Mole Remedies

Castor Oil
Posted by Lovelia (Malaysia) on 02/28/2016

Recently, I'd posted about how garlic+castor oil+baking soda worked on my moles. Now, I would strongly suggest on using castor oil to remove moles. I have a mole on my hand and I decided to apply castor oil every day before going to bed and leave it overnight. When I think I'll be free during the day and had not planned on going out anywhere, I thought why not apply castor oil since there's no any planned activities. Then , I realized like about two days , the mole on my hand was raised a bit and I took a pin which has a sharp end and picked the moles out. I was surprised as the scar left was not as bad as the garlic remedy that I had been using before. I strongly recommend y'all to apply castor oil on your moles. Some people said that the moles shrink when they apply castor oil on their skin but my mole didn't . (Maybe because it was a flat mole with diameter 0.3 cm)

Garlic, Castor Oil, Baking Soda
Posted by Lovelia (Malaysia) on 02/25/2016

I have numerous flat moles on my face. Then I crush a garlic into paste, and applied them on my moles making sure they fit perfectly on my moles.(My moles are all flat moles by the way, with diameter about 0.3 cm ) . Then I put on bandages on them. I waited for 3 hours approximately and yes, I could feel a bit of pain at those moles(Well, at least I know it is working on my moles) . I took them off before going to bed at night , I applied baking soda and castor oil on the moles. The next morning when woke up , I took off my moles using a hair clip . It hurts a bit but it worked! . The moles were removed leaving a scar. After removing the moles , I applied coconut oil and turmeric , the scar is then removed a few days later. It actually depends how many times you applied them in a day. The more frequent you apply them, the faster the scar heals. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Essential Oils
Posted by Cl503 (Oregon, United States) on 11/30/2015


I am writing to report a successful attempt at removing an unsightly flesh colored mole I had on my scalp. I had had the mole checked out and was told it was non cancerous, and left it be for many years but as I have become more knowledgeable about natural methods, I wanted to try removing it myself. It took almost 3 weeks from start to finish, cost me literally under $5, and left no scar or sign that anything was ever abnormal.

I began the process by first using a nail file to rough it up a little, then after showering I would take an ACV soaked cotton ball and place it on my head. My arm would get tired of holding it in place so I used a bandage wrap to wrap around my head and secure the cotton in place... I looked funny. I would leave it on for ~30 min at a time, and in the mornings when my hair was dry, I would apply a essential oil mix of- clove, tea tree and cinnamon.

After a little over a week the mole became very dry and hard, and by week 2 it was almost black in color. I could feel the edges start to separate from my scalp.

The best thing was that it did not irritate any part of my scalp.. there was no affect to anything except the mole.

I would say the mole was a little smaller than a pencil eraser and had no nerve endings in it.

ACV for the win..again!

Posted by Bonjit (India, Assam) on 11/07/2015

I used a garlic for a week to remove my flat face mole but it left a black burning mark. What should I used to remove it?

Posted by Victor (Chihuahua, Mexico) on 09/20/2015

I have a big round mole, 3d shaped, on my face kinda like Enrique Iglesias had it, anyways I'm starting the garlic process, I already put garlic on the mole in the afternoon (yesterday) (I didn't cover the surrounding skin around the mole) and it burned my skin and made a big rash, I noticed the mole bigger and darker. I wasn't sure if to keep going or stop the process, I felt it dry later in the afternoon and thought "maybe I should keep going and dry it up till it falls" so I did my second time and left it for 4 hours then I took the cotton ball off and peeled the skin and part of the mole came off, now I'm been bleeding for 10 hours and have not stopped, seriously Iv'ed wasted 2 rolls of paper. I'm scared and don't know what to do.

Guys its a joke, it is bleeding but light, now I have garlic on it again, we see how it goes. Stay safe and be safe.

The String Method
Posted by Lisa (In, USA) on 07/17/2015

I have removed three moles with the thread method. I used a sterilized piece of thread, you can only use this method with mushroom shaped moles (smaller base, with like a muffin top) and you have to tie the string (or hair) around the base pretty tight, but not tight enough to break the skin. Swab it with alcohol every day until it falls off (about 5 days.)

Posted by Rahan Nanda (Delhi) on 06/27/2015

This method leaves a spot over moles.

Banana Peels
Posted by Sonia (London) on 06/11/2015

I read what you said and I wantd to ask you how do we have to heat the banana peels? Like in the microwave? And do we have to cut a piece and just put it on for the night!? How does it work, how much time? Thanks

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 05/23/2015 443 posts

Maybe you could use a small makeup brush to apply the vaseline or whatever you're using to protect the skin around the mole? Or what about some kind of organic chapstick, instead of petroleum jelly?

I'm not sure about "scratching" it. I doubt it's necessary and it's a bit of a risk. Perhaps a hot compress, if one believes one must "open" it up for the ACV...

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Markgbe (Ny) on 05/15/2015

This worked great for me, I had a mole behind my ear since I was a kid(32 yo now). After poking and soaking once per day, it dried up and fell off with a little help.

I'm disappointed that I didn't try this sooner.

Be advised, it does cause a bit of redness which is temporary.

Posted by P (India) on 04/27/2015

I used garlic paste on a pimple yesterday and have suffered a burn. Could you please tell me if you used Bepanthen first aid cream or Bepanthen diaper rash cream? Thank you.

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Kit (Colorado, US) on 03/17/2015


A CAUTION about scratching or poking holes in moles. Cells absorb. Not worth the risk of turning something benign into something your body never intended.

I always first try castor oil, multiple daily treatments -- no burn, pain, nor scar. It only shrinks moles till they fall off, no harm to normal skin.

However, I don't know why (on me) it works on some moles and not others. For the others, I'm sorry I have to use vinegar. Its acid burn hurts and also damages normal skin. (Spray a weed with vinegar water -- dehydrates in seconds, instantly shriveled! )

Scarring and redness and swelling (fluid sent to counteract the dehydration of a burn) are to be expected. I found the pain sufferable, but I didn't care for it at all.

For scars from burns, I've had great success with what other commenters have said -- fresh aloe plant juice (if not allergic), needle-poked vitamin E caps for a teensy bit of oil, or aloe after-sun gel (those low-cost large plastic bottles).

Haven't yet tried Tea Tree oil for mole removal, but will, as it has been wonderful for other cures. And I'm also going to try dandruff shampoo -- how simple can you get! :-)

Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Nature Boy (Illinois, US) on 03/12/2015


Hi, I used garlic on one of my facial moles, however I only had temporary relief. I left a piece of garlic overnight on my mole using a band aid, the skin peeled off after two days. Initially it seemed like the mole was gone because the skin around the mole was raw and pink, however the mole reappeared in a few days. I feel that the size of the mole has reduced but cannot be sure since the area around the mole is still red. I had used tea tree oil earlier and the same thing happened.

Has someone else faced similar situations, should I try using ACV or garlic again? I'm pretty skeptical because every time I try a remedy it leaves the skin around the mole red and attracts more attention than the mole itself. Thanks in advance.

General Feedback
Posted by Gigi815 (Edison) on 03/10/2015

I've used tea tree oil directly on moles. It takes awhile but the brown disappears and the mole does shrink.

General Feedback
Posted by Dampwire (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/09/2015

Hi I had a mole frozen off with liquid nitrogen about 5 years ago and guess what, it grew back and I'm going to try the HP method. So far I started just today applying it only to the mole area and cleaning up any extra around the supporting skin. It is about the size of an eraser but more oval in shape. It is turning white after the HP is applied and it stings for several minutes.

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Tory (Florida, US) on 02/13/2015

Tried Apple Cider Vinegar on one mole and Iodine on the other. Both worked beautifully, but I do have reddening of the skin around the moles because I wasn't careful enough to protect the surrounding skin.

I have been rubbing 100% pure Emu Oil over the red spots and very mild scaring where the mole scab came off. It's only been 2 weeks and the skin is starting to look like new. Emu Oil is great -- worked for me anyway.

Baking Soda
Posted by Rob (Malta) on 08/28/2014

For two months I treated a growing, crepuscular mole on my forehead with a sodium bicarbonate paste. It completely disappeared and my daughter photographed the evidence.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Aloe Vera
Posted by Tess (Devon ) on 07/30/2014

Is there any chance you can post a picture of the result?

Vitamin E
Posted by Bamagal74 (Centreville, Alabama) on 06/16/2014

Moles: I applied Vitamin E (I used the capsules, broke them and applied) and kept covered for a little over a week. The mole is gone!! I was hoping it would have been more healed by my trip, but it did that the day AFTER I returned home. Just my luck. lol After 2 weeks it is still healing but much better. With make up it's barely noticeable. I am now trying it on another mole, but I will do it less aggressively.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Garlic
Posted by Heather (New Waverly, Tx) on 05/23/2014

I have seen on other sites that if you prick the mole with a needle it will allow the vinegar to penetrate deeper and you will see quicker results. I also seen that if you put vaseline on the skin surrounding the mole it will create a barrier so that the skin does not get irritated. I am currently having cherry angiomas removed by laser and started looking into ways to remove moles. Glad I've found this site. Lets just say I have many.

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/21/2014

To Sarah,

Re: Warning about DMSO

I've used DMSO for years...decades in fact. Just make sure the skin is clean and if using a cloth, it must be white so nothing carries.

I always refer folks to google "DMSO 60 Minutes Dr Jacobs You tube"

That's a great three part discussion played on 60 minutes and featuring Dr Jacobs, the MD who really popularized the substance.

Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 03/21/2014

Hello Sarah from Nc:

Are you trying to tell people to completely stay away from DMSO? It seems by the way you replied that's your suggestion. I understand what you're implying but you seem to be going totally against all the healing properties of DMSO.

Can it be dangerous? Sure! You can say this for Colloidal Silver and the many other natural substances that can be absorbed into the body. We just have to be careful but IF you're implying not to use DMSO at all then that goes against its many benefits. Thanks!

Posted by Sarah (Nc) on 03/21/2014


DO NOT USE DMSO!!!! There are laws in place that DMSO is not to be used for humans, and this is for a SEVERE HEALTH REASON!!! DMSO is designed to absorb into the skin extremely quickly, and ANYTHING on your skin surface will also be absorbed with it. Toxic substances, topical grade treatments, synthetic polymers that disrupt the function of your body, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING will be absorbed into your blood if you come in contact with DMSO. That flea and tick medicine you put on your dog? It will go into your system. That pesticide you sprayed the other day? Now in your system. That cleaner you used 30 minutes ago to disinfect the kitchen? INSIDE your body and causing harm!! Also, the isopropyl alcohol you just used to clean the mole area is toxic when entered in the blood stream, but DMSO will deliver it there! Also, any lotions/vaseline/waxes/silicone based products you used on the surrounding skin will ALSO be pulled into your blood stream and cause adverse effects. If the waxes from a lotion form a ball in your blood, it will cause clots, leading to DVT, heart attack, stroke, or kidney blockage. DVT is dreadfully painful, if untreated you can lose a limb. Kidney blockage will lead to a buildup of your own waste inside your body, leading to toxicity. Heart attack or stroke can be fatal, and the drugs used to break up blood clots will not work if your clot is a wax clot and not a blood clot!! DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH THIS DMSO!!!

Malt Vinegar, Vitamin C Powder
Posted by Danamarie (United States) on 02/02/2014

Moles do not have roots although warts may have them.

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/23/2013

To Nadia from Malaysia, You state you had a mole, tried treating it with ACV, garlic, and other things including bleach The mole came back and now you have a dark scar.

You NEED to see a dermatologist. You are playing around with what may now be skin cancer. Skin cancer can and will cause other cancers. Quit playing around and have a qualified doctor take a look at what is going on. You have been playing around with this for over 6 months now with no improvement, but a worsening of what may now be skin cancer. A dermatologist can effectively resolve this. IF YOU DON`T wait too long....Oscar

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Nadia (Malaysia) on 10/21/2013

Well, I do try a lots of thing to remove my moles: Avc, garlic. None of them working. Then I try put a fabric bleacher on my mole. The mole does removed but it came leave a very dark scar and burning :'( and it almost 6 months now. Doesn't change a bit. Is the scar permenant? I really want to fade the scar. Does mederma can fade the scar?

Posted by Malaika (Slough, Berkshire) on 08/30/2013


I tried to remove a mole using garlic, the mole is half the size it was before and is very dry and hard. The skin around it has become red and inflammed. I decided to stop the garlic treatment. Is there anyway I can reduce the redness?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Peter (Cedar Rapids) on 08/26/2013

I have a mole on my back, should I pore some of the hydrogen peroxide in my bath tub and have it soak it and how many days should I do that so it can disappear for good?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Calgary) on 08/19/2013

You apply it 6 times per day?!

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Nobodo (Douglas County, Co) on 08/01/2013

For those planning to use ACV on their moles: roughing up the mole ahead of time is completely unnecessary and does not help the process at all. Just apply the ACV to the mole for a few days and you will get results. You do need to be careful of the skin around the mole, though.

Posted by Alex (Leicester, Uk) on 06/29/2013

Well I wish I googled "garlic burned my face" first before trying this remedy. Actually it's not some kind of garlic miracle that removes moles, just dilute sulfuric (battery) acid from garlic. It can cause up to 3rd degree burns. So after leaving crushed garlic right on the mole overnight, I woke up shocked to notice the 2nd degree burn as a large circle around mole on my face. There was blood and yellowish liquid coming off. Pigmented layer was burnt of the mole but it still appeared rised. Since I had coconut oil, vitamin E at home, I tried these for 2 days without improvement. Luckily then I found that cream Bepanthen from pharmacy will help heal these type of burns within week. With cream, the burned skin AND the MOLE were healed in 4 days.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Posted by Sandra (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 06/10/2013

I've used anti-dandruff shampoo first for a small fungal spot on my shoulder. I soon found it's great for all kinds of skin issues, though should be used sparingly on sensitive areas like the face. I've successfully treated acne, rashes, and a lifelong redness I had under my nose. I suggested my dad try it for his awful roseacia (not sure how to spell) on his forehead, and in 2 days the bumps were gone. They haven't come back yet, 3 months later. Redness of the skin will persist for a couple days. Basically, the salisyllic acid removes the top layer of skin and destroys any bumps very quickly.

Method of use- I take a pea sized drop on my finger tip and apply to a small area like lotion. You will get used to how much you can use based on skin sensitivity. My dad put maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon on his forehead (including some scalp as he is balding). When I used it under my nose for redish skin, I got my finger wet before putting a small drop (half a pea) on my fingertip. This made spreading a small amount easier, and diluted it to some extent. It almost developed suds/bubbles from the shampoo, but not quite. I consider this the greatest discovery! My doctor told me it's good for fungus on the feet and toenails, bearing in mind that toenail fungus is often unlikely to permanently vanish. At least you can keep it from spreading and ruining your ability to wear cute shoes! Good luck!

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 06/09/2013

I have had good results with iodine painted on moles. From one huge black mole to a barely noticeable light brown mark now. I painted on the iodine at night, after a few weeks I was away on holiday and when I came back was not as regular with the routine but the mole was fading. I stopped for a while and the mole just kept on fading. I will start again now and see if the last bit disappears.

Posted by Bj (The Woodlands, Tx) on 03/29/2013

I pierced a mole and then put a fresh piece of cut garlic on the mole, and secured it with a cotton taped to keep it in place. Did it for 2 days and the mole dried up and fell off. I have successfully done this twice.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Posted by Sunnyapril (Santa Fe, Nm) on 03/12/2013

To Addy from Flowery Branch, GA, Does your sister use the anti-dandruff shampoo on her face for rosasea, or on her hair? Thanks.

Horse Tail Hair
Posted by Tyler (Abingdon, Virginia, Usa) on 02/03/2013

Did you just tie the horse hair around the mole, that's all?! How long did you leave it on? overnight? Thanks, your feedback is valued!!

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Posted by Daisy (San Antonio, Tx, Usa) on 01/09/2013

Anti-dandruff shampoo might work due to the fact the most common ingredient being salicylic acid which promotes turnover/exfoliation. I used the same on a recurring boil and it eventually shrank to never return. But be careful about sls and sles, I'd recommend using a face product that contains salicylic acid instead.

Posted by Terry (Manchester, Nh) on 12/30/2012

Bloodroot for Warts and moles. How is it used? It it an essential oil that we would put on the wart or mole? Where can I find this? Thank you.

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Lesaccali (Sacramento, California) on 12/21/2012

Ive been using Apple Cider Vinegar now for 5 days on a mole the size of a pea its raised.. I used an emry bord to rough mine up.. Not to the point of bleeding tho.. I think its working but the first few days it swelled up 2-3x its size.. Also mine is not forming a scab? Am I supposed to alow it to drie out.. Cause I thit you continue the process till it falls off.. In addition my mole is looking white not black.. But it didnt have a dark pigmant to begin with.. Any ideas or suggestion on whats going on.. Or a step by step instructions

Posted by Brainbuster (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 12/14/2012

I'm a white male, age 31, 135 lbs, 5'7". I have safely and effectively removed dozens of moles, some small as freckles, a few as large as a man's fingernail, and one (on someone else, a woman's neck) about the size of a large pea.

This is more reliable and effective than anything an M. D. can do, and it's about 100 times cheaper.

I simply "roughed up" the mole with either a needle or toothpick or dry toothbrush or emery board (for smoothing fingernails), then, after the surface of the mole is tenderized, cover the mole with bloodroot paste. Then put a bandaid on top.

I've left it alone, and I've also repeated the procedure the next day. It's probably best to just leave it alone. It will turn black, and become a scab, and in a few to a several days, the scab will fall off (the mole just falls off)--leaving a small indent which will heal in a few weeks or a month or two.

The worst that can happen, which is unlikely unless you go crazy and try to rush the process by excessive "roughing up, " is that when the mole is gone there will be a small indentation (still better than a mole).

YEA! Every time I see someone with a mole, I want to tell them to just get some bloodroot for 10 bucks, but of course I can't just say that to people.

It's kind of like whitening your teeth or building muscles... You don't realize how yellow your teeth were until you see them so white. Then you feel a lot better about yourself, and you wonder why you waited so long to take care of it.

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Alan (La Habra, Ca) on 12/10/2012

ACV worked on a big ugly mole on my chest. I scratched until it bled a bit and then dabbed it with ACV 2 or 3 times a day, covering it with a band-aid. About two weeks later the mole was gone, BUT, the scar was pretty noticeable from both the mole and bandage for about a month. Now, I can hardly see a scar at all.... Surely looks better than that awful mole!

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Patounett (Cannes, France) on 11/24/2012

The mole fall off... But still really red around it and a yellow scab where the mole was. Will probably use again this method with garlic juice only applied on the mole few times a day.... Garlic applied directly is just too strong...

ACV, Garlic and Iodine
Posted by Patounett (Cannes, France) on 11/22/2012

Used garlic to remove a mole for two days. Protected the area with vaseline but got badly burned around it... Not good... Shouldn't have tried it on my face. Would probably need days to heal. Not sure if the mole will fall off... turned black and dry...

Iodine, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Ann (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 11/14/2012

Hi, I've had a 1cm raised mole under my bra strap for many years. Decided to try to get rid of it. Over a 2 week period I applied iodine (Lugol's solution) about 4 times and applied tt oil every day... Sometimes twice a day. When I applied the tto I could feel gritty material coming away as it broke up. I think the iodine actually "killed" the thing though. Only took 2 weeks! Good luck everyone! Ann.

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