Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cali Girl (Sacramento ) on 03/10/2014

I had mites for almost two years. At first I had no idea why I was itchy tickley. I found this website and it was clear what was wrong.

I tried the borax under water with a snorkel etc., the mustard scrub in my soaps and swabbing with alcohol and tea tree oil, all gave some relief but did not get rid of the mites.

In June of last year at the coersion of my family I stopped taking HRT (mainly for hourly hot flashes) and started a couple of other things. I started taking Boron pills once in the morning and once before bed. I also took a sauna at the gym for 20 minutes 4 times a week. After about a month the tickles were gone, not in my nose, eyes, eyebrows or scalp.

I occasionally get itches on my head but nowhere else. I am not sure which one of these things got rid of them because it happened all at once.

I hope this helps, don't give up hope.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Guyb (Reading, Uk) on 11/25/2013

Try the following, nothing else worked in my experience, but this worked:

1) 100% tea tree oil
2) 100% alcohol Buy large quantities. Mix the two; apply to every itch. Apply to eyebrows and eyelashes, but be especially careful using alcohol near your eyes!
3) Neem oil. Add some to bath ; it will bring them out of the hair follicles. Don't bathe before bed, because all the young ones will come out and start to itch, so you need a couple of hours to treat them. Adding nice smelling essential oils will help neutralise the bad odour of the neem oil . Submerge head fully.
4) Bleach Add a few capfuls to bath for immediate relief, but not to be used more than once every few days. Wash your clothes and bedding every day.

If you're reading this, you're probably going through hell. I feel for you. Doctors probably won't help, so don't waste your time. It took me months to work this out, but trust me, this should help you get your life back. Good luck :)

Biting and Crawling Mites
Posted by Erik (Honolulu) on 02/18/2015

It sounds like my family has the same thing you and Lynn have, we've been fighting this mite infestation for 2.5 months and we're nearing our wit's end. We did get rid of them on our bodies for a short while when visiting California at Christmas, we just went through a heavy decontamination protocol and were free of itching within a couple days. We used over-the-counter bug bombs in the apartment before we left, and it sat for two weeks so we thought we'd be coming home to a deadzone. Not so, as soon as we entered the apartment it was back to itching and crawling sensations. The worst part of it is our 1-year-old is itchy a lot as well but we can't use the strong eucalyptus soap on her scalp as often because she doesn't know to close her eyes. It will get you clean of mites temporarily, but burns like a muther in your eyes. Also have been using DE but that doesn't seem to slow these buggers down much except for around bed posts, I think we've been getting less in the bed with that. We then tried Cedar Oil fogging, three times now, and this third time we baged/boxed/binned just about everything we could. Already feels like they're crawling on us...they must have hidden away in the cracks in the floor/walls. These things are vicious and extremely strong survivalists. I hope someone was able to find an actual solution to this, I may have to send my wife and kid to live with the in-laws for a few months to try and deal with this.

As for those talking about immune system stuff, I'm probably healthier than just about anyone they know. Thirty years old, former NCAA Div 1 athlete and still can run a sub-16 5k, eat organic and body surf at the beach on weekends. These mites don't care how healthy you are, they just want to eat you.

Neem Oil
Posted by Tami (Auburn, Maine) on 01/14/2012

I got Bird mites from my son's parakeet. The bird also gave them to my cats who gave them to me. I washed my cats first in blue Dawn dish soap then in Neem Pet Shampoo. The next day their fur was already growing back.

Doctor's thought I was crazy and they wouldn't help me so I used the pet shampoo on myself because I saw that it was organic with all natural ingredients I figured what could it hurt. It helped me too. Now I found out that there is also a internal neem leaf product that can help rid you from the inside out of these pests. I can't wait to try it. I think that Neem is going to be my new best friend I hope this will help some of you that desperately need it. Tami

Posted by G (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 12/23/2011

Topical Garlic for Mites


Crush 4 large cloves of garlic & macerate with mineral oil(baby oil) or bath oil(bath oil is a soluble mineral oil, & for this application, worth the cost)

Let the mix steep for several hours, then crush through a fine sieve.

For mineral oil, add a little liquid soap or bath wash, to emulsify with water.

Add enough water to make the mix liquid, especially if you want to spray it on. Add some lemon juice to reduce the smell ( it does smell! The active part is apparently the smelly part, so no luck there). It may burn, so add as much water as you need.

Rub the mix wherever the mites are. They hate it & it kills them. They seem not to come back. Any further bites just rub with the oil, or hold them down with a garlicky finger. Mine would attach to the skin so I needed to scrape them back with a fingernail.

My infestation is probably bird mites & is highly resistant to permethrin products (applied in concentrations both absurdly high & totally irresponsible) & slightly deterred by tea tree oil but the garlic mix gets a whopping 9 dead bugs out of 10 for stopping power & revenge value.

Keep away from eyes!

The is adapted from a Depression era insecticide recipe which works really well.

Garlic stores it's winter food just above the ground, where all the bugs & bacteria live, so it's chemical protection needs to be good. The mite family has 50 000 species & pre-dates insects, so they know a thing or two about adapting to local conditions.

Hope this helps you murder those suckers.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 04/21/2013

HI U GOD FEARING PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , ,

Well, I'm free of my mites. It was an interesting chore. At first I had no clue. The bumps were just erupting all over my body. I am SJS so it took me a few weeks to figure out what was going on. I first went to my regular doctor and he gave me Premethrin, which is useless as tits on a bore shoat. The mites eat this as dessert.

I learned that mites die at 120 degrees so I began a FIR sauna that was between 150 and 170 degrees. Following that I took a bath using 16 oz of H202 , a cup of Borax and a cup of Epson Salt. Half-way through the bath, I coated my body down with the strongest Cayenne Pepper sauce I could find. What lots of folks don't know is that Cayenne pepper is a natural insecticide. Then I coated my body down with what is equivalent to grain alcohol. None of this is original with me. I got all this off the internet. Listen up good folks, people on the internet will tell you their woes and you need to listen. Some are out in left field but you can figure that out pretty quick. One thing that I did as a Ch E is to buy the 10% Permethrin from the Co-op which is used for animals. I put that on the spots that I knew there were mites and coated that with DMSO gel. DMSO is the strongest solvent there is and will take whatever stuff you got to the problem. I also coated my body with H2O2 and Borax as Ted suggests.

My wife washed my sheets, clothes, and towes, etc. Every day with hot, hot water and borax. I think the thing that killed my critters is heat. I have spent the money to take care of all our old age problems like a Fir sauna and a Ozone generator.

I finally got to see a dermotologist and he put me on a total body jel , Triamcinolone Acetonide. However, the game was over. I had killed the crtitters with natural products. I do think that the sauna heat is what got the little devils.

I took specimans to the Dermotologist but initially he had no clue , so I may not have had scabies. I will let you know in a week or so.

Is life interesting or what ? ======RH=======

Thank you Earth Clinic for spreading the word.

Posted by Heather (Az) on 10/08/2020

There are thousands of different mites and they can definitely live longer than two days without a host....some can live 10 months or probably longer d. gallinae.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Bug Bitten (Lake Roosevelt, Az) on 09/04/2011

Take Rx Ivermetctin-single dose, may repeat in 7 days. If you don't get rid of the source it will never go away! Here are my tips for dealing with mites. To clean yourself: Mites hate menthol, sulphur or salts. Shampoo your hair with Head & Shoulders with menthol-main ingredient is pyrithione zinc. Lather your hair first, put in ear plugs, baby oil your face & eyelids- then get in a bath of 1 cup epsom salts & 1 cup borax. Add baby oil-the oil slick keeps mites from escaping the tub. The mites will try to creep up into your hair, but you've already lathered it. Soak 20 min-1 hour. THEN get into the shower, re-wash with sulphur based soap-like Walgreen's Purifying Bodywash. Rinse hair with vinegar. Oil skin with baby oil or skin so soft-do private areas first, because the mites will run like crazy away from the oil. Sprinkle Gold Bond Powder (menthol) between the sheets.

To clean house: Wash everything in hot water daily-clothes-linens. Everything else goes in a plastic bag x 3 days. Vaccuum your bed, get mite proofed casings for mattress, boxsprings & pillows. Throw out all feather pillows/ comforters. An air purifier reduces food source for mites. Wipe walls/baseboards with vinegar. Spray baseboards with an insecticide. Throw out magazines/newspapers. De-clutter, clean daily. Whenever you feeling crawling-get into the shower & scrub! Don't be lazy and you'll be free of mites in no time!

Posted by Lakota (Paha Sapa, South Dakota, Usa) on 05/16/2010

borax/dermodex mites

Hello, im new to all this but im so glad i found this site. I found it through searchs at i knew i was dealin with nanoinsects and iv been using the exact measurements of borax and alittle Hydrogen Peroxide with a liter of water that Ted says to do. Iv been on it for about 5 days now and many many of the dermodex mites came to the surface of my skin. Its really gross, its all over my arms, shoulders and back. All over my stomach and legs. I dont know how i got it but i know i had it for many years since iv suffered from eczema all my life, im 27 yrs old now.

I really hope this stuff works quickly because as of right now i dont even want to go to the store. I got long sleeves but its really bad. I took a few baths with borax and i know its working. I always wanted to get to the source of the problem and attack it but i never found out how till now. No matter how long it takes i hope to be cleansed of all these nasty bugs. I also wanted to write and thank you for leading people to the truth and what most doctors wont tell us. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.


EC: More info on borax can be found here:

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jane (Kanata, Ontario, Canada) on 04/20/2009

In response to:

Posted by Camron (Elizabethtown, Ky) on 03/04/2009
0 out of 5 stars
I used ACV to try and cure candida, i'm not really sure if i have a candida problem but after taking any amount, even 1 teaspoon in water, my face will turn red and feel warm. Mainly my cheeks. Is this a reaction between candida and the ACV?

It's not Candida, it's probably the Human Demodex:

It sounds like you have a mild case of rosacea. Try Ted's recipe of 50/50 of Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide to kill the human demodex mites. We all have these mites but those who naturally have oilier skin seem to be an ideal host for this parasite.

I have used the following routine which cleared up rosacea in less than a week. My face was full of blackheads, whiteheads, puspules, after I had a stressful minor accident or around PMS. My face felt like I had a sunburn with minor itching, especially on my cheeks. I've always had flare ups on my T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) but noticed blackheads spreading on my cheeks. Benzoyl Peroxide did not help - it caused more flaky skin - dry and oily skin at the same time. Also, my eyes felt like there was always something in it - like a eyelash or grit. One eye was puffy especially in the morning.

My doctor prescribed Topical Metronidazole and to wash with a mild beauty bar soap. Also to wear sunscreen daily.

Day 1: Evening at Bedtime: Topical Metronidazole (0.75%) all over the face including eyebrows and eye lashes, and eye lids. Effect: Felt tingling for less than 5 minutes then nothing. Slept a very deep and restful sleep.

Morning Day 2: Red flushing of cheeks gone. Washed face with mild beauty bar, as directed by my doctor. Skin felt and looked better than the day before. Applied Topical Metronidazole all over. Applied a light mineral powder for makeup coverage.

Evening Day 2: By dinnertime, face was quite an unpleasant greasy feeling but the redness was subsiding but new pimples appeared but looked like they were healing except for one. According to the lifecycle of the human demodex mite, this was normal - the immune system is trying to fight the mite as the mite is dying off in large quantities. That evening, washed face just with the beauty bar twice in a couple of hours. Then applied the Topical Metronidazole at bedtime. No tingling on cheeks but, boy, the eyebrows, eyelashes, and eye lids felt like things were hopping! Washed face again with beauty bar and reapplied Topical Metronidazole with minor tingling (less than before so it was washed off).

Morning Day 3: Washed face with beauty bar. Applied Topical Metronidazole. Found Ted's recommendation of 50/50 borax and hydrogen peroxide. Washed face with this mixture - cupped hand with the borax and poured H2O2 on it and scrubbed face. Let stand for about 5-10 minutes. Wow! My face felt quite clean and refreshed. Small red dots are disappearing. Large pores are shrinking. Oil on pores appears more normal. Minimized blackheads (extracted some)

Evening Day 3: Washed face with Ted's 50/50 Borax & H2O2. Then followed by the moisturizing beauty bar restoring pH level. Applied Topical Metronidazole at bedtime, again, very active around the eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes. Do not put directly in the eye - just a light film all over the eye area -

Morning Day 4: Had a warm, soak bath with water and 1/2cup borax, 1/2cup H2O2. Bathed and soaked head too. Washed hair with Sensitve Skin Shampoo (containing sulphur - must be active ingredient). Rinsed. Skin is very soft and subtle.

Now the routine is this:

Morning - Wash with 50/50 Borax & H2O2 then follow with the beauty bar soap. Apply sunscreen & light coverup makeup, if required. Wear a hat on sunny days.

Evening - Wash with 50/50 Borax & H2O2 then follow with the beauty bar soap. Apply Topical Metronidazole at bedtime.

Weekly - Bathe in borax & H202 in tub.

Diet - I didn't change diet. It's a high fiber diet following the Canada's Food Guide. One cup of coffee, water, green tea and occassionally a carbonated mineral water. Occasional glass of red wine or one beer - no more than that at mealtime. Everyday multivitamin. Looking into Apple Cider Vinegar to improve digestion and pH balance.

Exercise - at minimum 30 minutes daily.

Laundry - wash loads with Borax and laundry soap with 1/2 cup of vinegar scented with lavendar oil as the fabric softener. Wash bed linens once or twice weekly. Change pillowcase daily. Change facecloth daily and body towel every other day.

I've found that Ted's Solution expediated the process with amazing results along side with what my doctor prescribed me.

Also, my home, & car environment:

1) I've always used Borax in my laundry routine, mostly for the whites & underwear load. Will definitely use it for all loads especially bed linens, towels, etc.

2) Washing the bathroom with borax with great results compared to filmy, cholrine-based products (nicer on your hands, for the sensitive skin type!)

3) Why stop at the bathroom, the kitchen looks and feels fantastic!

4) Trying dusting with a microcloth with diluted borax and water I use 15mL borax+1L water. Vacuum often (at least 1-3 times a week).

5) No residue on hardwood floors.

6) Borax and hot water in spray bottle - lightly spraying the mattresses, leather sofa, carpets,etc. Test small inconspicuous area first.

7) Borax is a great cleaning agent for the car interior.

8) Change the furnace air filter monthly. Use a mattress cover on every bed.

9) Get rid of clutter - collects too much dust, especially where you sleep - don't forget the kids rooms too. Put things in labelled boxes and get them out when you want to use them. Otherwise, give away. Speeds up the cleaning routine and is motivating!

10) Last, but most importantly, wash the telephone, computer, light switches, etc. where we share each other's space.

I feel like I have more energy. The general malaise is disappearing (even though I was trying to take care of myself and family with good food & exercise. Everyone else was benefiting except for me). Since I'm getting my sleep, I noticed a decrease in stress (or my ability to cope). Less stress is less havoc on my digestive system. General well-being is improving.

Keep up with this routine as the Human Demodex mite life cycle lasts quite awhile until you feel it's in check. The Human Demodex mite is passed on and is normal (just like dust mites) so please don't obsess, just be informed that this microns have a lifecycle and we just have to keep things in check. The website, ____ was helpful in viewing photos of the gradual process that some people may experience as well as the life cycle of the human demodex mite.


Topical Metronidazole (Prescription 60mg for $36 CDN)
Beauty Bar - less than $2 each, package sizes vary
Borax $4-5 a box (grocery or pharmacy store)
Hydrogen Peroxide $1 at dollar store or pharmacy
Sensitive Skin Bubble Bath & Shampoo, $1 at dollar store

Wow - for around $50 and some cleaning muscle, this acne and rosacea causing mite called the human demodex can be controlled and minimized to minimize outbreaks. Thank you Ted for posting the 50/50 Borax/Hydrogen Peroxide Solution!

I wish it works well for you! Good Luck!

Essential Oils
Posted by John (Massachusetts) on 02/19/2015

Holy cow.

It's been a week of torture, but I've had to research and adapt. The most helpful thing thus far is -- well, I asked myself, who has the greatest incentive to defeat these suckers in a cost effective manner? You guessed it -- poultry farmers.

They have the answer. I share what I learned from them, as well as others. I need to experience this torture as a blessing from my Higher Power. Here we go.

Disclaimer -- I'm still waiting for Pest Control to remove the birds/bird's nest in my bathroom vent that is the source of this madness. After that operation, I have another Pest Control outfit that will nuke my unit two/three times over the course of 18 days.

Here we go, for real.

Disclaimer #2 -- I can feel these things in my ear. as if they are burrowed outside it. I will attack them internally, as well as externally. Oh yeah.

NOW, here we go, for real.

Last night, I made two potions.

1. Two cups water, 1 cup cooking oil, 1 table spoon of dish washing liquid -- in a 20 oz bottle at least -- shake it up. BAM -- instant miticide. Kills them INSTANTLY. DON'T spray walls, it'll stain. I use it in the bathroom, kitchen, wood floors.

2. 1 oz. garlic juice, 10 ounces of water, 1 tea spoon of peppermint oil. Bam -- instant mite repellent. Spray this all over your bed sheets and pillows. Don't spray your lap top! It killed mine. I needed to throw it out anyway. Yet, another sign from my higher power.

Also, I drank a glass of cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and Apple Cider Vinegar.

Smear your head, neck, and parts of your face with Vick's Vapo Rub and a few drops of eucalyptus oil -- and wear a shower cap while you sleep. Do NOT get this in your eyes. It stings like holy h%ll.

Sprinkle tobacco leaves in your shoes. They HATE tobacco leaves. Sprinkle menthol crystals around you in bed and on top of the sheets.

Oh, I also sleep in a polyester body suit. Spray the garlic potion all over it. My suit is Batman. Yes, it has a cape.

Shower with Dawn, or tea tree oil soap. Air dry or use paper towels. Wear flip flops. Douse them with menthol powder when you get out, as well as your private parts and under your arm pits.

Wash everything in Borax and detergent. Store everything in large ziplock bags, then put them in thick hefty bags.

After ALL of this -- I had the best night's sleep in a while. Woke up only ONCE to reapply the Vick's and Eucalyptus oil. Throw out everything you do not NEED. The worst is not being able to have normal interactions with loved ones. This really SUCKS. I'm not out of the woods yet, but I'm hopeful.

Oh, and -- pray -- a lot. If this doesn't force you to change your life -- nothing will.

God bless us all, John

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Cal (Monroe, LA USA) on 11/14/2008

I have been fighting Demodex brevis mites for a year now - they somehow invaded my meibomian glands in my eyelids after a lot of 'extreme' exposure to ordinary dustmites. Eventually they migrated to my chest, neck and body - even my feet. I could feel needle stabbing sensations in the soles of my feet for gosh sakes!!! I have used tea tree oil a lot, but eventually developed a reaction to it, so had to stop using it. I then used some permethrin 5% from head to foot, and took a round of ivermectin for a couple of weeks. These remedies worked temporarily. My latest and most effective treatment thus far has been a combination of water, peroxide 3% and 20 Mule Team Borax. I also sleep with a wet washcloth on my face, which has really begun to get things moving along. Every time I bathe, I run a warm tub of water and add 1/4 cup of borax and 1/2 cup of 3% peroxide and soak in it for 10 or 15 minutes. I use the same like a rinse after shampooing my hair. At night I put 1/3 peroxide 3%, 3/4 water, 1/2 tsp. of borax in an 8 oz spray bottle, shake it up well until no granules are left, then spray my body down and let it dry without toweling. I then saturate a washrag with same solution, not dripping wet, but wet. I sleep with it on my face, carefully tucking it into the corners of my eyes and around my lids, making sure the washrag covers my face from over the top of my brows, over to my temples, then down to my top lip. This is working well to clear my eyes and face of this parasite..takes a while, but my eyes and face have crusted over and peeled, my eyes have resumed an almost-normal shape, I feel a very small amount of movement around my lids and in my lashes. Also, I drink fresh squeezed lemon juice in my water all day and sometimes I use Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax to the 1 litre of water to alkaline my body. No sugar, overdose on vegetables. Slow, but it seems to be working.

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 07/21/2023

Hi, Christine, The easiest way to get rid of mites, red ants, fleas, spiders, bed bugs is to buy a bag of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Make sure it is FOOD GRADE, ONLY. Sprinkle where you think they are, on you at bedtime strip and cover your whole body.Morning shower yourself and so this 2 more nights. They should be all gone, If you have parasites you can put 1/2 teaspoon in warm water in coffee-cup and drink it every night for 90 nights, to kill of the eggs. Almost every farmer use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth on their livestok. It really kills all little things that I mentioned above.

God Bless Gary

Avon Skin So Soft
Posted by BeverlyP (TN/USA) on 11/11/2022 4 posts

Hello, I have Demodex mites (my diagnosis). I used Avon's pesticide straight from the bottle on my face and almost immediately these white things started oozing out of the skin all over my face! The they were white soft appropriately 1/8 of an inch long mostly round and tubular. After I waited about 20 minutes I thought they were finished. I am guessing there were at least 100! They washed off very easily. About an hour later I went to check on my face and I guess there were about 20 more. I did this pesticide treatment on the day I took my second day of Ivermectin pills. I also take Supercritical Extract of Neem Leaf Oil Capsules 2xd and NAC 2xd. These demons itch me to the bone. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and am definitely immunosuppressed. The amount of itching has improved significantly. The skin on my face is quite dry so I plan to wait a few days or until the severe itching returns to repeat. Can someone please tell me what those white things that came out of my skin were.

Vitamin D
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/17/2022

Vitamin D drops with Sunflower Seed Oil is the cure for Mites!

For the first time in months, I woke up not itching. I did everything—the baths, the Kleen Green, the vacuuming, the laundry, aloe Vera, creams, etc. I even tried the wash with soap and warm water, peroxide, anti itch cream and whitening toothpaste method. I slept that night, but woke up itching like CRAZY! I watched parakeet bird mite video yesterday and a commenter said to put a paper towel with sunflower oil at the bottom of the bird cage and the mites just fall off. I thought, I am allergic to sunflower oil, but do I have any here? I was willing to try ANYTHING at this point. I had a bottle is S_____ Vitamin D drops with sunflower oil and orange flavor which I had been meaning to take back to Natural Grocers.

I opened it last night and took 20,000 IUs of it. I also dabbed some in my spots near my elbow creases to see if any parasites came out. Nope. (My throat was itching a little so I took some Benadryl.) But I almost slept until 10 with no itching! That was a good thing!

The other thing I did differently yesterday was I had pancakes instead of eggs. The mites are after birds, not humans. I was essentially feeding them chickens. No more eggs for a while! The biopsy came back as eczema, and eggs are on the offending food list as well. I am so happy! I just hope more of these bird mites don't hatch! I will keep drinking my C C tea with whole cloves and honey. Cloves stop the hatching of their eggs.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by ana (can) on 02/11/2022

Thank u for this suggestion.
I am using this method too and so far its working
After four months of hell ..pheww
I feel like crying when I read of some people experiencing this for years : (

Posted by Jule Valentine (St Charles, IL) on 07/07/2021


I have run into mites from pets on 3 occasions so far... for me and my family we put 2-3 heaping tablespoons of borax into warm/hot water in a squirt bottle (like the ones used to dye your hair), shake it hard to dissolve, and leave it in the shower... we squirt it on all skin and head after our shower, and we don't remove it. I'd do it again at night to be protected overnight too... I'd add essential oil also to make it a pleasant body tonic/experience. It's been great for stopping the mite attacks on our bodies. Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/16/2021

(N/B. This posting was from Eve (Nv?) .. again from a while ago now - might be more relevant to your situation than the other one I gave you. Tea Tree Oil can be quite strong so be careful and don't underestimate it please-especially with the eyes-get a second opinion).

Sad Story and to think there are millions suffering from the same things! Mine started when I had the final cataract surgery done in NV, first one was done in another State and no problems. The surgeon didn't know what they were so to to make a long story story short, he thought Tea Tree Oil was a new oil, I laughed him almost out of the room, I had used it for 40 years for colds, back pain, and on and on.

Get a good grade of Tea Tree Oil and a Good carrier oil, such as cold pressed Coconut oil, These 2 will be need to be diluted 50/50, shake each time you use it. VERY CAREFULLY, take a Q tip and put the oil on it and pull your eye lids up and down so you can reach each one . Gently touch your lids with oil, and it will sting a bit, that's why you need to pull your lid up or down. After you have put the oil on the lids and you will feel these fools things trying to die, they will make your eye twitch. Then, close your eyes and use the q tip and massage across your upper lids with the oil. It is recommended that you do this every 5 minutes each time your doctor your eyes and do this 3 times each session. I also use saline solution to rinse my eyes out and if you have a fairly strong magnifying glass you will see little specks in eye bowl, switch that round in your eyes several times a day.

These instructions are from a Dr in a medical school in Fl and it was the only thing that killed them and gave me any relief. Since there are so many types of mites, you probably need to work on your home and your car because you carry them everywhere. My relief was straight 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, I sprayed my entire home, walls, floors, bed, clothes and when I get out of a shower I spray my body and if the mites are any place on your body you will feel a sting which will last about 3-5 minutes from the HP killing them. Don't spray your head with the HP as it will break your hair off. Use several drops of Tea Tree Oil in your shampoo every time you shower or bathe. Vac and sweep your floors and carpet frequently and change your bed linens weekly. No easy quick solution to the problem. I just recently found a Pesticide that will kill mites and it is called Onslaught. It's bit expensive, about 39.00 a qt and you need a sprayer for it, not a bottle sprayer, you don' want to get the stuff on your skin or eyes or children nor pets nor plants, it's safe after it dries. BE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY BUT IT WoRKS and will take about 2-3 applications and what a relief!

Just remember you got'em, keep calm but be diligent in doing your work about killing them, GOOD LUCK!

Cheers from Down Under

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by TRACY (KY) on 07/04/2022

Thank you so much for that post. I'm going through the exact same thing I've been to five doctors five different doctors and they all diagnose me as soon as I say I think I have an overpopulation of fights they diagnosed me with a psychosis something delusional a paranoia. It's very disheartening. It's ruining my life my marriage is almost non-existent because of the mites. I can't sleep with my husband because he is 23 years older and I'm afraid that I will give him something. I complain about it everyday because for one it hurts it itches and it just makes me feel very disgusting. I have been going through this for 9 months I cry all the time. I have taken lots of evidence in for them to test and they just act like they want no part of it. Like they don't know what to do with it. They don't even want to look at it much less send it to a lab. These doctors who are supposed to be professional are trying to make me think that I'm crazy and in essence they are the ones driving me crazy. This is hard enough to deal with. And at the age of 51 because they didn't do their job I ended up cutting 11 inches off my hair and I can't even say that without crying. This past year has taken so much from me. And this is not something that you can just talk about with people because then they think you're gross. Because they are uneducated and do not realize that virtually everyone has mites on their body. I too have a weekend immune system and have chronic anemia. As I type this I'm standing here in the bathroom with a clay regimen all over my body and my hair praying to God that this will at least suffocate some of them and get them out of my body. I'm literally at my wit's end. I don't go anywhere I don't do anything because I don't want to infect or infest someone else. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy. The Crawling Sensations into rolling the bugs off of my face and my back are horrible. I'm afraid if I do go somewhere and while I'm talking to someone they'll start running across my face. I can't even hold a job right now because again I don't want to give them to somebody else but also because sometimes the itching is so bad. And it's not a normal itch. It's a different sensation all in its own. My body is creating antigens and antibodies to fight them off, which kind of defeats the purpose for me anyway, because they too crawl. I have been able to capture some really interesting pictures and I've learned a lot about parasitology. I have the follicularium on my scalp in my hair and on my face and my eyelashes and I have the brevis on my chest and my back and groin unfortunately. I virtually shaved off all the hair from my body. I now pencil in my eyebrows and wear a spike. Of All Times be going through a midlife crisis. I look at the mirror and I don't even recognize the person looking back at me. I am so unhappy and so depressed. And I pray to God that He gave me a miracle. And I'm not asking for any kind of spectacular miracle I'm just asking for a doctor that can refer me to someone that is accepting new patients and knows what the heck I'm talking about. Until then I keep searching the internet looking for ways to take care of this myself before I do end up in a padded room. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing your story you have no idea how much you've helped me today. Love in God's name, Tracy

Posted by James (Fl) on 08/11/2017

For mites, you can try a product called NuStock. You can get it at a farm supply place and it's cheap. It is oily and messy, to suffocate mites and has sulfur, too. If you look at sites for chickens and birds you'll see it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rm (Calif) on 07/16/2017

I have tried all of the remedies however nothing really worked except terrain modification for those horrible mites. They say that they like humid and moist areas so I decided to turn my house into the alkaline salt desert. I took out everything that I could accept bear shelving dresser Etc. I put all my books clothing and property in contractor plastic bags and added mothballs and cedar oil to the inside of the bags put them in storage. Not to touch them for a year or more. So I took salt with iodine and covered my floor with it I have ceramic tile. But I'm sure you can do this with carpet or whatever just cover your floor with salt because that's where they crawl and that will dry them up whenever they walk on it. Then I took Epsom salt which is 13% sulfur and I diluted 1/2 of a sprayer bottle with water and epsom salt. Then I proceeded to cover the ceiling and walls with Epsom salt and Bora Bora in water till I had the ceiling walls and Floors covered in salt for ox and epsom salt. No matter where they were they would be completely dried out. Leave it like that for 4 months any eggs that have hatched they will dry out and die. The next thing is to get enzymes they're called Kleen green these enzymes dissolve the exoskeleton of the mites. Killing them. They cannot build immunity to this these enzymes eat protein. I wash my clothes just in Kleen green enzymes. This is one hundred percent natural you can spray it on your person in your car everyday._. This takes a little time for the enzymes to work you can wash your hair with just enzymes you will feel the difference no crawlies nothing after a little time. So I'm at the end of this nightmare. I went from my whole chest being covered and bitten horrible horrible bites. To no bites once in awhile a little crawly then nothing to just sleep all night without any bites is amazing once you get these enzymes on the mites it starts dissolving them. Please try some of these things they will work. Take care and good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Adrienne (West Auckland, New Zealand) on 09/17/2017 6 posts

Adrienne here, I'm in West Auckland, NZ. I am getting there.Still not resolved but better at times.

I have added homeopathy and it is helping more than one would think.

The other treatments I've mentioned above, I've kept on with because they work.

What a journey! All started when I went camping at the end of February '16 (NZs warmest month).

Diatomaceous Earth...Bought from Huckleberrys or Henderson Bird shop.

Flowers of Sulphur bought at Kings Garden Centre.

Homeopathics: Natrum Muriaticum take 2 tabs daily, dissolve in your mouth (Take on an empty stomach).

Sulphur 30c, take 2 drops in a glass of filtered water daily (again on empty stomach).

I wish any who are having this kind of experience all the best! It is hideous to say the least.

Cheers Adrienne

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ladyd (Ontario Ca) on 05/14/2018

Help help I'm fighting a mite infestation for months now. And I'm at my wit's end I have read Orga testimonials from other people I am Junior eats of a teaspoon in water everyday as well as Borax and hydrogen peroxide mix and tannic acid and it says if I'm doing nothing so none of these are working and at this point I would rather be dead than deal with this anymore but I am using three different of your remedies and none of them are working and I have tried tea tree oil diaper rash ointment you name it I have tried it I've almost lost my job it's it's ridiculous please help give me something that will work

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Crystal M. (West Virginia ) on 06/30/2020

Dr Bronners: 18 in 1 hemp peppermint pure castle soap shampoo body wash just be careful not to get in eyes and you can use in laundry fir clothes & bedding and before bed I use a small amount of mentholatum around my eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth and I sprinkle borax detergent in my carpet and spray hot shot bed bug everywhere in my home and car where I feel the bugs are at. It's been 5 Yrs, 3 different exterminators and I've paid for $100 jugs of evictor insect control spray and fumigated myself, it's a lot better now after 5 yrs but we're still dealing with a light infestation.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Anita (Newark, Ohio ) on 04/24/2017

Real cocoa butter works for scars, use religiously. Find it at the dollar stores. Smells good and it will fade scars. Slow process, but works! Good luck.

Remedies Needed
Posted by Myredemption (Wa) on 12/01/2015 5 posts

I have this infestation/infection and it is the "superbug" that Morgellons sufferers refer to. My variation of Morgellons is with superbugs infecting my entire environment, especially clothing and paper material. Its a tiny white superbug that flies extremely fast, mostly to get to my scalp/head. Their existence is manifested by white/black/brown specks and tiny white/black fiber/threadlike material. After dealing with this for 3 years, I believe that I'm more than halfway to being free from this. The challenge lies in having enough money to leave EVERYTHING behind AND to rid most of them from my body. My goal is a clean environment and clothes that is not infested and not having them in/on my body which otherwise would reinfest clothes and my home environment rather quickly.

I think that this superbug is the vector for the organisms/particles that comes out of lesions when essential oils/solutions are applied. For me, it came first, and then ultimately I developed lesions, myiasis in the fingers' nail area, and of course the infestation of my environment. I'll share some insight from my years of observation of this plight and could help others to live again.

My infection began when my neighbor's cat ran into my apartment unnoticed at night as I entered. By the time that I found him, it was curled up and sleeping on my bed. Shortly thereafter, I heard "popping" sounds of something in my ear when going sleep laying on my side with my ear against the pillow. I thought they were harmless earmites of some kind and used over the counter lice permethrin sprays on my bedding. It didn't go away and due to a busy lifestyle, I didn't try to eradicate it, living with it and only dealing with it when I go to bed. Looking back, I saw a lot of people scratching in close proximity. But like everyone, didn't realize that I'm the cause at first; one has to be very observant and conscious to recognize it. Then 6 years later, I got a cat, and made the mistake of letting it go outside and utimately bringing the Morgellon's superbug. I recalled that I felt a "fuzz" when petting her after that day. My cat also brought back a flea infestation and I believe that a flea bite infected me with the Morgellon's/superbug. I also had a couple of mice at the time and this is most likely a part of this developing problem; possibly with mites from the mice. I began noticing that there were white specks EVERYWHERE and continually reappeared despite vacuuming the previous day. Then one day, I woke up from a nap and felt something clogging my nose. I pulled out a clump of long white strandlike material and that brought me to the realization that something was wrong along with an infestation of some kind. I had 4 exterminators come out, telling me that there is nothing but "dust" after showing them the white specks. One of them said they were whiteflies and that they don't treat for agricultural pests. I then started feeling crawling/bites on my scalp, especially when I was in my car. I bought a steam cleaner to clean and kill whatever bugs were in there and strangely black specks and splotches appeared on the fabric that I was steam cleaning. (According to Ted on this site, Morgellons bugs turn black when killed.) There were also strange black, white, and brown specks and smears on my furniture and logically I proceeded to clean. Then I noticed that shortly after cleaning a furniture item, the specks and smears were on them again. I ended up throwing out ALL of my furniture and moved into an apartment that I find out to be infested with Morgellons and ancillary bugs that are attracted to it. I got bites creating an itchy red rash, put hydrogen peroxide on them and black specks surfaced. Strange material/particles appeared on all surfaces in my apartment and I began to feel bites or something landing on my head despite not being in the car. I also got rid of my car, fought property management to get out of the year long lease (and won). But the nightmare had begun. I stopped work due to all the sores/lesions on my face and dedicated all of my time to cleaning and trying to eradicate this infestation. At the time, I didn't know about Morgellons and never thought that these parasites are in my body. I continued to feel the bug bites and crawling feeling on my head. I also had the superbugs on my belongings and they would fly to my head/scalp when I disturbed whatever they were on. I lived in hotels for 6 months moving into a new room every 1-3 days, sold my car, and only had a large bag of belongings. Yet the plight continues. At the time, I realized that I could infest others, especially the people that I cared about and stayed to myself and my girlfriend who strangely wasn't affected at all.

Eventually, I spent all of my savings and maxed out my credit cards due to hotels, living expenses, and buying products to try to eradicate the infestation. I was homeless, unemployed, and lost most of my social circle. This was in Southern California and I had to move back into my mother's place in Seattle. No one believed that I had a bug infestation and family/friends even discussed an intervention for a psychiatric hospital stay. It ended up not happening but I knew then and there that I'm alone in this. I saw many doctors, mainly PCPs and a couple of dermatologists. None were helpful, few even made a close observation of my lesions/sores with all the rest saying that they don't see anything. I was prescribed Hydroxyzine for itch and tubes of steroid gel. Unknown to me, I was eventually diagnosed with Delusional Parasitosis and they put me on Risperidone. I didn't know that it was prescribed for their assumed DP diagnosis and was told that it would help me relax, so I took it. All of my cleaning activity caused the superbugs to infest my fingernail area. There was a white substance under my nails and skin around the nails, which were cracked and white in color. When I clipped the skin off, something would fly out and hit my face along with white grainy particles coming out. My clothes were heavily infested by then, with brown and white specks constantly on most items and the superbugs flying off and hitting my face/scalp. It was hell and I wished that I wasn't alive at times. In my mind, I knew that I couldn't even date or have a family with this condition. Also, I only focused on my environment and didn't consider that my health would be the key to repel the bugs and kill the ones on/inside my body. I moved into my own place and began infesting it, despite all attempts to stop its re-population, with ziplock bags. I knew that I had to work again to earn money for the products that I used. Ultimately, I had infested my workspace - keyboard, chair, carpet, and moniter and was being reexposed each day. People withing 10 feet of me would scratch or cough around my area on the bus. I knew that it wasn't a coincidence because when a lot of the bugs were jumping to my head, a lot of people around me are scratching as well.

Key points and what has helped me:

Now I barely feel bites/crawling from clothes for most of the day. I'm trying to rid them from my body and building up my health and immune system. When I use the bathroom for a number 2, I feel the bugs come out and get back on my head. I feel particles/bugs landing on my face/head. I's disgusting and I have to rid them from my body. I even quit smoking due to this because the bugs will infest my cigarettes and when smoked come flying to my head and face. Even my medications get infested despite being double ziplock bagged in an "airtight" container after repeated openings. My plan is to leave everything behind(since it's all contaminated) and not have enough in/on my body that would otherwise infest new clothes/environment.

- The superbugs fly and their particles are airborne. This dynamic is the most challenging when trying to overcome this variation of Morgellons. Many particles float in the air constantly, emanating from contaminated belongings. It is one of its life stages - possibly nymphs. If you pay attention and look at the "air", you may see tiny tiny particles, which can be seen as a slight white blur. Sure some of it is dust but upon close observation with a dark background, the particles have a CONTROLLED floating pattern. I believe that this is why many people cannot overcome Morgellons. A person continually breathes the particles in and anything that is amongst the particles will become infected. My theory to permanently overcome Morgellons is to get away from the contaminated air as well as the contaminated items. For example, when I buy a new article of clothing and leave it unbagged in my apartment, it will start having specks/superbugs on it within 3 hours. After about 8 hours, it is fully contaminated and if worn, will cause crawling, itching, and biting on my skin and head. This means that wherever I go, there is a cloud of particles that envelopes/float around me. Not to be funny but think of Pigpen in the peanuts comics. This is why people will scratch and cough/sneeze when I am within 5 feet of them and on a bad day with infested clothing, 10 feet. This means that on the day of leaving everything behind SOMEONE WHO IS NOT INFECTED has to bring clothing to me; anything that I'm within 5 feet of for an extended period of time will be infected. Even ziplocked items are not fully protected over time. When the bag is opened, particles/bugs will float in and reinfest. This airborne aspect is why cleaning can be futile, because the airborne particles will just re-infect a cleaned item when placed in the other side of the room. This also means that I can infect others. I get depressed from minimal contact with family. I don't socialize much and don't have friends due to discomfort being around others in the same place for an extended period of time. My concern is that when they realize that they scratch while being around me, they will know that I have an infection of some kind.

- Cleaning needs to be done while the entire body is protected or covered. Keep in mind that some items cannot be cleared/rid of parasites. There are items, esp plastics where I have sprayed with a killing solution, poured boiling water on, and then rinsed only to still be infected evidenced by a white film shortly thereafter. Cleaning is basically moving particles/bugs from one place to another and it could be to YOU. The problem is when they are disturbed, they will become airborne and land on your body as well as being breathed in at a high concentration. I use Ted's recommended Tetrasodium EDTA/Ammonium Chloride formula to kill the bugs. Kleen Green purchased on Amazon ($75 + $19 shipping for a gallon of concentrate) works well too and I take a bath in it. It kills the bugs (EDTA is better at killing) and forms a protective barrier on the body when air dried. The problem while cleaning is when the solutions are sprayed on any surface, the live ones will fly at me. Their other particles will go into the air exactly where I'm at and breathed in. I plan on moving in a month and therefore decided to only do spot cleaning and not disturb the others. If I were to stay, I would spray EVERYTHING, including walls and ceilings in one cleaning session.

- These superbugs/Morgellons go INSIDE my body and will come out while on the toilet. I fear that it is also in other fluids, if you get what I mean. I'm theorizing that if my immune system is strong, then it will eradicate some of them. The other ones need to be driven out.

For building the immune system:

- Eating minimal carbs/sugars and consuming a healthy diet esp. vegetable/protein.

- Taking Vitamin D: 10,000 IU/day. There is a book about the author taking 10x the daily recommended dosage everyday for a year and most of his health problems - arthritis, high cholesterol, etc were gone.

- Taking Glutathione, which is produced by the body to rid toxins. The most effective product to induce Glutathione production is MaxOne GXL Glutathione. This is key to building my body back up. According to Wikipedia: Glutathione (GSH) is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi, and some bacteria and archaea, preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides and heavy metals.

- Taking Cholorella (cracked cell wall) 8,000 mg/day. It is a green algae superfood high in chlorophyll, protein, antioxidants and minerals. It's widely used for its properties to stimulate and enhance the immune system, and reducing radiation treatment side effects by increasing white blood cell counts. In addition to this it has a chelating effect (getting rid of metals) which will help clean the bioterrain in my body. NutriGuardian's Chlorella found on Amazon has the highest mgs for the money.

- Taking a probiotic. This is to develop and maintain a strong immune system with the gut's good bacteria. The gut is a main component of our immune system and probiotics will help with nutrient absorption. I take 5 medications and they inhibit efficient absorption of nutrients. I chose a liquid form of probiotics (SCD Essentials Liquid) with the two main genus groups: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Although there are others in there, broad spectrum probiotics will have these two groups. I found it on Amazon as well.

- Supplementing my diet with a multivitamin superfood powder to optimize my health. It goes without saying that a vegetable rich supplement is healthy. I use Amazing Grass Green Superfood Alkalize and Detox in a drink.

- Alkalizing with Ted's formula, mine consists of 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a regular sized drink bottle. I drink this twice a day, 30 min. after a meal. Parasites have a hard time living in a neutral PH body so this is a key step.

- Killing/ridding bugs from my body with Ted's formula which consists of a capful of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and 1/4 tsp (I added more) of Food Grade Borax.

- Expelling and repelling superbugs with Essential Oils formula. I found this here at Earth Clinic and it works! A person in an interview said that he/she was cured from Morgellons with this. It consists of 5 drops (I do 7) of the following essential oils with a water chaser after each oil. They are: 1. Clove Oil, 2. Cinnamon Cassia Oil 3. Lemon Oil, 4. Red Thyme Oil, 5. Oregano Oil, 6. Rosemary Oil. Use 3x/day and it's 3 days on, 2 days off.

- I take Biotin which helps with a healthy metabolism and creating important enzymes. Biotin is often used to strengthen hair and nails, and is also called Vitamin H (for hair). Since Morgellons affects the skin and the superbugs will bite/burrow into the skin, it's important to maximize it's strength. Many systems benefit from biotin including the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism and cells.

- Vitamin C - 3,000 mg/day. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, good against toxins in this Morgellon's fight.

- Wormwood Tincture - 3 dropper-ful/day. This helps drive out the superbugs/Morgellons. Wormwood is known to help the body produce an environment that is toxic to harmful organisms. It is also a powerful antioxidant and aids digestion.

Other Helpful Tips -

- Using an Electric Pressure Cooker for my clothes, with a wash cycle in the washing machine IMMEDIATELY after the cooking has ended. This will eliminate most of the bugs and will feel comfortable when worn. If you let it sit in the cooker, it will be reinfested due to bugs settling on the inside of the lid/top as well as the rest of the cooker. I hang dry if possible assuming there is enough time to dry before use. I cook clothes the night before it is worn. A pressure cooker gets the temp. higher than boiling water. This rids the parasites from clothes by killing and MAINLY driving them out of clothing items. Borax didn't work for the superbugs that has infested my clothes. I even boiled some clothes only to find that some were still alive and clothes still uncomfortable to wear. So I thought...why not cook them at an even hotter temperature. I bought a 10 quart electric pressure cooker found on Amazon (this was the largest one for electric ones that I found. Anything bigger would be an autoclave.) and in one session can treat a pair of jeans, 2 boxers, a t-shirt, and a sweater. That's one outfit, which I cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I make sure that there is at least 1/4 fill of water in the pot. WARNING: DO NOT USE IN YOUR HOME, USE OUTSIDE WITH ENOUGH DISTANCE FROM YOUR HOME. This is because A LOT of the superbugs will come out of the pressure cooker during cooking despite the lid being locked. They come out from under the lid and through the steam vent on every pressure cooker. I first used it in my apartment hallway and now is infested badly. Didn't think they would come out but they do. The area around the pressure cooker WILL BE INFESTED due to cooker use, so place accordingly. If you don't have an outlet, I recommend a generator to power the pressure cooker placed far enough from your home.

- Using a Far-Infrared Sauna to sweat out toxins and kill the bugs/Morgellons in the body. If you are not familiar with it, Google it. After each use, I feel super clean and bug free.

- Wear a bandanna, beanie, or other head gear whenever possible. My head is shaved and the bugs aim to go to my scalp when I'm in a badly infested environment or when cleaning. It's important to not allow more to burrow into the head. I believe that in addition to electrostatic energy attracting the Morgellons/superbug to the head, that these are socially oriented organisms communicating and ATTRACTING more to where a group/nest is. For example, if I spray EDTA/Ammonium Chloride to kill them on a sleeping bag, the ones that are still alive are all in clumps together.

- Use Nature's Gift Debriding Soap to kill and extract the bugs/Morgellons from the skin. Non-toxic and natural. It works very well and turned my situation around. The first time that I applied it to my scalp without diluting, there was a big purge of Morgellons/bug particles/specks with clumped up fibers that are round and thick in the middle. In fact, I applied regular lotion later on that day and it REACTIVATED the purging while I was on the bus. The moisture will reactivate and I felt tingling along with some crawling sensations on the head. Then fibers and particles dropped to my lap. There was a fan that the bus driver turned on above my head and it blew all the particles everywhere. Oh well. I use it full strengthen on infected areas to kill the bugs. In fact, my infected finger are now finally cured after 3 years. Apply and use a pumice stone to scrape biofilm/dead skin off infected body parts. Dilute it and use in the ears; I move my head around to get the solution flowing into all the space in the ear canal. I hear loud popping indicating dying bugs and after about 15 minutes, rinse my ear out with a spray from the shower head. Using Clinere earwax picks will extract dead ones as well after rinsing. I've ordered another bottle and will cover my entire body with it for 30 min. or more if necessary. You will feel the bugs move around trying to get away from the soap inside your body. For me, they exited out of my toes. I always felt them crawling up my leg to a certain spot and saw a cut/scrape there and realized that they crawl up my calf and enter the body in the spot. I don't remember scraping that spot and wonder if the superbugs/Morgellons created it. Thus be sure to seal all wounds.

- My keyboard was always getting infested and they jump at my face, along with particles floating above the keyboard, infecting my hands while typing. I searched and found WASHABLE KEYBOARDS on Amazon. I scraped money up and got the best one which is by Logitech and is truly washable.

I hope that all of this helps and please share if you know something that can help us. This is the only way for us to overcome these parasites/Morgellons; I felt the need to spend a few hours typing this up because what goes around comes around. Doctors aren't helping so we need to help each other. My email is socal2wa (at) gmail

Sodium Bicarbonate Baths, Flowers of Sulphur
Posted by Carolyn (Penzance Cornwall, Uk) on 09/29/2015

Mites: I was infested by some ducks that I rescued & I found that a strong (3 mugs) of bicarbonate of soda in a bath helped. I allso took bicarb (1/2 tsp) 2x a day as they hate low ph blood. Then dust yourself ALL OVER with flowers of sulfer. Dust your bed as well. Then mix kleen green & Dr Bronners Sal Sudds as a liquid soap & just keep on washing with it. I never thought I would be rid of the little blighters but me & the birds are all nice & mite free now. Persistence is the key.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Il Suffer (Usa ) on 06/16/2015

I have been reading this forum since after my third doc visit for these mutes

During the holidays a relative of mine that works in health care from another state totally infected almost the whole family. I was infested from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I thought since I had gotten scabies in the 1970s and was rid of it less than a week with some super cleaning, washing clothes/sheets and using the prescibed meds from the doc we would all be fine. Well, this is the middle of June and we still are not rid of this nightmare. Seems Its just me and my grand-daughter that can not get rid of it. I have thrown out 2 sets bed mattresses and box springs , clothes and now my livingroom carpet. I bathe 2 times daily in Borax, ACV, Esalt, clove bud oil and spray Kleen Green on our bodies and every thing we wear.I vacume daily. I use clove bud oil on where I see red bumps . I use diatomaceous earth food grade on my bed sheets everynight and change them every day. Wash clothes in amonia and let them soak hours or over night. My family thinks I am nuts and its just "Fuzzys" they see. Well, believe me its NOT fuzzys..... I get these pin pricks from bites constantly. They are in denial! My relative also still has them also. I do not know if I get rid if them and someone keeps bring them back in. I feel them under my skin. My feet are the worst. I put olive oil 3T with 3/4 tsp clove bud oil on them every day and night after my baths. My stomach and under my breasts I get stuff out daily. I have used every concoction on the internet. I will say that tea tree oil mixed with diatomaceous earth food gradegrapeseed oil did NOTHING. I have covers on all mattresses and box springs. I see the doc again on Friday and an scared to death she is going to think I am nuts. I get black things out of my skin daily. They make look like small eye lashes, black dots or feel like salt. They are different stages I get off me. Some days are better than others. I pray and try to get healing at least for my grandaughter. I have taken every supplement on the internet to help.

I go see the doc and a few days. I am so embarressed. We stayed a way from people for months. Now, before I go out of the house any where I shower, spray Kleen Green on me again and wash my tennis shoes. I aways wash all our clothes daily.

I do not have any more burrows and neither does my grand-daughter. I am not understanding why we are still getting things out of our skin and the biting. Hand Sanitizer will help get the ones out of my hand with a lot of rubbing.

I am not infested like I was but, when will this end?

5 %Permethrin and 12 mg ivermectin were not of any help at all from first application.

Any on can help me totally get rid of these it will be a blessing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steven (Nevada, US) on 04/01/2015

Last night I slathered myself with some old Olive Oil that I had infused with Garlic. Overnight the difference in the wounds left by these critters were significantly better. I believe that the Olive Oil may serve to smother them, as it has a tendency to clog pores. But the garlic serves to kill and heal. I let it sit for 5 minutes and then I washed it off with Lavender Castile Soap.

Also have been showering once a day. Once with a sulfur soap bar. Rinsing with a mixture of 50/50 vinegar and water. Soaking once a day in a Borax and Epsom salt tub of water.

After washing I've been covering myself with a lavender lotion that I added more Lavender to. Yesterday I added Lavender to my Neem Hair Conditioner. Whenever I get a biting sensation, I dab on some Oregano Oil. It is a feel good burn.

I will also add garlic to infuse the Raw Coconut Oil that I added Tea Tree Oil, Lavender and Oregano Oil to already. As I am never ceased to be amazed by Garlic. Garlic is again my favorite food of all time.

I still have some progress to make, since I haven't quit the coffee habit. However, I have been eating two cloves of raw garlic everyday. Along with my Raw Apple Cider Vinegar routine of 3 tablespoons with 8 ounces of water. Also started doing 5 drops of Oregano Oil regularly, as I was doing this infrequently. I've also started drinking Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 teaspoon on 8 ounces water once a day.

I was already doing Turmeric every day and have continued.

I washed all of my clothing in Kleen-Free enzyme concentrate. I will continue by adding either vinegar or Borax to my laundry.

No alcohol, no fast food or sugar.

Garlic Rules!!! I had already planned on growing it on my property in Colorado one day when I get the house built. However, it will be accompanied by even more herbs!!!

Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 01/01/2022 2165 posts


Silver is not an exceptional killer of mites and its effects vary significantly depending on the type of mite. It does kill mites in a dose dependent manner, but povidone iodine is probably a more potent mite killer.


Posted by Sharon (Tampa) on 08/19/2015

Hi folks, sorry for the delay, as l post and then forget to look for questions. Thank you again Ted for your oxyclean and borax mix for my pomeranians. l used it on myself when l had nothing else!!! l have used lamp oil, low-odor kerosene(stinks), low odor lighter fluid, turpentine, and Lysol spray to kill them fast. l have sprayed the lighter fluid in my autos everywhere but the glass(didn't feel like cleaning the glass). l tried de-stinking the lighter fluid with essential oils, eucalyptus, and any of the tree-scented ones, but got the best results on odor with a cookie-scented oil. Sweet smells the best, and petroleum products do smell, l have only electric appliances in my house, and caution using around any gas appliances. l have used lighter fluid on everything in my house, and, every inch of my body, in my nostrils, eyelashes, raw spots- over and over on spots that take 14 days to heal, and then revitalize the skin with oil baths, or udder ointments at night, which are thick with lanolin. I like the lighter fluid best for my scalp, but l sometimes use a mix of half citric acid powder and half water in a glass to pour over my scalp with my head back, work with my nails into my scalp until the itching stops, and then shampoo as usual. DO NOT GET INTO YOUR EYES. Burns!!!! L have been re-infected some 9 times now from relatives visiting occasionally who are in total denial that they have the mites. Can anyone tell me how to convince them once and for all. l had settled back to wait for their 3rd year of infestation to show up the worst, but they all moved within the year, and l have grandbabies suffering. As you know the doctors have no clue, and these mites are imitators and can barely be seen, even when you know what to look for. If your family starts showing ear infections, "psoriasis", running low-grade fevers, etc, know that they are infested, just not allergic enough to suffer as much. l even had one niece who found that psychologist getting his 15 minutes of fame claiming we are all "delusional" and she shared it with my family, so now, of course, l am old (65)and "senile" wink wink. l can tell you my oldest daughter now has "Bell's Palsy" after 3 years infestation with no treatment), and has had constant "chronic severe ear infections". Bell's Palsy happens when a trigeminal nerve has pressure on it-this nerve is located between the neck and the ear, closest to the ear. When visiting 2 years ago, l gave her two #00 capsules l had filled with praziquantal powder, and the next day, she came running to me exclaiming that all her sinus and ear problems had vanished and demanded to know what l had given her. When l told her it was a mite killer, she freaked, and told me l had tricked her and she got all mad. l just took myself home the next day and have been waiting for her to discover for herself that mom might be right. She also has a swelling closing off an artery in her neck by 90%, that the doc said only happens to very old people and was unusual in her age of 44. He is treating it like cholesterol clogging. l am still waiting for her to ask me for real help. These mites can cause all kinds of health havoc, especially fatigue. Well, wishing you all success, Sincerely, from the old mite buster.

Dry Mustard
Posted by Barb (Texas) on 03/16/2016

For the mustard treatment, I used equal parts dry mustard and water. Make a smooth paste and wait for 10 minutes. You can mix it with body wash and with shampoo (maybe equal parts of mustard mix with other wash/shampoo/lotion etc). In the beginning, I mixed it with the wash/shampoo etc, but later, I mixed it with a little coconut oil and "oiled" my scalp and my feet. It appeared to stop the crawling/biting etc in my feet quickly but the scalp took a little longer. It does work and I got the information from this website.

Mite Infestation Bath Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Fort Hood ) on 04/07/2016

Hello, I have been doing tons of research on mites that cats get that transfer to humans. I had found its the cheyletiella mite. It's horrible. I had raked the yard a few weeks ago & shortly after all the sudden started getting bug bites out of no feel like pin poke your skin from inside& bite. Feels like crawling on your skin& jumping around of something you can't see. Also like hairs dragging across your skin lightly. I had itched them so bad I have them all over. I tried everything vinegar, lemon juice, bug spray, disinfectant spray on me, bleach spray, borax, arm & hammer unscented dry soap, baking soda& cleaning everything& washing & vacuuming our throw down rugs, we have tile floors. I just bought Revolution flea meds for all 3 of our cats a few days ago I heard it is the best.

Our cats had the walking dandruff& one keeps pulling his hairs out& one had tons of dandruff my daughter cut her hair in all our cats dandruff area. I had washed them with the borax mixture day before I got Revolution. I spray Lysol everywhere & Sprayed beds& sprinkled arm& hammer soap on beds& in pillow cases & places Around the house. We got the 5% permethrin cream still no luck yet. I had even used nixed before as well all over.

When I was in the shower I saw I had a little left of arm & hammer toothpaste so put that all over me in shower helped relieved it some then put Vicks all over me after shower. Gonna keep using the arm & hammer toothpaste everyday buying more & gonna buy regular listerine to spray on me & around house as well I heard its good on mites. I had even used the queen Helene mud mask it helped some. I ordered some cedar oil essence from swansons vitamins to spray around house & on me cuz mite hate it & will close the pores they breath in. I had one little bottle but used it so fast also used a lot of 100% tea tree oil I bought from heb here in Texas for 4.99 a bottle but didn't help much.cedar oil suppose to be the best tho. Also any sprays with permithren& Lysol spray everywhere walls ceilings vents you name it. I keep praying & praying for it to be gone & for everyone who has battled this & is & any kind of bug.

My heart goes out to you all. This is worse than fleas could ever be. I have been spraying all in our car as well bug spray & Lysol cuz they have been in there too. I have MS & peripheral neuropathy & it's made it hard for me to walk sometimes & I feel sick like a flu. I need to change my diet too cuz I eat too much sugar & need to drink more water. God bless you all in this battle

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Patty (Florida) on 06/17/2014

Hi back. I thought I'd let everyone know my progress w/ this issue. I went last week to an Indian dr. w/ this problem and right away he said it was not eyelash / demodex mites. I mentioned they started out in eyelashes but noticed face, hair, nose later. Always mentioned in jan. Visited Woodbridge NJ & stayed at an "Indian" hotel and instantly almost started itching. Only reason continued to stay 8 days was it was a smoking hotel (for me). I had spent about 150.00 in hair extensions but thankfully knew how to put them in myself or would have probably pd.another 100.00 just to pay someone there 20.00 to take them out after a few days. It was that bad that quick. I know the eyelash problem was there before the trip for couple months but I certainly got something there that was not bedbugs. The dr. didn't seemed surprised so that's my last Indian hotel. Very nice people but very buggy. So, he have me a perscription for some body wash but I got the over the counter version at walgreens for 8.99. It is called "well at walgreens"..antiseptic skin cleanser in 8 oz bottle. I even put it on my face the first night and left it although it is a liquid soap. Just a little goes a long way in the shower and was told put it everywhere folds of the skin, hair, genitals everywhere. First time what a relief. He also perscribed for me ..mupriocin 2 % cream 15gm. It was 40.00. It is cheaper i found out even walmart. It only takes a little and thin layer. I knew it was a good choice to see an indian doctor and was right. I can't believe the difference and immediately. I still am going to clean the furniture w/ a sprayer attached to the bed bug/mite insecticide from lowes and was clothes everyday and sheets, well every couple or so days and i really believe for the first time in about 7 months I am going to be back to normally. Btw mentioned all I'd read and tried the dry mustard, tea tree, bacterial cream listerine, etc. and was told a waste of time. Temporary fix but not going to irradicate the parasite. Anyway passing it along and good luck to all. Patty

Quassia Wood Chips
Posted by Nancy (Seattle, Wa) on 01/24/2013

I have been dealing with bird mites for three years, after innocently bringing an abandoned bird nest into my home as a natural decoration. Within a month I was bitten all over, then swarmed with tiny bugs I could not see. I left my house and rented a place near my job. My car and office were infested. Finally figureed out what was happening via I used bug bombs, RID, etc. To no avail. Used natural remedies like neem, tea tree, cedar oil, DM, you name it. Nothing worked against these monsters, which I could feel all over, esp. In my nose, ears, eyes, crotch. Then they burrowed into my skin leaving lesions all over me. The scariest part was realizing they were in ME, not just the house, car, etc. I have been to 8 doctors who treat me like I am insane and diagnose Morgellons. Ozone, H2O2 baths help a lot, and last year I discovered that hot saunas helped beat them back, so I take a sauna 2-3x week. Still felt like I was just managing them, not killing them off.

I write this today to say that I have found that quassia wood is working to kill them off. Soak the bark chips in water and drink it and apply it all over. I have been doing this for 4 days and the results are amazing. I will post back as this treatment progresses.

Essential Oils
Posted by Me (Philly, Pa) on 03/08/2013

I am trying to help as many people as I can. I discovered that if you dump benadryl liquid gel on your head the mites will come out and die. You should leave it on for a few minutes and them shampoo with 1/2 benadryl and 1/2 shampoo. Then brush. You will see them in the brush. Do it a few times if you have to. It works on your face too if you get pimples from the suckers. Also put it on your eybrows because they are there too. It draws the mites out of your pores on your face too.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Binie (Miami, Fl) on 10/16/2012

I know EXACTLY how to cure demodicidosis (demodex mites) especially on face. They eat away at your eyelashes. It's horrible. All you need is one thing..... A bottle of oil of orgegano. Clean your face at night before bedtime and rub ooo into your skin. It hurts and stings. Do it every night until your face starts peeling. You will have relief within a few days because you've poisoned the mites and they die. This is the best.... I nearly went crazy from these mites and didn't listen to doctors. OOO is the greatest.

Posted by Veronica H (New York, Ny) on 12/09/2011


My case: infestation of the whole apartment and clothing, including shoes and bath tub ( believe or not). My dog got canine mites, and I am super allergic to their bites ( note: there is a difference btw canine mites and human mites do research yourself)... and the worst is that I was sleeping with the dog so it got very very ugly.

1) Isolate the dog: do not let the dog sleep in your bed ever again.

do not let the dog sleep on sofas etc ever again.... dog has to be trained to his bed and his place in the house.

Bathe the dog with shampoo for mites ( 10 minutes) then apply tea tree oil and also apply revolution once every tree weeks for 6 weeks and then once a month for life as a prevention... a dog that dont have good immune system to keep his mites under control is very likely to get reinfected again and again.

2) research, research and research ( doctors and veterinary wont tell you the whole truth.. Bc they want you to be back and back... they will give you remedies but NO ONE WILL TELL YOU THAT IF YOU DO A EXTENSIVE CLEANING YOU WON'T BE EVER CURED OR IT WILL TAKE FOREVER AND A LOT OF MONEY.

In my special case I cured the dog first and then house and then shoes, clothing and also got rid of the mattress ( what a big difference that made... mattress are very hard to clean and even w/ a mite cover depending on the numbers that would not be enough.)

Meanwhile you are getting rid of mites buy yourself an air mattress they are much better to clean as the mite cannot hide in plastic.

3) SPRAY EVERYTHING WITH WINDEX ( you will need tons of this)

4) For awhile do not sit in the sofa.. Put the sofa up and spray the hell of it with a combination of windex and guess what... spider poison.


eat and seat in places that can be easier to clean like a wood table or plastic, and plastic chair... Forget to be seated in sofas or anything w fabric... Anything like this should be put apart in one room and sprayed w windex and lysol if you want and plus the spider killer spray... Leave everything that is made of fabric apart.. Do not seat on it until is past 3 weeks.. so the bastards will be dead dead!!!

Everytime you're gonna seat on a chair, spray windex, eat on table spray windex BEFORE AND AFTER SEATING.





so put in plastic bags, one for white clothing and other for color.

bedding should be washed daily also... If you have airbed spray it windex before and after going to bed and in the morning when you wake up

wash the clothing with hot water and a mix with borax, bleach and soap. let it act 15 minutes in water before washing and also dry it hot for an hour or more.


take shower twice a day: morning and night.

-if your head itches buy shampoo for lice that will kill them.

- buy soap for acne and take shower with it.

- When you are done... spray with lysol or windex your feet.

-I spray my body with alcohol and it kill them all...

acetone too is good.. That kills them very good on the skin.. for real nothing like acetone.

and then put tea tree oil all over you so run away!!!

then you can put permedrin that is what the doctor will prescribe you and some cream for the itching and take benedryl to help u to sleep at night.


1st step: house, sofas dont seat on them, seat in easy to clean chair and eat in easy to clean tables..

2nd: get a airmatress if you feel you cannot clean your matress... clean the floor very well before using the new mattress.

3rd: I would get rid of bedding if the intensive cleaning is not working... Get new sheets and also new pillows... but first clean the room very well.

4th: clean yourself and desinfect yourself as many times a day as possible... I am carrying with me alcohol and spray on me everytime I feel something and it works wonders.

5th: whatever you cant clean sent it to dry cleaner and tell them to put poison on it, bc you have an infestation in the house... they know what to do.

clean wardrobes with windex and spider killer spray.

clean whatever place you are putting the clothing and spray the hell of it w windex and spider killer spray...


Doctors or vets don't tell you this...RESEARCH!!!!!


Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn Usa) on 05/01/2013

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , ,

What a saga. I am telling you that your M.D. has no clue as far as parasites are concerned. I had a mite of some description but my dermatologist had idea what it was and did not send it off to be identified. Using 5 % Permethrin is useless as tits on a bore shote. The bugs have been immune to this strength for many years, but the M.D.'s have no idea.

I have defeated the little bastards and here is what I did. First, I have a FIR Sauna and I heated it up to 160 to 170 degrees and stayed in this heat for 20 minutes. They cannot stand this heat. That got most , but on the others I put 10 % Permethrin from the Co-op that they use on animals. On top of that I used DMSO to take it to the source. I also got into a tub of hot water that I had added 16 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide, a cup of Borax , and a cup of epsom salt. Half way through the bath I covered my body with the hottest cayenne pepper sause that our Mexican illegals can imagine. Cayenne is a natural insecticide. On completion of this procedure I then did what Ted says and that is to cover my body with a solution of Hydrogen peroxide and borax.

I then went to a dermotologist and learned the he had no clue. I did what he said but the game was already over. He did not try to learn anything about this parasite. He called it a rash. Kiss my grits. That is the reason that I rely on you folks for my good health.

What I think killed the critters is heat. My wife and I have not slept together since all this came about. If you cannot do this and protect your loved one, then you deserve whatever you get.

That is what an old farse thinks. =====RH=====

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Cassandra (New York) on 04/09/2016

Thank you for the overview on your situation. I am currently taking Doxycycline. I've been suffering with the issue for almost five years. Often feel close to ending my life. You hit the nail on the head when you said you feel normal, again. I honestly can't remember how it felt to be well. I swear, I will never take my health for granted, again.

I need to be well. I am young, smart, educated, etc. Except, I think I am going crazy. I am so emotionally isolated with this condition. I can't really let anyone close to me physically or otherwise. I don't have furniture. Wash the same clothes over and over. It like the parasites have sucked all of the joy from my life.

I will check out the website you suggested. In the meantime, please check out the petition targeted at the C.D.C. to recognize that this is a real issue. We can't all be nuts.

P.S. I have to literally beg and not go to the same doctor when I need antibiotics. Do you mind if I ask you how you were able to get your medication? Thank you.

Posted by David (Australia ) on 06/05/2021

Unfortunately you are quoting 70 year old research. The latest research shows that bird mites can live exclusively on human hosts, and that they can live in your couch for 9 months without a blood meal. It means they are very, very hard to eliminate.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 05/01/2018 22 posts

Sad Story and to think there are millions suffering from the same things! Mine started when I had the final cataract surgery done in NV, first one was done in another State and no problems. The surgeon didn't know what they were so to to make a long story story short, he thought Tea Tree Oil was a new oil, I laughed him almost out of the room, I had used it for 40 years for colds, back pain, and on and on.

Get a good grade of Tea Tree Oil and a Good carrier oil, such as cold pressed Coconut oil, These 2 will be need to be diluted 50/50, shake each time you use it. VERY CAREFULLY, take a Q tip and put the oil on it and pull your eye lids up and down so you can reach each one . Gently touch your lids with oil, and it will sting a bit, that's why you need to pull your lid up or down. After you have put the oil on the lids and you will feel these fools things trying to die, they will make your eye twitch. Then, close your eyes and use the q tip and massage across your upper lids with the oil. It is recommended that you do this every 5 minutes each time your doctor your eyes and do this 3 times each session. I also use saline solution to rinse my eyes out and if you have a fairly strong magnifying glass you will see little specks in eye bowl, switch that round in your eyes several times a day.

These instructions are from a Dr in a medical school in Fl and it was the only thing that killed them and gave me any relief. Since there are so many types of mites, you probably need to work on your home and your car because you carry them everywhere. My relief was straight 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, I sprayed my entire home, walls, floors, bed, clothes and when I get out of a shower I spray my body and if the mites are any place on your body you will feel a sting which will last about 3-5 minutes from the HP killing them. Don't spray your head with the HP as it will break your hair off.Use several drops of Tea Tree Oil in your shampoo every time you shower or bathe. Vac and sweep your floors and carpet frequently and change your bed linens weekly. No easy quick solution to the problem. I just recently found a Pesticide that will kill mites and it is called Onslaught. It's bit expensive, about 39.00 a qt and you need a sprayer for it, not a ottlle sprayer, you don' want to get the stuff on your skin or eyes or children nor pets nor plants, it's safe after it dries. BE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY BUT IT WoRKS and will take about 2-3 application and what a relief!

Just remember you got'em, keep calm but be diligent in doing your work about killing them, GOOD LUCK!

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Gaynor (Manaton, Devon Uk) on 11/21/2009


You should try Ted's remedy below for dermodex mites borax and hydrogen peroxide- this works well for killing these nano- insects. I am in the process of treating myself presently. Best of luck.


Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "Consider taking borax. Some people believed the demodex mites are responsible for rosacea. They may be right. But, there are others too that are not yet identified. I prefer to lump all these insect issues to just one category: nanoinsects. These insects have several weakness that you can kill them, or at least weaken them. One obvious ones is borax. The treatment can be broken down to two things;

1. Taken internally: Try 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of water/day. You just drink this water throughout the day. If it runs out then drink just normal water, with some magnesium added if possible. Magnesium is found in certain seeds such as sunflower. They seem to be synergistic with the vitamin D as vitamin D promotes calcium and the body needs to balance both magnesium and calcium to an ideal amount.

2. Used externally: Dog mange is confirmed demodex mites and the only treatment that effectively cured of dog mange is 1% hydrogen peroxide and borax saturated solution applied topically. Many people believe the demodex mites is the cause of rosacea. What I am sure about is it is an insect issue. The method of killing them is external application of 1% hydrogen peroxide with borax saturated solution to the face, unrinsed. It tends to cause drying. So you can apply appropriate lotions to prevent drying, such as jojoba oil, aloe vera or lavender oil.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/16/2011

In keeping with EC guidelines I've not been posting my progress here daily. However, I'm now on Day 7 of Ted's remedy and I feel I should report my experience so far:

The remedy: I dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of pharmaceutical-grade borax in one litre of water and sip it throughout the day. Additionally, I drink 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1/2 glass of water twice daily.

I also drink unpasteurised ACV "with mother" in a glass of warm water three times daily with meals, two tablespoons of food-grade diatomaceous earth in water daily, one high quality multi-nutrient capsule daily (contains all the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements), two cups of green tea daily, two chewable calcium tablets for my osteoporosis (I think it's inorganic but I can't find the organic variety in Ireland), and a clove of raw garlic every second day. Lunch is a heap of cucumber, an apple, a clementine, and a banana. I also eat dark chocolate every now and again. Daily, I drink yoghurt with plant sterols (for my high cholesterol).

I've cut out coffee (which I really, really miss), sugar, bread, and cheese (which I also miss badly) and the only milk I consume is on my breakfast bran flakes. I don't eat butter.

Day 1: I had a dramatic drop in the number of tickles - down to less than 100 from well over 1, 000.

Day 2: Was not as good as Day 1 but I believe more insects are being driven out onto the surface of my skin and of course a new clutch of eggs "comes online" every day. I also noticed that urinating created lots of bubbly suds in the toilet bowl.

Day 3: Was the same as Day 2 except that the timings of my tickle onslaughts changed. Mornings were now much busier while afternoons were relatively peaceful until dusk. At full nightfall they quietened again until 8. 30, then got busy again till midnight when they started to taper off.

Day 4: Was the same as Day 3 except the suds disappeared from the toilet bowl and my urine was now pale green, the exact same colour as my sebaceous plugs.

Day 5: The suds returned with urine still green. But something happened that's never happened before: normally, I've always been able to halt a tickle onslaught on my scalp and face during the day by going outdoors into the light. At night, going outside into the cold air also stopped them (they love heat and relative dark - a demodex mite trait). The day was sunny but freezing cold with a high wind chill when I went out for my afternoon walk. The tickles continued unabated.

Day 6: I didn't go outdoors (rain) but the timings remained the same. Less suds and urine not so green. Tickles seem less intense and plugs that were hard and solidly embedded in my skin were now softer and could be fairly easily removed with a fingernail. The objects they contain are blackened and seem malformed. Fewer trips to the bathroom to brush wandering mites off my abdomen, groin, scrotum, perineum, and buttocks, and remove them from my anus. Almost all the astonishing amounts of scurf that used to coat the wash-basin when I washed my face and scalp (I shave my head nightly) has disappeared. My skin feels much softer and the orange-peel texture is fading.

Day 7 (today): Same timings but tickle numbers slightly reduced so far. Less suds and urine less green.

I seem to have plateau'd at a better but still unacceptable level and it's unclear how long I should continue with Ted's remedy. But since demodex females can live for up to 60 days, three months would seem a good idea.

Some people here reported adding a capful of hydrogen peroxide to the borax mix so I googled it and found nothing but warnings. Until I found this astonishing website:

Don't bother reading the site or viewing the video but download the PDF file from the Free eBook link - it contains more information. Apparently, since 1888, doctors (and even some hospitals) all over the world have been using H2O2 (reagent or food-grade) orally, topically - and now via intravenous or intra-arterial infusions - to successfully cure (yes, cure) all sorts of serious conditions including cancers and heart disease that don't respond to radiation or drugs. Illnesses cured also include parasitic infestations.

The PDF contains a long list of American doctors (with telephone numbers) who regularly use H2O2 therapy with astonishing success rates. It even includes instructions on how doctors should proceed with this infusion treatment.

The PDF is free, the website sells nothing, and carries no ads.

I've ordered 35% food-grade H2O2 from the UK ( as well as a countertop water distiller. I also emailed the site owner (James Roguski, who seems to be a scientist) to find out how best I should proceed. I'm still awaiting a reply.

Things are definitely better than they were before I started Ted's remedy but I propose to try the oral H2O2 as an adjunctive therapy to speed things up. If Mr. Roguski tells me that the oral route won't work optimally, I'm prepared to travel to the ends of the earth to find a doctor who will do this infusion technique. I've now been trying to deal with this 24/7 torture for two and half years, and thanks to the wonderful Ted, I've made significant progress. But I want these pests gone NOW so I can start trying to get my life back.

I've read Ted's warnings about drinking distilled water and they directly contradict the advice given by Vivian Goldschmidt MA (in Nutritional Sciences and Biochemistry) who runs a marvellous site for osteoporosis sufferers ( who advises us to drink only distilled water.

I'm taking my health back out of the hands of the quacks (doctors) who did so much damage to my health permanently and, to that end, I intend to drink food-grade hydrogen peroxide as well as baking soda for the rest of my life.

Now I just need to find a remedy for the chronic insomnia and tardive akathisia (inability to be still and constantly racing thoughts) due to brain chemistry damage inflicted by a year of Risperidone injections by the dermatologist who diagnosed delusional parasitosis. H2O2 is supposed to help rebalance brain chemistry. We'll see.

So that's where I am at the moment, still awaiting the delivery from the UK of my FG-H2O2 and my water distiller. I can't wait to get started...

Will keep you posted on progress.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Eve (Nv) on 06/20/2016 22 posts

Unfortunately your jumping flea is a mite called Cheylietella. I've fought these pests since 2010 and finally found a white speck in pc that moved so ran to the States Chief entomologist and he diagnosed it as the Cheylietella mite. To make things worse for you, you inject these things day and night, they get in your blood stream, THEN THEY CAN BECOME WORMS. so you need to start cleaning your gut as well as house, you, pets, hubby if you have one. The latest parasite discovered in 2013 is called Rope Worm, it is still so new that even the doctors who will treat you probably don't know about them but they are there. 2nd stage you will see clear bubbles in your stools, they expel the bubble to move about in your intestines. My best remedy so far is spraying day and nite with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, using it full strength. in my town, Walmarts can't keep HP instock and then we go for almost a week before they can restock plus the same thing with 70% rubbing alcohol. That is the other thing I spray with a lot. A medical school has proven that in killing mites it takes 4 minutes for rubbing alcohol to kill them and 15 minutes for Tea Tree Oil to kill'em. I spray my body with HP before I get in the shower, let it set 5 or so minutes, shower, spray again and if these fool things are embedded in your skin the HP will sting a few minutes and when it drys up yu will feel these tiny things that have popped out of your skin and hanging on your skin. They also don't like Oregano Oil so I mix it with Peppermint oil and water and spray with that but my best results is still HP. I have even had a heart attack plus stent which the doctors told me that I should not have had a heart attack, they didn't come out and say mites are in your blood stream but said "something showed up we don't see very often" I use to be an RN so they knew what they were saying I would pick up on. I've contacted the Senators, Congress people and they all have told me to go to the Health Dept. The Health Dept hung up on me when I mentioned "mites". We have one certified Horticulturist in our town and he says this place is working alive with all kinds of mites and bed bugs. The pest people won't even come out if you mention mites. Hope my saga helps a few and wish you the very best. I'm 89 and I'll be damn if I let these things kill me, they're trying real hard but it ain't going to happen. Also, put your faith in God and let's all do a lot of praying. lol

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Lisa (Pacific Northwest) on 03/26/2016

Would like to mention that Diatomaceous Earth is what allowed me to sleep again. I rub it into scalp with fingertips and apply to body with duster (don't breathe while applying to avoid getting into lungs) under my pajamas. This keeps the Demodex mites from running about on your body and waking you up at night. I rub it into face also before bed (if I forget I remember as soon as I turn the light off because they become active immediately- though some nights are worse than others). Hope this helps someone because it sure has saved me...

Neem Oil
Posted by Kim (Normal, Illinois) on 06/30/2008

I have been infested with bird mites for about 6 weeks now and my husband has recently become infested. Something that has worked well for us is neem oil, I use twice a day- morning and night and it has healing properties and also acts as a repellent. I have also found that ponds cold cream works well too.

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Share (Seattle) on 08/21/2023


There are several ways to rid yourself of various ectoparasites or parasites. I like the suggestions in the prior posts. Below are various protocols that worked for us. Depending on the issue, we sometimes alternated them throughout the day. Hope you are able to identify what it is and resolve the issue soon!

1. Kleen Free - Enzymes

This product is not the original solution is used to be. It is not even half as concentrated as the concentrate used to be. This is why many are having treatment failures. We contacted the company when they changed their "coffee dark" concentrate to a VERY weak tea and they responded that they needed to sell more to people who needed it????. It still works if you only use the concentrate straight from the bottle in a spray bottle. Spray this on your skin, rub it in, often throughout the day . This kills many bugs if used frequently. There are other enzyme formulations on the market that are equal or better.

Enzymes are great, they are usually used to dissolve biofilm and even kill some of the parasites if used frequently enough. It is most often used with other treatments such as Ivermectin; Diatomaceous Earth; Anti-Mite Creams such as EmuaidMAX; essential oil blends that kill parasites; sulfur treatments; etc...

2. Ivermectin

Use a 3% cream with 10% DMSO in versa base - this is obtained at a compounding pharmacy. Apply to very clean skin which ideally has had any potential biofilm removed (e.g., abrade the area, apply enzyme then rub/wash off, salicylic acid, etc...). Apply 1-3 times daily and rub in the cream VERY WELL. This alone can resolve the infection. Give it time. Consistency is key. It is best to leave the cream on for a full 12 hours. Some need to apply two layers of Ivermectin cream per application to be more effective allowing each application to dry in-between.

Sometimes it is best to also take Ivermectin orally. Depending on your size and considering any malabsorption issues take anywhere from 12 - 15 - 24 mg daily, check with your physician. There are people taking anywhere from 12 mg twice daily to 15 mg four times daily or more due to severe malabsorption issues from other health conditions.

Some have successfully used other Ivermectin derivatives topically only.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Only use the real stuff. Many contain mostly fillers. You will know it is the good stuff because it will actually work, you will see results and it feels more gritty on the skin. DE draws any organisms below the skin to the surface when it is briskly rubbed into the skin, this is how it is activated. Then, over time is desiccates the organisms that are brought to the surface. Try to use it as often as possible. DE alone can get rid of some of the parasites if used consistently.

Some find it works better if WET or DRY HEAT is applied, such as overnight. Or, if they apply a "killing" cream first (e.g., Ivermectin, Emuaid, etc...), let it dry for 30-60 minutes, then rub in DE, doing this twice daily.

If taking it orally, the standard dose for an average sized adult is 1 heaping tablespoon x2/day on an empty stomach with 8 oz water. Take this for 90 straight days. Anything less will not be as effective. Most people do see results.

4. EmuaidMAX

The skin must be clean and dry, rub in only a little amount and must rub the cream in VERY, VERY well in order to activate it. Use 2-4 or more times daily depending on the issue. It gets rid of scabies and other mites very well. Along with fungus, viral issues, etc...

This cream is also very soothing, anti inflammatory and an analgesic.

5. Essentil Oils

There are many blends that kill insects and parasites. Must use 2-3 times daily and rub in well. Can alternate with DE and/or enzyme sprays.


Purification blend (Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Myrtle, Rosemary, Tea Tree) followed by Oregano then apply a carrier oil or cream over these - 2-4 times daily.

Straight clove or peppermint can clear scabies if applied 2-4 times daily. Ideal to first prep the skin with enzyme spray, orange oil, grain alcohol, etc...

OTHER insecticidal oils that you can blend: eucalyptus globulus, citronella java, lemongrass citratus, lemon, orange, catnip, copaiba, thyme, tea tree from Australia, rose, tagetes, etc....

A successful blend used by many:

60 drops tea tree, 18 drops Thieves (rosemary, lemon, clove, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata), 18 drops clove, 18 drops lavender, 18 drops oregano (or more), 30 drops peppermint in 1/2 - 1-1/2 oz carrier oil mix such as real olive oil, emu oil, black seed oil or neem oil. Other carrier oils can be used. Experiment to see how strong you prefer your mix. We use a strong mix. Can also add DMSO to the mix.

If the issue is "tough", some first apply oregano neat to the skin (it does burn), wait, and then rub this oil mix over the affected area since some parasites require stronger treatment.

Can also take an essential oil tea to rid body of mites: 1 drop each of clove, black pepper, cardamom and cinnamon bark to warm tea. Drink x4/day. Or add oil into a capsule with a carrier oil.

6. Sulfur Bath & Cream Treatment

This treatment can be effective by itself if used often enough.

Use a 10% sulfur/3% salicylic soap bar. Soak in hot water for 5-10 minutes then create a very rich lather on the skin, leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Soap must remain wet during this time to be active and kill organisms so may need to add more wet soap or water. Rinse and repeat. Best results are seen when "soaping up" twice daily.

Some leave a layer of soap on their skin during the day or apply a 10% sulfur cream on the skin twice daily. Neem oil can be added to this.

Best to also take a good type of sulfur and neem leaves orally, 2-3x/day.

Many have cleared their skin of mites using only the sulfur regimen.

Or, they apply one of the treatments listed above, usually a cream.

7. Salt Treatment

Soak areas in a concentrated salt bath for 1 hour daily. Can divide this into two 30 minutes sessions. Continue for 3 weeks or as needed.

Can also use hot salt packs in cheese cloth with turpentine (100% gum) or other anti-parasitic essential oil added to the skin and/or cloth. Hold over area 30 minutes, twice daily. Can leave on longer. It eventually will kill the organisms.

Epsom salts is often combined with other salts or used alone since it is a powerful drawing salt.

Can use salt therapy with other treatments listed above.

NOTE: some parasitic organisms require physical removal when they surface to the skin, this may be uncomfortable though it must be done to remove any layers of organisms and the dead skin that accumulates between the layers. This is sometimes less painful if the organisms are killed first (e.g., ivermectin cream applied).

And, any dry skin needs to be removed to uncover any additional and deeper layers of infection.

8. Other Internal Treatments

Build up the immune system (vits/minerals, greens, herbs, Ayurveda, ...)

Make the body "repellent" to these organisms, e.g., take natural "repellents" consistently and often such as peppermint, garlic, chrysanthemum, biotin, neem, natural sulfurs (MSM), oregano, rose, etc...

9. Other Treatments that have worked for many:

* MMS topical and/or internal

* KEYS skin remedies (e.g., RediCare cream and various KEYS soaps)

* Ozonated Olive Oil Salve

* NuStock - or something similar (pine oil, 76% sulfur, petrolatum). Instructions: leave a thick covered layer on the area for 3 days, it must remain wet to be active so may need to add more of it or some other essential oil to it). Remove covering, clean, and reapply for 3 more days. Repeat until nothing else surfaces.

* Various drawing salves have worked, apply as you would Nustock.
