Lichen Planus Remedies

Posted by Anita P. (Stockton Ca.) on 05/24/2015

Saw you had posts for lichen plantus. I had this rash until I started taking monolaurin pills. Two pills twice a day. Rash was gone after two weeks. Now just small scars im treating with store bought lightening creams. Thought you would like to post for your readers.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kyara ( Georgia ) on 05/14/2015

I've had an active breakout of lichen Plantus for two going on three years now. It took almost 4 months to get a correct diagnosis when I finally did doctors put me on oral steroids, steroid creams, and steroid injections. These things worked only for a short time and had awful side effects. I quickly realized I'd have to cure this on my own. Here are some things that have helped me: 1) A homeopathic, first aid ointment is extremely effective, helps with active LP and dark spots the also. The downfall of this product is its very pricey. 2) Tea Tree oil helps and is affordable the downfall with this is it smells. 3) Lavender Essential Oil is VERY effective if you can find it. 4) Epsom Salt Baths 5) Tea Baths 6) Cold Aloe Vera Gel helps a lot with itching and dryness 7) Lastly I've found that when I went to hawaii swimming At the beach, which I know can be embarrassing helps a lot. I hope this helps people suffering from this disease.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Poonam Kakkar (India) on 05/05/2015

Can u plz send me the diet chart for oral lichen mother is suffering from this disease for last 5 year

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Jacomina (Spain) on 04/23/2015

I'm having lichen planus in my mouth, not too bad but at times it hurts when brushing my teeths or eating solid hard things like nuts, etc.

Find that a daily treatment of Oil Pulling with sesame oil, 20 min. every morning improves the problem a lot, heals your gums, repairs the teeth themselves and makes your teeths a lot whiter.

After 20 min. I spit the oil and clean my mouth thoroughly with natural sea-salt. Leaves you fantastic! I have done it a bit on and of as the lichen appears in times of stress and fatigue. Then I forget till I catch on again. I'm convinced it has kept me more or less in balance in my mouth but

I also believe that beneath all this is my general candidas-infection problem. Know that as long as I don't solve my the stress in my life, and what's behind that, that I'm only "curing" the symptoms.

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Penny ( Az) on 04/16/2015

Sophie, thank you! We went to Mexico and while there my intuition told me to get in the ocean water for my lichen planus, which was all over my back and various other places. I did that, and it got lighter, and within a few weeks it disappeared!! Wooohooo!! :-) I heartily recommend getting your body in the ocean as a remedy for lichen planus!! :-)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Penny ( Az) on 04/16/2015

Thank you, Julie! This is the information for which I have been looking! You have given me hope! Blessings!!! :-)

Posted by Neil (Usa) on 04/15/2015

To Abeera, from Pakistan who wrote:

Hi, I am suffering from LP. It's all over my body, scalp and now oral, can u please suggest me how to use sulphur for oral lichen planus? I am so desperate by this LP. Please do inform me if there is any other remedy available easily in village side

I have Lichen Planus but not severe, I have an LP sore on my leg which has been there for about 5 years.

I have just started 1 week ago drinking Kefir made with cow's milk and also I have been rubbing a small amount into the sore. The change in a week is amazing. The underlying bumps have gone down and the redness is getting less. I am hoping this is a good cure. I have heard that kefir has cured eczema and crohn's disease, that is what gave me the idea to try kefir. Give it a go.

Best wishes, Neil

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Sophie (Edmonton, Canada) on 12/04/2014

Hey everyone,

I've had lichen planus for the last 4 years now. It started in 2010 when I was 25 years of age and got worse and worse. I trusted doctors a lot at the time, untill they told me they dont' know much about this condition. Put me on antihystamine pills and cortisone creams which made my condition a gazillion times worse.

This is when I realized I need to take things into my own hands, the first thing that really helped me was I stopped drinking milk. This helped, not a lot but a little. Then I started eating a ton of honey, which is a natural antibiotic. I did this because honey is mentioned in the Quran and it has healed a lot of people. This helped a lot. The last thing that completely got rid of my lichen planus was a swim in the oceans of Hawaii. After my Hawaii trip, my lichen planus really died down. I realized the salt water worked wonders on my skin.

Since then I have not broken out into lichen planus. In the recent few months 2 new lesions have appeared on my thigh which I have not treated with any chemicals except for extreme salt water baths which flatten the lesions immediately. I also take vitamins that enhance the immune system. (More zinc and vitamin C)

I hope this helps someone out. Try not to make things too complicated and definitely try the salt water baths


Posted by Kat (Mississippi, US) on 10/04/2014

Common Purslane: aka duckweed, fatweed, pursley, pussley, verdolagas and wild portulaca is known to cure lichen planus according to my dentist.

Personally I have been looking for this plant and will find it.

grown in wild is better than domesticated

Purslane may be a common plant, but it is uncommonly good for you. It tops the list of plants high in vitamin E and an essential omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Purslane provides six times more vitamin E than spinach and seven times more beta carotene than carrots. It's also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, riboflavin, potassium and phosphorus.

Omega-3s are a class of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. Your body cannot manufacture essential fatty acids, so you must get them from food. Unfortunately, the typical American diet contains too few omega-3s, a shortage that is linked to a barrage of illnesses including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Light Therapy
Posted by Joe (Ct) on 08/23/2014

I have had lichen planus for about 7 months now. I had a biopsy confirming the diagnosis. It has been very uncomfortable, and has caused my skin to become raw in some areas. I have tried numerous steroid creams as well as prednisone treatments without much relief. Finally, I tried going to the tanning bed a couple of times, and it is finally cleaing up miraculously fast. I know light therapy is one of the treatments used, but my dermatologist hasn't even talked about it yet. My skin condition was to the point of being debilitating.

Best of Wishes, Joe

Posted by Rosanne (Toronto, CA) on 07/11/2014

I found an ointment with comfrey at our big health food store (actually, they had several). It is comfrey in a base of olive oil and beeswax.

Sadly, I'd have to rate this "better but not cured." It does help to control the itch, but the underlying condition remains.

So, I will continue the search...

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/07/2014

I do not know the recipe the original poster used, but I can share how I make ointments/salves.

To make comfrey root ointment, you can put the clean chopped root (or dried if that is what you have) in a pot (Stainless steel or glass). Cover with olive oil. Heat on stove (electric is better as you can get lower heat. If you must use a gas stove, use a double boiler.) You want it just at a low simmer. Heat for 45 minutes or so. Strain out the root with a coffee filter. Add 1/2 ounce of beeswax for each 4 ounces of oil extract. Heat gently until the wax melts. Put a dab in the freezer for a minute or two and see if you like the consistency. If it is too thin for you, add a little more beeswax. If it is too hard, add a little more olive oil. When you are happy with the consistency, you can pour it into jars or tins. You can add a little vitamin E oil to help it to last longer. Or just store most of it in the refrigerator.

You can also just put the root in a mason jar and cover with olive oil and put the lid on it. Let sit for a couple of weeks. Then strain the root and heat the oil and add beeswax, etc. This is easier, since you don't have to sit and keep an eye on it. But, of course, it takes a lot longer. I am not sure which produces a better product. We have made salves both ways and they have been very effective.

Comfrey leaves can be used instead of the root if that is what you have available. I LOVE my salves that have comfrey in them. We use them all the time for so many things. (Burns, stings, rashes, bites, chapped skin poison ivy etc.) I also include plantain leaf, burdock root, and calendula flowers in the salve I make as an all purpose salve.

Let us know if comfrey root salve works on your lichen planus!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by June (Herts UK) on 04/04/2014

Georgina can you please give me comfrey root ointment recipe for lichen planus thanks

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 02/18/2014

Hi Abeera,

I am so sorry to hear about the LP. I looked at the Carotec site and they do not ship to Pakistan. I found one site that ships worldwide but it looks very expensive:

The Jarrow lozenges were the best price, but I can't find any for sale now.

Maybe if you researched BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 you could find a store in Pakistan? I use the kind that contains both ingredients in one lozenge.

I am sorry that I don't know of an inexpensive place to buy these that ships to Pakistan. I will continue to search for you and will post if I find anything. Take care.

Posted by Abeera (Pakistan) on 02/18/2014

Thank u soooo mch, but is it available in Pakistan? Now it's spreading over my lips and so irrotating.

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 02/17/2014


I can tell you what has worked in oral LP of the mouth for several of us. It is probiotics that contain the BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 strains of probiotics. After brushing your teeth at night before bed, dissolve one tablet or lozenge in your mouth and don't drink any water for at least a half hour, longer if possible. I successfully used Jarrow brand lozenges, but they seem to be difficult to buy lately, so I switched to Carotec brand from Naples, Florida. These help heal the mouth but do not extend elsewhere in the body, unfortunately. One man found some healing by using 1 teaspoon of Black seed Oil daily. If you look under the ailments tab at the top of the page, Lichen Planus, you can see some suggestions from Ted and Bill that may be helpful for the LP on your skin. Best wishes.

Posted by Abeera (Pakistan) on 02/17/2014

Hi, I am suffering from LP. It's all over my body, scalp and now oral, can u please suggest me how to use sulphur for oral lichen planus? I am so desperate by this LP. Please do inform me if there is any other remedy available easily in village side

Olive Leaf
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 01/08/2014

Marie: The longest lived animal in the world spends all day every day eating marine phytoplankton. Scientists asked centenarians in China what they ate and they said they drank several cups of jiaogulan every day. Indians living on an island in the Caribbean drink 6 cups of cocoa every day. A 54 year old Tarahumara had the best time in a 100 mile race at an elevation of 10,000ft. A year later some runners, including a man who won a 125 mile race in death valley during the summer, went to the copper canyons of northern Mexico. They raced 50 miles over rough terrain. The indian won. Every day all his life he ate corn and beans. A master herbalist in Arizona takes he sho wu, hu zhang, and jiaogulan every day. He is 70 years old. When he is not working in his herbal business he is working on his ranch with his beloved wife. I am not sure because many herbalists say cells develop tolerance and that they should be cycled, food too.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Marie (New York) on 01/08/2014

Hi, I use olive leaf for about two months now and the salesman in the healthfood store said that olive leaf shouldn't be used for more than a few months at a time..He said since it's an herb it can take out good bacteria in the gut.. I also use probiotics.. Is this true? I use it to help lower my blood pressure. I also use a few other things.. Thank You

Olive Leaf
Posted by Will (Calgary) on 01/07/2014

Hello, olive leaf In itself is completely safe to use. Myself I buy a olive leaf extract in tincture form. You can use it straight but I recommend mixing it 50/50 with cold pressed olive oil (organic) it's help with any skin disorder or viral infection.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Brenda (South Dakota) on 01/04/2014

It is the end of the holiday season, and lichen planus has broken out on my trunk. I hadn't been bothered with it lately anywhere except my gums... Until eating extra carbs throughout the holidays. I didn't think about the connection until reading these posts. I am so glad that I found EarthClinic!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/24/2013

Monique: Watch eliminate autoimmune disorders with fresh juices by sister sunshine.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Monique (Bronx, Ny) on 12/23/2013

To Natia, I have LP as well. Mine are the size of quarters and they are all over my body except for my face. I'm 48 yrs old can't wear shorts or dresses anymore. When I do wear short sleeve shirts people stare at me. I know that my skin is ugly but I am a VERY BEAUTIFUL PERSON IN THE INSIDE. I know that it's hard to look at sometimes but don't give up OK. If you ever need to talk to someone email me at bigmo2799 (at) yahoo (dot)com. Remember, you are not alone we will get through this!! KEEP YOUR HEAD UP HIGH!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Monique (Bronx, Ny) on 12/23/2013

I'm so sick of these dam spots all over, I've been using ambi for these spots but it's taking forever to work. I tried everything. It's been 1 yr since I been diagnose, is there anything that I can use to get rid of these spots?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jennykk (Mansfield. Vic. Australia) on 10/31/2013

Report of my progress with Lichan Planus:- 2 years ago I had blistering and sore red gums, yes Lichan planus is nasty.

I was working with a naturopath, western medicine to me is sometimes toxic, my body is drug sensitive. I couldnt tolerate the treatment of rinsing out the mouth with predisonole 4 times a day.

In the recent dental journal in Australia, Lichan planus has been linked to amalgums, so I had all 13 fillings removed, and feel so much better for it, my immune system was struggling.

Some medical professionals say these fillings don't do anything, but if you grind your teeth at night, then yes they do cause problems.

The problem does not have a permanant cure, so keep off yeasts in all forms, especially beer, and sugars, and you will feel healthier, and the soreness of your gums will improve, and only use a herbal toothpaste, as a lot of toothpastes agravate the problem. good luck, Jennykk

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment
Posted by Rosanne (Toronto) on 10/24/2013

I'm so glad I asked for feedback on the purslane before buying it. Thanks!

I've had a patch of OLP on my gums for many years, which never caused me any trouble. In fact, I wouldn't even have known it was there, except every time I went to the dentist, they asked if it was bothering me.

But in the last few months it has slowly crept up on me. About two weeks ago, it got really awful all of a sudden. My lips/gums/cheeks/lips were burning and tingling, and a white patch under my tongue was downright painful. I happened to have had a dental cleaning scheduled then, and they confirmed it was OLP.

Of course, they could not offer me much in the way of treatment, but they did give me a sample of "moisturizing" toothpaste and mouthwash. (brand name starts with B) I also bought some toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulphate, and I quit oil pulling (EVCO) since my mouth was just so irritated.

A week later, I am considerably better. Of course, there is no way of knowing which, if any, of the things I changed had any impact upon the state of my mouth. And the white patches are still there, of course. And...I have issues with LP on other parts of my body as well, so I'm most interested in this as a systemic issue. Might this be related to the Perioral Dermatitis that I battled at this time last year? I have to think that's a possiblity.

Thanks for your information.

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 10/23/2013

Hi Rosanne,

Yes, I have tried purslane. I bought it in dried powder form. I took it for a short time without any change, then read that it is very high in oxalates which is not recommended for LP, so I stopped taking it in favor of a low oxalate diet. Although some have benefited by this diet, I found no noticable change after many months. The oral probiotics with the BLIS ingredients worked for my mouth, and another man who also has LP tried it and it worked for him in his mouth, also. Systemically, we are both still trying to figure this out. Currently taking LDN ( this is not effective but I believe it is so good for the immune system that I continue taking it), enhanced absorption curcumin, a special CoQ 10 since I believe this may have been statin induced, yoga, low dose benedryl (just started this today) and a high anti-oxident cream. If you find anything effective, please post. I continue to read and research every day. Best wishes.

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment
Posted by Rosanne (Toronto) on 10/23/2013

This is a question for Rsw from Uniontown, Oh, or anyone else who may know.

You posted the other day and said that you had tried many things for OLP. I'm curious to know if you've ever tried purslane. I saw some studies that indicate it may help, but it's rather pricey to order. I'm hoping for some feedback before spending that much money.

I'd really like to try those lozenges that you mentioned, but I can't find a source for them here in Canada. I guess I'll have to keep looking.

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 10/20/2013

I have oral LP, also, and after trying many things for over 5 years, I have found something that has cleared the part of my mouth that I had biopsied to confirm the LP. This has been confirmed by my dentist. I take one of these after I have brushed and flossed before bed. Don't drink any water for at least half an hour or more after dissolving it in your mouth.

This is the only thing that has worked for me to heal my gum. My mouth still burns some in the morning, but no more lesions. Best wishes!

Oral Lichen Planus Treatment
Posted by Gonyx (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 10/20/2013

Dear Ma'am/ Sir,

My name is Atira from Indonesia. I've been diagnosed for Oral Lichen planus for 4 years now. My OM Doctor prescibes me to use Klorderma and Solcoceryl (ointment). I use Klorderma twice a day and the next day I will use Solcoceryl twice a day also. I would like to ask you whether there are any treatment for this OLP using baking soda or other herbs. My tongue condition now is red at the side of my tongue and it's very painful if touched to the teeth or food. Right now I only use my left side of the mouth to eat. Last April, I had my 2nd biopsy and Thank God everything is clear, only the red and soreness left. Thank you so much for your help. I hope that you could help me with my problems.

Vinegar Water
Posted by Maja (Haiti) on 08/21/2013


Help. I have constant vaginal LP flare ups. I have been washing with various vinegar water but it's bad again. What do I do.

Posted by Rico (Santa Cruz , Nm) on 07/24/2013

We want to know the safe proper way to take borax for lichen planus

pH Regulation
Posted by Ali (Canada) on 07/10/2013

Thanks, I have ordered the same and will update after a month.

pH Regulation
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 07/09/2013

Ali, I have been diagnosed with oral LP by a biopsy. After trying many things over a ten year period, I found J----oral probiotic lozenges with BLIS K12 and BLIS M18, an inexpensive supplement with 8 lozenges per pack. To my amazement, my gum has healed and my dentist confirms that! I use one at night, after brushing and flossing before I go to sleep, and it takes at least 30 days to colonize. I am so happy and it may help you, too. However, oral LP usually means systemic LP, and the other mucous membranes are not changed. But I'm grateful that my mouth has healed. Best wishes!

pH Regulation
Posted by Ali (Canada) on 07/09/2013

Hi... I have the same blisters appearing when I eat food, fruits or sometimes vegetables. Sometimes they stay for a day sometime a week. Some times easy to burst and sometimes not... Did you find any cure? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Posted by Mysticalme (Usa) on 05/28/2013

I hope u have found a solution to your yeast issue by now. In case you haven't, I would suggest first a mild colon cleanse, probiotics, eliminating all starchy carbs, fermented foods and fungus foods like mushrooms. Focus on greens and lean protein. Try taking krill oil instead of fish oil and try internal cleanses for yeast and fungus. It takes 3-12 months to get rid of yeast. Good luck.

Posted by Georgina (Tolmie, Victoria, Australia) on 04/22/2013

I have had the condition Lichen Sclerosis for approx. 15 years but about 6 weeks ago a blister type sore erupted over an old childhood scar on my left shin. It was extremely itchy and rapidly grew in size and redness. My doctor informed me it was Lichen Planus and wrote out a prescription for cortisone ointment. Not wanting to use such a toxic medication I tried various other more natural preparations such as Witch Hazel and Calamine Lotion. Nothing worked and the area affected was rapidly increasing. I then decided to make some Comfrey Root Ointment.

Eight days ago I commenced treatment by spreading the ointment on a cotton pad and taped it firmly over the Lichen Planus area. I changed the pad morning and night. The result has been nothing short of miraculous. The itching disappeared almost immediately the first pad was applied. Since then the size of the sore has gradually moved inwards and the surrounding tissue is now a very pale pink. It looks healthy and I may even end up losing the original scar. I am seriously considering using it on my Lichen Sclerosis. The ointment was simplicity itself to make.

A good guide is to go to You Tube and look up 'How to make Comfrey Ointment Part 1' (Part 2 is also there). It is a demonstration by someone called Sue Goodwin. I followed her instructions and it was so easy. At the end of the process I added some essential oil of lavender, just to make it smell nice really. As long as you have some Comfrey Root you can access you can make at least three jars using the method shown.


Update 04/25/2013

It is now 12 Days since I started using it on my Lichen Planus and each day it gets smaller and healthier looking. As with all herbal remedies I will continue with the ointment until it is well and truly cleared up.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 04/04/2013

Could you please elaborate on the dose and kind of olive leaf you are suggesting? I have tried olive leaf capsules and didn't notice any improvement in LP. I only took a small dose and would be interested in hearing how much, how often and what kind of olive leaf you used. Are you completely cured or is it temporary relief? Thanks!

Olive Leaf
Posted by Yass (London, Uk ) on 04/04/2013

Please, anyone with mouth lichen planus, please try olive leaf you can swallow.

Posted by Jean (Mpls, Minnesota) on 11/20/2012

PLEASE someone send me the exact measurements for the Apple Cider Vinegar and borax. why aren't they on here? I am interested in trying it but I cannot without more information. Thank you!

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Anthony (New Orleans, La) on 11/13/2012


Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Suhani (Fremont, Ca, Usa) on 11/06/2012

I had Lichen Planus 7 years ago. Tried everything. Felt so bad about my body that I wanted hide in a closet! Then the doctor gave me Sorriatane 10mg. Lichen Planus went away within 2 weeks. Then it started itching again and saw a dermatologist, now he gave me same creams, warm water bath treatment. It is spreading all over again and no sleep at night. Today he gave me sulpha drugs as an antibiotic to cure the rash and itch! Hope it works! I will keep you posted. He refused to give me Sorriatane because he said that it is a dangerous drug!!!

Dietary Changes, Sage, Aloe
Posted by Alice (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 10/10/2012

Hi Milli, I have oral lichen planus for close to a year now and just like your friend, I hate those steroids and yucky creams that don't work. Like your advice altho I know is going to be very difficult to follow but will definitely try my very best and feedback to you. Thanks and God Bless

Posted by Live~n~well In Aptos, Ca (Aptos, California, USA) on 10/02/2012

OMG... Happy to be reporting back. I am what I feel is LP FREE!! Iv'e been using Borax 1/8 tsp 2x daily, since May 1, 2012 it's now Oct 2, 2012 and my mouth is beautiful, my stomach doesn't burn, and my below the belt has not had any reactions since May. I am now begining to reintroduce some of the foods that I couldn't tolerate and I'm doing back flips over my progress with Borax.

Based upon my initial reaction to the Borax, I cut the medication Placquinel down by 1/2 and 2 weeks later cut it out completely (I've also had tremendous problems with my eyesite due to the Placquinel).

I take B-6, C, fats (fish oils, tonalin, blackcurrant, & occassional evening primrose), magnesium, zinc, and Ultra H-3, MSM and HMB for my muscles (I do classical ballet 5 days a week at 47 and my training is intense).

The only thing I'm still struggeling with is YEAST... Does anyone have any suggestions for YEAST? I don't do sugar, fruits, or carbs, so I eat really healthy. I do drink coffee (1x per day) and I like an occassional glass of wine. Other than that, no sodas, teas, or fancy carbonated beverages. Its gotten really bad and I've had it now for years. I realize YEAST can lead to a number of illnesses and this scares me. Lately I'm more irritable then ever before, more congested (post nasal drip, lungs, etc), and more stressed out than ever before.

Any other remedies like Borax for LP to cure systemic YEAST? Thank you to everyone who blogs here. In deep gratitude for all of you, TED, and EarthClinic!!

Live~n~well In Aptos, Ca

Barrier Product
Posted by Will (Brisbane, Qld Australia) on 08/06/2012

HI first get rid of the thrush. Then try vaseline with the cortisone cream or (over) and/or even on its own. It will improve it...

Posted by Mignon (Arnhem, The Netherlands) on 08/05/2012

The post is so old, but I wondered what the result was of iodine mouthwash for Lichen Planus?

Posted by Love My Wife (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) on 07/17/2012

My wife has LP for for few months now. Her skin ( the bumps ) has decreased alot after using TURMERIC POWDER ( the one used in Indian cooking masalas ) during bath every time. My self I have learned abour SUJOK THERAPY, since today, I have started 10 mins of YELLOW LIGHT ( I am a photographer too so I am using my stuidio light with YELLOW FILTER ) to beam directly on the front palm 5 mins, and back palm 5 mins. Before she goes to sleep, I am trying COLOUR THERAPY.... lets pray it makes her well soon.

pH Regulation
Posted by Ben (New York, Ny) on 07/16/2012

I would suggest putting vitamin E oil on the scars from lichens planus. It gets rid of the scars but it may take a few weeks.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Nancy (Cincinnati, Oh) on 07/15/2012

To Natia from Troy, Ny - I too am suffering from L. P with no results. I started in Jan 2011, was sent for blood tests twice and liver panel check. Then referred to a hemotologist for extensive blood work. They then sent me to a dermotologist who diagnosed the L. P. The condition continued to get worst. He tried steroids (shots first) then orally with no result. The condition continued to spread. It had started on the insides of my forearms. Moved up to my armpits, chest, back and insides of thighs. He tried a mild antibiotic which had no effect, then gave me a medication his patients with acne uses containing Tetracycline. Nothing worked and the condition continued to spread and get worst. There is very little itching if any (actually scratching hurts... I can only softly rub these areas when they itch. I went to two 'Grand Rounds' at UC Hospital (where a team of drs, nurses, etc. Examining me and asking questions... All said it was 'A Mystery! ' with only a suggestion of 'light' treatments may work. The derm wanted to try UVB light treatments for about 1 month, but the cost to me was close to $100 a week. I asked him if I could get the same result from a tanning bed and he replied yes. I should try it and then return to him if necessary. Needless to say, I never went back to him. I did try the tanning bed... But no positive results. It only tanned my already dark complexion making the spots less noticeable.

It's been nearly a year and although some of the original spots have faded, others are much worse and the areas have grown so much in size. I have patches that cover my whole inner thighs. When I visited my gyno back in Feb, she said I should be thankful it's not on my face. In fact, the only areas it hasn't hit yet is my face and fmy lower legs. The derm did suggest that I am definitely a candidate for the Mayo Clinic. I'm headed back to my GP in a couple of weeks and hope he has some other suggestion. I may ask him about the medication you took. I'll post after my visit at the end of the month. Although no one seems to know what we have and have never seen anything like this before, it is some what comforting to know that I am not alone. Perplexed in Cincy.

pH Regulation
Posted by Kr.arun (Faridabad, India) on 07/14/2012

hi I'm ashwini. I have been suffering from lichen planus for almost 2 years. Well till now all the itching and all has reduced but I'm left with the scars. So it would be great if you could help me out on this my age is 16 and I am female.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Natia (Troy, Ny) on 07/09/2012

Hello my name is Natia n I was diagnosed with this nasty sick looking disease as well lichen planus has went from my breast down to the bottom of my feet I didnt no what it was I was sooo scared to be seen. It started in july 2011 didnt c dermo til mid sept 2011 but a friend seen it n was in shocked so he said use chamomile loction and I did n it dried it out alot but wen I got to the dermo they looked at me n said omg. So dey did a biopsy and diagnosed me with l. P. And the gave me mertronidazole. And I took 500mg twice a day for 30days n it was gone but the marks was there n started to fade. And its all over my body I dont think a man wants to look at me n I'm 30yrs old single with two sons.. So any way june 2012 its back- its on my feet in im jus praying to god that I dont suffer like last yr cus it messes with my mental smh so now I'm back on the mertro pills again and tryna change my diet cus from what I'm reading I c def no suger. Well I also need support n a cure so we need ppl to do more research on this n its prob one small thing that can kill this disease.. Well if we keep praying hard enough god will hear our crys.. Anyone can help me plz call I'm desperate at this point 518-271-1347 thx natia shim:(

Posted by Rswuniontown (Uniontown, Oh) on 05/09/2012

I, too, have Lichen Planus in my mouth and also systemically. I have been taking Boron at 3 mg./day with no change. I also take LDN and have started the low Oxalate diet, along with many supplements, but no change. Are you taking the 1/8 t. 20 Mule Team Borax in 1 liter of water per day? Is there anything besides the Vitamin C you are taking? I would love to get rid of this but haven't found much that makes a difference. Thanks for posting and please update if you can.

Posted by Live~n~well In Aptos, Ca (Aptos, Ca/usa) on 05/07/2012


I've had Oral and Vaginal LP for the past 9 years. In the begining it use to come and go and I would use Clotbetisol until it gave me a mouth full of thrush and then use Difulcan to get ride the thrush. Eventually, the oral LP worsed and no longer went away. I've lived the past 6 years with a WHITE tongue and mouth and the incredibly uncomfortable Valigal symptoms. It eventually escallated to my stomach and I've developed additional autoimmune issues, mostly food allergies, a thyroid issue, and my system is over come with Chronic Candididis. Everything upsets my mouth and stomach now and I eat a "very" limited diet. Although I'm very healthy, my diet is VERY restrictive.

2 years ago I was seen at an LP Special Study at UCSF, under went patch test, biopsies, numerous blood tests, swab tests, and monthly appointments and was given Placquinel which I have been on since... 2 years now. After a year on it my eyes started weakening and I was told that this might happen.

April brought about some stress for me and triggered a massive upheavel for my LP both types.

In desperation, I searched the internet to find this fabulously informative website. I immediately started a Borax treatment and honestly within hours saw a huge difference in my mouth! For the 2nd and 3rd days I experienced yeast "die off" as a raging sore throat, I added Asorbic C, and made it thru the brainfog, headaches, and muscle fatigue. However now I'm experiencing bloody nasal junk... It this part of the cleansing?

How long should I remain on the treatment? Are there any reactions that I need to be aware of or watch out for?

The treatment has literally blown me away as today is my 7th day and my mouth is a beautiful pink color my other areas feel much better and I look forward with exultation to reading more about what other people are experiencing and getting feedback.

Is there an area for Dr. Tom's treatments?

Thank you,

Live~N~Well In Aptos, CA

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Debbie (Nobleton, Florida) on 04/18/2012

I have been fighting sores mostly on my arms for 3 months now. The inside of my mouth and tongue are very sensitive. After this long, I decided to research the condition because it just wasn't going away. I finally come to the conclusion that it has to be lichen platus. I remembered when I was a child, doctors used to recommend sulpher tablets for various issues affecting the skin, such as impitigo. I just went on the net and ordered some. I will let you guys know how it works. I have confidence.

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Askbeforeyouact (Las Vegas, Nv) on 03/28/2012

The one thing I've learned through my 50 plus years is never trust your doctor. Ask all the questions you can and get as many different opinions as you need! No two people react to the same remedies in the same way, so find out what works for you and stick with it! How many times have you been to the Doctor and he has said, try this and if it doesn't work come back and see me. It's your body and money, spend both of them wisely, you only get 1!

Vitamin E Oil
Posted by Dima Nesh (Amman, Jordan) on 02/12/2012

Vitamine E for Lichen Planus -- I'm going to make this short and simple. I've been dealing with stress for the past 5 years and that's when my symptoms started to show. In 2007 my first Lichen Planus breakout started to show on the inside of my wrists. I tried every medication and every cream there was. I was using vitamine E oil for my face at the time because I always read it was good for the skin so I decided to give it a try. I popped the capsule and spread the oil on the inside of my wrists and I cannot remember how they totally faded away.

I've been using it for the past 2 weeks since my recent outbreak and I have noticed a dramatic change. No itching, no redness. The rash starts to fade away by becoming brownish color. I'm using one capsule a day every day.

I do not guarantee it will work on every person because I think it depends on the severity of the outbreaks but you should definitely give it a try.

I hope it works out for all of you looking for a cure.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Liveinthepresent (Walnut Creek, California) on 01/02/2012

I was diagnosed with Oral Lichen Planus several months ago by my ENT. In reply to the oral manifestation of Lichen Planus, I can only speak for what has worked for me, but it seems many others share similar beneficial results. One common denominator appears to be pro-inflammatory foods, and I would add that another trigger seems to be stress.

I noticed many of my leukoplakia lesions quite literally "sloughed" off by chewing raw garlic all day (which has potent natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties). Garlic in combination with a vegetable and fruit (fruits like strawberry and blackberry) heavy diet seemed to keep my symptoms at bay, but once I introduced sugar and baked foods (a lapse during a holiday celebration), my plaques and lesions came back. I knew it had to be the refined sugars and processed carbohydrates because as soon as I eliminated them, and started chewing garlic and drinking green tea again, my symptoms went away (i.e. the oral lesions).

The other thing that seems to exacerbate my symptoms is fixation on my jaw/mouth, and stress. When I'm stressed, I have the bad habit of concentrating tension in my mouth, and getting dry mouth. These habits are definite triggers, as any time I fixate on that area, or have inordinate amounts of stress, physical symptoms appear in my mouth. When I take things to control my cortisol (things like L-Theanine with Relora), or work on relaxation techniques preoccupying myself by keeping stress away from my jaw and mouth and out of my body in general, the symptoms subside. The difference is a marked, pronounced decrease in Lichen Planus lesions and ulcers.

In combination, both stress relief and a strict diet that eliminates refined sugar and carbohydrates seems to be my "cure" if you can call it that. I'm conscious of eating a healthier diet now, and keeping stress at bay, as both appear to be a 2-pronged effective therapy. I highly recommend that people add garlic, and cool (not hot) green and black tea to their diets. I saw noticeable results doing both.

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