Home Remedies for Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

Periodontitis Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Victoria (San Diego, CA) on 07/17/2009

H202 cured my Periodontal Disease

After finding this site I started using the remedies on some of my health issues. I started rinsing and swishing with hydrogen peroxide daily. At first I wasn't used to the froth and the after-smell (for lack of a better term) so I took a capful. After I got used to it, and perhaps some of the resident bacteria was diminished, I started taking a full swig. I found this to be better because it didn't foam up as fast and got more parts of my mouth.

Well, my teeth began turning white and when I went to the dentist recently he was shocked to see my condition of periodontal diseased gums completely reversed. He asked what I had been doing and if I had been flossing more and I told him I wasn't flossing at all but was rinsing with H202. He said he knew about it but didn't recommend it to patients as it kills the friendly bacteria. However, he seemed very pleased with my results and said I was 100% improved and though the tiny loss of gums I had suffered wouldn't grow back, everything else was reversed. I'm definately not worried about losing some friendly bacteria in my mouth for its far worse to have enemy bacteria eating your teeth, gums and causing havoc. Besides, I've been drinking Kombucha 3 x daily which is supposed to supply loads of probiotics.

This turnaround in my mouth is truly amazing because I have struggled with this problem for 15 years and I was able to get it in a mild state, but never get rid of it. I am very happy to report my success with h2o2 and the awesome additional benefit of whitening my teeth without expensive whitening systems.

Baking Soda
Posted by Honeybear (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/31/2012

Thanks for posting this. I had a flare up with swollen gums around my back right molar which seemed to make it difficult to chew at all. I have been very worried. Throughout the day yesterday I oil pulled with sunflower oil (2xs) and that began to bring it down and then once I read about the baking soda and water I tried that, swished it around and spit it out without rinsing and it seems to have worked like a charm. My mouth felt a lot better this morning. I will likely do it again today to get the inflammation down but all in all the pain has subsided too. Many many thanks!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ozjasz (Warsaw) on 10/01/2015 1 posts

I've rinsed with H2O2 3% 1:1 or even 1:2/1:3 solution only twice with a few days break between. It made my tongue whiter. Now, after the second rinsing I can "feel" the white coating on my tongue. I feel as if hydrogen peroxide has killed all the bacterias in my mouth, like my tongue is completely sterile now...

What can I do now? I'll definitely NOT rinse with h2o2 anymore...

Oil Pulling
Posted by Javagenie (Central Vermont, Usa) on 05/07/2010

I have to give oil pulling (OP) a big... no that's not even close... a gigantic YEA for gum disease. I was in fear of losing all of my teath to this nasty disease. However, I started OP about a week ago now and my gums and teeth feel great now. I have a dentist appointment in a few weeks to talk about the removal of my 2 lower molers. I'm not sure this will prevent removal or not. But, I'm sure it is going to prevent further removal of other teeth in the future. For once, I can't wait to go to the dentist. I know they will see the improvement as well. My teeth feel planted better, my gums don't bleed/hurt anymore, I don't have anymore tartar build up, food doesn't seem to be getting stuck inbetween my gum/teeth, my teeth are whiter, and my breath is always fresh now.

I tried everything before this. I was almost obscessed with brushing, flossing, and rinsing. I was even prescribed antibiotics many times. Nothing ever helped. It just got worse and worse and I was paying hundreds of dollars (even with insurance) a year on dental cleanings and maintenance.

So far, I have tried pulling with organic extra virgin coconut, sunflower, and olive oil. I haven't been able to find a non-toasted organic sesame oil. But, will keep looking. Anyway, I OP a little less than a tbsp of oil in the morning and before bed for about 20min.

The thing that works best for my gums is olive oil mixed with a drop of oil of oregano. However, the taste is almost unbearable. It makes me gag at times. So, I started to use coconut oil (which I was already using for it's many benefits anyway). This oil just feels terrific in my mouth... I absolutely love the taste, smell, and texture. Even my dog goes nuts for it and won't leave me alone when I am pulling with it. However, it doesn't seem to do the job as well. So, I have been switching off and on. Last night, I tried sunflower oil but it seems to get foamy and liquidy fast. Maybe that is a good thing? I will probably alternate with it from time to time.

I get the best night sleep after using coconut oil. But, my teeth and gums feel much better in the morning after using the oregano/olive oil mixture. So, I'm torn. However, I can say with out a doubt... next to exercising, oil pulling has been one of the most beneficial things I have done for my body. It has seemed to lift my spirits, cleared my senses, and brought new meaning to my life. Perhaps it's all because of the regenerized feeling in my mouth. I can't say for sure. But, I can breath better and feel better every morning. Actually my ablility to breath now seems to be a pleasant side affect. You see, both of my septums are deviated and for the first time ever, I can breath through my nose. For this reason alone, I will never stop oil pulling.

I also mix up a small vial of 3-4 drops of pure oil of oregano diluted in olive oil. I take this to work with me. I rub it on my gums whenever I feel the need. I was doing this for a week prior to oil pulling and it also works good. I was even using it straight from the dropper. But, the oil pulling really makes your entire mouth and body feel better. And I rarely have to use my little vial of OoO anymore.

I also have to say, i was a huge skeptic of all this. But, with desperation comes desperate measures. I will remember to not be so close minded in the future.

I just wanted to close by thanking everyone at this site. These are life changing remedies and tips. Thank you and bless you all!

Propolis and Oil Pulling
Posted by No Name (Anywhere, U.S.) on 04/11/2009

For "gum" problems, make sure you are getting enough Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Calcium, Vit K2 and Iodine...and you may need more than you think. "Gum" disease is really bone disease. Instead of the gums pulling away and then the bone receding and teeth coming loose, it is the other way around...bone recedes first, then pockets form that fill with plaque and bacteria, causing the bone to recede further, and so on. All the dental work in the world cannot correct nutritional deficiencies.

Posted by Tim D. (Washington, Dc) on 07/24/2020

When Covid-19 started going around I began taking an extra 500 mg of vitamin C and 50 mg of zinc picolinate per day to keep my immune system strong. After a month of this I ran out of the zinc picolinate and stopped taking it.

A couple of days later, I realized that my gums were more tender and bleeding a bit more than they had for weeks. This made me think that maybe the zinc picolinate had been helping my gums heal. I looked it up online to find that there are some studies suggesting a correlation between low zinc levels and bleeding gums.

I now take 100 mg of zinc picolinate in the morning and 100 mg in the evening and my mouth is loving it.

Posted by Blue Star (Tennessee) on 05/01/2018

I had bleeding and receding gums for many years. I started ingesting Borax for another reason. I used the Borax protocol of dosage from this site and would apply several times daily I would "suck" the borax solution through my teeth like oil pulling.

Today my gums no longer bleed. I was amazed at the results within only a few days. I realized that Gingivitis must be a bacterial issue.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Val9000 (New York, Ny) on 01/09/2018 2 posts

I believe most of the regulars who use and post on this website are referring to food grade peroxide when they say H2O2, which must be diluted down for specific uses. I usually use the 12% (because it's less volatile than the 35% F.G. H2O2), add about 1 heaping TBSP of Celtic salt and dilute the H2O2 to around 1 part per 6 or more parts distilled water for a mouth wash, shake & try it, adding more water, so the mixture is strong enough to be effective, but not strong enough to give a burning sensation after gargling several times in a row.

I believe the problem about killing more than just bacteria is what the NON-food grade kind of hydrogen peroxide sold at all pharmacies (that says on the bottle to dilute 1 part peroxide to one part water to make a mouthwash). It has toxic impurities, and you can't ingest it after diluting, but you CAN drink diluted F.G. H2O2. I got some kind of food poisoning after eating a tasty fried fish off a food cart in Mexico City and immediately got capsules with instructions to take 16 every 6 hrs to kill every kind of possible parasite, but after 7 days of that and still vomiting all day long, I remembered the instructions on my bottle of F.G. H2O2 that tells how much to add per litre of water and to drink each liter within 8 hrs, so I followed those instructions and was COMPLETELY healed in less than 24 hrs, like nothing ever happened. Nonetheless, I just read that raw, organic apple cider vinegar or even white vinegar kills 99% of all bacteria & viruses, and it is very good as a household cleaner when diluted and is non-toxic to smell it, or get it on your skin, and is edible, so maybe a certain dilution of ACV would be a better mouthwash to cure gingivitis than F.G. H2O2. I've heard many times that ACV kills the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, so it may have cured my food poisoning, also. My mother used to put alcohol to hold for a minute or 2 in our ears if we got an ear-ache and that worked very well. I got great results with the same concentration of F.G. H2O2 as for my mouthwash minus the Celtic salt. I'm not so sure about putting diluted white vinegar in my ears with a dropper to prevent ear aches, as I occasionally do with diluted H2O2 in the amount I stated above. I believe the same people who say don't put peroxide on cuts, say not to put alcohol on cuts either. Perhaps after washing with soap(with ~40% of it, white vinegar I mixed in, which I already use for washing hands & dishes, and then putting some Neosporin on the cut could be a superior treatment for cuts. We can look further for vinegar mouthwash as a cure for gingivitis on this section of Earth Clinic and see how many votes it got for working for that. I've always liked hydrogen peroxide for cuts because it barely stings. They say that when peroxide stops bubbling that means it has killed all the germs. I've always liked the idea that when I put the diluted as above F.G. H2O2 (without salt) in my ear, I just waited until it stopped bubbling in side my ear canal before sitting upright and letting it come out. I'd feel better trying well diluted in distilled water, organic, FILTERED ACV, than some unnatural combination of toxic drugs purported to cure ear aches - I don't believe it would work - but I'd like to see several people on Earth Clinic say they've tried it in their ears or as mouthwash, and it WORKED, 1st.

Let's read all the experiences & votes about it on Earth Clinic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (Arkansas, USA) on 10/23/2008

I have had lot and lots of trouble with my stomach and teeth and gums, cracked heels and alot of other things, so one day I was reading about all the healthful benifits of ACV and about a week ago I started taking it, 2tsps in an 8 oz glass of water 3x a day and I right away felt the difference and seen the difference in my complextion, and even in my gums they are not swollen and they are actually clearing up, my mouth feels much better now. I just tough it out and take it with water, it isn't really that bad after you get use to it, shoot with all the health benefits I think I can handle the taste. Anyway I am so glad I started drinking it, now my husband is drinking it to, he just started we shall see how he does with it, he has high blood pressure I am hoping it will help him with that. Anyway just wanted to put my two cents in about the amazing apple cider vinegar.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jhon Everyman (Springfield, Kentucky) on 05/04/2010

I went to the dentist when my gums hurt... they were infected and he gave me a mouthwash... the ingredients were 50% peroxide 50% water, some sweetener and mint...

RIGHT ON THE DIRECTIONS it said "rinse with water after use...

Contains peroxide: Prolonged exposure to peroxide can damage enamel. "

So yeah... it works... just use 1% or 3% 50:50 with water... and rinse after a minute or so... when your gums aren't infected, switch back to a mouthwash.

Think for a moment... If you leave peroxide on a small cut too long what does it do? Turns the skin white and kills it right? Well that's what it does to your gums and teeth if you don't rinse it off.

There is nothing wrong with this remedy! But it is only a remedy, its not meant to be used every day for months... If my gums are infected I wash with it 1-3 times a day for 3 days or so and its gone, then I stop.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Irson (London ) on 11/19/2022

I suffer from mild periodontosis, I developed a spot between my front teeth which was painful bleeding and raw red. I could not brush my teeth in this spot as I bled too much. I used the water pick which it made it worse. For weeks I was trying different approaches, oil pulling, turmeric, grape seed extract, colloidal silver, mouthwashes, etc, but nothing worked and the infection was getting worse day by day.

One evening I swished my mouth with pure apple cider vinegar. After a few hours, I went to the bathroom and looked at my gums. I could not believe it. The redness has gone in 80%, and it looked like the gum started to heal. I'm so surprised this was the best remedy in weeks, will continue to use for a few days.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/11/2021

Hello Angie,

You could try Googling "Mills Farm Organic Honey and Propolis", New Zealand.

They do export to some countries I believe.


Michael from Down Under

Oil Pulling
Posted by David (Chadron, Nebraska) on 04/03/2018

Interesting post, Lauraloo. Am oil pulling with a rounded teaspoon of coconut oil, finding this quite effective in keeping the areas between teeth much cleaner.

Am thinking that 20 minutes of brushing each day may well be on the excessive side. Please know that a dentist's technician had also informed me years ago that my gums were in critical need of the "peeling back and scraping", and that I was "at risk of possible heart problems" among other unpleasantness because of this. My intuition strongly shouted "No", and during a second dental exam at another dentist's office I was subsequently assured that my gums were all perfectly fine. There are way too many doctors and dentists who think we're all money cows. No surprise really, as the medical industry is the 5th largest on Earth.

Having said that, you could well be in need of the procedure, though perhaps a second opinion from a reputable dentist's office may be in order for you. Am suggesting: Just saying "No" to the dark fear tactics so commonly employed by the medical industry as a whole. Darkness is parasitic in nature and it feeds on fear. Without fear it cannot feed and it flees. Am wishing you well.

Posted by Gaiamuse (Massachusetts) on 07/03/2016

Resveratrol for Periodontitis and Gum Disease

Resveratrol! Either as Japanese Knotweed Powder (Polyganum) or Red Wine Extract. I am somewhat amazed by how miraculously well and quickly (in my case) this worked. Within days of using japanese knotweed extract, my teeth began to tighten up. (I had mostly 4's but a couple of 7 pocket depths in the front teeth.) And my dentist appt confirmed that my teeth were tighter. I had this suspicion that my gum disease was due in at least in part to constricted blood vessels. I had been a smoker for many years and only quit 2 years ago, but also felt that as I got older (I'm in my '60's) my circulation was not great. I had been working with massaging my gums in the morning when my teeth seemed looser -- and that would help. But once I took extract of Japanese Knotwood it happened pretty quickly. Turns out it's a vasodilator -- so in my case part of the problem would be reduced blood flow.

Hard for me to recommend a dosage because I'm hypersensitive and don't need much -- but I suspect using what's shown on the bottle in whatever form you use as a daily supplemental dose would be enough to see if you find a difference. (As a secondary benefit -- this also seems to have improved blood flow to my brain...I had felt the same way -- like the blood flow was constricted and I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain -- and this helped to clear some cobwebs.)

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Christina (FL) on 11/21/2023

Food grade hydrogen peroxide, (diluted with water, of course, 1 capful to 1/2 c water) is exactly this: food grade, more compatible with the body. I feel a night and day difference with this over store bought hydrogen peroxide. 'You' may call it 'regular' hydrogen peroxide, but I would call the store bought 'irregular', it is loaded with heavy metals, it's not meant to be put in the body. Food grade hydrogen peroxide, 3.5%, isn't too far off in price and you don't need as much of it. Also, I've read a Pubmed research study that one should only use this once every 3 days as it can cause dental enamel erosion, adding onto the concern from what the scientist stated above.

Clove Oil and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sallypants (Calgary, CA) on 11/24/2014

For a day or two, I was feeling a slight, dull ache when I moved my upper dentures around. I had never felt this before and didn't think too much of it. When I took them out, I felt two pockets of pus in the upper gumline. They were fair sized but curiously didn't hurt. I used what I had on hand already, some ground cloves mixed with olive oil, soaked a cotton ball and applied for 20 mins, and hydrogen peroxide rinse. I'm happy to say that the infection was gone in just a few swishes and cotton ball soakings, with no side effects. Thank you, Earth Clinic. This is why I luv coming here so much!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl, USA) on 01/25/2014

Back in December I wrote about my gum disease. My gum pockets on the front teeth are an 8 which is really bad. It caused my two front teeth to separate causing a large gap. I back molar has a 6 and the others are basically 3, 4 and a couple of 5's.

After visiting two peridontists who told me basically to do gum surgery would cost anywhere from $5000 to $6500 than go get crowns partials, etc, we are looking at lots of money. They advised to save money, extract all the teeth($238-$250 per tooth), have Dentures costs ($2000 for traditional to $25, 000 for fancy), etc.

I started oil pulling and the difference is amazing! I decided to go to a general dentists, who said my teeth were worth saving and felt that extraction was out of the question. I did agree to their deep scaling $700. So, of course, if the gum heal, they will claim they did it, since most of the dentist never heard of Oil pulling and if they did they wouldn't suggest it, as it would be a loss of revenue for them.

Today, I am still oil pulling, brushing with Baking Soda, rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide, and brushing with a baking soda, bee propolist toothpaste. I am do to go back to the dentist in a month or so where they will measure my gums again. Should be interesting.

I have no more severe redness, which by the way, stopped before I had the gum scaling done.

Oil pulling is the answer, no doubts in my mind. I will keep this post updated.

Advanced Gum Disease Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl., US) on 02/12/2015

Your bottom gums are fine but upper gums weak. Wow. Never ceases to amaze me on the never ending twists and turns to any particular health problem. This would appear to be some type of gum infection.

I would still try the Biocell HA. You have nothing to lose and who knows maybe it could help with other health problems even if it doesn't help the gums. Who knows, maybe the nutrients could tip the balance in fighting the infection. For someone younger, maybe vitamin C complex is enough.

Another thing I would consider is using DMSO on the inside of your top gums with Q tip then a few minutes later, put some hydrogen peroxide against the inside of your gums.

Don't allow DMSO to touch your cheeks. I did that and the skin peeled. Adjust dilution of DMSO to your own liking. I have used 99% with no problem in past. h202 will be way more effective than herbs against pathogens since it has oxygen as a weapon.

I know for periodontal disease, people use baking soda. They hold in the mouth for 20 or 30 minutes I think to let it soak in. So maybe another thing to add.

Given the uniqueness of your problem, please keep us informed on any progress or non progress. Even if you were to lose your teeth, you want to go down fighting trying to save them.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Wendy (Dublin, Oh) on 07/25/2020

Oregano Oil (or Oil of Oregano), the liquid, is VERY strong, and would not pleasant if used straight. I have found that diluting a couple of drops in water, is even difficult to swish around in my mouth. What I've done is put a drop or 2 (these are very tiny drops from the bottle's dropper) right onto the toothbrush bristles, let it sit there for a minute or two, then put the toothpaste on the brush. Then wet the brush with water, then brush your teeth with it. Yes, it will sting, but the toothpaste should help. Then rinse out your mouth real well. You'll still taste the Oregano Oil, but after about 10 minutes, the strong taste will go away.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sara (The Beaches) on 07/26/2020

I do something similar, I have a small spray bottle of water and drops of Oregano oil and I spray my toothbrush with it before apply toothpaste, every time I brush

Oil Pulling, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jean (Franklin, WI) on 05/19/2008

I have no insurance and can't afford a dentist, so had to find a way to deal with tooth problems naturally. I've lost several fillings that occassionally cause infections. First thing I do is oil pulling with grapeseed, coconut or olive oil. Within a very short time the pain is down a fair amount, but of course the abscess is still there, filled with pus. Until that is emptied, the infection will remain. I use a dental instrument with an extremely sharp end and pierce the infected spot, then squeeze out as much of the pus as I can. This immediately cuts the pain down a whole lot more... now its just leftover soreness. I then do oil pulling again, followed by a good rinse of hydrogen peroxide. This cure works for an abscess every time.

PREVENTION: I haven't been to a dentist in over 12 years, despite the fact that I have huge holes in a few back molars due to missing fillings, and the cavities have NOT gotten worse. In fact I have fewer dental problems now. I no longer use commercial toothpastes. Obviously it would be best to have the regular mercury fillings removed and replaced... since I can't afford that procedure ... This is what I do instead...

I brush my teeth with BAKING SODA, followed by a HYDROGEN PEROXIDE rinse. Sometimes I start this with an OIL PULLING first. I often work on my teeth with just a toothbrush kind of absent-mindedly as I'm studying something on the internet. This pretty well removes most food particle and plaque. I recently bought one of those electric rechargeable toothbrushes, which works really well with the baking soda.

As long as I do these things regularly, I don't get any abscesses, cavities have not gotten any worse and may have actually gotten better, my teeth are whiter and feel cleaner, my gums are much healthier and all "pockets" have disappeared. It also prevents bad breath, and my tongue and gums are pink and healthy.

This has worked better for me than any dentist recommended procedure. I just wish I had known about it years ago. I'm absolutely sure I would have never gotten a cavity in the first place. Get rid of your commercial toothpaste and try this... you'll be glad you did!!!

Bee Propolis
Posted by Smcgoff (San Antonio, Texas, United States) on 05/20/2012

I stumbled on this site at first after I noticed a purple area on under my front teeth bottom row of gums. My teeth had been hurting to the point I thought it was an ear ache and it just really sucked. Noticed a hole beggining in both left and right side molar region on 2 teeth. Searched through here looking for remedys and I cant lie I thought this stuff was a joke just straight bull shit. Since I didnt have dental though I decided to give it a shot and see whats up.

I started mouth washing with hydrogen peroxide and upped it to Bee propolis the paste rubbing it on my gums at night before bed. Ive been doing the hydrogen now for about 4 days and the B for about 3. I also began oil pulling with coconut oil yesterday.

My dark purple spot is no longer purple. It has became a healthy shade of pink, not all the way pink still a lil dark but from a dark purple to a allmost 1 shade away from being perfect pink. My teeth are still bothering me but only when I get something near the hole other then that I am cool. The benefits to my mouth are tremendous and I also no longer experience bad breath. To top that off, I am in the midst of losing weight, I currently weigh 340 and have not jogged since maybe march or february. I have begun jogging and walking again and noticed that I was about to jog a half mile with no problem (minus my ankles I believe new shoes are in order as well as proper stretching as ive fractured both in my younger days). I havent jogged a half mile since I was 240 and going into the military.

One more thing to mention, I woke up yesterday with a big fat red pimple corner of my mouth, applied the B propolis to it in the morning it shrank by afternoon barely visible, applied some more later that evening, and it is gone as of this time. Less than 24 hours for it to go.

Definately some beneficial things here that I am going to continue to read and look at. To all those who are skeptical of things like this I encourage you to try it because it is doing something.

Posted by Lynn (Maryland) on 06/29/2022

Brushing teeth with salt helps tremendously with some bleeding gum issues.

Citrus Bioflavonoid Hesperidin
Posted by Art (California) on 11/20/2020 2158 posts

Hi Tom,

Hesperidin is also useful for helping to restore skin barrier function and has antioxidant and antiinflammatory qualities while having an excellent safety profile!


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/12/2020

Grace, you can try rinsing your mouth several times a day with clay water. Kaolin clay - white clay - is the mildest of all clays, but it works almost as well as the green clay.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Lauraloo (Paragould, Ar) on 04/02/2018

Stumbled on this site after using castor oil after brushing for 20 minutes daily or pretty much daily. I have Medicaid which allows $500 per year for a dentist. The dentist wants to do deep gum cleaning because of 4 mm on 2 quadrants. I'm only allowed one quadrant per year on Medicaid! I don't know what effect castor oil has done on my gums but after much reading on this site, and seeing the whitening of my teeth for myself I can feel assured my assumption I'm helping my gums is correct with castor oil pulling. I love this site. I was glad to see some more recent posts so I hope the site stays up. I'm almost 50 and need what's left!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Bwise (Columbus, Ms) on 10/31/2016

Search oil pulling for gum problems. It will solve gum problems, bleeding gums, and bad breath in about 7 days. Also whitens my teeth.

Baking Soda
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 08/12/2015

Joe M (USA) ------

Hi Joe, thank you for your post. I am in full agreement. I deal with my teeth myself having much support from HEALING YOUR TEETH NATURALLY online for years. It is a scam indeed and in my opinion, criminal, when researching, especially root canals and the effects of this ignorant practice. They learn how to make money, not to help fellow man.

People who poison with fluoride and mercury should be avoided. There is much one can do, yes, with abscesses as well.

Thanks, Namaste, Om

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Dan (Calgary, Ab) on 01/28/2016

This is a question & concern we get all the time. Activated charcoal isn't abrasive.

Oregano Oil and DMSO
Posted by Dee (S.c.) on 11/12/2015

I had chronic gum disease inflammation. Tried cleanings and many natural products. The best was rubbing oil my Oil of Oregano and Bentonite Clay on my gums a few times a day. At night I would rub White Oak Bark powder. I also take 3-4 drops of Oil of Oregano 2-3 times a day either under the tongue or in water. I noticed the tips of my front teeth's enamel was wearing thin. I tried the natural remineralizing powder and it worked. I also make my own mouthwash and added natural green Stevia powder to it. Stevia prevents tooth decay.

Here's the remineralizing powder (brush on and keep on for 3-4 minutes then rinse with water).


  • 3 tbsp. calcium carbonate
  • 2 tbsp. bentonite clay
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup Himalayan salt, whirled in your spice grinder until a fine powder


Advanced Gum Disease Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 08/22/2022 2158 posts


You can try Glycine as an amino acid to help build collagen in the body. Glycine is the most abundant amino acid in collagen. There are other supplements that help the body form collagen such as Lysine, Proline, Threonine and Vitamin C and these can all be used with Glycine to increase collagen production in the body.

On a somewhat related note involving gum and teeth health, the following article may interest you :



Advanced Gum Disease Remedies
Posted by Mary (NY NY) on 08/23/2022

According to the following link


Several high-protein foods are believed to nurture collagen production because they contain the amino acids that make collagen—glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These include fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy, legumes, and soy.

Collagen production also requires nutrients like zinc, which is found in shellfish, legumes, meats, nuts, seeds, and whole grains; and vitamin C from citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

According to the website https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/wheat-germs-vitamin-mineral-composition-9508.html, a quarter-cup serving of wheat germ offers 3.5 milligrams of zinc -- 44 percent of the recommended daily intake for women and 32 percent for men, according to intake guidelines set by the Institute of Medicine.

According to the website https://www.eatingwell.com/article/2052728/6-foods-with-more-vitamin-c-than-an-orange/ broccoli, kiwi, bell peppers, pineapple and papaya are high in vitamin C and other important nutrients.

Over the Counter
Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/26/2012

06/16/2008: J. B. From N. J. : "Hi Ted, Like many others, I stumbled onto this site during an internet search for some health concern and am thankful for the helpful, inexpensive and safe recommendations. My reason in writing concerns how to prevent tooth loss due to cracking. I have just cracked my fourth tooth in 12 years (I am 52). None of these teeth had cavities, in fact I have never had a cavity in my life. But I do have periodontal disease, with most of the pockets in the 4 - 6 mm range. I do not brush daily, but use salt/baking soda combo when I do, followed by a hydrogen peroxide rinse.

I have receeding gums due to a periodontal disease but have been using OraMd for some months now and the disease is just about gone. My teeth were very loose because of the gum issue and thought I would lose them all. I also would find bits of tooth in my food that had cracked off even though I took plenty Calcium and D3. All I do is brush gently with baking soda and then apply 5 eyedroppers of OraMd on the brush and gently coat my teeth, gums and tongue x 3 per day. Since using my teeth have not cracked, I no longer have bad breath and the gums are pink and growing. It is all natural and consists of clove oil and such. There are 2 types you can get and I have tried both but prefer the stronger more concentrated as it does not sting and seems to do a much faster and better job.

Co Q10
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/20/2012

Anyone with gum disease or bleeding gums should seriously look at coQ10. It is even used in the US and Japan to treat the problem. Gum disease can be a precurser to heart disease and actually be a deficiency of coQ10. Low coQ10 is a major factor in heart problems.

From an article I have linked to:

"A study by Dr. Edward Wilkinson of the Wilford Hall US Air Force Medical Center, discovered that people with diseased gums had an unusually large deficiency of CoQ10. Remarkably, once patients with diseased gums were supplemented with CoQ10, the gum conditions actually reversed. This became the benchmark study, which led to more researches and discoveries about the benefits of CoQ10.

Wilkinson, a pioneer in periodontal studies of CoQ10, handled some of the worst case histories of patients whose damage from periodontal disease seemed irreversible. One of them involved a woman whose gum disease extended throughout her mouth and the mucous membrane of her nose and throat. Even eating became a torment. She was deemed a hopeless case.

Wilkinson decided to try her on 60 milligrams of CoQ10 per day. After only two weeks of continuous CoQ10 supplementation, the patient was able to eat normally again and her overall condition significantly improved. CoQ10 enabled patients to overcome or reverse their gum disease, even in its worst state."


Oil Pulling
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/22/2012

Try coQ10. I put up an article yesterday (in the coq10 section of Earth Clinic) about how coq10 is used in both the US and Japan for healing gum disease. Even people with the worst gums with deep pockets were healed. The article said that gum disease and heart disease were often related, and a symptom of coq10 deficiency is bleeding gums/gum disease. I would take a minimum of 100mg per day even 200mg divided in two per day.

Google coq10 and gum disease for further info.

Posted by Emerald (Westford, Ma/united States) on 08/16/2011

Has this been working for you? I am going to start the Cayenne Pepper, Baking Soda, Oil Pulling (Sesame Seed), Bee Propolis, and better flossing in my new regimen because the dentist pulled my gums from my teeth and they are not reattaching that quickly. I want to know if your gums are still as beautiful!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dovie (Wash, Seattle) on 02/13/2013

I've been pretty ill so I decided to have both of my root canals removed and implants put in. Well, after oral surgery one of the site of root canal got infected. My dentist gave me Hydrogen peroxide mix with like a drop of mint to put on the site. If I run out I can just make my own with Food grade hydrogen peroxide and one drop of peppermint. Another thing that was recommended was saline (salt water solution) to help cure the infection.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Yasha (Oslo, Norway) on 06/05/2008

re: gum disease, bad breath and burning mouth syndrome: I have been suffering for gum disease and bad breath for the passed few years. I brushed my teeth nearly everytime i eat to avoid bad breath, change toothbrush twice a month, used Corsodyl very often, chewed chewing gums almost every hour, used toothpicks. But all this didn't really help me quit the bad taste in my mouth. It has been so frustrating. But thanks God for charcoal powder. Now the bad breath and burning mouth is gone. I could talk properly without having to worry with my breathy. Really thankful for this remedy.

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