Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies


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Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 03/09/2022

Cindy, for years I had been taking gelatin (fish) for my knees and it helped. I ran out of it and didn't bother to get more. But after a while my knees started "whispering" again. And that is when you wrote about rebounding. I had told you that I was doing "heel drops" instead of rebounding, but also some bouncing on a yoga ball. By now I can happily report that these random heel drops/bouncing seem to have kept my knees totally calm. Thank you!

Sacroiliac Joint Remedies

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/19/2016

Dear Editor,

Would it be possible to have a dedicated section especially for Sacroiliac Joint Problems? I have been interested in the following products (amongst others) Magnesium Chloride liquid, Castor oil, Peppermint essential oil, ACV, H.Acid, and the Vitamin C protocols especially, but am seeking more clarity on how to proceed and what regime is most effective for this debilitating condition. ( Hats off to Mama to Many by the way-there is not much it seems she doesn't know! ).

It disturbs me that a Sacroiliac Joint issue is frequently misdiagnosed as being a "Sciatica problem" even by some of the top "experts" in the Field. I suspect that a really good Acupuncturist, (with MANY years of experience) might be able to resolve this conundrum for you if you are a sufferer.

Try this trick once or twice a day for starters. Place your fist firmly behind your Sacrum, knuckles touching skin. Then grip that fist firmly with the other hand and press gently for a few seconds. Repeat a few times. Go gently for starters and gradually increase the number of "pushes" and do a few more times per day.

Secondly, with the fingers, latch onto a pinch of muscle on the side of your buttock that is causing trouble. Try to locate the spot where the sacroiliac joint is ---- a little way between spine and hip. Gently pull that spot towards your side/hip on the affected side. Hold for say three seconds and then release. Do this for a few times and then repeat the sequence a few times per day.

Trouble is that there could be two differing types of S I pain that I have been made aware of! The more usual one is where the bones forming the joint move forward and backwards either too much (loose) or not sufficiently (too stiff). The second type apparently affects far fewer people and that is where the Iliac flaps like a bird's wing (best way I can describe it). This is the one where the above second exercise is more appropriate.

Now is probably the time to visit your friendly Osteopath OR Physiotherapist for further clarification of your condition. There are more exercises to do here and some u tube videos are great too for assisting you with your self help regime, which you will seriously need to implement here..

The large inflatable ball is very good for sitting on of course and should be utilized more often by sufferers instead of a chair I think. Wouldn't it be nice though, to accurately know your problem before embarking on treatment? Ha!!

Cheers, Michael


Posted by Melody Ziko (New Westminster, Bc) on 12/01/2013

Hi there, I'm looking into natural remedies for Sacroillitis. Does anyone know of any? So far, I've tried a massage, the chiropractor, yoga, youtube videos for stretches. It doesn't seem to be helping. I am going to try acupuncture and foot reflexology afterwards. I imagine physio is just stretching exercises, I will still try it just in case. After all this, I still feel intense throbbing up my spine, around my tailbone, my buttocks and shoots down my leg. This is making it really hard to walk. Any advice of herbal medicine or what you may have done yourself would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Melody Z

P.S. I should mention that I have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I am currently on Prednisone and asacol. I hear that gluten free diet helps with Sacroillitis relief as well.. thoughts?

Replied by Steve

You may be able to find a chiropractor or physical therapist who offers cold laser treatment in your area.

Replied by Erin

Boswellia carterii will help both of your problems. I am an herbalist.

Replied by Art
2166 posts


There is herbal powder, raw herb, resin and essential oil available under the name Boswellia Carterii.

Which one are you recommending and how do you propose to use it? What dosing and frequency do you find to work for sacroiliitis?


Sulphur, Vitamin C

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Posted by Ron (Rancho Dominguez, Ca) on 04/28/2016

This isn't a cure, but it is close. I am a massage therapist and my specialty is deep tissue massage. Been doing this since 1980, so my joints were getting pretty well beat up. I tried all the usual remedies but they didn't work. I got turned on to the following:

1G of food grade sulfur along with 500mg of Vit C. I take this combo 6-8/day.

Sulfur has many benefits for the body. I no longer wake up with stiff joints.


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Posted by Candy Moss (Ofallon, MO) on 05/04/2008

I have used L-Glutathione for years for stiffness or joint pain of any type. I works great. I am told it is the key to allow calcium and vit. D amd mag. into the osteoblasts. Without it very little gets in to keep them working properly and it works really well. It also detoxifies the liver. Also I use a product called colon tone by Dr.Eskeland. It is an oxygen based cleaner and one of the great things I noticed it also does is help with yeast infections which I have often, I am guessing the xtra oxygen in the colon kills bacteria. All I know is its great not to have to put up with those yeast infections constantly. I suppose you can find it on the web. Otherwise e-mail me and I can tell you where I get it. Also the glutathione is a very inexpensive supplement.

Swollen Knuckles

Posted by Pam (Marlborough, Ct, Usa) on 09/29/2011

I have written in before about my problem with swollen knuckles. I have tried AC vineager and other things witch seemed to help somewhat but did not last. This problem has been going on for almost two years. I finally went to arthritis doctor who took $1,300 of tests and xrays of my hands and he still does not know what is the problem. He wanted to put me on some pretty strong drugs that have bad side effects and I decided not to take them. My knuckles never get unswollen, sometimes they don't bother me that much and other times like now they are really stiff and burning. I am wondering if this could be something to do with gout. If anyone has heard of this problem any help would be appreciated. Pam

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Pam, Have you had your iron levels checked? If there is no arthritis and your iron levels are higher than normal then the iron can deposit in the joints and look inflamed. This is usually due to the person having hemochromatosis or even being a carrier of it. If your iron levels are a bit above normal but not high enough to have some blood drained then you could try donating blood. Also taking Ted's borax water remedy helps, 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax (1/4 for men) in a litre of water taken for 4 days and 3 days off and keep repeating. Just remember that they did not appear overnight so they will not disappear quickly. Magnesium is also good as it helps with the boron to balance the calcium.

Alkalizing would be worth doing especially if you suspect gout. Check out EC's page. All the best..


9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Joyann (Hemet, Ca) on 12/28/2012

I just want to let everyone know that the tumeic powder has helped me. I have been suffering from joint inflamation severly for 5 months and I exercise in pain 7 days a week. The lord directed me to this website and I even believe he saved me a whole lot of pain. I give god the glory. My menstrual cramps are much improved as well. I consume 6 teaspoons a day in the powder form. And I also got a lot of energy. I hope this helps someone else. I tell all my friends about it.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Turmeric is an age old remedy for a number of conditions, especially for joints, ligaments and skin. One tablesp. divided twice a day with a teasp. of simple whey powder and half a cup of water in the blender will be a balanced dosage for long term usage. It is beneficial for lung and heart, a blood thinner and natural antibiotic.

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/21/2012

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share with everyone that for the first time, I tried fresh turmeric in my morning veggie juice we make ourselves. Every morning we make a green juice and it's always a little different. I always love it and feel really good after drinking it. I can just feel my body sing from it. I have also tried powdered turmeric at times but I can't say I feel anything significant but I also know all its benefits so I figure it can't hurt.

Well, this morning was vastly different. Some of you know that I have had stem cell therapy and my hips have recovered tremendously. Honestly, I can't compare what I feel like now to what condition I was dealing with before. Today, after the drink, which tasted very different but delicious, ALL pain disappeared from my hips and I could bring my knees almost to my chest which I have not been able to do in years. I would love if others would try fresh turmeric as well for joint pain and/ or inflammation and see if you also experience a significant difference. Wishing you well, Lisa

Replied by Les
(Sheffield, Ia)

We would love your juice drink recipe. We have a juicer, and have been lax in making our juices.

Replied by Mia
(Muriwai Beach, New Zealand)

Hello, just wondering if you have the juice recipe. Would love to try it. Thanks.

Posted by Dawn (Centerville, Utah) on 07/28/2008

I injured my elbow when I wrecked on my mtn bike. I did some research on joint pain and found turmeric. It worked like a charm on all my joint problems! However it did cause me to have some major hair loss. I noticed when I stopped taking the turmeric daily my hair loss was not as drastic.

Replied by Martinick
(Alexandria, Va, United States)

Yes, I also use natural remedies, which contain turmeric and fenugreek herbs to heal arthritis pains. As alternative to turmeric powder, you can try ready Nature Medic Arthritis cream with these ingredients. It only cost $79 and they have a money back guarantee if it does not help during 30 days.

Replied by Nessa

My husband has had hair loss when taking things like this to kill candida. Maybe you have candida or something like that to some degree.

Posted by Charles (Saint Cloud , Florida) on 12/31/2007

I started taking turmeric powder about 2 and a half years ago, after seeing on a famous news show that it was one of the main ingredients in a pill that was able to reduce your antioxidant level to zero. I did a little research and saw' there was little Alhiemers in India, where it is a big part of the diet. I was having a bit of a memory problem at the time. Anyways, after about 3 months of taking a tablespoon a day, I noticed my shoulder pain went away. My doctor had said he could do nothing for it, as it was arthitis and that he had it also. Now I notice that I don't seem too concern about memory and I have regained some interest in reading articles. I have had several, 3, cases of skin cancer in the last year, hopefully its due to the years of living in a tropical climate. I tried to stop taking it a couple of times to see what would happen and my shoulder pain seem to start to come back. So apparently it did not cure it but stopped the pain and I am now able to shoot basketball or any other activity. I put it in water and stir it up and swallow the half a cup very quickly as I do not like the taste. I order it 5 pounds at a time and keep a 10 pound supply on hand. Be careful it stains things yellow.

Replied by Watergirl
(Destin Fl, Usa)

Please... Where do you get 5 lbs of Tumeric?

Replied by Angela
(Missouri, USA)

I bought mine from I believe it was $5.00 a pound, very cheap, also certified organic.

Posted by Rose (Las Vegas) on 03/02/2007

i love your recipe for turmeric tea, i have many joint/bone pains from medicine i must take for breast cancer. So this tea has helped.i hope it will continue to relieve my symptoms when i have taken the tea for a longer time.. great site. thanks

Posted by Gurudev Khar Khalsa (Los Angeles)

Gurudev Khar Khalsa , a Sat Nam Rasayan healer and Kundalini Yoga teacher in Los Angeles sent us this Ayurvedic tea for lubricating the joints. Gurudev tells us that the almond oil is a very important part of this recipe. Turmeric is called "the internal healer" in Ayurveda. Turmeric is also a blood purifier and is best known for its ability to help the female reproductive organs. Some research indicates that turmeric may be of value in preventing diabetes and cancer.


1/8 teaspoon turmeric, 3 cardamom pods (optional), 1/4 cup water. Simmer 5 to 7 minutes, then add : 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons almond oil (cold pressed). Bring just to the boiling point (but do not boil). Add honey or maple syrup to taste. Sip slowly as a hot tea.

Replied by Hannah
(Petach Tikva, Israel)

Dear Gurodev, I don't know how to thank you for your great suggestion for making turmeric/ginger tea. In one day all my hip pain disappeared. Earth Clinic - what a wonderful site.

Posted by Reem (Karachi, Pakistan)

I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint pains.

Replied by Sadaf

For how long can we take it? Is it safe to use everyday for 6 or 8 months or longer???

Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of tumeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.

Turmeric and Ginger Drink

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Janet (Poynette, Wi Usa) on 07/21/2010

I have been suffering with pain in my right hip for a few years. It started out being on and off and gradually got be constant. It hurt to get up from a chair, going up and down stairs and just walking. I was developing a limp. Funny though, it actually bothered me less if I was extremely active. I found that turmeric and ginger work like magic. Every morning I have a hot cup of organic green tea to which I add 1 tsp. Virgin coconut oil, 2 tsp. Honey, 1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp. Powdered ginger, a dash of black pepper and about 1/8 tsp. Of cayenne pepper. I read on EARTH CLINIC that those peppers help the efficacy of the spices. It's amazing, I have no pain in my hip. By the way, my daughter cured herself of classic fibromyalgia symptoms by following advice from EARTH CLINIC. This website is invaluable.

Replied by Kay
(Fl, US)

Yes, tumeric research reports that pepperine (black pepper specifically) enhances the efficacy of tumeric/curcumin AND it's necessary to add a dietary oil as well. I also add coconut oil to my tumeric tea/milk (as well as ginger, cinamon, allspice, nutmeg, vanilla bean, molasses, honey)!

Replied by Mia
(Muriwai Beach, New Zealand)

Just wondering...are there any issues with yellowing of the teeth if using tumeric powder?

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