Fountain of Youth and Anti-Aging Remedies

Vinegar or Lemon Salt Drink
Posted by Natalie (Decatur, GA, USA) on 11/20/2007

Lemon and vinegar.. SOUR = HEALTH! I have been reading alot recently about the benefits of herbal/natural cures for everyday ailments. Not because I am sick BUT, rather, because I am almost NEVER sick! I have always been that "rare and weird" child. The one that wanted Olives, Pickles, and Lemons instead of sweets. My family called me the "Sour Baby"! Plus, I have always loved Salt over Sugar.. but, only on sour foods.

Only in the past 5-6 years (I am 28 now), have I really noticed how sickly all of my friends are. While I always seem to stay healthy. This fact was very ODD to me as I am the poorest of all of my friends. I have no health insurance, I RARELY see a doctor, etc, etc.. So, I started to study my diet and saw that I am almost ALWAYS the only person that adores sour foods. I (I know this sounds weird) Love to mix Vinegar and Salt in a shot glass..and drink it in tiny sips all day. The same with Lemon juice and salt. Often, I slice lemon wedges, cover them in salt, and eat them while watching tv. Because of this, my friends think that I am insane but, it's like my candy!? They just giggle about it.

Lately though, now that I have been reading up on my habits, I am the one giggling. I am the one that never gets sick! I have found tons of info that proves my original thoughts on the matter. Sour = Health!

Note: there is a downfall though, My method is high in Sodium. (I can live with that) BUT, all of the acidic foods (Lemons, Tomato, Vinegar, ANY Citrus) are very bad for your teeth IF you brush within 30 minutes of eating or drinking them!! Doing so literally eats the natural enamel off of your teeth. My Dentist scolded me about this!!! So, Brush before you ingest.:) Then, Drink lots of water and make sure to swish around your teeth.

Vinegar or Lemon Salt Drink
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/17/2009

I also use vinegars (ACV, Umeboshi and Sweet Brown Rice vinegars) with sea salt. As for your lemon and salt, I prefer lime (juice of one) and sea salt in a glass of water. We know that potassium is a feel good mineral, and lemon and lime are high in potassium, hence the natural attraction to consuming their juices. I sometimes sip at lime juice and salt in water all day long. For me, it produces a good mood, clear thinking and energy.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Linda (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/11/2007

Hi all, I have been taking flaxseed oil for about 3mths 4 tablespoons a day so i decided to use it as a mosturiser on my face, i do suffer from acne as well im 40 and never looked my age after about a week i noticed a difference in my skin and it started to clear up my acne its been 4 weeks now and i am so happy my skin glows and looks so healthy, people have started to comment how good my skin looks, as well as the flaxseed oil i use vco with it, it helps me maybe it could help others, you can find it in a fridge in health food shops cost $11 and last for couple months. Hope others find it good as well.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Janise (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/23/2008

Although Flaxseed oil can prove somewhat beneficial, it does more harm than good!!! It is like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Flaxseed oil is one of the highest foods containing ALA - Alpha Linolenic Acid. ALA is bad for the body!

ALA is a wet blanket for the enzymes that control the eventual flow of Omega 6 essential fatty acids towards the eicosanoid hormones. It knocks out both good and bad eicosanoid hormones. Knocking out the bad ones is good but knocking out the good ones as well creates a breeding ground for cancers!!!

This work is found by Dr. Barry Sears who wrote THE ZONE diet book. He won a Nobel prize in science for his discovery of the eicosanoid hormones and how they function. His advice to keep healthy hormones is to avoid all foods especially Flaxseed oil, which contains ALA. ALA is also found in egg yolks, walnuts, corn and canola oils as well as, Beef, pork and ham..

ALA foods, suppress immune system, increase inflamation, decrease oxygen flow and endurance and constrict airways while also causing blood platelet aggregation.

You may want to rethink your Flaxseed oil remedy. Like I said its like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by G8trGirl (Atlanta, GA) on 05/23/2009

Dr. Barry Sears has not been awarded a Nobel Prize. His theories were inspired, in part, by the 1982 Nobel Prize-winning research surrounding eicanosoids. This was NOT Dr. Sears' research.

There is extensive research documenting the beneficial properties of flaxseed and flax oil.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Marilyn (Indiana) on 11/22/2016

I am willing to bet a yearly income that that was a medical person responding to that flaxseed cure. You use the oils, I use the seeds, organic i might add, then i grind them up and add them to all kinds of foods. It is healthy for the body to have 3 bowel movements every day. I struggled with that for years. Not any more. A few tablespoons in my cottage cheese and waalaa. It's poopy time. Lol not just like that, but it will work it's way to let you know, hey: it's time. It is not a right now kind of thing. Sometimes it's all day before i sit down to go. This is another of the best ways to remove those bad things left in the body. Also, eat as organically as you can. It cost a bit more, but your life is priceless. You are worth all the effort. Trust me.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Mia (Lyngby, Denmark) on 07/06/2017

Johanna Budwig's strong recommendation for cancer cure was cottage cheese( low low low fat content ) together with flaxseed oil!

It would be a great read to learn about JB's nutrition recommendations.

Posted by Jeh (Dubai, UAE) on 05/27/2008

I have always had a bad skin. Dark, flaky, dehydrated and full of pimple marks.... However for the last 3 weeks, I have been having 3 litres of water everyday..... This has made my skin look clearer and better. Above all, I no longer suffer from constipation. Can someone help me with tips to improving complexion?

EC: Please check out the 100+ remedies on our acne page.

Vitamins and Homemade Sun Tan Oil
Posted by Darlene (Cape Girardeau, Missouri) on 05/24/2008

What cologne did you use? I wonder why you didn't burn? Do have naturally dark skin? Thanks.

Vitamin C
Posted by Joan (San Bernardino, CA) on 09/23/2007

My Fountain of Youth is primarily daily multi-use of Vitamin C. I take 500 mg each time. It works best if I take 10-12 per day, no closer together than every 30 minutes. I just keep them on my desk, or in my pocket. Vitamin C makes so many things happen better in the body. Collagen is primarily made up using Vitamin C. The liver alone needs 3000 mg/day, in divided doses, to process all the toxins, etc. that are required by it--and there are MANY. This is just the beginning. But it definitely keeps me looking young--I just turned 54, and have no ailments of any kind, and use no drugs, while everyone I know go to doctors (the "gods") and faithfully take their precriptions (drugs).

Vitamin C
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 07/16/2013

What form of vitamin C do you take? This sounds like a good idea.

Red Beets
Posted by Julian (Crosby, Texas) on 08/03/2007

In Slovack villages the people live to be 100 years old. Many have tried to learn the secret. Scientists Believe that Red Beets ( that the slovacks eat like americans eat carbs) Is the secret to longevity.

Red Beets
Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, PA) on 03/25/2009

I have just found that red beets strongly alkalize the body (much preferred state)!

Red Beets
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 03/25/2009

wow - i hope this is true. i dearly love red beets. my favorite way is to steam them and then use a sauce made of brewers yeast, olive oil, tamari, tahini, ACV, and a little water and shake it up and it is wonderful on beets!

Foot and Calf Massage
Posted by Shirley (Mid, MO) on 07/31/2007

re: Fountain of Youth Fomula feet massage. I've been taking cold showers for about 4 months now and I have always applied virgin coconut oil all over, after blotting myself dry. I love the softness of my skin using this oil.

I also had the dry flaky feet. The first thing I used for that condition was a product called Feet Relief. It cleared it up after the first application and that was great, but it's so expensive to keep buying, so I decided to try the coconut oil to see if it would keep my feet soft as it does on my body and it's been great. I have been using it the same as you all are saying here. I first massage it on, wait a few minutes for my skin to absorb the oil and put on clean white socks. Your remedy is right on. No more dry flaky feet on me. I love this oil! Since I read this post, I'm going to try the foot massage with the tennis ball. I can't wait to see how that feels. It does sound great. Thanks to everyone that posts for all the great ideas for a healthy life.

Posted by Joni (Madison, Wi.) on 02/22/2011

Can you give me some pointers on what you eat in a day. thanks, sbfish4(at)gmail(dot)com

Posted by Jatinder (Bangalore, India) on 11/26/2011

Can you please provide your menu for the whole day?

Posted by Nicole (San Diego, Ca) on 03/31/2012

It's some years later obviously but do you still practice this diet?

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Marilyn (Snellville, GA) on 07/11/2007

At 52 my skin looks great - very few wrinkles - and I am reluctant to admit it - I'm a sun worshipper. I have taken 2 tbs of flaxseed oil a day for years and I also use it with any cheap face lotion. I rub in (currently) Suave lotion with a small amount (dime size) of flaxseed oil. Could be genetics - but what the heck - flaxseed is still good for you.

Posted by Ashaki (Garner, North Carolina) on 06/26/2007

how to look young -- i always get a good sleep and put a hot cloth on all of my bumps and boils.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Poppy (Chiasso, Switzerland) on 05/06/2007

urine therapy is n.1 on my health list. i was desperatly ill, immune systems at zero level. It cured my body and mind.

n.2 is pure earth. which i use to help me tolerate pollution and chemical sensivity. i sniff earth to protect my airways and clean my face with earth after being exposed to chemicals: such as chemical sprays::deodrant pesticides herbacides..for pollen allergy it's fantastic. i experimented with earth after reading an article on workers in fields put earth in a hanky and sniffed it once in a while when bringing in the hay.

n.3 onion passed over nails and teeth ..whitens, cleans and strenghens...i got lovely nails now, they use to flake.

Used wet tea bags are excellent for hair and me a glowing light tan.

lemon lightens the hairs on face

vinegar a good deodarant

bicarbonate soda i use for cleaning and washing clothes,, but only in small amounts. for body use it is not great in big amounts.

Walking barefoot straightens the body and heals spine shoulder pains. I use no soaps or any bought beauty products.

I had acne..but urine therapy got rid of that. Experiment with anything natural. that is my advice.. thankyou for this page and all who gave tips.

Rhodiola and Vitamin E
Posted by Clara (New York City, USA) on 04/05/2007

I recently started taking rhodiola and vitamin E in the mornings and afternoons, and I've noticed a huge difference in my energy levels. My skin is more radiant, and I have a lot more energy than I used to. However, a word of caution -- two rhodiola capsules per day might be too much for some people. I noticed that after the afternoon dose I was feeling a little nervous, jittery, and restless, so now I take only one rhodiola capsule in the morning, and I take the vitamin E in the morning and afternoon, and it seems to work better for me. I'd highly recommend this remedy, but be careful with rhodiola if you're at all prone to nervousness and/or panic attacks.

Rhodiola and Vitamin E
Posted by Artemis (Bismarck, ND) on 02/19/2007

I started Rhodiola about a week ago for the "fountain of youth" benefit. When I added the Vitamine E, I experienced severe, nearly arthritic pain in joints and muscles. I have not experienced the improved sleep pattern, either. I plan to stop the herb a few days then restart on lower dosage.

Posted by Ruth (Bristol, England) on 01/01/2007

Drinking lots of water every day cured my blotchy and spotty skin. Now my skin is lovely and pure. It takes a while to get used to when you start drinking a lot of water but within a few days your body adjusts to it and you can see the effects. My face is usually blotchy and a bit spotty, but now I can really tell the difference. The spots have cleared up and my skin looks softer and more even. I am very pleased.

Good Oils Diet, Choline and Inositol Supplements
Posted by Tom (Park Ridge) on 10/14/2006

I eat foods high in good oils. Also I have very low stress. Additionally, I take choline/inositol supplements. 43 years old but people think I'm in my mid thirties, even though I'm 30 lbs overweight!

Fruits and Veggies
Posted by Shala (Ashburn,VA) on 01/11/2006

I am 30 years old, but most of my friends ask me if I am still in High school. I have 2 kids, one is 6 years old and the other is 4 years, but I still look like a girl. I was not like this before, but after I started adding lot fruits and vegg to my lunch and dinner and eating in a timely manner, I lost almost 20 pounds in 6 months, and that didn't affect my glow, I usually see people loosing weight lose their natural glow in skin, But not me, as a matter of fact it improved my glow drastically....I even stopped eating non-veg and fatty foods. Trust me, it works like miracle...u too try... I never ever use any any cream or anything to my face, except for a regular daily moisturizer any brand with no grease in it.

Posted by Anna (Lancaster, UK) on 11/20/2005

WATER. i started drinking it, around 10 cups a day. exercise, and i don't drink or smoke. if my skin gets bad, i go on detox right away, no dairy (also, no soya- i drink rice milk), refined foods, NO CHOCOLATE. etc. i am 34 and still get asked for my id without fail

Posted by Julio (DE) on 10/09/2005

The body needs plenty of water, doesn't matter if its summer or winter. drink drink drink..Whenever you go to the emergency room, the first thing they do is stick you with an IV of .9% sodium chloride to keep your body hydrated. Most people dont drink enough water, too much soda or other sweet drinks. Tap water is fine also, it builds your immunity. Most people think I am 16, but when I tell them I am twice that age they ask how can that be? I say "water" and "can I have my pack of smokes now.. thank you

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