
Here you will find an index of hundreds of ailments for which a great array of home remedies have proven useful. Each health condition has its own informational article followed by our vast treasury of reader feedback, organized by remedy. Our readers have been sending us their health stories, victories, trials and side effects of natural cures for a decade and a half. Please also check out our Remedies page where we list individual herbs, supplements and other home cures along with the health conditions that may benefit from their use.


Labia Minora IssuesLabral TearLactose IntoleranceLarge PoresLaryngitisLaryngopharyngeal RefluxLeaky Gut SyndromeLearning DisabilityLegs - Poor CirculationLeg UlcersLeishmaniasisLeukemiaLeukodermaLeukopeniaLeukorrheaLewy Body DiseaseLibido, LowLiceLichen PlanopilarisLichen PlanusLichen Planus, Art SolbrigLichen SclerosusLiddle's SyndromeLigaments, TornLight-HeadedLight SensitivityLipedemaLipomasLips, Chronic InflammationLips, Cracked or PeelingLiver, Bill Thompson ProtocolLiver CancerLiver, CirrhosisLiver CystsLiver DamageLiver DiseaseLiver, Elevated EnzymesLiver, FattyLiver SpotsLong Covid - Art SolbrigLong Haulers with COVID-19 Loose SkinLoose Stools Loose TeethLoss of SmellLou Gehrig's DiseaseLow Blood PlateletsLow Blood PressureLow Body TemperatureLow EnergyLow Heart Rate Low LibidoLow Potassium Low Pulse RateLow SodiumLow Stomach Acid and AutismLow TestosteroneLow White Blood Cell CountLPR Lung CancerLungs - BlebsLungs: Damage and InfectionLupusLyme DiseaseLymphedemaLymph Nodes, SwollenLymphoma