Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Essential Oils
Posted by Jenkeo (Indianapolis) on 03/30/2018

I used a blend of essential oils. This blend consisted of Lavender, Frankincense, Copaiba, Peppermint, and Cedarwood. (Cedarwood being the most important ingredient). I gave to a friend who has suffered psoriasis for many years. He is now asking for more. He says it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elizabeth (Tennessee ) on 01/22/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda tonic promising after just 2 uses.

Summary: diabetes, alcoholism, bulemia, topped with a 10yr abusive relationship ending in a soul crushing divorce, and job struggles equals a nasty outbreak of psoraiasis. Shocked it didn't happen 10 yrs ago from all the stress.

It all started about a month ago around all *sensitive* areas, I had been crying so much it started occurring around my eyes and got so painful that there was more crying and depression while basically crying blood. Now it's under my arms, on my wrists, the palms of my hands, between my breasts, on my chin, behind my ears, shoulder, and neck. It was so dry and cracking so often.

Tried topically applying ACV diluted with a little water - it does help with the itching however not long lasting and burns like a SOB on cracked skin (of course) and when every crease by your eyelid and corners is an open wound - owww!

Coconut oil also provided temporary relief but again after 30min - 1hr I was peeling more scales off.

The unrelentlessness reached an unbearable pinnacle after spending over 8hrs tweezing off scales yesterday that reappeared within moments.

I gave up and tried the 1Tbsp ACV with 1/2tsp baking soda and a small amount of warm water and took it as a few small shots chased by gatorade.

No doubt it is completely vile and no fun, I took it in the afternoon and planned to take it again before bed but fell asleep. I was shocked upon waking up my eyes weren't glued shut from painful scales and scabs! There was a HUGE reduction in the amount of scales which I removed most of so I took another dose. Right now I can stand and sit without the crease between butt and legs tearing painfully, touch my ear without it splitting, and squinch my eyes shut without grimacing in pain for the first time in weeks.

I'm going to keep it up and see how it goes but I'm already excited after suffering from low self esteem and adding these painful, unsightly scale covered eyes and chin that can't be hidden it would be great to keep this relief and catch my breath to heal.

Also I'm a picky eater and have a terrible diet so I've added more fruits and veggies opting for grilled vs fried things. This didn't seem to have a big impact but still gonna keep trying to opt for healthier choices and cut out junk food. As for alcoholism I weaned off liquor without experiencing typical withdrawals by drinking wine and now have days that I don't drink, so cheers to self improvement.

Will update if it becomes ineffective, good luck everyone!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/12/2017

Hello Becky,

I don't know about the Candida problem specifically, but I DO know from personal experience, that I made great progress with my digestive issues once I commenced taking HCL tablets under the instruction of my local Naturopath.

Older people loose some of their stomach acid unfortunately. They tend to lose some important other stuff also but you get the message!

I decided later on that I would change to taking ACV during my main evening meal only and this seemed to work just as well ( and was much less expensive! ).

I drink it through a straw and rinse carefully afterwards and clean teeth a half hour later.

You could mix it with Bicarbonate of Soda if you are worried about your enamel OR take the tablets.

I got rid of the intestinal gas that was bothering me and I think that I am digesting my food better (and getting the nutrients out of it) especially mince, chicken and some carbohydrates! Older people need some protein in their diets.

I got rapid relief by doing the above and only take the recommended dosage as outlined on this Site. In fact, I usually only take a couple of tea-spoons of it at a time in a big glass of water either during a meal OR within thirty minutes of finishing the meal (important).

I don't care to take it on an empty stomach.

I hope this helps you some.



Dietary Changes
Posted by Becky (Ca) on 12/10/2017 31 posts

This topic can get mighty frustrating in knowing what to do. As someone who has a very serious systemic candida issue, I can't afford to get it wrong.

Bill's Killing Candida book says to take hcl with meals and baking soda an hour later. Not sure what to do any more?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cora (Texarkana, Tx) on 12/10/2017

Gluten, Dairy, Enzymes, Probiotics, and HCl. All have a major role to play in the battle for your health. Most of us have problems digesting our food because we are supposed to be eating raw foods which have enzymes that naturally starts breaking down food in our stomachs before our stomach acid (HCl) starts in on the food an hour after we eat. We are also supposed to chew each bite about 20 times to mix with our own enzymes in our saliva. The enzymes begin breaking down the food and "turn off" when our stomach acid comes in and works on the food some more. Then the food moves to our intestines where we are supposed to have an alkaline environment to turn these enzymes back on to continue helping break down food into the nutrients we need. Because of our lifestyle today, none off these things happen as they are meant to. So if you are not eating raw foods like a salad (that is organic! ) then you need to be taking an enzyme supplement when you take the first bite; Then take a HCl supplement an hour after you eat. And of course eating foods that promote an alkaline environment in your gut will also help greatly. However, that last part it is not so easy to do consistently. Particularly if you are already on another diet or have an allergen or intolerance.

My brother has psoriasis and is autistic and intolerant to gluten and dairy. We are also trying eliminate nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika, etc). So far we have found that eating less nightshade vegetables and using topically or eating more coconut oil is helping us heal some of his psoriasis.

Mental and Emotional Peace
Posted by Dieter G (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/06/2017

The role of mind and emotional peace in psoriasis

84, male, from Berlin/Germany, in Australia since 1952.
Stressful marriage on top of all other newbie cultural adjustments.
Psoriasis all over the usual places.
After 15 years in AU visited my home town Berlin on my own for about 3 months, at the end of which all symptoms had dissipated and I was cured.

It never recurred.

Pine Nuts, Blackberries
Posted by Canadaguy (Vancouver) on 11/07/2017 15 posts

I wanted to let you know that my psoriasis, which I have had for about 15 years or so, has gotten better since I started doing two things. First of all, it's only about 3' by 4", which is kinda small compared to many other people. It hasn't gotten worse in that time, just moved down from my knee to my lower leg. It itched and scaled a lot. The itching went mostly away when I started eating blackberries every day. Then I bought pine nuts, and wow! The scaling went completely away too! In addition it seems some of my food sensitivities went down or away with the pine nuts. I know psoriasis is considered an auto-immune disease, and I think the pine nuts may be useful to interrupt that process for some. It definitely hasn't fixed my psoriasis, just made it less 'angry', and less thick a bit too. I think it may be the sterolins in the pine nuts and the mannose in the blackberries, as that is why I tried them. But I am not really that sure.

I used about 2$ Canadian in pine nuts a day and about 2 cups of blackberries per day also. I also avoided pasteurized milk products and wheat, but I have been doing that for a while.

Herbal Salve
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/09/2017

Dear Marsh,

Thank you for sharing your amazing salve recipe. I am sure many will be helped with this.

Your father is blessed to have you.

~Mama to Many~

Herbal Salve
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver, Co) on 09/08/2017

My elderly father had a horrible case of psoraisis. After researching I made this salve many times for him:

1/2 cup shea butter; 1/4 c castor oil, 1/8 cup aloe, 1 oz almond oil; 1/2 t Vitamin E, 5-10 drops lavender, 5 drops tea tree, 3-4 drops Myrhh & Frankencense essential oils. Melt over low heat, mix and apply. You can also add Neem.

The massage therapist we had seeing him 2x week called to ask what it was... she was amazed at how it helped heal in in a couple months and loved the way her hands felt. The thick skin disappeared on his elbows but we didn't have the oppty to see how it worked on the scarring as he passed. Liver detox is also important.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Daniella (Kaitaia) on 08/22/2017

Hi did u rub the coconut oil into ur skin or just take it by eating and it cleared up?

EC: Sounds like the poster from 2011 took coconut oil internally.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Breezysmom (Tiskilwa, Il) on 07/07/2017

Apple cider vinegar for Psoriasis

A couple of years ago I developed an itchy rash on my scalp behind my ears shortly after having my hair colored. It progressively got worse with severe swelling of my ear and high fever. Ended up in urgent care with cellulitis. Antibiotics cleared it up but it kept coming back. After my 3rd round of antibiotics I was diagnosed with psoriasis.

I was told by the doctor to use a medicated shampoo and a product called Scalpicin which helped to keep the itching down and kept it from getting infected but it never went away. I decided to start on the apple cider vinegar regimen.

I would take an empty water bottle and pour about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in and then add 1/2 tsp baking soda. After it stopped fizzing I added water and drank it. I did this everyday and within a few months I noticed my rash was going away. It was completely gone on one side of my scalp with just a small area left on the other side.

I decided to stop taking the apple cider vinegar just to see if it had anything to do with it. For 2 weeks I did not take the apple cider vinegar and the rash came back on one side with a vengeance. It got infected and I took silver biotics to clear up the infection and started back on the apple cider vinegar drink.

After a couple of weeks the rash went away again. I am now a firm believer in this drink and I am back on my regimen of taking it everyday during the week and take off one or two days on the weekend.

Juicing, Milk Thistle
Posted by Chris G (California ) on 06/26/2017

Do you only juice? Or are you combining it with a regular diet? Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robin (Redding, Ca) on 06/23/2017

I have a friend who had psoriasis really bad. It covered her whole body, her head too! I told her to take food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide drops in a glass of distilled water as follows,

1. Take for 30 days.

2. Start with 1 drop day one, day 2, 2 drops, day 3, 3 drops continue to 21 drops if anytime you feel nausea back off a drop for a day and continue, take no more than 21 drops until the 30 days are up.

That was almost a year ago and her skin is clear and healthy! Hasn't had a outbreak since!

I've been reading a lot about hydrogen peroxide, is it safe to use in treating hep c?

Boric Acid
Posted by Barbara (Maryland) on 05/22/2017

No way!! Been suffering since 11 and I'm now over 50 with scalp psoriasis . I have tried EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING . Where do you get this acid?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin D3, Aloe
Posted by Ovrnite (Knoxville, Tn) on 04/21/2017

Had psoriasis develop, on thigh and calf, 2 years after surgery on leg. Ongoing for about 4 months, bless everybody that has been dealing with this for years. The areas are both about 6"x4".

For other health concerns I've been taking;
ACV- 2 tablespoons;
sodium bicarbonate 1-1/2 teaspoon in divided doses
potassium bicarbonate- 1 teaspoon in divided doses
Vitamin D3 - 7000ui
Along with other vitamins, herbs, etc.

1. When psoriasis showed up I started 'painting' on Lugols solution 2% which had some luck in slowing it down, not resolving it.
2. Then organic peppermint moisterizer over the Lugols. No improvement
3. 2 days ago I found 'EarthClinic' website. Got me thinking!
4.Sunshine good- substitute vitamin d3.
5. ACV good- use it to wash area.
6. Aloe Vera good- apply over ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar)
7. Menthol good- apply over Aloe Vera.

My routine is shower or wash area with Tea Tree Castile Soap
1. Scrub areas down with ACV, (yes, it stings a little) let dry
2. Open vitamin D3 capsule(5000iu) massage half into each area.
(I plan to do the D3 every other day)
3. Massage, 1/4" drop, Aloe Vera over each area, until tacky.
4. Spread Organic Peppermint Moisturizer over each area.
5. Cover each area with plastic wrap, tape edge if needed.

The plastic could be a problem for some. I repeat this process two times a day

Bottom line is that this might not work for everybody, but in two days I've gone from dark red, itchy, rough scaly thick MESS, to soft pink areas with no itching.
Will update this in a week.

Bleach Baths
Posted by Debbie (Indianapolis) on 04/19/2017

Stop being an ignorant buffoon about bleach! My god, do you show up at swimming pools screaming for people to get the hell out of the water? I hope not. Bleach is the equivalent of swimming in a pool with chlorine. Scientists noticed people who swim regularly in chlorinated pools have virtually no skin issues because the chlorine kills off bacteria.

Obviously, don't drink the bleach. Don't put gallons in your tub and then soak in it. 1/2 cup or 1 cup in the tub, soaking for 15 mins will work. Google is your friend, so research it before you turn into your dumb grandma saying someone will die from that. Also, dermatologists regularly are telling people to take bleach baths because we are now all tolerant to antibiotics and bleach is the tried & true savior to kill off MRSA when nothing else will. A dermatologist told me to do bleach baths. Side benefit based on studies prove bleach baths reverses aging on skin.

So, go take a few bleach baths every week! Put in a few drops of lavender essential oil in the tub too and the bleach smell will be hardly noticed. It's cheap, smells like a swimming pool, and your skin issues will die off from the bleach.

Vitamin B2
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/09/2017 2158 posts

In reply to Col (Qld Australia),

I am glad that you were able to find something that worked very well for your psoriasis! That is sometimes not an easy thing to do. Do you mind saying what dose you used and what grade your psoriasis is or was, such as moderate, mild or severe?

Based on some old studies from the 1950's and one newer study that is currently recruiting, I tried vitamin B2, which is also known as riboflavin. I started out at 400 mg per day based on the proposed dose for the newer study that is currently recruiting. I took that dose for 4 weeks and when I didn't see any improvement, I increased the dose to 800 mg per day in two divided doses of 400 mg in the morning and one in the afternoon. After another 8 weeks, I still saw no improvement. The main things that I noticed is that it turns your urine an irridescent yellow/green color which is darker than normal and it also made my urine smell.

Judging by my lack of response, I would say that vitamin B2 / riboflavin will not work for all cases of psoriasis, but given the good safety profile of riboflavin, it certainly seems worth a try. Here is a link to the study that is currently recruiting:

Here is a link to a study from 1952 that had mixed results using injections of B2:

The other studies from the 1950's are listed, but not available.


Vitamin B2
Posted by Col (Qld Australia) on 04/08/2017

I had psoriasis of the scalp and tried for years to get rid of it. Nothing would work, one day I was on the net looking for ways to stop my eye sight from getting worse, this site recommended that vitamin B2 would stop cataracts from forming, I have a small cataract in each eye, so I thought I would give the vitamin B 2 ago, within a week of taking it I noticed that my scalp was being cleared of psoriasis, it's been 3 months now and there is no sign of it, vitamin B2 may help you, one tablet a day is all I take, it's a pretty cheap way to find out. like I said I took it for cataracts but it did another job.

Regards, Col

Posted by Rachael (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/13/2017

Thank you SO MUCH for the info on iodine and on bromine detox! I have only got tiny spots of psoriasis in the 48th year of my life. Popping open a capsule of vitamin D3, and applying it would provide relief, and heal it. But this latest spot on my eyelid has been a really bad problem that would not go away. AND it came up as soon as I started iodine supplementation, for the first time since moving the farthest north I have lived in my life (Chicago suburbs).

So I read the PDF Guide to Supplementing With Iodine which you provided. And then I went and took 1/2 tsp of sea salt in some water, and then drank as much fresh water as that made me need. Also, I had quit taking iodine for a couple of days, as I noticed it made the psoriasis flare up way worse. Finally, my eyelid is mostly healed up! In ONE DAY! The PDF says that the chloride part of sodium chloride (salt) binds to the bromide that the iodine supplementation set free, and then the bromide (which was causing the psoriasis, as my body was trying to detox it) gets peed out.

I had no idea that bromide is probably causing me so many health problems. The PDF says iodine is needed in all the organs in our bodies, especially the ones with mucous linings. I think this also solved my HORRIBLE acid reflux problem. The acid reflux is suddenly gone, after one tsp of salt, too. Here's my logic on why: Acid reflux is caused by a bad bacterial overgrowth in the stomach, which weakens the sphincter and lets the acid out into the esophagus. Iodine kills bad bacteria, but leaves the beneficial bacteria. But iodine couldn't help my stomach until I took the salt that removed the bromide, or bromine, or whatever form that stuff was in.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/01/2017 2158 posts

In reply to Kalpanamayee (I),

Thank you for the thought!

I have tried coconut oil, evening primrose oil, castor oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, canola oil, shea butter, almond oil, black cumin seed oil, vegetable oil, emu oil, sesame seed oil, fish oil, black currant seed oil, borage oil, mineral oil and others with mixed results, but none helped to lessen my psoriasis, only soothe. Jojoba oil and Emu oil would be my favorites as far as being easy to use with minimal smell. I have tried well over a hundred supplements and alternative remedies including everything Ted has posted on EC and again with little if any benefit or benefit that was very short lived and not maintainable.

Psoriasis is different for different people and some people can get benefit from certain oils while others can not. The type and severity of the psoriasis also plays into the equation. I have had guttate, inverse, plaque and the dreaded erythrodermic psoriasis which can kill you. My psoriasis falls into the moderate to severe category and is fairly resistant to many treatments. I suspect that what we know as psoriasis can be caused by many different problems in the body and the psoriasis that we see may only be a symptom of any of those problems. This could explain why something may completely clear one person with psoriasis while doing absolutely nothing for another person with psoriasis.

I am currently experimenting with a supplement that seems to be helping and I will post about it here on EC if it it continues to improve my psoriasis and continues to work over time. For now it is just another experiment for me and it is too soon to even discuss it because I have tried many things that initially showed some benefit, but that was all as the benefit quickly went away.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Kalpanamayee (I) on 03/01/2017

My dear Art,

Instead of coconut oil you can try olive oil or castor oil to see the result.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kalpanamayee (India) on 02/28/2017

Thank you Mark for sharing your observation .

Very few people share like this with others.

God bless.

Posted by Jay (Ontario, Canada) on 02/25/2017

Hey Karen. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), is great for addressing fungus issues. Some have reported noticing results starting within minutes and I cleared up a spreading fungal infection (both the spreading and the original infection site) completely within a few days. All traces are gone. You can check on line for more information on GSE but I think it is a very easy and safe thing to try.

Regards, Jay

Posted by Karen (Rochester, Mn) on 02/25/2017

Suffering from severe psoriasis since 2009, mayo has given me so many drugs to try and steroids none of which gets to the root of the problem, lost alot of work over this condition. What did they give you to kill off systemic canida(fungas) in the bloodstream? and is there a functional dermatology? making homemade salves they feel good but need to get to the root of this problem asap. I refuse drug therapy cuz it causes problems with your organs. At least once a yr end up in the hospital for 2-3 days being wrapped up like a mummy, with steroids and vanicream. This calms the condition but does not take it out of my body. Gonna find out what test they need to do for fungas. Wish me luck.

Posted by Shaik (Bangalore) on 02/04/2017

Dear sir plz tell me how to use. I am thankful to u

Coconut Oil
Posted by Krystal (Nsw ) on 12/31/2016

Hi I was just wondering how that was going for u and if it is healing? I am 19 yrs old and have been suffering with psoriasis for about 8 years and I really need answers? I've healed my psoriasis about 3-4 times and has came back every time.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ljossart (Monticello, Mn) on 11/15/2016

I just wanted to add my thumbs up for the use of of coconut oil for Psoriasis. My son didn't really think it would help and was pleasantly surprised when we were able to get it under control. We used a homemade coconut oil soap for washing and coconut oil to moisturize. I love that it is a natural, non-toxic way to manage it.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Suezcq (Phoenix, Az) on 10/15/2016

I have had psoriasis for over 5 years now. I did a lot of reading, including this site, so I started out removing nightshades, and eating low fat. Sort of helped. I tried taking ACV everyday, but it somehow doesn't do well with my stomach. (Leaky gut problems) I also realized I have problems with Candida, and I have changed my diet to help fight that as well as take supplements. I increased my intake of Vit. D, along with eating more alkaline. I also started adding Tumeric with pepperine. All of these things helped, but never completely took it away until I started oil pulling. Huge difference!

While fighting with the psoriasis, it moved around from my shins to my arms and more recently it's just been on my right hand. I couldn't get rid of the one patch, until I started oil pulling. I knew cleansing was a part of the problem, but this has been really great! I have been using organic coconut oil. I don't like the sesame as much because of the taste, but I might switch it around for change.

How I do the oil pulling is use about 1 T first thing in the morning before I drink or eat anything, and swish it around in my mouth while I get up and get started for the day. One thing I found is important is not to swallow while swishing. I find I want to clear my throat, but I let the crud mix in with the oil. Then I spit it out in the toilet, and rinse my mouth out and spit it out as well. I OP for about 15 - 20 mins.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 08/28/2016 2158 posts

Coconut oil is helpful for some people, but not for others. I went through many jars of quality CO both orally and topically with no noticeable change in psoriasis. I've read anecdotal reports saying it helps and others saying it doesn't. Definitely worth a try in case you are one of the lucky ones! It's pretty inexpensive and readilly available.

As far as being a cure, well......not for me.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Mark (Philippines) on 08/28/2016


The root of All causes of skin diseases is Candida Overgrowth inside your gut when it enters into your bloodstream that is the beginning of everything so, we need to normalize this fungal in your gut the best way to do is by drinking 2-3 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil or mixed it with salads trust me if this doesnt work idk but, Im sure it will I tried myself Im just the 4th day but the effects is extraordinary just give it a try and see for yourself you have my word for it. Do exercise drink alot of water in between meals cut all food related with sugar anything that is sweet and food made from white flour eat more veggies. Thats all . Please Spread the good news to others.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mark (Philippines) on 08/28/2016

To all sufferers of dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema I have a very good news for all of you I have found a cure but before that I have to tell you. I had Psoriasis for over 12 years now I am at the 4th day of using virgin coconut oil. I drink 2-3 tablespoon a day or better mixed the coconut oil with your salad in every meal. As I was saying I am just at the 4th day but My God I couldn't believe it my skin looks much much much healthier no itch, no flaking I can even well well sleep better than I used to. Guys trust me it will change your life for the best Im like is this for real. I've seeing dermatologist, these worsening steroids they gave doesnt help at all instead it will get worst. Just give it a try and see for yourself I'm not kidding at all this is it.

Just few things things to remember Cut all your sweets anything that is made of sugar, white flour, starchy foods . Drink a lot of water in between meals, exercise chill out stress free lifestyle. Eat a lot of veggies mixed it with coconut oil. That's All. Please spread this words to all you known who suffers from this diseases.

Vitamin A
Posted by Bonnie (British Columbia) on 08/17/2016

After trying many other treatments for psoriasis my doctor prescribed 'Soriataine" (a vitamin A derivative). It cleared up in about 2 months and never returned, even 20 years later.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eira (Philippines) on 08/04/2016

How many weeks did you drink an apple cider vinegar or did you just rub in the flaky area? Asap and thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Thekampungowl (South-east Asia) on 07/27/2016

I've been suffering from psoriasis on the top portion of my feet for 15 years. Thank God I stumbled upon this site. It started as a small itch. The ones on my knees and elbows cleared off and never came back but the ones on my feet became a bit widespread and never went away despite all kinds of topical cream, all steroids which cause the skin to become so thin. It's getting worse now - always inflamed, itchy and painful. It bleeds when scratched. The scabs can be very thin or thick.

I'm running to the supermarket in the morning to get a bottle of avc and a small tin of baking soda which is dirt cheap.

Thank you to everyone here for sharing. May God bless you all. Greetings from south-east asia.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Martha (Chicago, Il) on 07/07/2016

I have been dealing with inverse, scalp, plaque and guttate psoriasis and have tried many topicals, steroids, and antihistamines and have had no success. I tried apple cider vinegar for two weeks and my skin has cleared from head to toe.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/20/2016

Sally, I had similar relief (not from psoriasis) from itching, using Coconut Oil.

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