Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mackenzie (Australia Gold Coast) on 04/26/2022

I recently shared I was experiencing new bumps over my cheeks when started the RDI of borax in the water however now my face my forehead in particular is covered in folliculitis type lumps - I did start taking this for arthritis and a yeast overgrowth causing folliculitis that I have over my body but never had it on my face, now since the borax my my face just has lumps and bumps all over? And now my face I find is very oily? Anyone else experience this? I have read to use apple cider vinegar potentially? I still am unsure wether to stop or to just keep going in the hopes my body regulates itself. This is just making me feel quite insecure with the process.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Aim75 (Kane, Pa) on 11/21/2011



I have a weird side effect of trying Borax for my arthritis. First, I seem to have kidney pain when taking doses of 1/8 tsp and higher. This is nothing new, certain things do give my kidneys problems since I had a E-coli infection in my blood 12 years ago. So I've been taking a little spoon, and just dipping the wet tip of it in and swishing it in my water. Kidney problem solved. Here is the weird side effect... I get this strange headache that is located at the tip of my head... Not really a headache, just a strange pressure or ache at the very center tip of my head. I've had this pain before, years ago, when I was really stressed and it used to be pretty bad that it would affect my thinking. But that went away years ago, and now it seems the borax brings it on again ever so slightly. Anybody have any ideas what this means?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Imb (Vista, Ca) on 08/29/2011


I have been taking the borax from the grocery store for three day. I have been feeling more energize but I also am experiencing kidney pain. Is it detox symptom? And should I take something else with it to ease the pain?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Joe (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 06/29/2011


I had the same side effect. I took 1/4 of a teaspoon for 3 days, then skipped 3 days, then started again. I got a burst blood vessel in my right eye the first day back on. This same blood vessel has burst several times before so I'm not worried about it.

Otherwise, the borax has made me feel great.