Restless Leg Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Restless Legs Syndrome Relief

Posted by Jon (Australia) on 11/03/2014

For me, magnesium gives only some temporary relief and doesn't address the cause of RLS.

I get long lasting relief with iron.

Low iron can result in low oxygen carried by the blood and nerve damage.

Magnesium and iron both effect/benefit the blood.

The reason magnesium can give some temporary relief is that when magnesium is taken, the blood vessels dilate. This results in a very relaxing effect in people who have enough blood to fill the now larger blood vessels (for people with adrenal fatigue magnesium can often make them dizzy or faint, due to low blood levels.)

This dilating of the blood vessels allow for more blood flow with increasing oxygen delivery - this is how magnesium can give temporary benefit to people who actually need more iron.

Iron and B12 are very important for blood and nerves health, they have really helped my family's health.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Wendy (Maida Vale, W.a.) on 03/25/2016

I have used magnets to help me, they do work, I have also had my pharmacist make me up a cream, consisting of sorbelene and menthol (stops it drying out your skin.)

I have recently used Acupuncture, and a course of 7 weeks was advised then a maintanace of 1 month . This has given me a great relief, I do take 1/2 of 0.125 every night, but haven't had to increase, but have been told I have to stop taaking sifrol as my sodium level is too low.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Patricia (Indiana, US) on 08/08/2014

It seems restless leg syndrome may have more than one cause. For ex. the first time I got it, it was due to low iron. I almost never eat red meat but take iron supplements. When I ran out I forgot about it until I got the rls and saw on the net that it could be caused by low iron.

Let me say this about iron & all supplements. A doctor I used to have, now retired, said that what they call "normal" in blood testing just means average. He said that after decade of practice he saw "average", therefore "normal", go down quite a bit. So he said go by symptoms and not just blood tests.

The 2nd time I got rls, many months later, I knew it was not iron. The stinging and itchy feelings reminded me of when I had done a parasite cleanse and checking on the net sure enough I saw someone saying that after getting rid of the bugs the rls went away. (Maybe they operate best in low iron conditions??)

I began to take a heaping tsp of diatomaceous earth in water every morning on a mostly empty stomach. In one day the rls was down to very mild in in a week it was gone.

Hulda Clark, famous for her cleansing regimes, said every person she ever tested for parastes had them, and everyone had tapeworms. One way to see this for yourself: Take 2 cayenne capsules in water 3 X a day with 2 glasses of water to keep from a burning sensation in your stomach.

Don't eat any rice or things like seseme seeds or nuts. In a very few days you should see "white rice" or seseme seed looking things, or things that look like cut nuts. These are parts of tapeworms. The cayenne pepper does not kill the head, though, which is what reproduces.

Anyway, food grade diatomaceous earth is cheap and very safe and will make all those symptoms go away, rls and tapeworm parts.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Pam (Clinton, Nj) on 06/04/2013


I have been using a bar of soap successfully for RLS for some time now but recently, it seems to have lost its efficacy. At first, I thought it was because I was using a handmade bar of natural soap in place of the packaged soap from the market. But even going back to the Ivory didn't help. I will try the niacin and vitamin C.

Posted by Jon (Australia) on 11/03/2014

Yes, I agree with what you have said here.

Low iron is a common cause of restless leg(RLS), dizziness, headaches and even anxiety.

It's important to test that iron isn't too high (because that can cause issues too) but I agree that for iron levels test - even when in the low range of normal - it can still cause these symptoms. I have read that Ferritin levels under 40 can cause low iron symptoms.

There is a differnce between bio-available iron and bio-UNavailable iron (RUST! ) , Bio-unavailable iron (oxidised iron/rust) can get stored in the liver and organs and cause issues.

Bio-UNavailable iron may also block avialable Iron from being absorbed.

So it may be beneficial to excrete any bio-Unavailable iron from your body. IP6 (extract from brown rice) is the best supplement to detox oxidised harmful iron.

Organic Unsulfered Molasses is the best iron supplement. 1 Tb morning and night.

This is my opinion

Poppy Seeds
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/05/2013

My people perish for lack of knowledge. Thank you for your informative post. I did not know these things. My compassion goes out to you as a former addict to many substances. Most people try this and try that, sugar, coffee, salt, tobacco, herbs, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Whatever..... trying to feel better and that is how it all begins.

I love the flowers of the poppy and also enjoy poppyseed lemon treats. I haven't gotten into it much since it is usually a treat that is overly sugary with fats, like a doughnut. For me doughnuts are poison.

I commend you for the post and the bravery to hang it out there.... Blessings JOY

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Nightdancer (Land Of, Oz) on 03/25/2013

I was looking at the comments under Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and using a bar of soap for a treatment. There is no cure for RLS, so I refuse to use that word. I manage many support groups for RLS and other neurological sleep disorders, and have done so for the last 15 years. The only way soap can "fix" a neurolgical condition would be the placebo effect. While there is nothing wrong with a placebo effect, I hate to see desperate people hanging their hopes on a bar of soap. The first kind back in the 90's was use Dial, then Irish Spring, then Caress, and now Ivory. As a chemist friend told me, who also has severe RLS, "there is no way the molecules from the soap is going to jump onto your legs and quiet down those restless limbs". We say "limbs" because it is not only legs, it can be your arms, hips, back, in between your shoulders, etc. Whatever kind of soap it is, it will make your sheets smell better, and it is cheap, so not much money lost on a bad idea. What works for one person does not work for the next one. That is the only rule of RLS. IT is all trial and error, and I see most of the comments are "anti" soap, or some people tried it, and it did nothing for them. Yes, I was desperate enough years ago to try it. 65% of all RLS is Primary or genetic, so it is a genetic neurolgical disease with no cure, and it needs to be taken much more seriously than a bar of soap. Sleep deprivation is an epidemic in this country, and the world, and a bar of soap is not going to "save us". Never mind all the ridiculous "cures" being sold on the internet. Keep your hands on your wallets.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Andrea (Westminster, Ca) on 06/17/2016

Mark Ky.

Espresso = coffee, which = (beans) legumes. Guess what you get with a concentrated serving of legumes? Magnesium. Looks like you just might need magnesium supplementation in your diet, but preferably without the caffeine of espresso, so you don't keep waking up.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Johanna (Canberra, Australia) on 09/08/2015

I have been reading all the comments above and believe me RLS is very debilitating, I have had this problem since 1963, I have tried everything and I can tell you magnesium is not the problem or the cure, neither is sugar.

I have been placed on a medication called Sifrol and this really does help( it is used for Parkinson disease ) and it works but it must be taken every day at the same time other wise my legs start up again.

If you want to try, you will need to speak with your medical practitioner.

Good Luck

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Cocobolo (Uk) on 09/14/2016

I think you must be right about the sugar being a huge part of triggering RLS, and along with trying the soap bar (I think just because we see no scientific explanation that we understand, is not reason to throw out something that has helped so many) and bicarb treatments. Sugary food seems very bad for health, and is never really required although it is craved. I have been to EarthClinic and am fascinated. I was looking for peptic ulcer relief, and that too involves expunging refined sugar. You may not be diabetic, or have insulin pathology as one poster announces you must, (and, of course, you might! ) A lot of people, as they grow older retain more glucose in their blood as the renal threshold rises. That is a normal phenomenon.

Iron and Potassium
Posted by Debbie (Portland, Me) on 03/18/2013

Three weeks ago my naturopathic did a full blood work on me for vitamins and iron deficiencies. My ferritin count was a 2 which is extremely low she put me on 100 mg of iron a day (a combo of Floradix and Iron C) for 6 weeks and my rls has been gone since day one of the regiment. I have suffered with rls for years and this is the only thing I have done different. I give all the credit to the huge iron intake that my body so desperately needed. Ferritin count is so important and regular medical drs do not check it.

Cotton Sheets
Posted by Grace (Seattle) on 01/31/2017

Polyester clothes, creates a very strong electrostatic field which affects the body which makes the body react. Polyester is the worst fabric you can wear. We purchase all organic 100% cotton sheets, blankets. We began to replace all of our clothes to cotton, wearing cotton sock is very important I can tell big difference in how I feel if I wear a cotton clothing I feel clear, light, calm I feel so much better and healthy if I wear polyester or any synthetic I feel really off and my skin body feel uneasy, uncomfortable and my legs jumpy.

Polyester is made from synthetic polymers that are made from esters of dihydric alcohol and terpthalic acid. 2. Acrylic fabrics are polycrylonitriles and may cause cancer, according to the EPA.

Posted by Terri (Spooner, Wi) on 06/10/2012

Amazing! I have been soaking my feet in a 50/50 magnesium flake to water ratio for seven days. On the second night my legs got restless during the middle of the night, though not in the evening as they always had as well. I have had this for YEARS!! I can't believe that all I had to do was soak the bottoms of my feet for half an hour. (Magnesium supplements did not have this effect.)

Posted by Anne (Seattle, Wa) on 05/23/2012

I have used 500mg of Niacin twice a day for years to fight insomnia and RLS. When I ran out of Niacin for a week my insomnia and RLS returned with a vengence. I dug through my cupboards, found some and was asleep 30 minutes later.

Niacin deficiency is pinpointed as the culprit in many neurological issues by Dr Hoffer including ADHD There is rumors of a toxicity issue with long term high doses but many people have taken up to 3000mg daily long term.

Trigger Point Therapy
Posted by Trish (Tri Cities, Washington) on 05/06/2012

I've had RLS for quite awhile and have started using Trigger Point Therapy for the last couple of years. I sometimes have to work at it a little while, but I eventually find the trigger Point that is causing the symptoms in that particular leg. After I have massaged it the RLS symptoms slowly go away and my leg quits twitching. I know I have found the right spot because it will trigger the twitch in my leg untill it is massaged. I seem to mostly find the trigger points are in my hips and/or lower back. You can find the books and videos online that can show you how. Hope this helps it sure has me.

Posted by Megan (Sydney, Australia) on 12/27/2011

I want to share a remedy I have found for Restless Legs Syndrome. 'Restless Legs Relief' is a homeopathic remedy found in Health food stores. I spray 4 squirts under my tongue and no restless legs anymore. What a relief, as continually having to move my legs around was stopping me sleeping. I had tried the bar of soap remedy to no avail. Hope this helps!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lardiver (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 05/24/2012

Just to ad an update. I also found that using Kombucha tea helps a lot with my RLS. I us both the coconut oil and kombucha and very seldom have any RLS problems. As for the disclaimer that you should get medical advice from a Doctor first, every time I have been to see a Doctor they try and give me a prescription. I rarelly ever waste my time with doctors any more since all they know is drugs, they have lost contact with real cures. I am far more healthy for it, and I fell 20-30 years younger. I have been curing all my health problems without the side effects of prescribed drugs. Thank you Earth clinic.

Posted by Lee (New York) on 08/09/2011

I have had restless leg syndrome for most of my adult life. I'd get it for a couple of nights every now and then, but now I've had it every night for over a month, it's very distruptive to sleep. I have tried many of the remedies on this site, only to get about 1 1/2 hours of relief before I'm up again. I went to the Dr. for a blood test to see if I was deficient in anything, but I'm not.

I came across a homeopathic remedy called Restful Legs by Hyland. OH, BLESSED RELIEF! I realize that different things work for different people, especially for this condition, but you might want to give it a try. They have a website you can google. I purchased it in a health food store, but it is available in chain drug stores as well according to their website. It's relatively inexpensive.... about $8.00.

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Sherri (Houston, Tx) on 01/03/2012

The bar of soap didn't work for me either. I try not to drink caffeine in the afternoon, and get plenty of water intake. I'll try the niacin. The best thing I've found, is "Restful Legs" a homeopathic remedy that you put under your tongue. It lets me get back to sleep in 10 minutes. If I run out, I drink a large glass of water, and that will help. But then you might wake up to go to the bathroom. It's very frustrating!

Posted by Deborah (Bellingham, Wa, Usa) on 04/14/2011

I just recently found this site and have read everything here about Restless Legs Syndrome.

Everyone in my family has this problem and I have had it since I was a small child. In my family, the "cure" for an episode of RLS is aspirin. Two 325 mg tablets stops all the twitching and crawling sensations in 12-15 minutes and keeps working for at least 3 hours. I go from total twitching overload to sound asleep in moments.

I have been to several specialists about my restless legs because it has become much worse as I get older (I am now over 60). And I develop a temporary tolerance to the aspirin if used day after day, so that I need 3 tablets or 4 to stop the symptoms if I have taken aspirin every night for a week or two. Aspirin has its own serious side effects, especially in these quantities. But, after a couple weeks of no aspirin, 2 tablets will stop the symptoms again.

The neurology specialists I have seen are surprised that common aspirin completely relieves my symptoms. They tell me they have never heard of this or read about it. Their answer is various prescription drugs that have serious side effects for me. I am very interested in several of the remedies described here, but wanted to share my family's experience as well. Has anyone else tried aspirin? It is obviously not a cure, but it stops the symptoms so I can sleep. That's BIG help when you have serious RLS.

Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 08/09/2013

The reason aspirin is helping may be because it thins the blood, thus helping one's circulation. I've found RLS to be directly related to circulation issues...

Baking Soda
Posted by Ginny (Tampa, Fl) on 09/12/2010

Try an OTC pain relieving cream, usually with menthol like you would use if your muscles were sore and keep it by the bed. Apply to the base of your spinal cord and around low back area. This method works for me 99% of the time, but last night was so bad that didn't work well enough. So I looked up RLS on EC: I had my husband massage my lower body briefly (he used sides of hands in chopping motion) and then I drank a small amount of baking soda in water and that did the trick! Thanks to EC and contributors!

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Cynthia (Jacksonville, Alabama) on 04/23/2010

I wanted to thank you for the bar of soap idea. This is the weirdest coolest thing I've found yet. Not only does it work for restless legs, but for almost any ache and pain you can imagine, for me. Neck aches, headaches, back pain, flitting pains, on and on. I just hold the still wrapped ivory soap bar in my hand while I sleep or even hold it on the pain directly. I've even seen it help sore throats and mouth sores. It is the weirdest thing, but it is beautiful. We even have a bar in the living room so if we need it, we have it handy. It even helps my hubby and he's a hard sell. I just wish I understood it. God bless this site and all the sharing going on!

A Bar of Soap
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 03/25/2010

An explanation to the soap bar use for the restless leg syndrome.

1st a soap is alkaline. It has to be to remove oil and grease as they are acids (as in fatty acids!).

For instance check
where it says "The Ivory soap bar (classic) had contained: sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate, water, sodium chloride, sodium silicate, magnesium sulfate, and fragrance.[7] The soap bar had a determined pH value: 9.5. "

Surprise, its pH is 9.5 i.e. alkaline. Also notice it has magnesium sulfate i.e. Epsom salts.

Now from
you can read
"Magnesium for RLS

If the massive amounts of body magnesium are low, you can have restless legs, cramps of the uterus and other muscles, migraines, and other problems. It is an essential mineral critical in 300 enzyme reactions in the body.

Calcium, magnesium, and potassium all have an effect on muscle contraction and relaxation. In addition, they help nerve transmission. Experts say that you can help calm your legs and get some rest by making sure that you're getting enough of all three minerals. Taking a daily dose of between 800 and 1,000 milligrams of calcium, 300 milligrams of potassium, and 500 milligrams of magnesium at bedtime may help reduce RLS symptoms.

Magnesium is important for muscles to be able to relax, while calcium helps them contract. Too little magnesium in relation to calcium (or low levels of both) can make muscles cramp more easily and may make some muscles, like the smooth muscles that wrap around big blood vessels, stay somewhat contracted.

Magnesium deficiency can make muscles go into spasms easily. When you're short on magnesium, the waste products of metabolism, such as lactic acid, are harder to flush out, so you may get tired, burning, sore muscles."

Now check
and see how many post refers to minerals, magnesium, blackstrap molasses.

So definitely, RLS is related with mineral deficiency. Therefore I would suggest people with RLS to consider alkalizing protocols that would include multi-mineral like BSM ...

Search about how to take magnesium. One way is externally with Epsom Salt baths. Or take a pinch of ES with a heavy meal or with a glass of water. Magnesium will help the liver and kidneys in the digestion of proteins. I am now taking about a total of between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon a day of ES with my water through the day with beverages. But one must start slowly first. I need less ES in the summer when a eat a lot of fresh veggies.

For lengthy and technical articles on minerals you can read the following:

This, , for a very lengthy article on Calcium/Magnesium/Vitamin D.

For muscle spasms

And this, , for iron and manganese.

For good natural sources of numerous minerals you can take BSM and cold water kelp.


Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 07/13/2009

Dear Barbara:

1. A half cup of soy milk added with 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses, 1 capsule of folic acid (1000 mcgr.) and 1 table of potassium citrate (250 mgr.). Use your blender.

2. A strong alcohol massage in both legs (calf), before going to bed.

It is working to my mother, so far. No more sleeping interruptions.

To your best days.


Baking Soda
Posted by pro8688 (Vincentown, NJ) on 03/17/2009

Baking soda cured my RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome).

Up to now, I have used a 500mg magnesium tablet and it worked for several years...take a tablet and 20 minutes later no more RLS.

Lately, it isn't working as well, so I came back to EarthClinic.

I tried the baking soda... one quarter teaspoon in a half cup of worked fine...30 minutes and no more RLS.

What a blessing to have this site to reference!
