High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Carol (Greenville, USA) on 06/23/2008

... I take the pinch or 1/4th tsp of Baking Soda and 2 TBLS of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR in 4 oz of COLD WATER and it has lowered my heartrate from 117 to 72.This has also lowered my BLOOD PRESSURE from to 112/60 I feel full of energy and I do this before I eat first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I sometimes take it at NOON for a pick me up. I no longer have acid reflux/ GERD. I sleep and breathe better as I have sleep apnea.

Dark Chocolate
Posted by Will (New York, USA) on 06/09/2008

For High Blood Pressure: When do you eat the chocolate? Thanks.

Manuka Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by CP (Huntington Beach, USA) on 04/22/2008

Manuka honey is an amazing remedy for M.R.S.A. wounds, as well as for diabetic skin ulcerations. It comes in several strengths, so contact customer service on websites to see which is best for you. It is a little pricey, but I think it is worth it. It's delicious and healthful when taken internally and is wonderful when applied externally to the face. I am taking one teaspoon of Manuka honey and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon each morning and evening. It has lowered my blood pressure from 156 to 125 in a very short period of time. It also improves my sleep! I love this website and it makes me happy to give back for all the help I've received. Good luck to all.

Breathing Technique
Posted by Bill (Gilmanton, NH) on 03/28/2008

I read about a machine that you can pay a lot if money for, which helps lower your blood pressure by a breathing technique. I learned this Yoga breathing technique which does the same thing. Breath in, (through nose) half way..12345, hold...12345, breath in rest of way...12345, hold..1-5, Breath out half way through lips, 1-5, hold...1-5, finish emptying lungs as slowly as possible through pursed lips. Do 8 rounds of this. 8 is the Chinese lucky number. It is also the symbol for infinity when turned sideways. The object is to take longer on the exhale than on the inhale. I find that I can lower my BP quite a bit with this method. ...Bill

Nettle Tea, B Vitamin, Garlic Tab
Posted by Isma (Edinburgh, UK) on 04/19/2007

nyone with a high blood pressure should be taking Nettle Tea, B50 timed release one tablet per day and 100% pure garlic tab a day too, you'l see the results within weeks oh and not forgetting add two table spoons of olive oil to your cooking too.

Posted by Tia (Dallas, Texas) on 03/24/2007

CINNAMON. S'posed to be an end to HBP and Diabetes.

Vegetable Juicing and Meditation
Posted by Mike (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 12/15/2006

Quickest way to reduce blood pressure it to avoiding omega 6 fats, stop eating white grains and anything with sugar. Then simply juice vegetables. If you don't like the taste simple add carrots or an apple for taste. Avoid all process foods, any caffeine including tea. My blood pressure used to be 159/108. Now it is 118/78. For fats you can have low amounts, flax oil (can't be heated), olive oil, and coconut oil (no more than 1/2 a teaspoon a day). At all cost avoid canola oil it is very toxic to the body. Meditation will help lower blood pressure, so will yoga, yoga can teach you how to meditate or go to a zen buddhist temple nearby. From juicing fresh vegetables you will lose weight and you will be less hungry. So get out there a get a juicer

Cornsilk Tea Lowers Blood Pressure
Posted by Tara (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/20/2006

Dried corn silk (One tablespoon). One tea bag of green tea. 2 cups of bottled water. Bring water to a boil then remove from burner. Add teas cover with lid and allow to brew off of burner for 5 minutes. Strain with strainer into cup add honey to taste. This combination of tea relaxes, acts as a natural diuretic, and lowers the blood pressure. Dried corn silk tea can be found in health food stores and in the groc. stores that cater more to the Hispanic community. It is also called "Barbas de helote" meaning; beard of corn in Spanish. For an extra experience sprinkle into tea a pinch of fresh lavende r(purchased at health food stores or produce stores ) for aroma therapy while you sip your tea. The fragrance of lavender relaxes and soothes. Drink a cup in the morning or whenever you feel nervous.

Posted by Susan (USA)

Exercising regularly for 30 minutes a day can also lower your blood pressure as it stimulates a substance in our bodies called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps to keep our blood vessels open. During the early stages of arteriosclerosis (or plaque build-up), one of the first things to be seen is a reduction in the amount of nitric oxide in the blood vessels. When you exercise, the accelerated pumping of the heart forces more blood to flow through the vessels. As this blood pushes its way along the lining of the vessels, more nitric oxide is released.

Foods That Help
Posted by Susan (USA)

Besides eating fish, it is also helpful if your diet includes large amounts of fruits and vegetables high in potassium and magnesium as they help the body to get rid of excess sodium. When the diet lacks these minerals, supplementation may improve blood pressure control. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, rice, bananas, potatoes, wheat germ, kidney and lima beans, soy, and molasses. Foods rich in potassium include avocados, bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapefruit, nectarines, oranges, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, green peas, potatoes, and squash. Apple Cider Vinegar (our favorite!) also contains potassium and magnesium.

For more information about potassium, please read our potassium fact sheet.

You can also visit http://www.unhinderedliving.com/potassium.html for more information on potassium.

Garlic appears to lower blood pressure by 5% to 10%. It can also lower cholesterol, reduce triglyceride levels, discourage clot formation, and promote blood circulation. A typical dose of garlic is 900 mg of garlic powder per day. This dosage is also recommended for lowering high cholesterol.

Fruits like apples and pears are also said to decrease blood pressure by lowering cholesterol due to their high fiber content.

Click here to read much more about the wonders of garlic!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joan (Richardson, TX) on 07/16/2006

I use pharmacy strength 3% hydrogen peroxide -- drops in glass of water twice a day (about 7 drops thus far). My moderately elevated blood pressure reduced to normal, according to my doctor's records, without use of drugs. How long should I continue to pursue this treatment? Should I continue longer or cycle on and off in some way?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jo Ana (Norwich, CT) on 03/25/2007

For many years, I would wake up at night, with a rapidly beating heart, gasping for breathe, etc. I have tried many remedies and again, over the years had developed high blood pressure perhaps, as a result of poor respiration at night, kidney and gallstones. Minor surgery for an impacted kidney stone and then major infirmities probably as a result of the surgery, antibiotics, HBP meds, and infections. Found your site, and I have started using food-grade H2O2 again orally and through inhalation, also extra virgin coconut oil, iodine, and cider vinegar. Within 2 weeks, HBP gone, no liver/GB pain or distress, and a major increase in energy and a returning sense of well-being. Sleeping through the night like a baby. Please be aware that I tried EDT suppositories and ionic footbaths for relief from toxicity, with only an increase in distress. I credit my body's healing to the H202, cider vinegar, coconut oil, iodine, and coffee enemas to eliminate the toxins. I truly appreciate this website and my return to health, after all these years of less than optimal functioning. I had had a normal body temp of 96.8 for years and after initiated Lugol's iodine footpainting, within this time period as well, my normal body temp is up to 98 from below 97, which is also a really good thing. Thanks to all of you for all your suggestions, and I wish this level of body optimization for all of you who suffer needlessly. God Bless You All.

Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
Posted by Dee (Birmingham, AL) on 05/13/2006

I recently visited the local health food store. I started taking one supplement called Calcium Magnesium Potassium (I won't name the brand name). I have been taking it for about three weeks now. I recently checked by blood pressure at a doctor's visit and it was very normal (124/78). My blood pressure hasn't been this normal in years.

Cold Showers
Posted by Ron (Lompoc, CA) on 03/21/2006

Definitely try the cold shower along with the cold bath. My wife knows this Russian secret for youth and longevity. This is it. I am more vigorous, awake, and relaxed after a cold shower or cold bath. Also, try the cold warm rotation method. Sit in the cold bath for a few minutes (yes, submerge your head for a few seconds) and then have the shower fairly warm and do this several times. WOW!!

Cold Showers
Posted by Doris (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) on 09/01/2007

[response] To answer Araeshkigal from Hurst, TX regarding cold baths. I took one several years ago because I heard it would help the immune system. Well, I got the flu and missed work for a week. I haven't tried the cold showers yet. I'm afraid I'll get sick again.

Cold Showers
Posted by Araeshkigal (Hurst, TX) on 02/16/2007

I first started taking cold showers as a suggested remedy for migraines. It more than worked. It also helped alleviate skin breakouts, regular muscle cramping, and some blood pressure issues (I changed nothing else in diet or exercise to be sure this was what was having the effects) I find it's best to start barely warm and slowly get to cold. If you can't stand ice cold at first just go "on the cool side" till you get a tolerance. You don't have to *freeze* to get the benefits. Also I find cold baths do *not* have the same therapeutic effect as cold showers (anyone else?)
