Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

Omega 7 Oil

Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 04/05/2015

I've read reports that Omega 7 oil relieves eczema. Has anyone on this site found Omega 7 oil useful for controlling eczema?

A few days ago, I began taking 2x500 mg caps. in am & pm of the Omega 7 in the form of an oil extract from the plant, Sea Buckthorn. I will report back on my progress within a week or so.

Oolong Tea

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Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va/USA) on 01/31/2013

I've read that drinking oolong tea helps alleviate eczema. Does anyone have experience using this tea for their eczema?

Replied by Neukoln
(Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

I get eczema. Everyone is different, and what may not work for me may be fabulous for you. But I can't tolerate Oolong tea. It makes the skin on my face red and greasy and lumpy. It may be a cleansing reaction. But I had to stop drinking it because it made me look awful. My eczema isn't on my face (behind knees, mainly) - and I don't think I had a case of eczema when I tried the Oolong tea, so I can't comment on whether it helped eczema or not.

I drank it strong - steeped for 5 minutes, as suggested. And the redness/oiliness got progressively worse over several days. I think I had to stop on the 5th day because of the redness and greasiness of my facial skin.

I don't have this response to green tea, which I drink daily, and also take as a powder stirred into hot water. Both are Camellia sinensis. So it is clearly something unique about the double (or is it triple?) fermentation of Oolong.

Don't let it put you off trying it. It's a very healthful tea. I'm just sharing that it caused me problems with the skin on my face.

Oregano Oil

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Posted by Suzanne (Kansas City, Mo, Usa) on 09/29/2009

On the subject of Eczema - I have been giving my teen Oil of Oregano in capsules (one in the morning and one at night) to help with her Eczema; this has helped trememdously with the itching and some of the redness. We have tried the cortizone cremes from the doctors and that did not help her at all. I've been reading here today on the suggstions of using Apple Cider Vinegar and plan to try that. I can remember as a small child my grandma taking vinegar to help with her ailments so maybe there is something to this.

As a side note I personally am taking the oregano capsules as well for sinus relief (have been for three years). I used to have a large problem with my sinus passages closing up when I laid down for the evening. I was taking a ton of OTC medications to just be able to go to sleep. I started taking this after reading up about the many health issues that are related to what is in our blood stream and that this herb can help with this. I do belive that this herb has helped us a lot.

Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Sabita (Orlando, Florida, Usa) on 08/22/2011

I used 2 capsule of Oil of Oregano in the morning and at night and I also rubbed Tea Tree Oil 2 to 3 times a day. While I was doing this, I juiced and also ate a lot of salads and cooked vegetables mainly.

Ozonated Olive Oil

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Posted by Mike G (Amherst, Ny) on 09/27/2014

I'm a natural health practitioner and have also referenced this site for testimonials from others cause I do what works - not studies and theories! I do phone consults anywhere if anyone needs guidance and want to chime in to give back... those challenged with eczema may want to try ozonated Olive Oil!! I had a stubborn dollar size patch behind my thigh for well over 7 or 8 years and nothing touched it and I tried it all and even made my own concoctions, used infrared saunas, lasers, etc. and the ozonated olive oil did the trick within days!!

Also highly recommend this ACV and BS cause I believe one of it's greatest benefits is detoxing from heavy metals and just look up on the sky and see what trails the planes are leaving and that we are breathing... much higher levels of heavy metals are being found in our soil and water tables and they don't come out with normal food intake without reaction of binding to eliminate. Hope this helps as many people as possible!! Thank you EarthClinic!!


Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va, USA) on 03/23/2013

To overcome eczema caused by presence of acetaaldehyde in body as a result of too quick die off of candida fungus, I understand it can be broken down w/ either or both molybdenum or pantethine. I understand molybdenum can cause certain types of anemia, but is pantethine relatively safe? One earth clinic poster mentioned having a very adverse affect with pantethine, but did not give details. Has anyone experience with using pantethine for eczema? Thanks.

Parasite Connection

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Posted by DL (LA) on 09/04/2019

In my long search to find a cure for the eczema (atopic dermatitis) issue on the top of my foot which seems to get worse each summer (flares with heat), I came across this article today as I was searching to see if I could find any articles on parasites causing atopic dermatitis. Voila, check this out. A case of atopic dermatitis caused by Ascaris lumbricoides infection

Here are the pics after the teenager was treated for the parasites.

I have decided to embark on a celery juice cleanse first thing in the morning followed 30 minutes later by parasite-killing herbs using humaworm supplements (best on the market in my opinion). I am on day 3 of 16 ounces of fresh celery juice and day 2 of the humaworm. Will let you know if there's any progress. Taking pics. It's definitely flared and brought things to the surface since I started. Celery juice detox effects intense for an hour or two after drinking it -- headache and some brain fog! Also, not as carb hungry as usual, so I am losing a pound here and then. Later in the day after the side effects wear off, am feeling very energized and productive.

Replied by lioness

Hi, I had some kind of eczema/dermatitis off and on this summer on a different finger at different times. I've had this kind of dermatitis before but this summer it was worse and the itch was really super annoying. Nothing helped it until I remembered a remedy that I heard a naturopathic doctor talk about for poison ivy. That remedy is: - rub sea salt (dry or slightly damp) into the blisters (they will break) - rinse with water - final rinse with hydrogen peroxide poured from bottle - keep uncovered - will dry out and - will not spread. I did everything but the hydrogen peroxide rinse each time. The itch was gone immediately, it dried out and healed. It's the only thing I tried that worked You may have something similar?


Hi Lioness,

Thank you so much for the sea salt and peroxide remedy. Sounds fabulous. I will absolutely give it a try! I have just added a generic OTC anti-fungal cream application to spots on the foot (in addition to celery juice and parasite herbs) as the eczema has gone bonkers in the high CA heat the past week. The anti-fungal cream is one thing I haven't tried on eczema spots yet (and I have tried well over 20 remedies by now) so I thought I would try that approach. The current 3 remedies (celery juice, parasite cleansing herbs and OTC) appear to be helping, but I've had remedies like thyme oil and iodine completely clear up the spots only for them to end up reappearing after a week and spreading to a larger area on the foot! Appreciate your suggestion, thanks again. I will let you know how it goes when I try it!

2167 posts

What you are describing regarding the iodine combo is a rebound effect from stopping the applications too soon or too abruptly. This is similar to a topical steroid rebound and generally indicates that you should taper off gradually over an extended period of time so the body does not mount such a strong inflammatory response once the iodine and all have cleared you. It doesn't matter what clears you, but tapering off gradually seems like one way to go.



Hi Art!

Thank you so much for your post. Yes, you're right.. I stopped some of the treatments without tapering off, except in the case of the thyme oil... that just stopped being effective one day. Good news to report -- my new protocol seems to be working well. 90% healed in a week. I have been documenting it with photos. I will be sure to taper off very slowly. I don't know if it was the Antifungal (Lotrimin -- lotrimazole cream -- turned out to be better than the generic cream), 16 oz of celery juice on an empty or the humaworm parasite killing supplements, but on day 5, everything started to get better after going gangbusters. Seems to spread once the outside temperature hits 85F, by the way. Currently no itch and everything healing very nicely. Just found a post from Kyle from Bangkok a few posts down on this page... seems to report good results for dyshidrotic eczema on his hands after doing an athlete's foot protocol to kill fungus. Too bad I didn't notice this post before! That's why it pays to read every post in an ailment... some of the good ones are buried!

Peppermint, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oils

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Posted by Thankfullyitsnotworse (Nj) on 01/06/2018

After having a pretty bad bout of poison ivy on my arms, I was prescribed a steroid cream. Shortly after that my hands started breaking out with what I thought was still poison ivy that was still on my boots or other items I may have touched after. Eventually I got to the point where I wasn't sure if it was in fact still poison ivy on my hands. Long story short, I went to two different dermatologists. One said it was probably Granuloma Annulare while they other said it was probably Eczema. Both agreed, however that it wasn't poison ivy and that it was probably caused from my skin being compromised (i.e. good bacteria) on my hands. I used to use a lot of hand sanitizer and wash my hands a lot because of the type of job I have. Anyway, after using their creams that they prescribed, getting good results at first and then my condition getting worse (mind you, one dermatologist actually prescribe a cream that had alcohol in it- go figure right), I decided to go natural and with the mind state that I had to rebuild my skin on my hands.

What I came up with was a mixture of oils that have both restorative and anti-fungal/bacterial properties as well as a new method for my hand washing.

First, the oil mixture which I have gotten the best results thus far over anything I have tried is 1 Tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil to 10 drops of peppermint oil, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus oil. Make sure the coconut oil is liquefied so you can mix all the oils evenly together. The best way to apply seems to be running my hands under warm to hot water (seems to relieve any itch for a few hours or so and opens up your pores so the oils are better absorbed) gently dry, and then gently rub in the oil mixture on the affected areas and around (a little goes a long way). It may be a little “greasy” at first, but it will absorb and some will wipe off on its on.

I do this right before I leave for work and then right before bed (keeping my hands from rubbing the oils off on covers as much as possible). I even found that the more you can apply this oil mixture or the longer you keep it on, the better results.

Also, now when I wash my hands I don't go as crazy and stick to washing the parts of my hands that will actually touch something (i.e. the underside of my fingers). Remember the key here is to rebuild your skin and take care of any bacteria or the like they may have your hands reacting the way that it has.

Am I completely cured, not yet, but my hands have improved tremendously. This has been the best method for me and addresses the key cause without causing other issues like many drugs do. If something starts to come out on my hands it's usually small and goes away in a couple of days or so if I stay on top of applications. I find that if I don't at least apply the mixture in the morning and at night or my hands have been exposed to friction like working with my hands or irritating them somehow and I don't stay on top of applications, they will be worse. Leaving my hands dry and working outside for example is sure to bring on something on my hands. I know this will take time because we use our hands so much so rebuilding is going to take time.

Oh yeah, and I stay away from hand sanitizer too and don't overdue washing my hands. If I must, again, I focus on the parts of my hands that actually touch (i.e. the underside of my fingers).

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Thank you for your very comprehensive post, I'm sure will help a lot of people. Often times when we have recurring skin problems it is because something is not right internally. You usually need to attack or fix internally as well as topically. I would consider adding a great probiotic like homemade kefir, or probiotic pills bought refrigerated to balance your gut's good bacteria, best on an empty stomach, and vitamin c at minimum 1000 mg a day. Of course there are many other immune boosters as well to consider. Sometimes the symptoms flare initially as your boosted immune system fights it out. Also I trust your hand soap is natural, mine is a mix of water, borax, baking soda, bentonite clay and anti fungal, anti bacterial essential oils. Best of health to you

Petroleum Jelly, Honey

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Posted by Jodie (Northern Ireland) on 01/11/2014

I'm a 16 year old girl, and I have had eczema almost all my life and I could never get anything help my eczema until a few months ago I was just looking in the internet, people were using Vaseline, honey ect so I thought to combine the both so I did. It has helped a lot and for a teenager it is hard having eczema! But to use this just get 375g petroleum jelly, it's the same as Vaseline, get honey put both into a microwave bowl it doesn't matter how much you use of both, and 3 teaspoons or water. Then put into microwave at least for one minute to make sure the Vaseline or petroleum jelly has melted and mix it threw and apply to eczema:) I hope it works for you guys! It has for me:)

Pink Himalayan Salt

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Posted by Maverick (Washington State, USA) on 04/28/2023

Unreal... I had eczema, dermatitis and/or psoriasis under both eyes after I got cross-contaminated with gluten (being glutened sucks A**). BTW, similar can happen if you're lactose intolerant. The protein in dairy (casein) mimics the protein in wheat (gluten).

I had it for many weeks and I tried everything such as aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, castor oil, etc.. Then I read some comments here that swimming in the ocean and sea salt or dead sea salt got rid of their eczema. So I decided to try it with salt in water.

The last 3 days, I've put Pink Himalayan Salt mixed in filtered water, into a cup. I swished it around with my fingers so it would dissolve in the water and then I splashed it on both eyes (I did NOT dry at all). I think it's KEY to understand not to dry it off!

I woke up just now, everything flaked off and the red dime sized circles are GONE. I'm in shock. I also read that Chlorine Swimming Pools can do similar, but that's not even necessary. Just fill a cup with water and salt (I presume any salt will work, even table salt), splash it on the area where you have the red rash or eczema/dermatitis/psoriasis and just like it dry. Don't wash it off.

I also remember yesterday I noticed that the reddish areas under my eyes had turned yellowish, which I had not seen before when I used the other treatments (ACV, Castor Oil, Aloe Vera, etc..). So I kind of figured it was dead skin drying out and ready to come off. I'm still in shock at how quickly it happened. This is the cure for your rashes due to Eczema / Psoriasis / Dermatitis.


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Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 03/17/2011

The problem with Eczema is that it is usually a systemic problem caused by an overgrowth of candida. So one has to adhere to a strict diet of meats, vegetables, and salads until the rash is gone. Avoid anything that is sweet including fruits. Also avoid potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, mushrooms, cereal, dairy products, etc. Absorbine jr. works to kill the candida ( fungus ) from the outside but if your diet is poor it will keep coming back. Take probiotics in addition to absorbine jr to accelerate the dieing off of the internal candida. Apply the absorbine 4 times a day and take one packet of probiotics per day. If you are over 50 yrs old like I am , you need to take betaine HCL with each protein meal ( 2 - 600 mg tabs ) because most older people's stomachs do not produce enough HCL and undigested protein enters the blood and the body produces addition candida in the gut to counter the problem. I did all of these things and within 2 weeks my eczema was completely gone.

The medical industry is so corrupt that they think eczema is a genetic problem that each patient has to endure for life. They give you steriod products that only attack the symtoms and the same time it damages healthy tissue. Avoid doctors like the plague. Thank God we have this forum to help get thr truth out. Thank you earthclinic!

Posted by Genevieve (Bronx, Ny) on 09/25/2009

I have serious eczema and i found that since i have been taking probiotics the inflammation has reduced dramatically. I know how badly eczema can make you feel. I have suffered with it for over 15 years.

Raw Food Diet

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Posted by Yvonne (London, On) on 01/30/2012

I've had eczema all my life, always using hydrocortisone cream to suppress it and relief itching. But a few years ago I started doing the raw food diet (eating majority raw organic food) and found that my eczema COMPLETELY WENT AWAY. It was good for the next few years, when I was still eating at least 50% raw foods. But when I went into university and stopped eating raw, plus consuming a lot of other bad junk foods e. G. Bread, sugar, deserts, my eczema came back afterwards, and now its worst than ever! :( I'm hoping to slowly ease back into eating more raw foods and hopefully it will improve and leave me for good!

Removing Fluoride

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Posted by Kat (Elizabethtown, Nc) on 02/03/2011

My daughter had an extreme case of eczema. We used to live in the city where we were of course provided with city water. They put flouride in the water... We now live in the country and have well water (no flouride added!!! ). My daughter's eczema has totally gone away. Flouride is BAD for you... It is a poison!!! When a truck hauls flouride, they have to put a hazardous placard on the trailer. That should tell us all something!!!

Removing Fluoride
Posted by Mary (Gloucester, Ma) on 12/22/2010

My son has had severe eczema due to what I believe to be vaccine poisoning. I believe this caused damage to his immune system. I have read a lot about eczema because his is so bad and nothing really works that well. Anyway I came across an article written by a man who had a similar condition and he said people don't realize that Fluoride can exacerbate eczema. He said he had great success with his condition by filtering Fluoride out of his water. Well I thought it was worth a try and I purchased a $70.00 filter system specifically made to filter out fluoride. Well what do you know, my son's eczema improved by about 80-90% no lie. We were astonished. Try talking to his pediatrician, who looks at me like I'm Cuckoo. The other thing we use is coconut oil religiously on the skin after showering and Myrrh and Goldenseal salve.
