Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Shingles

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Halifax, Nova Scotia) on 10/23/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar for Shingles

I used cotton rounds soaked in Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and swabbed area as often as I could, approx every hour. I also drank 2 tbsp mixed in juice, morning and night. Best to leave the soaked cotton on affected area as long as possible. On first attempt, I placed cotton on area and wrapped plastic around myself to keep cotton from moving, however, after approx 30 min the burning sensation was too strong and I had to remove plastic. From that point on I placed soaked cotton on affected area and laid down with it on my back for as long as I could. I saw a drastic improvement in less than 24 hours. The affected area looked better, pain had decreased substantially and rash stopped spreading. Never would have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gena (Baltimore, Maryland) on 09/14/2008

My son had his first case of shingles (13yr) this week. I came upon your site and read the remedies from others. We tried the apple cider vinegarI soaked cotton balls in ACV and put them on the rash area for about 45 min. 2 times a day. I also had him drink 1 Tablespoon ACV w/ 10oz of cold apple juice in the am and at night. His rash begin to heal overnight. His pain and rash went away within 3 days. I think that we will try this remedy when he feels the rash coming on. I believe that if you start it early on-this remedy will lessen the shingles time. Thanks so much to others who shared their remedies and to you for getting this info to others! Gena

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Holt, MO)

I had shingles around my waist a few years ago and the RX creme burned terribly. I put a little ACV on a cotton ball and applied it to the spots and the relief was immediate. The doctor was amazed (duh!).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mrs. Muldrow (Magnolia, Arkansas) on 10/29/2015

I had a bout w shingles for the first time when I was in my mid twenties, and it was the most horrendous experience of my life. I first noticed a tingling sensation on my right butt cheek accompanied by extreme itching and thought nothing more of it then a bug bite. A couple days later I noticed it began to sprout bumps that were accompanied by pain. My mother has had shingles a few times before so when I told her about it she opted to see them- and behold!! My shingles had been confirmed!! I didn't go to the hospital because again, my mother has had them before and assumed she was the "shingles queen"!! Lol Long story short- Worst 3 weeks of my life!!

Well, just a couple days ago, I began to notice the beginning stages of shingles, and absolutely refused to deal w the same situation. As I've read on several testimonials on this site going to the hospital would be absolutely pointless, plus I'm pregnant and don't want to put anything harmful in my baby's system. I also saw where people almost swear by Apple Cider Vinegar, and I had read where one gentleman suggested making a baking powder paste... What could it hurt right?? Lol So I told my husband about it, and he grabbed some ACV, baking powder, and honey. I took 2 tablespoon orally, and chased it w a spoonful of honey for taste because it's absolutely disgusting!! Soaked a large cotton ball in the ACV, and taped it to my butt (it came back in the same spot) and let me tell ya, it burns like hell!! We're gonna leave it on for a little while longer, and then apply the baking powder paste.......... I'll be back to tell you my results!! Keep your fingers crossed!! Lol And thank you all for your suggestions!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by CC (SD, CA) on 05/29/2022

Wash face with oatmeal soap with cool water blot dry apply Aloe Vera gel let dry then calamine lotion let dry on top all pain gone in 10-20 minutes all day. If pain comes back add more calamine lotion. Repeat next day or as needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/25/2015 2158 posts


If you can tolerate aspirin with no problems, you can try topical aspirin. Mix the aspirin in vaseline intensive care lotion and apply to painful areas.

Here is a study that did just that to good effect for herpetic neuralgia relief.

I've used a combination of ibuprofen and aspirin for myself and it is helpful for me. Both have antiviral properties though no studies specifically for herpes zoster, but ibuprofen shows potential toward Ebola virus!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Snptime (Ardmore, Al. ) on 02/10/2015

Please help me I have a very painful rash on my left inner butt cheek. It seems to be spreading. I have had chicken pox. and have gotten cold sores in the past. This feels like a rash of cold sores and it really hurts. I am using vinegar, and it does help some. What else can I do?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzanne (In Ear And Posibly Internal Also.) on 08/20/2017

I thought I had bad ear infection, but was diagnosed with Shingles in ear! It was recommended to see what Dr. Mercola had to say on Shingles.

He said it was a virus and had to run its course. I had just a few breakouts on lip and lower face and few in scalp near ear. Manuka honey was highly recommended to put on breakouts several times daily. Cleared up pain and breakouts were gone quickly! But pain in ear is worse than anything I have ever had! Sweet oil for ear was also suggested, which is almond oil. Can buy at pharmacy or Amazon. It really helps. I also had some ear drops from Dr.

since Manuka honey is so good for viruses, I have been researching whether it could be warmed and put in far have not found answer to this question...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Holly (Millersville) on 08/20/2017

Honey is sterile. I would personally try it in my ear.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Georgia) on 10/26/2014

Hi. How do I cure shingles with apple cidar vinegar.. What do I do.. Recipe.. Exactly.. For sores and pain.. Tks sincerely, Jean

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Tulsa, Ok) on 09/12/2011

I have had shingles for the first time for a week now. I thought it was poison Ivy, really painful, itchy, burning hot patches of blisters. After three days of applying poison ivy meds, including the apple cider vinegar therapy, which actually caused mine to worsen as the Apple Cider Vinegar initiated furious blistering and swelling, I went to the dr who diagnosed shingles and started me on a potent anti-viral. I also went to the health food store (Akins) and got a gel rub which works wonderfully for relieving pain and itch. Also taking 1,000 mg Lysine 3x a day and 1-2, 000 mg of a good quality Vit C 3x a day. Shingles is a very serious ailment and can be life debilitating.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (New York, Ny) on 08/21/2011

Out of desperation, I began searching for a remedy for my mother who was suffering from shingles. She said she has had the worst three weeks of her life. Her doctor prescribed vicoden and benadryl but she couldn't function and these only provided minor relief. We started the ACV yesterday. We first applied it with a spray bottle mixed with a basil tea I made. (Her outbreak was in her head. ). We also gave her 2T every 4hrs yesterday. (unfortunately she couldn't tolerate the 4th dose..... She gags on the vinegar hahaha). It wasn't an immediate relief, but almost!!!! She slept for the first time last night without any medication!!! Said it's like a miracle and much better than benadryl. She said she doesn't mind the taste because the benefit is far greater!!!!! She said it was a 70% improvement.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hma (Parlier, Ca) on 07/22/2011

about 10 days ago I noticed three shingles in my groin area. I had an outbreak about 10 years ago of the shingles on my right ear. The doctor prescribed some green antiviral pills that did nothing but constipate me. Anyway that outbreak went away on its own after 3 weeks of pain and vertigo, and not to mention lost work. this time around though, I decided no doctor, I consulted a friend of mine who told me about this site.

Let me tell you all that this remedy of apple cider vinegar truly does work fast on these painful shingles. I have swabbed these critters with Apple Cider Vinegar for the past 24 hours, once every 4 hours, and let me tell you that two have almost dissapeared and one shrunk to half its size . Im very happy with this folk remedy and just sorry I had not known about this site before. An inexpensive formula that is common all over the world truly works wonders.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nlt (Tampa, Fl) on 03/24/2011

Have had shingles for about a week and a half now. Originally thought it was a spider bite like some of the other posters, but quickly realized that it was unlikely that a spider would have bitten me 3-4 times. Went to a doctor who had no idea what it was and when I asked he just mumbled "its some sort of skin... Thing. " Idiot. Prescribed Cipro and anti-itch medication, neither of which would help at all so I didn't even get it filled. I figured out on my own that it was shingles and began applying Abreva hourly, which definitely helped prevent further spread. Its pricy but OTC and really helps!

Found this site about 4 days ago and have been using the apple cider vinegar, as well as tea tree oil, directly on the blisters. This has helped a lot. The blisters are healing and haven't seen any new ones popping up. I won't say the pain or itchiness is any less, but at least they're disappearing. The tea tree oil does help to soothe a little but it only lasts for about an hour. Still can't sleep, and I'm very uncomfortable in any position- sitting, laying, standing. Just all around uncomfortable. Considering taking Ambien if I go another sleepless night. Will post if I find anything new.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelbie (Ripon, Ca) on 08/14/2009

Thanks for the information on your site. I had shingles for 4 days before I found your site. I had been to the doctor who gave be antibiotics but the pain was not going away. I was not able to sleep one night from the pain so I searched for remedies. I tried the ACV. I put on the ACV with a cotton ball directly on the blisters. Couldn't believe that once I put it on my blisters, within 5 minutes, the pain had subsided. I also drank the vinegar mixed with apple juice (1 tblsp to 4 oz of juice). I had a lot of redness on my skin with the blisters. The redness was gone within a few hours of applying the ACV. Thanks so much for the help!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by ELFGIRL (Buffalo, NY) on 04/21/2009

I'm a 52 year old female - the ACV works! I admit that the bout of Shingles I had was not too bad. The first night I tried the ACV both internal and external the redness and itching started to go away. I included in fight against shingles by taking between 3,000 - 4,000 mg of lysine. This helps boost your immune system both for shingles and cold sores. I also used calamine lotion and Zorvorax. In less than 2 days the blisters were drying up and the itching was going away I finally could sleep. I highly recommend the ACV as a great method in treating shingles.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Nowhere, PA) on 01/21/2009

So, I am 25 years old and developed my first case of Shingles. They are HORRIBLE!! After reading the posts on apple cider vinegar, I decided to try it out. Well, tonight is the first night that I have used it and already I am seeing less redness and swelling in the areas of the Shingles. I am currently drinking 2 teaspoons mixed w/ juice. It tastes as it smells but I don't care as long as it keep working!!! :) My Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Dad all swear by ACV!! So far it's working!! Thanks for the info!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bert (New Brunswick, NJ) on 04/02/2008

SHINGLES REMEDY I'm getting over a case of the shingles now. Thank you for all the inputs provided here...they really helped. Here's what worked for me. When the rash starts to appear accompanied with the burning sensation, apply vinegar to the rash. This will soothe the burn (this same remedy is used in jellyfish stings) Also use Neosporin to help with healing and the itching. Aleeve or Tylenol for the pain. TylenolPM at night to help me sleep. I also took Vitamin C, B and Lysine everyday. When the rash first appeared, I was in so much pain that I was willing to do anything that would ease the pain. My friend recommended acupuncture so on I went. My skin was so sensitive to touch that they could only apply the acupuncture needles in a small portion of the rash. The part of the rash that received the treatment never actually turned to blisters. It just became less red and went away. The rest turned into red bumps and blisters. That was my first time getting acupuncture. I was so nervous. I'm not a fan of needles at all but I think it really helped eased the pain and the rash. So if you are brave enough for it I think acupuncture works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trudy (Salt Lake City, Ut) on 12/01/2010

I started out with a pulled muscle with a pinched nerve. Shingles showed up a few days later in the area where I pulled my nerve. The apple cider on a washcloth was very soothing. Also using an ice pack stopped some of the sting. Trying different levels of elevating my leg helped also. Arnica cream works great on severe pain. I also took lysine tablets 12hrs apart with food.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (Tampa, FL) on 08/29/2007

Shingles stopped with apple cider vinegar -- I suddenly had severe stabbing pains in my back on the left side. A few hours of this and some red blisters were starting to appear. I read about the Apple Cider Vinegar and took 1 1/2 Tablespoons in a glass of distilled water with some honey for taste. I had only 2 more stabbing pains and went to bed. In the AM the rash was gone. I am continuing to take the ACV twice a day and so far I feel like it is trying to break out again on my upper thigh, but then disappears due to the ACV. Time will tell, but I have no doubt that it is the ACV that is keeping it at bay.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dani (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/06/2007

My Bf got shingles almost 1 and a half weeks ago now. he went to the doctors and got anti viral tablets, and i spent almost a full day in between answering phone calls at work reading up on natural remedies,as i fuss over him, and wanted him to get better quick! im a quick fix type of person. i went out and brought him everything i had read about, ACV, tea tree oil, broccoli, fish, which i cooked with lemon grass, parsley, a killer amount of garlic and rosmary,to ensure he got a good does of all the good stuff, along with all these other things. he didnt want to drink the vinegar or have it on his body! "it stinked" according to him, and he didnt see how it'd help, so i maintained feeding him heaps of broccoli..with all of his meals and applied tea tree oil twice a day after his showers. this helped it maintained the rash and kept blistering to a minimal, but it was not a quick fix. last night i talked him into trying the vinegar as while the sores were slowly clearing he was starting to get sharp pains, and i told him it was either try everything natural to help otherwise acupunture, so the chicken decided we'll try the vinegar. i soaked cotton wool, i brough in strips from the supermarket in ACV placed it on his sores and wrapped him in cling wrap for a good 2 hours or so! he still had a few sharp stbbing pains for the first half an hour, but then the pain stopped and when we took the plastic and cotton off, the infected area had completely cleared up with the exception of a few little blisters. he woke up this morning, the affected area still looks great and the pain is minimal. a few more days of the ACV treatment and he should be 100% and would have dodged acupuncture completely.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Charleston, SC) on 09/28/2006

I cut strips, sufficent to cover areas affected with Shingles, from a brown paper bag and soaked them in ACV. I placed them onto those areas and covered the entire area with cling wrap which kept the paper from drying. I was amazed at the results--immediate comfort, drying of small blisters, and my first night of painless sleep since they first appeared.

Note: I do not leave the treatment on overnight. I do use it at least twice a day for short periods. Thanks for the help your website provides.

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