Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

Oregano Oil
Posted by judith (USA) on 12/10/2023

I discovered that oregano oil completely took away my back pain (which I should qualify is not chronic and only happens when I overdue things) on a long car trip. I happened to have a bottle of it with me as I had a cold and after taking a few drops under my tongue noticed that my back pain subsided almost immediately. I did the same today at home after three hours of heavy lifting and experienced the same relief. Worth a try! Blessings to all!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Ashley (East Susssex) on 06/05/2021

I've had severe lower back pain all week (hurts to sit, stand, lie down, walk, move...)

I took a 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda & 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a full mug of filtered water at 9.30am this morning.

I went back to sleep and woke up at 2pm. The pain is vastly reduced.

Side note: I usually drink 1-2 tablespoons ACV in juice almost every day - and this didn't reduce my back pain at all.

Inversion Table Therapy
Posted by Nancy (FL) on 04/24/2021

Inversion table cured my lower back pain, almost immediately, Amazing!! I hung upside down for 30 seconds only, now I continue to do it for 30 seconds only 2 times per day, only that! Is enough for me!

Posted by Art (California) on 02/19/2024 2158 posts

Hi Gwen,

Here is a link to specific stretches for various back issues that you may find useful :

You might also find it useful to apply magnesium chloride oil spray to help relax the muscles prior to stretching and to help alleviate existing back pain. Good luck and let us know how you make out!


Coconut Oil
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 05/11/2018

You might want to try rubbing in magnesium oil into the lower back and wherever there is pain and stiffness. Magnesium oil is a natural muscle relaxer and should be very helpful.

Change the Mattress
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/07/2017

Thanks Michael,

I will look into this wearable foam thing. Intriguing. I did buy an ice pack you can attach to your back. Wonderful if I am having lower back pain. My son isn't around to use it much.

~Mama to Many~

St John's Wort
Posted by Linda (Florida) on 02/18/2017

Natural remedy for disc and spine problems: St Johns Wort tincture, applied directly to the spine and taken internally, is one of the late Rev. Hanna Kroeger's cures that works well.

Leg Lifts
Posted by Edy (CA) on 05/06/2022

Look up Sciatica flossing. Same sort of thing, but you are actually "flossing" the nerve that's giving so much pain back and forth rather than squishing it by bending or walking.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by No Perscriptions Drugs For Me (US) on 09/11/2014

From the time I posted this to now update.

I have been doing the following things.

DMSO gel ninety percent: I took this and rubbed it on by lower back when I was having trouble getting out of bed.

Later I made a blend of Coconut oil with a few drops of pepermint oil and then I put a little DMSO Gel and I stirred it up and then applied that because the constant application of DMSO has a drying affect upon the skin I have found.

Today, this morning I had the least amount of morning pain so I applied a smaller amount of DMSO Gel. It helps me get moving in the morning when the pain is the worst.

But since I wrote the original post I am doing very well, in fact I rode the bicycle, which improved my back.

I also added two (2) table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar raw with the mother and a large table spoon of Black Strap molassas and drank that every day.

I also drank several times a day a table spoon or more or DMSO Pure 99.996; look up this on the internet to find who sells that and put that into a pint of water and drank that several times a day.

I am feeling a lot better.

The side affect that needs to be addressed is that my back skin has been come very dry and irritated from the constant DMSO application. I was using ninety percent Gel ( contains carpobal as a gelling agent).

DMSO is a miracle pain remover because where as I felt too much pain to get out of bed I rolled over and rubbed the gel unto the lower back and in a short time could move without the pain. But the dry skin issue is a problem.

Any body that has dealt with that problem let me know.

I forgot to add some things: I also took Extra Virgin Olive oil Cold Pressed with turmeric; Coconut oil extra Virgin; Black Strap molassas; Raw vinegar with the mother Apple Cider; (750) Seven hundred and fifty milligrams Magnesium twice a day; and 3 tablets of fish oil once a day.

And I also drank much distilled water.

I hope this helps someone. noperscriptiondrugsforme

Posted by Keiko (Fairfield ) on 08/18/2016


I have been reading your posts for many years and enjoy your sense of humor and fond way of teaching on earthclinic. I have gone through many health issues too, and this site has been a blessing in my recovery and I presume many others too. Thank you earthclinic team.

Sorry to hear you are in much pain! Have you tried craniosacrial balancing? If you are not familiar it's an energetic form of clearing and healing the body. There's a book Wisdom in the Body by Michael Kern which describes the method of craniosacrial approach. I'm not a doctor, however, I can confidently say this approach has helped me clear two epidural spots in my back after having two c-sections (fifteen years later). This method worked while in massage therapy classes. If you are interested, try to find a specialist who is certified by the Upledger Institute. Or, a body worker who is familiar with this approach. It may take a series of sessions to release your back. As always check with a medical doctor too.

Also to ease your pain organic or wild crafted St. John's wort with frankincense - boswellia carterii and German chamomile- matricaria recutita ( 1 ounce, 5 drops frankincense 4 drops g. Chamomile (from Nepal)) . When purchasing essential oils I suggest only buy oils which have been gc/ms tested.

This is my two cents worth for the day!!

Many blessings to you and your tractor driver!!

Posted by Janet (In) on 08/27/2016

Robert Henry. I was thinking about your condition. We cured my husbands spinal stenosis. His c7 c6 discs were blown.

Instead of surgery we went through each of Ted's remedies 1 by 1.

1 whole lime squeezed 1/2 tsp bakiing soda 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. We have done the Apple Cider Vinegar too. My favorite adds 1/4 tsp potassium bicarbonate to the lime remedy.

2nd and probably the most important was the lysine remedy. Ken is a big guy so our lysine remedy is 1000mg of lysine powder in a glass. 500 mg of vit c as sodium ascorbate or vit c a pinch of baking soda. 5 drops of methylene blue. I make it all in a 10 oz water bottle, mark 4 sections pour out the first one into a glass. Adding 1000mg of l threonine and 1/4 tsp of humic acid mix to the first dose. Then he takes the 3 remaining doses hourly. This we did for two full weeks as the nerve path can have a virus alongside the injury.

Humic acid 2 tsp 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 and 1/2 cups of distilled water for this and one other remedy making. Blend or leave overnight on the counter.

Hyaluronic acid 20 capsules opened in blender. Add 1/2 tsp sea salt 10 oz distilled water blend. Take 2 tbsp 3x a day.

For further pain relief what we affectionately call lick the mower. But is so effective for pain. This is Tony Pantellarescos controversial dose. 1 1/2 tsp of liquid chlorophyll 1/2 tsp of trisodium phosphate tsp. 1 liter of water. Shake, take 1 oz as often as needed. Tony uses distilled waterr.

Our topical remedy every day during the healing. A thin layer of dmso add magnesium oil then hyaluronic acid mix. 2x a day if we can on Ken's spine and hips.

He saw a Palmer school chiropractor.

He now has little to no problems. Ken works 7 days a week 12 hour a day. Hard physical work on cement. He has thrown it out 1 or 2 times but the chiro puts it back and he is good.

I have found as we have become immersed in alternative medicine we forget the basics. You know all of this like the back of your hand. Thought a review might help. Janet

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bonnie (Ravenna, Ohio) on 06/30/2013

I use the extra virgin coconut every day, for skin, cooking and back pain. I also take 1 TB a day. Good luck.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kimberly (Fl, Usa) on 09/15/2012

I have suffered wih back pain off & on for years. Have used various remedies on this site. I STAY in pain. My husband rubbed the coconut oil on my back and instantly the heat & pain eased up. I've had to repeat it several more times today, but the relief is aweome. Thank you to whom-ever knew the rub coconut oil on for pain and posted it! Thumbs up for coconut oil!

Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/05/2010


IF MY Theory is correct, to repair back problems is simple.. My theory comes from reading a book written by C. SAMUEL WEST, D.N…N.D… TITLE OF BOOK… THE GOLDEN SEVEN PLUS ONE…

He talks about trapped proteins, and salt a poison.. Talks about our cells in our body.. when they are not healthy, we start dying..The body works on electrical current.. We can heal ourselves with the electricity that flows thru our bodies…. It would be easy if we could plug ourselves in someplace and get recharged. But not that easy.. We must eat proper balanced diet of food and exercise to keep our body generators going which is our cells. Yes, our small cells are generators.. they must always be in top shape to keep our body healthy..

Our cells are mostly potassium with a little salt.. the minute we eat too much salt it pushes the potassium out of the cells.. the body start to get sick..

Listen to this.. the bones in our back start falling apart.. Then you have back problems.. I really feel that most people that have back problems are very low in potassium. Like # 1 or 2.. which is a low potassium level…

The minute we cut out the salt.. the potassium make our cells healthy.. Then the bones in our back go back in place.. No more back problems.. When you take a physical.. how many of you ask for potassium test. If the numbers they give you are between 3-5.. your potassium level is normal, your generators (cells) are in good shape..I just finished a physical, when they took my blood ..I asked for a Potassium test. They said Why do you want that? How do you answer.. I said because I want to live for 200 years.. Well I got my test.. reading was 4.4 . Never had any back problems..

I could be all wet.. In my theory..So if you have a different idea, I would love to hear it.
Thanks for your time. And interest
Health #1

Ball Point Pen Technique
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki) on 08/28/2018

I don't believe this works because of unlocking lymphatics either. In this video, the physiotherapist is proposing a similar exercise for back pain (in the end of the video) and says it is very beneficial because of stretching the hamstrings which are attached at the low end of the pelvis.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Donald (Houston, Texas) on 09/06/2008

I have been having lower back pain for the last 4 days that was very aggrevating and I was walking bent over with a shuffling motion. I read that Coconut Oil could possible be a treatment. I purchase the liquid Coconut Oil in the vitamin section of the local Wal Mart. Ureka!! Within 10 seconds after applying a liberal portion of the Coconut oil, the pain was simple gone. This was a simple miracle. I also took 250 mg of Magnesium and a teaspoon of Baking Soda in water. Please, Please, pass this on to someone you know that has pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Terri (Starkville, MS) on 02/27/2007

Thank you Ted, I had back discomfort for a few years. I bought shoe inserts, heating pads, creams for pain, and a new mattress. Each of these things would help temporarily. I started your ACV/baking soda remedy last night and I slept well. This morning I awoke to very little feels like the inflammation is almost gone. Like the other responders said..I had new energy, better attitude, no yeast itching,and space to fasten my tight jeans. Whatever it is, this is great.

Posted by Carolyn (Ontario) on 05/06/2022

Always drink lemon water with a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth!

Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 04/04/2021

After taking Xrays with my first chiropractor after a bad fall, he showed me how I had almost no cushioning between my discs and that he estimated I had 6 more months without pain before I felt it. Well, 5 1/2 months later I had what felt like a toothache on each side of my lower back. I was like, "hell to the no" and ran for my DMSO bottle.

I like to use it straight and not watered down. I use a thin layer of Castor Oil first as it is the only oil viscous enough to protect the skin. I started with 7 drops on each side, 2x per day. DMSO actually heals on a molecular level, so I needed less and less as time went on.

A few weeks ago I was telling a friend about what DMSO did for me, and suddenly realized I had not put any DMSO on my back in 2 months! So from now on, I will just apply a "maintenance dose" 1x a month to keep things good. So, know how much you started with and be prepared to cycle down by either using fewer drops per treatment or skipping days, etc. It's not like a big Harma med where you have to take it forever and usually need more to get the same result, DMSO is the opposite!!

Happy healing, everybody!

Neuromuscular Massage
Posted by Tim L. (US) on 05/17/2020

20yrs back, I dealt with a recurring spasm in the lower right side of my back. The Dr that I was seeing at the time could only prescribe muscle relaxers that did nothing and also anti inflammatories that helped a little. His recommendation was to find a Neuromuscular Specialist, like a massage therapist w/sports medicine training. The last episode with this went beyond previous flair ups that I could grin & bare. This last one felt like a hot fire poker stuck in my back with a lighting bolt pain shooting down into my big toe. I couldn't even walk and had me layed up for almost 2 weeks.

I found a specialist that explained to me that a knotted up muscle can remain in our bodies forever and won't even know it's there until the next flair up unless a knowledgeable person can find & reach the problem to apply the right pressure to get it to relax and lay flat again.

Turned out that my issue stemmed from stupid things done in my teen years and had followed me into my late 30's. When she first started working on me there was even more discomfort & pain inflicted.

After 4 or 5 sessions over the course of a couple of weeks.The pain started to ease off,was able to start walking normal again. There was another time months down the road when I went back to her for help...straighten me out again. From my late 30's to present (57soon),I have not dealt with sciatica nerve pain at all but also within the last ten years I have steered clear of all Pharma...even over the counter meds, no aspirin, Tylenol, Ibeprofon and ect . Only depend on natural herbs & oils. Turmeric & Ginger are 2 tops for me. I happened to come across crystallized Ginger at Big Lots today. I tend to snack on it to curb cravings for sweets but it also helps the body feel better.

Cupping Therapy
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki) on 05/22/2018

I've forgotten to mention that cupping just above the disc herniation might not be a good idea because I don't know if the suction pulls out the herniation even more.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 05/11/2018

I was at a point I could not stand up or walk for one day. Ten minutes after I ate one teaspoon of virgin coconut oil and gentle massage with it I managed to walk again because the pain wasn't extreme and the lower back muscles started to relax. So I continue taking it two teaspoons and two gentle massages per day with mild improvement. I tried strong massage but had my condition deteriorated although I didn't felt pain during the massage.

In spite of the fact that I did very often the McKenzie stretches (like a cobra) it didn't help me at all and for a few minutes I felt more pain after the stretch. I even done these stretches before I was unable to walk. Now I found this video of a doctor explaining that if the herniation of the disc is too sideways an alternation of the McKenzie stretches must be done:

I've done this and I had no added pain after that but the following days will show if these will calm the pain quicker.

I've read the post about the ball point pen technique and tend to agree that lower back muscles must be stretched and exercised in order to prevent severe back pain. I've tried the swing bar for exercising to prevent back pain but it didn't and had several other lower incidents of back pain. It doesn't have the resistance to train inner abdominals or gain height in the intervertebral disc realising tension as the manufacturer claims by researching. Laying on the floor with the head down and trying repeatingly to raise the upper torso and feet is a good exersise for lower back muscles.

I've tried capsaicin ointment and can cover the pain for one or two days but then I got used to it and it didn't helped with the healing at all.

Change the Mattress
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/06/2017

Hi M to M,

You mention a chiropractor in your posting, in which you detail your son's lower-back pain.

Ask her if wearing a foam, lower back support during the sleeping hours would assist the alleviation of his problem.

If so, then I am surprized that they did not mention it before!! ?? Wink, wink, nod, nod, say no more!?

A guy I know wears one and would not be without it, as it seems to help him no matter which mattress he sleeps on. This piece of foam is contained in a stocking/mutton cloth with a "tie-on" tail at each end and the foam part conforms roughly to the shape of the area in question. It is just under one inch thick, twenty inches long and about four inches wide from memory. I am old enough to recall the old imperial measurements!!

In the meantime, he could experiment with a (slender), rolled up, long towel laid crosswise over the bed. Too thick and he will be worse off than before of course!! Sure, it moves around a bit but one might get used to it after a while.

This guy says his back can be very stiff in the morning if he forgets to use it.

You could give him your world famous Tendonitis Treatment as an extra precaution of course, as he may have twisted something without realizing it?! More ACV??

Cheers, Michael

Magnetic Field Therapy
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 05/31/2017

JANET,,,,,,,,,,, the guy who wrote the book, PEMF, is a a Ga Tech guy, so we have things in common. He was just about 30 years behind me. He's a Redneck like me, so you can understand his book. I do think you should read his book before you buy and also research reviews. Reviews usually tell me more than an article because either you are happy or have the ass and both express it in terms that all can relate to.

As I do the shotgun approach, I never know which is doing the solving. I will tell you this. Today, I got my second ozone and blood platelet shot from the integrative doctor down in Ringgold, Ga. He uses a PEMF system to address various ails of his patients. He is no dummy.

We are not wealthy, but spend money on health toys instead of driving two new vehicles full time. My truck is 19 years old and hopefully it will get me out.

As far as results are concerned, my constant back pain is gone. If I spend 3 hours on a hoe, then it is back as it was when a youngster. I cured my poison ivy in two days instead of two weeks. My wife is sleeping better. Oh yeah, the PEMF devices do address bone healing, for certain.

Our system did not cost $9000 but $6000. I did not bust my fanny to leave money to the kids. I got them educated and they can save like we did.

Out of spit and wish you well. ====ORH===

MSM and Vitamin C
Posted by Cfitz (Georgia) on 06/15/2022

Hello, Olivia! Beware of synthetic supplements. Here's some info for you:

I've been taking Dr Mercola's LIPOSOMAL (super-absorbent) also contains sunflower lecithin, and MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Since the body cannot store Vitamin C, take one 500mg capsule two times a day.

Liposomal Vitamin C has several advantages compared to regular Vitamin C tablets. Firstly, liposomal Vitamin C will protect Vitamin C from degradation from gastric juices, enzymes, change of pH, and oxidation within the gastrointestinal tract. Besides that, Vitamin C can achieve better absorption into our systems because the liposomal formulation can diffuse easily through the intestines into our body.

- - - - -

Natural Vitamin C – This vitamin is readily available in citrus, red bell peppers, berries, and many more fruits and vegetables. In nature it is combined with flavonoids and phytonutrients that help in its absorption and use.

Synthetic Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid is an isolated vitamin from genetically modified corn sugar that is hydrogenated and processed with acetone. It does not include the flavonoids and phytonutrients that make it work.

There are two forms of Vitamin C variety: L and D. The L variety can be found in both natural and synthetic forms of ascorbic acid. It's the best form of Vitamin C to take. You absorb L-ascorbic acid naturally from fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Most supplements also carry a synthetic version of the L variety. Meanwhile, D-ascorbic acid cannot be found in nature. Chemically, it looks identical to the L variety, but D-ascorbic acid differs at the molecular level. It is not used in supplements because it cannot be synthesized by the body.

Source: and

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, US) on 07/14/2014


I am long overdue to go to the chiropractor. (I have scoliosis and if I go to the chiropractor once a month my back is usually pretty good.) Anyway, I haven't been for months. I have one spot on my upper back that is really bothering me. I also have some nerve pain and numbness on and of in my arm and fourth finger. (This means I am way overdue for the chiropractor! I have had it happen before.) Meanwhile, I have used ice and peppermint essential oil and this gives me a measure of relief for a few hours after application.

I sit with a frozen rice sock on the pained spot in my back, or rub neat (undiluted) peppermint essential oil on my back on the spot that bothers me a lot. After a while, I realize the pain is a lot less. The peppermint was especially helpful yesterday when I was away from home and didn't have my frozen rice sock. I always keep peppermint essential oil in my purse (and a few other oils.)

I think both of these things work because they are helping to reduce inflammation.

Ok, now I will go and call the chiropractor. :)

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/28/2016

HI U JANET,,,,,,,,,,,,, thank you for your input. As you know I's getting lots of suggestions and can only do so much. I will add your post to my file and get to it when others fail.

What is messing up my mind is that sitting cures my pain. Standing or sleeping causes my pain to come back. Need a really smart dude to figure this one out. It seems to be a structural thing.

The spine doctors have no clue, except shots.


Posted by Sms27 (Princeton, NJ, USA) on 06/01/2013

I'd like to share a stretch exercise that has helped me relieve pain and stiffness after herniated dics in lower back. Note that this has worked some time after the injury, when the disc is not as painful, but you still feel joints being stuck and pulling on muscles. I lie on the floor on a mat or even surface and position my legs like a scissors (you can stretch to the extent the you feel comfortable but still feel some pressure) and then stretch my arms behind my head creating a pull away from the hip joints, which then crack and release the stiffness. I do it several times a day, morning and evening, especially after sitting for extended periods of time and it has helped me better than physical therapy. It's kind of like cracking your fingers but on larger joints.

Tailbone Pain Remedies
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/14/2013

Yes, Tailbone pain really sucks. If it is overwhelming get in the tub with some epson salt and soak , Take a large glass or two of water in there and drink it while you soak, I like to take an apple with me and put sea salt on it and eat while I soak and drink. The body signals get tricked by the water into thinking the pain is coming from a larger area and the signals get diminished.

Get a core ball (65 cm) to sit on to take the pain off the bone , you don't have to fill the ball too full and you sink into it as a cushion. You can increase muscle once you adjust to the core ball by doing some slow movements on it. My core is tightening up more with each passing day.

I ruptured L-5 and 4 3 2 were bulging ... Pain in the pattootie really sucked!

Sleep with a pillow under your legs near your rear to take pressure off the lower spine. I wrap a gel pack that is frozen in a dish towel and ice the spine in bed or sometimes a recliner to stop any inflammation pain.

Constipation can make spinal issues worse, Magnesium citrate -might help and I love coconut oil for improved overall health

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Beamer (Brissy) on 03/25/2021

I have found eating 2 leaves a day of pennywort (Centella Asiatica) relieves pain in a few days. The next time you have a flare, take activated charcoal and fibre like psyllium husk - you can also take these at the time of falling off the diet wagon.

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Uk) on 11/02/2012

Cayenne pepper cured my coccyx pain that came on after a prolapsed lower disc, read up on cayenne on this site.

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