Mole Remedies

Posted by Charlene (Australia) on 12/27/2006

Thanks for the great suggestion. And after a more research from the forum, I decided to take the plunge. It worked in 8 days. Scabbed in 4 and dropped off in 4. I am so grateful to this website. I am also a believer of home remedies and believe that science still has a lot of catching up to millions of years of experience.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Alice (Washington, MI) on 12/22/2006

My husband had a large mole on his back that has increased in size over the years. He's very anti-doctor. After some extensive research he decided to try the bloodroot paste. It has worked perfectly, just as described. Be prepared, it can be VERY painful, especially with a bigger lesion, but he is very satisfied with the results. I am an RN, and I am amazed by the results and complete and total removal of the mole. He now has a nice pink, granulated wound that I'm certain will heal quickly without infection. Had he had convential surgery, I'm certain he would have had a much larger wound with the probable need for a skin graft. We are very satisfied with the results.

Posted by Mac (Sydney) on 10/18/2006

Garlic stuck on with tape cured moles that i hated. Thanku all for helping us, but for the people who it didn't work for -- U DID IT WRONG!

Posted by We'll See What Happens (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 12/22/2010

Okay, so I've been looking up all these different ways to get rid of moles and I decided to try the garlic one. After my decition was made I got garlic cut it up into tiny pieces, put lotion on the skin around my mole and secured the garlic with medical tape. On day one it just stung a bit. Today is day to and this morning it looked like nothing was really happening except that it actually looked bigger and before it was flat and at that moment it was kind of bolgy looking. Then I rememberd reading that people skrated their moles with needles first, so I did that and put new garlic on. I've had the garlic on all day and it still looks like it did this morning! Still worse >:( maybe I should just let it breath for a bit.... Btw guys It did darkin my surounding skin... I'm keeping my hopes high so hopefully it'll get better.. Oh yeah! Almost forgot, dont think you'll be able to hide the smell cause theres NO WAY to hide it.... You'll smell and smell like garlic allll day and night :/ But God willing this will work and not keep making it worse... I'll try to keep you guys posted as the days go by, any sugestions???.... Best of luck!!!

Posted by James (USA) on 05/25/2005

I have been using the garlic cure for about 3 days and though it seems to have shrunk, there is also a small yellow lump appearing just beneath it were garlic has also been touching the skin. I don't know if this ok or should i stop.

Posted by Ronald (New York, U.s.a.) on 01/16/2010

This probably works. Just for those that have scars from this apply lemon juice to help remove the scar. This also works with the apple cider vinegar. Also i was wondering if anyone who did the apple cider vineger if there moles came back?

Posted by Linda (Scarborough, NY)

Moles. I had several moles that I wanted gone. I taped a small piece of garlic over the mole, scraping the flat side of the garlic that touches the mole so the juice can get onto it. I slept with this garlic remedy and kept it on during the day. Within two to three days, the mole, in each case, disappeared completely, leaving only a small indentation where the mole once was. The skin is now pink and healthy. (If something looks really suspicious, however, do go see a doctor. You might try this first and see if it works

Posted by James (Belfast, Ireland)

A mole on my left cheek. It stings so I knew it was going to work, after the garlic dried a bit I cut it up and crushed it, I thought to add some vinegar to it which worked perfectly because it is an acid it works with the iodine to beat the mole! Make sure to crush it and put a bit of vinegar in, get a bit of kitchen role and scrunch it up, soak up the vinegar and make sure you get some garlic, the garlic sticks to the mole and works even better. USE IT IT WORKS.

Posted by Sanjay (Leicester, UK)

i kept crushed garlic on the mole and covered it with a bandage and left it over night but it got worse, my skin was burnt by the garlic.

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