Gallbladder Attack
Health Benefits

ACV in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attacks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sntidwell (Las Vegas, Nv) on 04/14/2011


I have been experiencing textbook Gallbladder Disease symptoms off and on for the last month. Pain was so bad this afternoon I finally headed to urgent care to find out what was going on. After being told "it sounds like gallbladder issues but we need to do blood work first" and being given a script for percecet I started googling and came across this site. Still in extreme pain I did the Apple Cider Vinegar/Apple Juice drink and about 40 min later felt the best I had in days--worked better than the prescription drugs! But here I am, 4 hours later at 1am, waking up in pain again. I drank more, feel better but am left wondering about a more permenant treatment or way for managing my-yet-to-be-diagnosed, Gallbladder issues. Any home remedies, dietary recommendations, supplements etc would be GREATLY WELCOMED! thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Cynthia (Houston, Tx) on 12/31/2008


(Apple Cider Vinger) I ended up in the ER with real bad pain i have never had in my life! Was told I had galbladder. was given pain pills and was told if it continued i wld have to have it removed with I DO NOT want to do. I came across the website and tried ACV and worked great the 1st night had a great bm in the am I was very happy. them on the 2nd and on I became vey very bloated, burping all day and have not had a bm which I have always been regular at least 2 times and I just dont know what do about this do I have to stop taking the ACV? please help i just want to have my regular bm again....