Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Kathy (Macon, Georgia) on 07/05/2008

Psoriasis first started at a location on my leg where I had been bitten by a dog a few weeks earlier. It quickly spread to virtually all parts of my body. Over a 2 month period there were 9 doctor visits, 13 prescriptions, and 4 biopsies...none of which were helping! A Registered Nutritionist recommend I try drinking 2 Tbls. Organic, unfiltered (with the mother) Apple Cider Vinegar mixed into about a half cup of water twice a day. Additionally she suggested I begin using a good systemic enzyme. (Like digestive enzymes, but coated so they don't dissolve in your stomach) which I also took twice daily (following mfg's instructions).

The psoriasis began clearing almost immediately and was completely gone within a few weeks. Three years have now passed since the psoriasis episode with no recurrence of the problem. Hope this helps someone else because it sure was a nasty problem

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alba (Fl, US) on 01/24/2015 2 posts

I read the comments about itching with psoriasis, especially the burning! That is for me the very worst. I learned that when the burning and itching is making me crazy I treat the area with apple cider vineger solution. The burn and itch goes away quicky! I also use soverign silver drops and they help me a lot. The itch and the burn are mostly gone now and my skin is healing and feeling much better. I use a vinegar rinse after I shampoo. I let it sit for 2 or 3 min and then I rinse and use an organic conditioner. I hope this helps you as much as its helped me.

Bleach Baths, ACV
Posted by James (Michigan) on 08/06/2013

I too have had great success with bleach baths. I have had psoriasis now for 10 years and seemed to get worse every year. Had it on my toes, ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and hands. Have tried many medications some of which seemed to help clear it up completely, dovonex for example, and then a couple weeks later came back doubled in size.

ACV helps by breaking down the plaques and when used with a steroid cream allows the medicine to absorb better to heal and prevent more effectively, astringent (Salicylic Acid) works the same way.

I used astringent and betamethasone for many years to manage this. BUT for about a year now I have been doing the bleach baths off and on and my psoriasis is completely gone from my toes, ankles, knees and wrists, and my elbows and hands are much better and more manageable. I hope to be psoriasis free some day by using this method.

Here is what works for me. I try to do a bleach bath a couple of times a week when I can, for 15 minutes at a time, with 1/2 cup of bleach in the bath. While your in the bath if you lightly rub the affected areas you can feel the plaques and extra skin come off easily.

When I get out of the tub the areas are nice and smooth and I then use a cotton ball and wipe the areas with either ACV or astringent, let dry and then immediately cover the areas with betamethasone. So far this has worked wonders for me, 75% of my psoriasis has disappeared and I am working on the other 25%. I realize this isn't a natural remedy but just thought I would share.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Art (California) on 04/06/2022 2159 posts

Hi Wendy,

That is an awesome result! Was it just one application of ACV one time?

I have had psoriasis that looked just like that, but when I did, it wasn't just in one place like that, it was in many. If I ever get another one like that, I will test your remedy! Thank you for posting it!


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elizabeth (Tennessee ) on 01/22/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda tonic promising after just 2 uses.

Summary: diabetes, alcoholism, bulemia, topped with a 10yr abusive relationship ending in a soul crushing divorce, and job struggles equals a nasty outbreak of psoraiasis. Shocked it didn't happen 10 yrs ago from all the stress.

It all started about a month ago around all *sensitive* areas, I had been crying so much it started occurring around my eyes and got so painful that there was more crying and depression while basically crying blood. Now it's under my arms, on my wrists, the palms of my hands, between my breasts, on my chin, behind my ears, shoulder, and neck. It was so dry and cracking so often.

Tried topically applying ACV diluted with a little water - it does help with the itching however not long lasting and burns like a SOB on cracked skin (of course) and when every crease by your eyelid and corners is an open wound - owww!

Coconut oil also provided temporary relief but again after 30min - 1hr I was peeling more scales off.

The unrelentlessness reached an unbearable pinnacle after spending over 8hrs tweezing off scales yesterday that reappeared within moments.

I gave up and tried the 1Tbsp ACV with 1/2tsp baking soda and a small amount of warm water and took it as a few small shots chased by gatorade.

No doubt it is completely vile and no fun, I took it in the afternoon and planned to take it again before bed but fell asleep. I was shocked upon waking up my eyes weren't glued shut from painful scales and scabs! There was a HUGE reduction in the amount of scales which I removed most of so I took another dose. Right now I can stand and sit without the crease between butt and legs tearing painfully, touch my ear without it splitting, and squinch my eyes shut without grimacing in pain for the first time in weeks.

I'm going to keep it up and see how it goes but I'm already excited after suffering from low self esteem and adding these painful, unsightly scale covered eyes and chin that can't be hidden it would be great to keep this relief and catch my breath to heal.

Also I'm a picky eater and have a terrible diet so I've added more fruits and veggies opting for grilled vs fried things. This didn't seem to have a big impact but still gonna keep trying to opt for healthier choices and cut out junk food. As for alcoholism I weaned off liquor without experiencing typical withdrawals by drinking wine and now have days that I don't drink, so cheers to self improvement.

Will update if it becomes ineffective, good luck everyone!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/01/2017 2159 posts

In reply to Kalpanamayee (I),

Thank you for the thought!

I have tried coconut oil, evening primrose oil, castor oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, canola oil, shea butter, almond oil, black cumin seed oil, vegetable oil, emu oil, sesame seed oil, fish oil, black currant seed oil, borage oil, mineral oil and others with mixed results, but none helped to lessen my psoriasis, only soothe. Jojoba oil and Emu oil would be my favorites as far as being easy to use with minimal smell. I have tried well over a hundred supplements and alternative remedies including everything Ted has posted on EC and again with little if any benefit or benefit that was very short lived and not maintainable.

Psoriasis is different for different people and some people can get benefit from certain oils while others can not. The type and severity of the psoriasis also plays into the equation. I have had guttate, inverse, plaque and the dreaded erythrodermic psoriasis which can kill you. My psoriasis falls into the moderate to severe category and is fairly resistant to many treatments. I suspect that what we know as psoriasis can be caused by many different problems in the body and the psoriasis that we see may only be a symptom of any of those problems. This could explain why something may completely clear one person with psoriasis while doing absolutely nothing for another person with psoriasis.

I am currently experimenting with a supplement that seems to be helping and I will post about it here on EC if it it continues to improve my psoriasis and continues to work over time. For now it is just another experiment for me and it is too soon to even discuss it because I have tried many things that initially showed some benefit, but that was all as the benefit quickly went away.


Silver Sol, Coconut Oil, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mama's Mud (Usa ) on 08/22/2015

Suffering from psoriasis for 16 years I have tried everything imaginable. The one thing that works for me is a lotion that my mother-in-law made for me. As I'm not big on taking prescription meds, I was eager to try her ideas as I had ran out.

About 6 years ago she made me a concoction I call mama's mud. It contains coconut oil, silver sol 32 ppm (not to be confused with colloidal silver), Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (i call it food grade dirt, hence the name mama's mud)

We have never really measured the ingredients just went my consistancy mainly. You will want to melt the coconut oil before mixing with the dirt, then add the silver last. After all is mixed and smooth put in air tight jar or container in fridge to thicken like lotion.

Consistency will never be really smooth as the main ingredient is dirt but it will rub on like lotion. May dry to a white film and leave marks on clothing and furniture but does not stain.

***I also do what some Drs would tell you not to do. I scrub my psoriasis with a shower puff. At the end of my shower when everything is softened up, I take a clean shower puff and I sluff off all the dead skin (I scrub even if it hurts a little) till the area feels smooth. I also shave my legs like normal, right over the psoriasis, taking any dead skin off.

I had tremendous success with this concoction. I had psoriasis on my legs from my ankle to the top of my knees. I hadn't wore shorts or a skirt since I was 18 till I was about 30. And still to my amazement there is no scarring on my legs. It was like brand new skin. My elbows use to hurt all time, and I couldn't bend them or straighten them completely. Afraid that they would crack and bleed. I would have miscellaneous spots all over my body, looking like a lepar, feeling ashamed at what my husband had to look at most of the time. There were days I would cry after getting out of the shower trying to cover myself in the new remedy I was trying at that time. Things were hard some days. Then I tried something different. And it worked.

Now a days I get the little spots that show up and treat them accordingly and they go away. Nothing has gotten out of hand in the last 6 years. Ive been able to wear the clothes that I want (with the exception of the occasional "I feel fat day" lol). All in all I'm pretty happy to be able to share this info.

Posted by MIS Adventure Books (Earth Clinic's YouTube Channel) on 06/17/2020

I read about Borax years ago and recently came across "Forbidden Health" by German biophysicist, Andreas Kalcker where I read about many wonderful forgotten therapies including Borax. It mentioned many of the things mentioned in this video. Here's mind blowing my testimonial: I have been suffering from psoriasis gone wild on my left inner ankle which I scratched into an infection that spread to my whole foot.

The burning itch was unbearable and my foot was swollen to the point it couldn't fit in my soft slip-on sandal plus it weeped plasma continually, so I had to wrap it. I went to a NATUREPATH CLINIC and got VIT C and H202 IV (Hydrogen peroxide) several days plus $300 worth of supplements for a detox cleanse.

Nothing worked my foot was still swollen and itchy 😕...then upon waking, I started getting shooting pain and couldn't stand or walk for several minutes till veins expanded to receive blood flow. That night my foot tingled, I panicked, I read folks lost limbs when circulation is cut off to a limb. In middle of the night I got up and took tummeric and an aspirn. They helped with swelling and itching but in the morning I spit out blood from gums and I had blood blisters plus a large bruise on my arm.

What the heck‼️😟 Then I remembered that tummeric and aspirin are blood thinners and some of the supplements I was taking from the Natural clinic had curcumin in it which is also in tummeric so I had to stop the tummeric and aspirin.

I was out of options so the next morning I went running to Urgent Care and was given an antibiotic and a dreaded steroid (the reason I went to a natural clinic in the first place, to avoid steroids).

Well, the conventional doctor (a girl my daughter's age) assured me it was a low dossage for only 5 days to reduce swelling and prevent circulation issues), so, l I took the antibiotics and steroids as prescribed 😒 and my foot was almost back to normal ☺️.

But after the meds ran out, my foot swoll up again and the burning itching returned. 😟 Now what?

Was I going to become dependent on antibiotics and steroids?! I had previously joined a natural health chat line on WhatsApp where someone posted the PDF of the book, "FORBIDDEN HEALTH" that's when I read Borax is a one of the many minerals in SEA WATER💧and how it use to be a natural occurring mineral found in rich soil where apples and other produce would have as much as 20mg and diseases caused by high acidity like arthritis, psoriasis, diabetes, etc., where RARE.

I was unsure of the amount I should take, (now I'll take the amount recommended here) so, I took an aspirin size pinch of Borax with a glass of water and within an hour the burning itching stopped and my foot seemed less bloated and dry.

I repeated it later in day when I felt the itching come back. The next day my foot was 2 sizes smaller 😲.

I took it twice again, and I was blown away! Within 2 days the Borax had reduced the inflammation, stopped the unbearable burning itching, and stopped the weeping. Now, 4 days later my foot is the same size as my healthy foot, and no longer weeping 😀's still healing of course.

Per labs at the clinic my thyroid is out of wack and I have candida. So, I will continue taking Borax as recommended here to clean my gut and continue healing my foot now normal in size except for a bit of red patches still in healing process, I'm delighted ❣️🤗

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by DAONH (United States) on 01/21/2022

How does this recommendation help anybody if the application method and dosage aren't provided? As Eira asked almost five years ago, is this topical or oral? Dosage?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Diane (Old Bridge, Nj) on 02/06/2011

Coconut oil amazingly cleared the Psoriasis I have had on my hands, elbows, knees and spots on my legs and ankles for over 40 years. I take one teaspoon in the morning. It took about one month to clear. I would like to say thank you very much for such a fantastic website and thank you to all the contributors!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Joe (Worcester, MA) on 04/26/2008

I've been suffering from Psoriasis for several years now, don't know where it came from but I couldn't get rid of it. I got some creams from my docotor, but they didn't really work. I started using aloe vera gel for my skin during sun exposure and found that it started curbing my psoriasis, so I continued using it and it completely cleared it up!!! I applied it twice per day in the affected areas and more. I've also found my skin is in much better condition. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it's cheap to try out. I used the Aloe-gator because there's no alocohol and few to no added chemicals. I hope this helps someone out there.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Susan (Katy, Tx) on 12/30/2020

Are you allowed to say the name of that shampoo? I have this on my neck right at the hairline and it's driving me crazy.

Curel Fragrance Free Lotion
Posted by John (South Carolina) on 04/10/2022


My name is John.

Psoriasis appeared on my elbows, knees, wrists, ankles and on my face after a very serious automobile accident in 1979. I was very embarrassed by the patches of either very dry or red skin.

I started using a prescription from a dermatologist but I stopped because the patches appeared to be a much deeper red.

After many years of experimenting with over the counter products and some also from dermatologists, I saw a commercial on tv for Curel fragrance free lotion.

The commercial didn't speak about psoriasis. It was only focused on dry skin.

I remember a few years before reading a magazine article about psoriasis. It said it's always best to use products that are simple and more natural.

Once again I am thinking "What have I got to lose"?

I started using Curel Fragrance Free Lotion during the Winter of 2009

I would apply this lotion to all areas that have psoriasis patches before I left my home each morning and before I went to bed each night .

Please understand! I had either deep red patches of crusty patches of skin.

It did take me a week or two to control everything but I did.

I haven't thought about looking for anything more to control my psoriasis because I believe my skin looks good and there has never been any side effects since I started using Curel Fragrance Free Lotion twice each day.

You might want to test multiple fragrance free lotions to see which one works the very best for you!

I sincerely hope this will help many people!

God bless you all!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wendy (London) on 04/06/2022

We only applied it once although it was a good soaking.

He too has had patches crop up elsewhere over the years which he just used to apply cream of all different types to try to keep it at bay, but this was worst so we decided to try ACV. After the initial treatment it was just left, no creams and thankfully all healed.

I wish you luck too.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mark (Philippines) on 08/28/2016


The root of All causes of skin diseases is Candida Overgrowth inside your gut when it enters into your bloodstream that is the beginning of everything so, we need to normalize this fungal in your gut the best way to do is by drinking 2-3 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil or mixed it with salads trust me if this doesnt work idk but, Im sure it will I tried myself Im just the 4th day but the effects is extraordinary just give it a try and see for yourself you have my word for it. Do exercise drink alot of water in between meals cut all food related with sugar anything that is sweet and food made from white flour eat more veggies. Thats all . Please Spread the good news to others.

Cocoa Butter
Posted by Princessdiva (Arizona) on 01/27/2015

Hi: I also have Psoriasis and I have tried all you can imagine, from topicals, to pills, baths, soaps, acupuncture, autohemotherapy, You named it I have tried it all. Last year I started a detoxification process and My P was WILD!!! I was covered from head to toe, It was itchy, PAINFUL and really embarrassing.

I kept going with the detox and changed my diet, No dairy, no flour, no sugar, no gluten. I also started probiotics and I started a homeopathic treatment, a year later I am about 85% Psoriasis free. It has been a very slow and painful process and I always itch even when I have no patches on my upper body just a few on my legs.

I tried every cream and ointment, every oil to calm the itch. The only thing I have found useful for me is Cocoa butter. This product has been the only one I've found calms my skin immediately. I use it all over my skin from face to toe and it is wonderful!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Sabita (Middletown, Ri) on 06/14/2014

I have the same problem as you. I used a Zinc spray with Echinacea & Elderberry on the itching and got instant relief. If you look for it in health store, it is a throat spray very effective when you feel a tickle in your throat. I am going to also try Bill's candida protocol to try and get rid of this problem once and for all. I had gotten rid of same minor skin problem a few years ago by taking oil of oregano capsule, 2 three times a day, 16 ozs of green juice. I also only ate romaine lettuce salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, etc.) all day. By the way, I know that I am allergic to a lot of foods. Hope this helps.

Bleach Baths
Posted by Debbie (Indianapolis) on 04/19/2017

Stop being an ignorant buffoon about bleach! My god, do you show up at swimming pools screaming for people to get the hell out of the water? I hope not. Bleach is the equivalent of swimming in a pool with chlorine. Scientists noticed people who swim regularly in chlorinated pools have virtually no skin issues because the chlorine kills off bacteria.

Obviously, don't drink the bleach. Don't put gallons in your tub and then soak in it. 1/2 cup or 1 cup in the tub, soaking for 15 mins will work. Google is your friend, so research it before you turn into your dumb grandma saying someone will die from that. Also, dermatologists regularly are telling people to take bleach baths because we are now all tolerant to antibiotics and bleach is the tried & true savior to kill off MRSA when nothing else will. A dermatologist told me to do bleach baths. Side benefit based on studies prove bleach baths reverses aging on skin.

So, go take a few bleach baths every week! Put in a few drops of lavender essential oil in the tub too and the bleach smell will be hardly noticed. It's cheap, smells like a swimming pool, and your skin issues will die off from the bleach.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Lynn (Sharbot Lake, On Canada) on 09/09/2010

I've been slathering on fresh aloe vera goo (I'm on my second plant) and haven't flaked at all for this month-long flare-up. I'm also bathing the areas in cool or lukewarm salt water first. (This was advised by the Chinese doctor who gave me acupuncture, which may help, or may constitute skin injury and make it worse. ) Then I pat dry. After I massage the Aloe Vera goo in I massage in olive oil. (I still use my old faithful unscented moisture cream in between. ) I've been doing this two to four times a day. I haven't been scratching hardly at all and it hasn't flaked. Who's to say whether the fading of my arms and chest was caused by this treatment? At least it has kept my suffering and the severity to a minimum.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kay Ramos (Louisville, KY) on 04/10/2009

I had Psoriasis for YEARS. The long and short of it was that I discovered that it is indeed (1) your body's inability to metabolize ANIMAL fat; and (2) processed/refined foods "gunking" up your system. If you are serious about getting rid of your Psoriasis, you can do what I did:

Stay away from red meats. I tested this. After eliminating red meats, dark meat (chicken/turkey legs and thighs) and processed and refined foods from my diet, it took about 2 months but my Psoriasis totally cleared up... totally. Anytime I would eat a nice big steak, I would have a flare up on either my legs or my arms. It wasn't a large flare up, but enough for me to realize that the red meat was not reacting well with my body. Now, having said this, we also have a better understanding now that what our cows and chickens are eating affects the constitution of their meat. Cows that are "grain fed", their meat contains certain compounds that makes their fat very unhealthy. That's why today we are seeing labels that say "grass fed". Somehow the grass affects the quality of the fat and the way that we are able to metabolize it. I have NOT tested this theory yet to see if the meat from cows that are ONLY GRASS FED will give my skin the same reaction. The same would go for chickens and turkeys. The way these animals are jam packed together like sardines and all the antibiotics they are fed and their horrible diets, I really think this also changes the composition of the fat in their meat. Just food for thought. However, to be safe, avoid red meat and dark meat or meats that are high in fat.

Stay away from pork! Pigs are the garbage collectors of the animal kingdom. Pigs will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING -- and do. They clean up the dead things. You truly ARE what you eat in this sense. Most people are not aware that pigs do not excrete toxins which means whatever they eat gets stored in their fat and then gets consumed by you. You will never look at bacon quite the same way again when you realize what is REALLY in that fat you're eating.

Next is to eliminate ALL dairy from your diet. This was very hard for me as I was raised on a farm and love dairy! However, what a change I noticed when I did. No butter, ice cream, milk, etc. I noticed STRONGLY that eggs are one of the WORST offenders. Almost as soon as I eat eggs I get a breakout.

Next eliminate processed, refined and "pre-fab" foods from your diet. No "white" anything. No white flour, sugar, rice. These foods are "empty" and do nothing but gunk up your system and cause things like yeast overgrowths and just all kinds of trouble, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.

No fried foods, no refined oils. This will also make your psoriasis go crazy. Any oil that you buy off your store shelves that does not say "cold pressed" has been processed and refined and is full of partially hydrogenated oils. Notice the labeling... they all say "0 grams of trans fat PER SERVING" and then notice what the serving size is. That means that the amount of trans fat is "negligible" to where they can list "0 grams of trans fats" so long as you don't exceed their serving size. States all around the country have banned and are in the process of banning partially hydrogenated oils from being served in restaurants, etc. There is a reason for this... they are toxic and poisonous... and will make you fat. The last thing I will say on this topic is this... they say '0 grams of trans fat per serving' and claim that they are following labeling laws and they are very misleading because the regular consumer is not aware of how they are being less than forthright. My question to the manufacturers is this... I have this batch of brownies that I have baked. I have ONLY added a little bit of dog crap in the mix... just enough that, if I use the guidelines of our labeling laws, I can put on my label "no dog crap" but then on the backside of my label, I will say "no dog crap PER SERVING". I would like to ask the manufacturers if they would like to eat my brownies?! Ha! I doubt they would.

I have said the above to make a point... if you do not look out for yourself, the FDA and the food manufacturers are NOT going to do it for you. Right now, as I am typing this, there are literally dozens of names for monosodium glutamate (MSG) another one of those nasty little ingredients that will make your psoriasis go off like the 4th of July and it can be found in nearly ALL pre-fab (pre-made) food, which is why you need to either avoid all pre-fab foods or educate yourself about what you're eating and become an avid label reader. :) There are websites that if you put in "names for MSG" they will tell you all the different names and what to look out for.

Also orange juice and tomatoes. Any overly acidic foods should be avoided. There are places on the web that list out which foods are acidic and you can avoid those.

I had Psoriasis for nearly 20 years and when I got really serious about finding out what was going on with my body, I was able to TOTALLY eradicate this "incurable disease". :)

Good Luck!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Keith (San Leandro, Ca) on 05/31/2010

I've been suffering from a red and scaly scalp, tried all the shampoo's. Lately the scale has gotten so bad my scalp was completely white with scale under the hair. So I tried Aloe Vera Gel, completely soaking my hair and scalp twice each evening and the scaling is completely gone now which is just the third night, still using the "blue" shampoo in the mornings just encase so I don't get any snow on my black uniform. The redness is still easy to see but I'm hoping over time this too will ease up, but I wanted to let anyone else out there know that the Aloe does help alot.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/03/2021

Hi Susan,

I use Hope Relief Shampoo and would not be without it these days (Australian brand).

It has almost completely cured the Dreaded Itch and, what is more, I don't need to wash my hair nearly so often these days. As I recall, it is pretty natural in its make-up.

I apply a small quantity straight onto the wet scalp and work it in thoroughly.

You need to leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it/rinse it off thoroughly afterwards.

You will need to have a few goes at this before lasting results will become evident possibly, depending on the severity of the "itch".

You may (or may not) need the conditioner that compliments the shampoo. If so, put on the scalp after rinsing off the shampoo-then rinse again..

Good luck and we would appreciate feedback from you.


Michael from Down Under

Oregano Oil, Alkalizing +
Posted by Sabita (Florida ) on 04/18/2022

I had very good results to tame psoriasis itch by mixing about 4 tbsp olive oil, 2 capsules of Oil of Oregano (Natural Factors brand with 80 percent Carvacol) and 3 drops of DMSO. The itch went away and for the rest of the day, I kept my skin moisturized with olive oil. My psoriasis is slowly going away. I did use some left over antifungal creams I had from my last bout of psoriasis which helped a lot.

I am also drink baking soda in water or lemon water after meals to combat acidity. After drinking these for a few days I noticed that the swelling above my right knee went away after being swollen for over a year. I started doing this after a source stated that arthritis is caused by acidity.

I am also taking Bill Thompson's Special Alkalizing Combo No. 1 in the morning and evening. You can do a search for this on this site. This Combo helps with fighting candida as well.

Thank you to everyone who responded to my request for simple meal ideas. I will certainly try what has been suggested. Also thank you for this site and all its contributors over the years. I have used many remedies for myself and my family with great results.

With all that going on in this world, I believe we need to start stocking up on our remedies, meds and also on food, etc.

Stay safe and be blessed!

Posted by Julie (Az) on 09/30/2018

I had what I called the Rash From Hell. It started 3 years ago after an extremely high stress episode. First my face broke out with oozing, itching & burning. That cleared up after 3 months, then it showed up on both hands. Couldn't prepare food, do dishes, household chores... That took about 3 months to clear up. Next was my legs - ankles, thighs and calves. Then my arms.

I went to the ER when it was at its worst. 4 times. No help. I got a range of diagnoses from "some kinda rash" to shingles to pellagra! No M.D. ever figured it out. Just prescriptions up the wazoo to treat their guesses. I didn't take them.

After researching off and on for almost 3 years, I finally realized it was psoriasis, which I then researched intensively. After less than a week, it is now 80-90% cleared up! Here's what I did...

I started taking 50 mg of zinc 2X/day. Won't mention brand name, but it's "zinc (as zinc gluconate dihydrate, zinc picolinate)." Chelated. You may want to try a higher dose or take more than twice a day -- I only weigh 88 lbs, so you may want to adjust accordingly.

The sores are 90% gone. All I have left are a few areas of flaky skin, mostly on my shins.

For dead skin clean-up, I'm using a solution recommended by Tony Pantalleresco made of about 16 oz white vinegar, 1 rounded tablespoon of sea salt, and 20 drops of 5% lugol's. Shaken - not stirred. :-) I dampen a wash rag with it and then gently rub off the dead skin.

I won't call this solution a cure, but it will help keep the dead flaky skin to a minimum, and some areas where I've used it have stopped being flaky altogether for about 3 days now (but that could just be the zinc doing its work).

I tried many many things over 3 years' time before I realized what I had, so feel free to ask me about something you're considering.

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