Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Cayenne for Sinus Infection - The Spicy Solution

Posted by Roxanne (Ontario) on 02/12/2024

It's 3am. Have been suffering for 2 hours. So glad I sniffed the cayenne. It burns like hell but at least I can breathe again!

Posted by Deb B. (Costa Rica) on 09/26/2023

Cayenne for Sinus Infections

I was dubious, but miserable enough to try cayenne based upon the positive ratings. I'm SO glad I did!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 09/08/2019 440 posts

I don't think people realize how big their sinus cavities are. When you snort a bit of cayenne, yes, you're going to clear the nasal cavity, which can be a lot, but you're ALSO going to loosen up all of the stuff up and out in the other areas of your sinuses which are HUGE and which some seem to be reporting as a rebounding pressure or a rebound congestion or even another infection. It is highly unlikely that it is any of this but, rather, stuff deeper in the sinuses that the cayenne has also loosened up. If you often have sinus infections, it is probably the SAME infection simply never getting cleared out in the first place and continuously spreading down into the nasal cavity. Google "sinus cavity" and look at the images. You are not going to clear that huge space of infection by merely clearing the nasal canal to the point you can breathe better and that infection is probably going to come right back down and hit you again.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 09/08/2019 440 posts

I don't think people realize how big their sinus cavities are. When you snort a bit of cayenne, yes, you're going to clear the nasal cavity, which can be a lot, but you're ALSO going to loosen up all of the stuff up and out in the other areas of your sinuses which are HUGE and which some seem to be reporting as a rebounding pressure or a rebound congestion or even another infection. It is highly unlikely that it is any of this but, rather, stuff deeper in the sinuses that the cayenne has also loosened up. If you often have sinus infections, it is probably the SAME infection simply never getting cleared out in the first place and continuously spreading down into the nasal cavity. Google "sinus cavity" and look at the images. You are not going to clear that huge space of infection by merely clearing the nasal canal to the point you can breathe better and that infection is probably going to come right back down and hit you again.

Posted by Gwyneth (United States) on 07/02/2019

Grateful for relief! The cayenne works. I do, however, recommend aloe for the skin around the nose. It offers a cooling effect and keeps redness and burning sensation at a minimal. I CAN BREATHE! YAY!

Posted by Gwyneth (United States) on 07/02/2019

Grateful for relief! The cayenne works. I do, however, recommend aloe for the skin around the nose. It offers a cooling effect and keeps redness and burning sensation at a minimal. I CAN BREATHE! YAY!

Posted by J (Mn ) on 04/24/2019

Wow. So grateful for these reviews. I did it, and feel 1000x better than I have in days. Nasty sinus infection and a lot of blockage and pain. Cayenne cleared it out almost instantly. I'm a believer.

Posted by J (Mn ) on 04/24/2019

Wow. So grateful for these reviews. I did it, and feel 1000x better than I have in days. Nasty sinus infection and a lot of blockage and pain. Cayenne cleared it out almost instantly. I'm a believer.

Posted by Don (British Columbia) on 03/26/2017

I have been suffering with sinus infections for years. It seems that every time I get sick I will soon have a sinus infection. I have tried a tonne of different things (netty pots, sinus rinses, vaporizers, sprays, tea 16 hours a day, ...). Long story short, I got sick this week, got very congested, teeth started to ache due to pressure (thats when I know that its a sinus infection for sure) and, so, I decided to try snorting some cayenne pepper.

I did just a pinch quickly in each nostril and it didn't take long for my eyes to tear up like crazy and for me to wish I hadn't done that as it burned like crazy! I decided to jump in the shower so the I could help loosen things up. And did it ever work. About an hour later, one side was still a little plugged so I decided to snort a little more in there (maybe 1/4 of a pinch). It didn't burn near as bad.

Anyways, it worked! Today I have woken up and am about 100% better. It was totally worth the pain as far as I am concerned. I think I might try having a shower to loosen things up before doing it the next time. The only other thing that worked for me is using a netty pot with a few tablespoons of peroxide in it. That too hurt like the dickens and you will literally foam out of your nostrils. It also took me quite a few days to have it be effective rather than just one! So if the cayenne thing won't work for you maybe give that a shot.

Posted by Nosleepinellendale (Ellendale, North Dakota) on 02/11/2017

A Bakers Dozen Thumbs Up

I work at a grain elevator so you could imagine that sinus infections are nothing new for me. Well I didn't have time to make it to the doctor and was hoping my body could kick its butt on its own. Well, it didn't. I've had the sinus infection for a little over two weeks now. It was so bad to the point where when I first started the treatment I could barely even snort the cayenne pepper dust through a straw but after I gave my nose a few good hard blows to momentarily clear a passage I got the job done. I let it drain and then repeated the steps 2 or 3 more times. It burned like H-E-double hockey sticks but I just woke up from a two hour nap where all my sinuses drained down the back of my throat and for the first time in what feels like years I can finally breathe again. I will definitely be using this home remedy again in the future. #DontBeAWuss

Posted by Marlow (La Ca) on 12/31/2016

Omg I am very pleased I'm happy. I Google information it works fast

Posted by Persephone (Ny) on 11/19/2016

I wanted to add some tips on relief during the burning:

1) in-breaths through the nose actually provide immediate temporary relief!

2) after 15 minutes I did a neti-pot (regular with salt, not with cayenne) and this finished off the pain. I recommend this if the pain feels like it's been too long (10-15 minutes)

I swabbed some cayenne directly from the top of the jar (no water) and did the insert Q-tip and breathe method.

Posted by Misspennylouise (Ohio) on 11/04/2016

I have used cayenne pepper to clear the sinuses for several years, yes it will sting, maybe make you cough, but the results are great. Please don't use too much... I first just snorted it, then I have started to make a liquid and used the Q-tip is the results that must get the pepper into the sinus don't be hesitant when you inhale, plug the other nostril and inhale deep. I will always used it...I grow my own peppers...

Posted by Barbi (St Paul, Mn) on 02/29/2016

For many years I have used this remedy . Equal parts Golden Seal and Bayberry Bark Powder, and as much Cayenne Powder as you take, over time you will get braver and add more Cayenne. Do salt solution first than take as much powder as you can handle.

Posted by Little Willie (Mesa, Arizona) on 02/12/2016

My teeth were throbbing because of a Sinus Infection. I have at least one root right up there, but half the teeth in my mouth were throbbing. I thought I was going to go out of my mind. Sniffed the cayenne and the throbbing of the teeth quit.

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