Restless Leg Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Restless Legs Syndrome Relief

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Lockamy (Salemburg, Nc) on 06/03/2014

New to Restless Leg Syndrome, but this morning I was so in need of relief. I came across this site. Grabbed a bar of ivory soap still in wrapper, placed between knees and on seconds the pain, tingling went from my thighs to my knees. It stayed there but it wasn't as bad as my full leg pain. I was asleep in minutes of doing this. I'm amazed! A bar of soap stood between me and some sleep, usually my husband needs the soap. lol, blessed it be.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Faith (Sd, US) on 05/09/2014

i researched restless leg syndrome the causes vary It can be from an allergic reaction to supplement, refined sugar, or wheat. My ND suggested that going on a elimination diet is the best way to figure out if you're intolerant/allergic. Apparently statisically allergy tests scratch test /blood tests are not as accurate as we have been taught to believe .

Ntritional deficiencies such as Iron deficiency Deficiencies in other minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, may cause RLS Some people have been helped by adding Vitamin E ,

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Nath (Paris (france)) on 05/05/2014

An alkaline diet for RLS works like magic. I have it for more than 29 years. Every day. Legs and arms sometimes. After several years of Ropinirole I am now on Pramipexol. I already gave up chocolat, cafe, tea, sugar, industrial food, alcool, etc. This avoids very big crisis but does not more.

A week ago I tried the alkaline diet (allowing fish or chicken or eggs at lunch but mixed with lots of alkaline ingredients and 90% alkaline for diner). The first day I tried, I coudn't believe myself. No more pain, no more syndrome. I encourage anyone to try!

Avoid Grains
Posted by Dr. Flora Mason Van Orden (Triangle, Va) on 05/05/2014

Restless Leg Syndrome:

Something that has helped my patients/students is to understand that all grains have a calcium-magnesium ratio that throws the natural balance totally out of whack when they eat processed grains. The ratio should be 2-1, but when grains are thrown in (which we do not need to eat, but which are addictive; read "Grain Damage" by Dr. Doug Graham), there is a backwards ratio of 1-9, way too much magnesium, and then leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, foot cramps, etc. begin. Once a person leaves out grains, even whole, organic, wonderful things start happening! Brain fog disappears, for one. Mental ups and downs stabilize. And especially, the leg cramps disappear! Try it! If I eat even one slice, I'm in trouble. It may have something to do with the gluten, because when I sprout the grain and make Essene bread out of it, this doesn't happen. Not the store-bought bread by that name: they actually ADD gluten, which defeats the purpose of spouting it.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 03/01/2014

I use magnesium to keep my restless leg under control. Works well. I use a cal-mag-D3 supplement with food and add a magnesium glycinate if I feel I need it before bed since it can be taken on empty stomach and not cause diarrhea. You may want to also look into getting something called Calm and testing that out also. I take a potassium tablet every 4 to 7 days.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/01/2014

Share, I was wondering when magnesium would come up in your post, and it did towards the end. Try Epsom Salts baths, soaking for 20 minutes at a time.

For iron, the only thing that helped get my ferritin level up to normal was Blackstrap Molasses, about a tablespoon a day.

Posted by Share (Il) on 03/01/2014

Hi I have had Restless Leg for at least 20 years. I have tried several types of over the years and I found Quinine worked for a short period of time. I even had a prescription for quinine capsules however as anyone who has had this illness long enough understands that something that is associated with it is called the phenomenon meaning at anytime the symptoms may reappear. These are the things I have tried and that have been prescribed

Neurontin, 1-2mg of anti psychotics, these minuscule doses worked for years so well that several doctors couldn't reason why! Mirapex, Chamomile, Valerian capsules, Passion flower, Teas, kava Kava, Melatonin Alcohol removed wines, Borion under the tongue pellets, Total blood cleanser, water, exercising, Hylands restless leg product, peppermint, cold applications soap vinegar etc....

As you might can see my restless leg symptoms are quite severe early on when I started suffering with the illness I also went to Mayo clinic after being told I might be a little batty however Mayo stated contrary to others belief it was not a fact however they could actually see the physical manifestation of the illness but however they couldn't come up with a illness they could recognize. However they did find a somewhat of a solution after a week of testing me. That was years ago and I no longer use that method because I became a herbalist .

So these are the ones I found to be helpful to a small degree Borion allergy salts pellets at one time worked like a charm. As well as another one that begins with a M however I have not seen it in a while. The teas still work however since my symptoms are flare up during the day, and the teas cause sleepiness as well as the Melatonin I choose to be without them at certain times because otherwise I couldn't function . Alcohol removed wines actually helped moved my gut around, and afterwards I would get a little relief. Ivory soap, helps a lot, but it worked better when I smoked cigarettes!! Herbal cleansers aggravated my condition severely. Mirapex worked for 10 minutes, water aggravates my symptoms, so does wheat, grape juice, chocolate, peach, and green tea. peppermint gum helps as well as keeping the sheets off my legs my legs, as well as my arms need to be cool. Riding the train causes my symptoms to flare up severely. Lastly vinegar does not work for me. Neurontin does work, however its effectiveness wears down after time.

Which brings me to the conclusion that its seems like its the brain however I believe its the heart due to the pulsating and rapid beats twitching itching and crawling sensation surrounding the rapid beats. thus I apply pressure and sure enough given the right amount of pressure and wait time that place of sensation and others are relieved; however other areas are not relieved. But if I put pressure near the third toe on the top part of the foot from the little toe all symptoms end as well sometimes if I place pressure on the skull in certain areas Folks I have Restless Leg in majority of my body, I a mostly attacked in the inner part of my legs top part where the toes end, hands, fingers, inner arms, shoulders and back. currently I am trying magnesium and God willing a withdrawal of milk products. By way the iron use to work now its doesn't . Yes, they saw my ferritin was very low.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Mat (Florida) on 12/03/2013

It's important to realize that 1. the body does know how to heal itself, it's been doing it for millions of years as we allow it to do so. 2. Nutrients/vitamins play a huge role in nervous system health. 3. It's crucial to try natural and non-harmful remedies whenever possible.

Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin B, Magnesium…exercise daily; no smoking or caffeine; apple cidar vinegar and molasses mixed into a glass of water all have provided relief for people suffering from RLS.

And, of course the soap in the sheets, baking soda/water rubbed on the affected area and no sugar.

And, before we judge something as "placebo effect, " we should actually realize that the most powerful healing tool each of us has is our MIND…Our mind tells our bodies how to heal, what to let go of, etc.

That's not to say we don't need a bit of help from the body and a few outside sources here and there, but when we harness the mind, we harness the power of nature to heal ourselves!

Again, I think it is crucial to determine the underlying issue - is it a nutrient deficiency? A hormonal issue (some research says it is - for both men and women…men have hormones, too), stress? A combination?

Good luck - I've had success with vitamins and exercise and placing my legs against the wall/feet up at night for about 5-15 minutes while lying in bed. My mom has had success with Calm (a magnesium drink).

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil
Posted by Jessica (Moore, Oklahoma) on 11/10/2013

The only thing that I have found will stop my rls at night is if I pull oil. Each morning, I pull oil with coconut oil and at night, my legs are calm or relaxed. It is amazing! I don't dare miss a day!

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Carolyn (Fort Myers Fl) on 10/17/2013

I have been a sufferer of severe RLS for almost 10 years and have tried almost everything that is homiopathic and nothing has EVER worked. I also find it frustrationg when people say, try this, this worked for me... I HAVE tried. If you think about it, how is a bar of soap supposed to help nerves?? And magnesium isn't the solution either... Been taking it for a long time and nothing. Only thing that has worked is medication from my Dr.

Poppy Seeds
Posted by Karsten (Canada) on 10/12/2013

Cold water extraction actually works better to extract from the seeds. My doc said that that's why I used to like it so much, because it helped my rls so well. That is at such a low dose, you have nothing to worry about!

Magnesium, Vitamin E, Quinine
Posted by Adolphina (Merchantville, NJ) on 09/17/2013

I've had restless legs off and on since I was a child. I would get up and run around the block a few times when I was a child to relieve it. Later on I discover a remedy called Q-Rev for restless legs. They discontinued it unfortunately. But I remembered the ingredients, Vit. E & Magnesium and quinine. I take Vit. E & Magnesium as needed so the missing ingredient was quinine. You can drink a glass of Tonic Water before bedtime and it relieves the symptoms since Tonic Water has a tiny bit of quinine in it. Hope this helps.

Posted by Dancerdeb (Langley, Bc) on 09/17/2013

I saw an old timer naturopath (he was at least in his 80's) & asked about my RLS, & he said just to take a little mustard to stop it. I told a friend who has the same problem & she swears by it also! I now sleep with a mustard squeeze bottle by my bedside! I take about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon & it works within a few minutes! I hope this will help others as well!

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Guri (India) on 09/14/2013

Yea, the bar of soap works for me. I used to apply some moisturizing lotion to my feets before sleeping and it also works.

Kratom Leaves
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/09/2013

Re your restless leg syndrome:

RLS is caused by sugar. Well how about 97 percent of RLS is sugar related. Three things helped me.

1. Use of Calcium AEP.... it's the AEP part, not the Calcium that does the trick.

2. Use of baking soda; dissolve a teaspoon of BS into a cup of water and dab onto knees and legs; do this eight or ten times. The alkaline will help neutralize the acid coming from the sugar.

3. The best solution is to get off the poison sugar. Addicted? The hypothalamas must be re directed to cease using sugar by instead using good oils... Olive oil (ev). When you've gotten off the poison you'll find all kinds of metabolic issues cease.

Kratom Leaves
Posted by Dave (Mojave, California) on 09/08/2013

I used to take prescription meds for my RLS but too many bad side effects. I found out that many supplements available online such as Kratom quiet RLS 100%. It took me years of trial and error but I was curious why during a prescription I had for Tylenol 3 that had codeine, why did this quiet my RLS? It turns out that the alkaloids in Kratom mimic the alkaloids found in opiates without the drug effects. While kratom will quiet your RLS, it also gives a nice feeling of relaxation. Do your own research but I can tell you, Kratom is safe, been used by humans for hundreds of years and impossible to overdose. As you progress in learning about kratom, you'll find the same information. I usually take 8-10 capsules 1 hour before bed, works great, no after effects and flushes out of the body within 7-8 house. Only side effects I have after using kratom for RLS for years is constipation and drowsy before bed. Kratom extracts beyond 15% are a waste, stick to the powder, capsules are my favorite, plenty of legal U.S. online suppliers.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Taylor (Zillah, Wa, United States) on 09/03/2013

I'm only 18 and I've recently been experiencing RLS, I'm a student in high school trying to get into college and get some scholarships, so you can see why I need every minute of sleep I can get. One Saturday night I couldn't get to sleep till 1am and I had to work the next day. I tried everything, but nothing worked until I put a bar of Irish Spring soap under my leg. It beats me how it works but it's amazing! Plus I enjoy the minty smell :)

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Susan (Westlake Village) on 08/26/2013

I've just been experimenting with the Alkaline Diet and I was surprised to see many alkaline substances on your home remedies list for restless leg. I do believe topical applications can affect the body, but was surprised to see the alkaline soap and baking soda paste. Can you add an alkaline diet option? It's made a huge difference in my rls and I'm really looking forward to getting off ropinerole for good :)

Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 08/09/2013

The reason aspirin is helping may be because it thins the blood, thus helping one's circulation. I've found RLS to be directly related to circulation issues...

Vitamin D
Posted by Mia B (Slough) on 06/14/2013

Sorry have to correct my last post... It's 50,000 iu a week not daily for therapeutic dose of d3... So I just split it up as daily doses... Have to admit that already there is a huge difference, hardly any throbbing at night and can fall asleep without any painkillers... And I soak my feet in Epsom water every other day... I have also started the half lemon juice with 1/2 tsp baking soda last thing at night, sometimes with a pinch of cream of tartar powder for the potassium.... So that along with the calcium and mag tabs... I think is doing the trick.... Now just have to fit in the Apple Cider Vinegar in the mornings!! .... Whatever it takes...!!!

Vitamin D
Posted by Mia B (Slough, UK) on 06/13/2013

HI, I've suffered with the same restless leg syndrome (rls) for ages, and the pain was unbearable and took co codamol just to sleep for years.... doc said pain in body could be lack of vit d....

So one night last week I took 10 x 400 IU of vit d3, and 2 x 500mg tabs of magnesium and calcium... Then soaked my feet in a hot bowl of water with a cup of Epsom salts... did this every night.

I haven't taken my painkillers in over a week! ... The throbbing is still there and the joint pain and swelling... But seems to be responding to the daily vit d3 and magnesium... Although my joint pain and swelling is most definitely brought on by eating wheat! ... the rls may be a severe deficiency in calcium, magnesium and d3....

D3 ive read can be taken in therapeutic doses of 50,000 IU daily for 6 weeks then 1000 IU daily thereafter.

Baking Soda
Posted by Little Wing (Boston, Ma) on 06/10/2013

The best thing I have found for my RLS (have had it for over 30 years) is a glass of water with baking soda at night. Works 9/10 times and has saved my sanity. I also find that any kind of antihistamine or nyquil or tylenolPM type meds make my legs crazy.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/09/2013

Magnesium Oil is even better than Coconut Oil for restless legs. Apply the magnesium oil to your legs before bed. Magnesium oil is available at most healthfood stores.

Baking Soda
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 06/04/2013

To Night dancer and Citygirl,

First, Night dancer says there is no "cure" for RLS.

Well, there has been one for me. I had RLS for seven years; every night crawling irritation around knees especially. Just about drove me crazy and kept me from much sleep.

My short term cure... Take a third to a half teaspoon of baking soda mixed in purified water. Disolve and then apply a teaspoon topically to most affected area. With me it is right on my knee caps. Apply twice to three times within ten minutes. The irritation leaves almost immediately.

The long term problem for me and others I've discussed this with is harder... NO SUGAR. Sugar is the key to triggering RLS. I note Citygirl uses magnesium and there might be a relationship between magnesium neutralizing the effect of sugar.

But I have seen a DIRECT relationship between sugar consumption, especially after 3 pm, and RLS. I would guess it is a insulin issue that RLS suffers are seeing... perhaps a bit borline diabetic.

So the cure is: long term, eliminate sugar and if you can't do that then try the baking soda applied topically to get rid of the symptom of excess sugar.

Oh, and here's an interesting aside. Sometimes I will "feel" the RLS when I've had no sugar and will go back to what I ate for supper only to discover that... Sure enough... Sugar (like in pasta sauce) was a big part of the ingredients. So the RLS can actually inform me of hidden sugar intake.

Just remember: Sugar is the enemy.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/04/2013

Hello Pam, Try a half teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter glass of water... Dissolved of course. Now put a teaspoon in your hand and rub on knees and legs. Apply twice.

If restlessness still persists, get all sugar out of your system. Especially no sugar after five pm. Sugar in anything if you are borderline could present as restless leg or other extremities pain.
