Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Art (California ) on 06/01/2018 2165 posts

A friend recently had a UTI / bladder infection that was resistant to just about everything tried. I suggested the ever popular Himalayan Pink Sea Salt remedy since there was some on hand and that UTI is now a faded memory in three days or less!

One half teaspoon in a cup of water 3 or 4 times per day.


Himalayan Salt
Posted by Felicia (Texas) on 07/08/2017

Himalayan salt for a bladder infection.

Amazing. I tried baking soda remedy, essential oil remedy, but got no relief. Finally tried the 1 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt in warm water remedy. BAM! Gone in a day.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Nicola (Wexford, Ireland) on 11/13/2012

I tried your remedy of 1 tsp of this pink rock salt in water and it worked and then I forgot to post up my YEA until now! Thank You so much Earth Clinic- I was going to go to the Doctor the next morning because the pain was getting to bad to bear, and I don't do anti-biotics but last time I had a UTI I tried all the other remedies and they made it feel better for a few hours but just wouldn't make it go. Anyway after the salt I woke up and the pain was gone- there was still a funny feeling when I peed, but I knew it was getting better. As I knew that the salt had worked I took another tsp in water that morning as a precaution and to wipe it out- as anyone who has had a UTI knows- you will do anything to relieve the pain- but thank you this time it wasn't antibiotics!! I will use this remedy next time. It was magic- I no longer live in fear of a UTI!! Nicola
