Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sandhi (USA) on 09/19/2007

To Ted: My Ragweed Allergy can get pretty ugly. completely stuffed up nose at night, post nasal drip, scratchy throat, uncontrolled sneezing and general feeling of being run down. H2O2 was giving me bloating, when drinking it in water. This time I bought a nasal pump. Put 3% HP (h2o2) in it, and pumped it in my mouth. To my surprise, the post nasal drip stopped almost immediately and the sneezing stopped. I carried my nasal pump to work, and did the same, as soon as I found, a big sneeze is on its way. And it worked almost every time. So the oxidative therapy of HP is working far better than all the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, NAC, Zinc, b-complex I was taking in hopes of combating the allergies. I am really thankful to you, cause had you not written posiitve things abt HP, I would have had no courage to try HP. You motivated me. Although I tried Bill Munro's method and I am also going to thank him personally.

Please note: spraying HP in nostrils is really irritating. But spraying it insides of the mouth/ under the tongue, can literally stop and allergy attack. ( It has at least in my case). With allergy symptoms under control, I feel I have more energy and need less sleep, get less tired. Apart from spraying, I am also taking like 2 drops of 35% HP in a glass of water in the morning. I really wanna kill all the bugs out there. I am really impressed... thankyou.

Posted by Amanda Rene (Anderson, California, USA) on 10/17/2008

Try using local honey to alleviate allergy symptoms. Look for it at health food stores or your local Farmers' Market. This saved me from terrible eye pain caused by my allergies. From what I understand, using the honey is kind of like having a vaccination. Local honey works for allergy symptoms because it is made using the same plants you are having an allergic reaction to. Include a tablespoon of local honey in a cup of hot tea two or three times a day to begin with. When your symptoms are alleviated, maintain with one dose daily.

Neti Pot
Posted by Marty (Nashville, Tennessee) on 10/11/2008

I have had seasonal outdoor allergies for most of my life due to living in Tennessee, which is known for high pollen counts. I have been able to manage this with over-the-counter medication until this past spring. I got deathly sick after painting a few rooms, pulling up old carpet, sanding some hardwood floors, and then trimming shrubs when the pollen count was high here. I've never had to seek medical attention until this event. I had all of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but was coughing my head off to the point of urinating on myself. The mucus was so bad that I was throwing up. With no health insurance or physician, I opted to go to a clinic inside Walgreens. I was placed on a Prednisone Dosepak and an Albuterol inhaler, and was told I had asthma due to allergies. After I took the prescription, I had one good month and then the symptoms returned. I went back to the clinic, and was given the same medication, but was also told to go to the emergency room because I was wheezing in all lobes of my lungs. With no insurance, I opted not to do this. I took the steroids again, but the symptoms came back. I was told I couldn't return to the clinic because asthma was out of their realm. I've been sick for over 5 months. The coughing has been so bad that my ribs feel broken.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I purchased a Neti Pot (Sinu Cleanse) after seeing it demonstrated on Oprah. I highly recommend this to all! After a few days, it helped with breathing and sinus headache. I'm still doing this 3 times per day. I also found this website, and began the organic apple cider vinegar "cocktail." I use _____'s, and have decided two tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, and one tablespoon of raw honey in 6 ounces of water (3 times daily) works best for me. I heat this in the microwave for 40 seconds to melt the honey. I do this for 6 days on and one day off. I also eat a cracker with no salt on it while drinking this to help offset the taste. I'm on my 3rd week with the ACV, and I feel so much better. For someone who felt on the brink of death and that an ER hospital visit was next, I'm amazed at the results. I'm slowly weaning myself off of the inhaler, but still need it. I'm also taking Mucinex and Zyrtec with the hope of getting rid of it too. I highly validate this ACV remedy to allergy and asthma folks! I will keep it up as a maintenance regimen with hopes I don't get this bad again!

Vaseline Coated Inside the Nose
Posted by Nytrini (Austin, TX)

I have been having seasonal allergies ever since during spring and fall. I would get runny nose, itchy & watery and swollen eyes. Sometimes I would have to blow my nose a dozen times in 1/2 hr after i wakes up. After researching for a long time i concluded you must pevent the allergens from eaching your bloodstream. You cannot cover your nose but i had another idea. You can coat the inside of the nose with Vaseline. I have been doing this for about a month, morning and night and haven't had to blow my nose not more than twice since then. No itchy, watery or swollen eyes. I was surprised it works. It even prevents sneezing and the common cold. I used to take Claritin but haven't taken any since then.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Amia (Bennington) on 03/10/2021

Ever since increasing meat and fat intake, and decreasing carbs and drastically reducing sugar, my pollen allergies have almost gone away completely. Apparently, living in a state of ketosis (burning fat instead of sugar) is key to having higher ketones and less allergic sensitivity.

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/19/2020

I have posted about nettle many times in the past. I have used it for my children for allergies for years. My allergies this spring have been very bad. I think having an indoor cat this year has really aggravated my allergies in general. But this cat is part of the family. If she jumps in my lap my nose starts running. We did get a HEPA filter for our central air/heat unit. And I started to take nettle. I take once capsule morning and evening. This reduces my symptoms at least 90%. ~Mama to Many~

Posted by Dtnovelties (Tennessee) on 05/28/2018

Food Allergies and Hay fever Allergies.

I treated myself after viewing Youtube videos of N.A.E.T, (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Treatment). After performing this procedure to myslef using a muscle massager on key accupunture points of my body, I am almost free of tree pollen allergies. I am no longer allergic to salt (which used to cause large blisters on my tongue when I ate chips and other salty snacks), and I am only slightly affected by dust. I used to be off the charts with allergic reactions to these 3 things. Since I am allergic to chocolate and vitamin C, I will be addressing those next. Awesomely easy and very effective.

If I increase treatments fo the tree pollen and dust I believe I will be fully cured. But it takes a number of treatements, and I was anxious to free myself of other reactive items in my life. I'll return to tree pollen and dust late in the year. I read that this same treatment helps those with autism as well. It has restored sight, reduced pain and other heartbreaking effects from autism that we had no idea they were suffering from...because they were really victims of allergies.

Posted by Catlyn (Washington) on 08/21/2016

I've been using nettle capsules for years for seasonal allergies. Before I started using it, I literally hated spring and fall. Now, when my eyes get scratchy, I get stuffed up or my ears itch way down inside, I take a nettle capsule. I don't hate spring and fall anymore. It's the one thing I consistently stay with.

Posted by Misty (Indiana, Usa) on 05/04/2016

I've recently had an increase in allergies, which I've read could be related to copper toxicity. Note that vegetarians are particularly susceptible, as most zinc-rich vegetarian foods are also high in copper. High-zinc/low-copper foods are mainly animal products, which I haven't been eating much of lately! Sure enough, I was eating a lot of copper-rich foods and taking copper through my B-complex and multivitamin!

Well, I reduced those supplements and added a 50mg chelated zinc tablet. My skin is less dry, is clearing up, and I have more energy! I also have noticed an increase in libido, which apparently zinc has been known to do.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/10/2015

Dear Bonbon,

I have not used Butterbur before. I do see in the literature that it is not recommended for long time use, though.

There are other herbs that work very well for allergies. Nettle Leaf has helped a couple of my children with allergies very much! My son would take 4 capsules twice a day. If he had symptoms mid-day he would take another dose. He also took a capsule of Quercetin morning and evening. After taking this consistently for a year or 18 months, he no longer had allergy problems. Nettle is considered very safe and nutritious.

~Mama to Many~

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Wisdom Ace (Port Huron, Michigan) on 12/26/2012

I have allergies that cause me to cough incessantly. At night I have post nasal drip very bad. I am allergic to household molds and dust and tree pollen. I had allergy shots and medications for 8 years but when I started taking Echinacea Goldenseal root Plus obtainable from CVS pharmacy, 3 times a day with meals, my coughing stopped and my symptoms all stopped completely. Now I've cut down to one capsule twice a day and I am allergy free now. Each capsule is 450mg. the directions say you may take one capsule 3 to 6 times a day but I do not recommend it because one of the other ingredients is Cayenne Pepper. It also contains wood betony, Burdock root, Gentian root, vegetable magnesium stearate, gelatin, and Silica. The last 3 ingredients being the capsule itself.

Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 10/04/2012

YEA - I have been taking 1000mg MSM each evening to help with hair loss due to low thyroid, but am simply AMAZED at it's efficiency to eliminate seasonal allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, coughing, etc.

If I take it in the AM, I do feel tired through the day, but taking it in the evening aids in sleeping through the night, and eliminates allergy symptons. Who knew?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Local Honey
Posted by Lee (New York) on 05/28/2010

Hi Rob,

I have experienced NY spring allergies for years. This year I have been inhaling a little bit of h202 a few times a day (first thing in the a.m. - then, as needed) and it has helped tremendously. I think I will up my ACV/cayenne intake as well. Thanks for the reminder. Lee

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Bonnie (Ravenna, Ohio) on 07/04/2009

I have used the ACV for my asthma---it worked OK--but it's set off by my allergies-I researched the black seed oil--bought the oil----oh my gosh, it did the trick--I put a tsp. in my juice before bed and slept like a baby--put a tsp in my morning coffee-and found my nose not stuffy--enjoying the day--now I'm even putting a little with shea butter and using it as a face cream---my face looks to smooth-and it's helping my allergies at the same time. Bonnie

EC: Proper plant name is Nigella sativa. More information here:

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joshua (Lakeland, Fl) on 02/17/2009

I've had allergies since i was fairly young and at 25 had a sinus surgery which was an incredible relief (clearing polyps etc.) I could breath like a kid again. One year later pressure and symptoms returned to approximately the same level as before the surgery.. So I went on a vegan diet. i cute out all meat and dairy. And this has helped alot. I dont take any meds or shots any longer. I can breath clearly through my nose almost every day excepting the few days which i am getting a cold/allergy. After six months of this diet I havent had a cold that's lasted more than 2 days.

Bee Pollen
Posted by Becky (Cleburne, Tx) on 05/09/2010


While I also highly recommend the bee pollen treatment, I do advise caution. The first time I had bee pollen was at a local honey tasting room. They had a little spoon you could get yourself a scoop and try it. I did like everyone else and got a small scoopful. I quickly had a sore and swollen throat, etc. If I had had much more I'm pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital--something my allergies have never caused.

So, while I think it's a great desensitizer to allergies, to be cautious, especially if you have allergies. Start very small and work your way up.

I throw a couple pinches in my morning smoothie. Haven't noticed that it's hugely helpful for allergies, but I may need to have worked up to a greater amount by now.

Posted by Tim (Berkeley, CA) on 07/07/2008

I have had seasonal allergies for the past 6-7 years. Earlier this year I read about how MSM can alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, so I decided to give it a try. The allergy season was just starting and I could feel my eyes getting a bit itchy. I started taking 1000 mg of MSM and within 1 hour I was feeling better. It works as well as any OTC allergy medicine with out the negative health effects. As a matter of fact it is supposed to have beneficial health effects. I now take 1000 mg of MSM twice per day and have not had any more symptoms of allergies. I love this stuff.

Vitamin E
Posted by Elpidio (Lompoc, CA) on 02/15/2008

For dust and pollen allergies I have to say that vitamine E saved me frome years of itchy eyes runy nose and lots of missery I was taking 800mg a day until I was 100% ok I finished the botle of 100 caps.I was good for like 3 years then they came back but now I know the remedy.

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