Remedy Combinations
Health Benefits

Remedy Combinations

Probiotics, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Brenda (Nashville, Tn, Usa) on 08/31/2011

Do you recommend taking Probiotics? If so, is it O. K. To take them along w/ACV and baking soda mixture. Will they hurt or compliment each other? Love your site! Brenda from TN

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Sophia (Newport Beach, Ca Us) on 08/30/2011

Is taking grapefruit seed extract for diverticulitis dangerous when taking Cipro? Thks

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Anna (Daytona, Florida) on 09/04/2011

Please be very careful using grapefruit seed extract. I used it an acutually deveoped diverticuli from it. Ialso got candida after using it for 3 days. I am still battling the candida today. What cured me of my diverticulus was taking probiotics daily and changing my diet. More fat , less carbs more nuts and meat fish and vegetables. Fat helps this move in the colon. It's like oiling up a car.. Thing move more freely. And No I didn't increase my fiber for diverticulus. I read that fiber from grains actually make it worse.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Frankie (Madison, Al) on 09/04/2011

Annie from Daytona-

I just want to give a big amen to your gut-healing protocol. I have been following a similar program [no nuts] with excellent results. I started with an elemental liquid diet [very expensive though], switched to raw milk, then started myself on bone stock, meat, raw cage-free egg yolks and I stayed very low fiber for weeks. I still eat a lot of the less fibrous veggies [no cabbage or celery except juiced] which I cook to death in stock and then puree it all together in the blender. I do not use any grain products or legumes and only minimal sugars [I juice veggies every day, including carrots, my main source of sugars]. My other source of sugars is homeade probiotic drinks [beet kvass and kefir]. Six months ago, I felt like I wasn't gonna make it through another day. Now my symptoms are gone, and my general health and energy are much improved. I am able to work again.

I am slowly starting to add more fibrous foods back - but I do not intend to add back gluten grains. When I feel like it's ok to introduce non-gluten grains, like oatmeal, I will alone try them after they have been fermented for easier digestion. Grains are not nearly as healthy for many of us as we have been led to believe.

If a person tries to follow mainstream 'health' guidelines, such as the gov recommended DASH diet, and your guts are not optimal, you risk wrecking your health - I know, I did that. If you have lesions or inflammation in your guts, you CANNOT tolerate a high fiber diet and you've got no business eating grains - not even whole, organic, sprouted or fermented. So, trust your body [not your tastebuds] to let you know what it needs for its healing at any particular time. Not what media 'wisdom' will tell you to do.

PS - I also had a bad reaction to GSE, although some people I know swear by it. Healing is not a one size fits all deal. Like you, I would advise anyone who wants to use it to be very, very careful.

When You Have Serious Ailments
Posted by Jake (Seattle, Wa) on 08/30/2011

Does anyone know if BHT and cayenne (taken seperately) is safe to take with hep-c and cirrhosis? I'm in dire straights. Thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Multivitamins, Green Supplement
Posted by Oliver (Auckland, Waiheke Island) on 08/19/2011

can you take muiltviamin and greens supplement while on hydrogen pexrodiox therapy???

MSM, Yerba Santa
Posted by Virginia (Henderson, Nc/us) on 08/06/2011

I am taking msm for copd can I also take yerba santa along with this?

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Mary (Sydney, Australia) on 07/27/2011

I take 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of tumeric with oil and warm water after lunch every day (when I can) for sinus and congestion issues. I would like to take it in the morning after breakfast as I am not home at lunch time and it is very inconvenient. I also take some vitamins and other medications after breakfast. My question is: can I take my tablets at the same time as taking the cayenne pepper mixture in the morning or should I keep them separate. Thanks for your help.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 07/28/2011

Hi Mary, Yes, you can take the cayenne pepper with the vitamins in the morning. Cheers Lily.

ACV, Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric, Limes
Posted by Crissy (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 07/21/2011

Hello I am going to experiment on making a tasty drink my entire family will enjoy and it would be benificial. I want to use distilled water fresh squeezed limes, ACV, BSM and possibly tumeric. Any ideas. Can you mix the BSM and ACV? I'm planning a using 1 gal distilled? I would appreciate all ideas and comments. Thanks


Oregano Oil, Three/ Fivelac
Posted by Dominique (Chicago, Il) on 07/15/2011

Is it safe to use oil of oregano & three/fivelac?

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Rouxby (Folsom, Louisiana, Usa) on 07/07/2011

Hi, wonderful site, has given me so much help. Am thinking that I have Candida, bladder infections, yeast infections, very uncomfortable stomach, difficult to eat much because of the discomfort, even water seems to bloat me. Stomach feels like ones stomach does when you have been in a fearful situation. Aso the rumbling, growling and feeling of movement and of of course the diarrhea Low grade headaches, brain fog, don't feel up to par most of the time, not the greatest amount of energy.

So have given up sugar, flour and still learning what else I cannot eat

My concern is that I have been using coconut oil and ACV with baking soda, some relief, but I am concerned that I am on an iodine regime and wondering if they should not be taken with one another.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/08/2011

It seems to me it is a BAD idea to be mixing supplements as a general rule. The stomach has a PH value of about 1. That is fairly acidic, and many different compounds react and combine with each other in unpredictable ways. Mostly the stomach breaks down larger compounds into smaller, absorbable compounds. But many compounds, including many of the different supplements do interact with each other in unpredictable ways....Oscar

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/10/2011

A lot of supplements work better in combination, not on their own! That is the reason why when you buy a certain supplement it often comes together with others!

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jumpingjackflash (Mckinney, Tx) on 07/11/2011

I would highly recommend trying some probiotics/prebiotics. A lot of what you mention sounds like at a minimum a Gluten intolerance or at worse Celiacs disease. The first thing you can do is buy some Kefir at the grocery store and start drinking that. If you get results with that, look for some concentrated probiotics -- can typically find them at the upscale grocery stores. They come refrigerated. Look for one that has a large amount of Bifidium.

Another thing you can try is half a full size lime squeezed into a glass, add some water, then baking soda -- this helped my Mom with her indigestion/acid reflux.

I mix Lugol's with Vitamin C -- and take that on an empty stomach. Iodine and Vit C are synergistic. I don't think there would be an issue with mixing in ACV. I prefer to take EVCO right before a meal (once in the morning and once in the evening) and with that I'll take any fat soluble vitamins I may be taking (Vit D, E, etc.)

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Ds (Us, Usa) on 09/22/2011

I've also been wondering about mixing the iodine with my ACV drink. I've recently upped my ACV to 2 T (and I think doing better with that increase) as well as increasing the baking soda to 1/2 tsp (from 1/4).

Unlike many, I don't put honey in my ACV drink (but I do use local raw honey otherwise every day).

In a glass, I add 2 T ACV and 1/2 tsp baking soda. Let it fizz, then add a shot of cranberry juice and fill the rest of the glass almost full with mineral water. I love the taste if I don't add too much of the water, but I always think it might be best if more dilluted.

This morning I added a drop of Atomidine (Edgar Cayce's iodine) to my ACV and baking soda drink, which I think is supposed to be weaker than Lugol's. My system seems to freak when I take the Lugol's, but a drop here and there of the Atomidine seems to be okay. On the day's I don't use the Atomidine drop, I try to have a little bit of kelp in water.

Does anyone know if it's okay to take the ACV, baking soda and Atomidine together? I know the Folk Medicine book says you can use one tsp of ACV with Lugol's and sip with meal, but that's not the same as 2T ACV and 1/2tsp of BS. But I've found some sites on the ACV saying that long-term use of the ACV can bring about iodine deficiency. So it would be nice if we could take them together without issue, or cancelling out any good effects of either.

I just now drank it kinda fast, and stomach started to feel funny. So I took a probiotic tablet (chewed it up a little before swallowing) and that settled my stomach.

Will be eating breakfast in about 30 minutes, and taking Vitamin C, B's, mineral tablet (that I chew before swallowing) and maybe some fulvic acid (just started, take only 1/4 to 1/2 oz. ). I'm never sure if I should take the fulvic acid with or without food. I generally just swallow it down at the beginning of a meal.

If anyone has any input as to this part of my regime, especially my combining the Atomidine and ACV, I'd appreciate feedback very much :)


Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Deanna (Augusta, Ga) on 09/22/2011

My beloved friends on earth clinic. I apologize for sounding like a hypocondriac. I have 60 plus doctors to thank for that calling it all kinds of various things. Along time ago, almost two years ago I asked about a disease called sportricosis. Phil from Dearing GA read my post. A social security doctor said I cannot diagnose you but you have a fungus and or parasites. This is causing cahexia. Well I thought it was cancer related, well as I know now cancer is a fungus. I was sick last week, I have osteoarthritis now I got down to 88 pounds but am 100 now because I am fighting this. When I went to the hospital a PA looked at me and said you have sporotricosis and gave me itroconazole pills which I have not gotten yet. I have been treating my open wounds with iodine which was horrible to get because they use it to make illegal drugs. Please help me to get this out of my lungs and bones and off my skin. Earth Clinic is my last hope or I will die. I have been alkalizing with baking soda and I bought the strips to test my urine. I need exact suppliments, in exact form, either pill or liquid. I bought coconut oil and I have garlic pills, and pill form of grape fruit seed extract. 100 mg, I also have niacin but it does not say B3 on it. I asked a pharmacist about PPKI because when military get this they use that and the pharmacist said itraconazole is best to use.

My opinion here is the medical field stinks they know cancer is a fungus. I shared my story with a lawyer friend of mine because I watched a 4 year old die of what doctors can cure. He went to a ronald McDonald house charity meeting and told a few of them what I said and this is what he told me, yes they know it is a fungus but we need money. SICKENING. HIS SISTER-IN-LAW JUST HAD 2 BREASTS REMOVED. So he is apalled and shocked. I also have been doing my blood sugar as I have printed the archive on earth clinic about cancer. The doctors told me to soak in bleach no no no it helps the cancer. I beg of people on here to tell me how to get rid of this and also the new doc I have wants me to keep on vaseline for 10 days and he said he will address the fungus later. Hey this is over 2 years I fought this and it takes me 2 hours in the AM, to even move let alone the scarring. They said self inflicted wounds, no these are ulcers that break open and grow in size, I have packed some in baking soda which closes them with no scars as well as iodine with no scarring. Please someone help me with getting this out of my lungs. Everyone here is better help thean any medical doctors. What a shame little children die because MEN need money. Sincerely, Deanna

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jc (Boston, Ma) on 09/22/2011

Interesting comment that ACV can lower iodine in your body. I hope those with knowledge can weight in. The Edgar Cayce Iodine you mention is the same as Nascent iodine. A site I found states that one drop equals 400 mcg of iodine.

Keep in mind that Lugol's solution is mostly potasium iodine (about 93%) and the balance is iodine. So it is not a true apples to apples comparison.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/22/2011

Deanna, so sorry to hear about your predicament. Re the osteoarthritis, many people on this site have had relief by drinking the Unrefined apple cider vinegar (2tblespns with 8oz water). I also cured by toenail fungus by ingesting the ACV so I presume if it gets rid of fungus in toenails by drinking it, it would also get rid of fungus in the rest of the body.

Also instead of garlic pills you would be better of chopping the garlic into small pieces and swallowing it whole. What I do with garlic is to chop it in a blender and mix with carrot and parsley and add it to sauces after I have cooked them. That way you are getting the raw garlic into you.

If I were you I would also have wheatgrass juice daily fresh if you can get it or in powdered form. You can google Ann Wigmore for the benefits of wheatgrass. You can make your own.

Best of luck.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Christine (Bellingham, Wa, Usa) on 09/22/2011

Hi Deanna,

Regarding your fungus infection I would try two things: Sage tea, the sage oil is excreted from your body via the lungs, and on its way out it kills a lot of infections. The second is a mixture of fungi, if you can get it take Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) with perhaps Phellinus igniaris or linteus, and Trametes versicolor. These will adjust your immune system to recognise and fight foreign cells and cancer cells. I find them locally in the forest (I actually use Ganoderma tsugae when I cn find it), but you can buy them online as tinctures and as dried mushrooms. I take a palmful of each mushroom and dump them into a 1 litre vacuum flask before bed, add hot water then leave it overnight to steep and drink over the course of the next day. The response is dose dependent, ie the more you take the quicker it works within reason. These mushrooms have virtually zero toxicity, but in case you have allergies, try them one at a time in small doses to make sure you are OK with them.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Serrapeptase
Posted by Graylnjo (Prescott, Az, Usa) on 06/25/2011

I would like to start taking drops of peroxide internally on an empty stomach. My question is I also take the enzyme serrapeptase on an empty stomach. Will there be any conflict with taking the two at the same time?

Thanks in advance, Graylnjo

Multiple Combinations
Posted by 5054 (Denver Metro, Colorado) on 06/02/2011

Hello Ted and everyone, can I take both MSM and H2O2 at DIFFERENT times? What I have been doing is taking MSM 12 hours after I take H2O2.

I take 10 drops of 35% food grade H2O2 diluted down to 3% in water when I get up. I have just started taking MSM, so approximately 12 hours later I take 1/8 teaspoon mixed in water and will work up to a 1/2 tablespoon per day (I weigh 123 lbs. ) or more if I can.

Also, are there any vitamins or supplements that should NOT be taken with either MSM or H2O2? (I take quite a few different vitamins or supplements)

I also take NSI Hyaluronic Acid with BioCell Collagen II - 100 mg per serving and 1000 mg of vitamin C BUT I take the vitamin C approx. 8-10 hours BEFORE I take the Hyaluronic Acid as I read here in Earth Clinic that vitamin C breaks down the Hyaluronic Acid, which is not good.

I also want to say I enjoy Earth Clinic much, this is where I come to learn. I have spent many hours searching for an answer to my above questions but all I have found is: Ted said "..... Both a hydrogen peroxide and DMSO is often used as carriers, but they can't be used both together. They tend to neutralize one another. My experience is hydrogen peroxide seems to have an upper hands on infections over the DMSO. "

Thanks in advance for any and all responses. Ted, I know how busy you are but if you have time perhaps you can share your wisdom on these matters with me.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Iodine
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 05/26/2011

Is there any harm in taking Apple Cider Vinegar and iodine not together but in the same day?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Iodine
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/27/2011

I can't positively say that ACV and iodine did this, but I suspect that ACV and taking iodine in the same day for a period of 2 weeks made my immune system, with my current physical health, hyperactive, and resulted in acute urticaria with angio-edema (self Dx'ed), an auto-immune reaction.

I had been taking very low doses of iodine a day for a month and a half, then started increasing the strength (from 700 mcg to 6 mgs of Lugol's) to determine my highest threshold. In the meantime, I was reading Jarvis' book Folk Medicine and in that last week of taking iodine, I added ACV to my regimen.

It's taken 6 weeks to completely recover from my symptoms, and I still feel twinges of itching. Lots of histamine, dry skin and some swelling.

If you're going to use ACV and iodine in the same day for a length of time, I'd use moderation, keep to low doses for a while, AND keep a detailed accounting of what you're using/doing and what you're eating.

You can probably find my postings to piece together my experience with this if you search "Sheila, San Diego, CA".

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Surulere (Bloomfield, Nj, Usa) on 05/22/2011

Folks, is it ok to combine Organic AVC, Coconut oil and Anti-Depressant medication through out the course of the day. I cant seems to shave off insomnia, excessive thoughts, panic attacks, anxiety, depersonilization, muscle tension and Fatigue syndrome. My doctor want me to start the Anti-deppresant medication to help ease some of the symptoms for at least 3 months.

1. One Tablespoon of ACV in the morning with honey

2. Cook with one table spoon of Coconut oil

3. Take medication at night.

Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated. I hope they dont counter act each other


Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 05/23/2011

No, ACV and coconut oil are kitchen items not medications. You won't have any problem taking them with medication. Lily.

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/23/2011

Surulere, depression can come from toxins, have you ever thought of that? If no major event has occured in your life and you are depressed you might have too much toxins in your body. I am reading a great book right now which refers to that. Taking Vit. C, at least 1000mg a day seems to help quite well. You might be able to come off your depression medication which, if the problem is indeed the toxins, is not doing you any favours. Sorry I can't help you with the combination you are taking as I have no idea of the consequeces.

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Massachusetts) on 05/23/2011

Francisca - Depression is an illness, not the result of "some major event that occurred" in someone's life. That type of depression is situational (lost a job, divorce, etc. ) and the depression will pass with time. No med's would be prescribed for that type depression.

Surulere - All of your symptoms listed would benefit more - MUCH more, from a benzodiazapene (CNS depressant used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness, racing thoughts, muscle tension) than an SSRI (antidepressant).

I would get a second opinion. I truly would. I work in the medical field and when I read your symptoms, I thought; "Why is the doctor prescribing SSRI's/antidepressants?? She's not depressed, she has textbook ANXIETY issues and should be on a benzo."

Returning to your question though - yes, you can absolutely continue taking the ACV, honey and coconut oil regardless of the type medication. Hope you feel better, soon.

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 05/23/2011

Re Depression: It can also be a chemical imbalance - and not the result of anything psychological.

I do find it odd that so many people are clinically diagnosed and on drugs for it these days (including people I am very close to).... when just a couple of decades ago it wasn't so widespread.

Or maybe it was, and people just didn't know it or talk about it as much?

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Surulere (Bloomfield, Nj, Usa) on 05/23/2011

Thanks guys for all your input. Im not depressed but have lots of anxiety issues that have gone 120%. I had some trauma about a year ago which left me in this stage. Trust me, it not my last resort for a depression meds. Hence, I have a problem with dosage with herbal medicines which are not properly prescribed. The Benzo are not the way to go because of addiction... If only I get one goodnight sleep. That will be the beggining of my success story.

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 05/23/2011

Hi Surulere - If it is a good nights sleep you are looking for - here is something to try:

Calcium - 600mg

Magnesium - 600mg

Melatonin - 5mg (sublingual - the kind you let melt under your tongue)

Take this about 45 mins before bed, and you WILL sleep! I slept SEVEN hours straight a couple of nights ago, and the main new thing I have added is the melatonin. I love it.

Also - do NOT drink energy drinks, coffee or take a B-complex vitamin after noon or it can mess up your sleep big time.

Good luck to you!

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 05/24/2011

OH! I forgot to add - along with the Melatonin before bed, and the 600mg of Calcium and Magnesium - take a good Vitamin D-3 supplement. I take at least one 5, 000 iu a day now. Living in Seattle (Washington State) there is VERY little sun.... Vitamin D is so important for so many things!

Remedy Combinations and Medications
Posted by Braidy (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 05/24/2011

The anxiety and panic issues are the tip of the iceberg. They always stem from another deeper problem, unfortunatly. Sometimes you don't realize that you have a problem until the anxiety and panic begins. These attacks are your body's outlet- a type of shut down and "no-more" where your body takes over. The actually scientific problem is the lack of sertonin absorbtion and chronic depression is pre exisiting not from an event. If you are taking anti anxiety meds, DO NOT take anything that causes drowsiness. It puts you at risk of stroke.

All the omegas (fish oil), B12 and gluten free diet ease the symptoms. 15 years of fighting it myself :) Cognitive therapy works.

Sodium Thiosulfate
Posted by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 05/14/2011

Hey Bill from San Fernando, Philippines, I just read a Ted quote "A hydrogen peroxide cannot be combined with sodium thiosulfate. Both would neutralize each other, but they can be taken hours apart. " If I have chlorinated water will hydrogen peroxide get rid of it and then go on to give oxygen to my body? I usually add the sodium thiosulfate to a big glass pitcher water and later in the day add some H2O2 drops but I didn't know these would neutralize each other, even hours apart? I was using a new charcoal filter to get the chlorine out but the water doesn't smell or taste the best left overnight. But with Sodium Thiosulfate it tastes fine. Thanks, love this site and all the wonderful people here xo

Sodium Thiosulfate
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 05/14/2011

Hi I leave a 1 litre carafe of water on the kitchen bench all the time and refill it when needed. I find the chlorine taste is gone in about an hour. I read a book called 'Your body's many cries for water' by F. Batmanghelidj and he says leave your glass of water to sit for 1 hr and the chlorine will evaporate out of it. Cheers Lily.

Sodium Thiosulfate
Posted by J. (Florida) on 05/06/2021

Bill, thank you for sharing your insights. Regarding hydrogen peroxide and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), have you had any experience with taking Chinese herbal formulas within the six-hour time frame after taking hydrogen peroxide, and, if so, could you please share your insights on that topic? Also, regarding taking Vitamin C before taking hydrogen peroxide, could you please share your insights about the time frame that the Vitamin C is in the body before being excreted?



Sodium Thiosulfate
Posted by Elly (Topeka, Ny) on 05/15/2011

Thanks Bill for the wealth of info! I eat mini meals throughout the day so I started taking the Borax & H2O2 combo in the evenings to fight candida. I also add green tea for the tannic acid & sometimes magnesum & potassium to this combo too. Hope that's ok, if not please let me know. Thanks again to all the helpful people here!

Home Remedy Combinations
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 05/05/2011

Hi Bill,

Is it alright to take the iodine drops with water and lemon/baking soda at the same time ? I know you want us to take them on empty stomach. Also what about the back formula drink Hylauronic Acid/Sea Salt by Ted, can I take them at the same time also?Thanks

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