... Ted from earth clinic suggests taking it periodically so that the malic acid can help with detoxification, and so I take it from time to time for that purpose (baking soda may need to be added, if the water is soft or simply lacking bicarbonates)

and of course, last but not least is the alkalizing with a teaspoon of baking soda in water bout 3 times a day... This one is essential at keeping the symptoms at bay

well, I hope that information helps you, I know hiatal hernia symptoms can be really irritating, sometimes debilitating... So I wish you all the best.. if theres ever anything you want to share or ask, feel free :-)

sincerely, Cordell"

if anyone has anything to share in regards to the above protocol, would like to add anything that helps, or ask questions I can be reached my new email: spiritbearshamanic(at)gmail.com

Love and Light

Water, Foot Drop Treatment

1 User Review
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Posted by John (Pa) on 08/29/2016

Liquid/gravity cure for temporary relief of hiatal hernia. Not sure if this has been reported, as I did not see mention of it; but I had found temporary relief of the painful swallowing when eating. I saw a site that suggested drinking one to two cups of water, and then dropping down quickly flat footed, from a raised calf-like position. This helps pull the muscle out of the diaphragm. It helped temporarily on a few occasions, but my best results so far have been from cutting out the carbonated soft drinks altogether. I am 3 weeks in and no more of the pain I would normally have, that would seem to only get better if I constantly raised my arms while swallowing. I am still having a condition of burping (especially with cucumbers, and bananas) but, have not had the heartburn that was almost nightly. I believe these other symptoms may subside as I get my body's chemistry back to more neutral (or alkaline). Btw, where would one get the PH paper I have seen talked about on here?

I hope my experiences/observations may help someone.

Replied by Rita
(Tampa, Fl)

Most health food stores carry the Ph papers.

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