Teething Remedies for Children

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Debra (Mo) on 10/03/2015

Allspice Bead Necklace for Teething:

First hand experience as the oldest of 4 children. My Father went to the woods and pulled up burdock root. Mom cleaned them and cut them into 1" pieces. Using a needle and thread, she strung the roots into a necklace, leaving about 2" of room from the neck. This allows for shrinkage as the roots dry up. Using a low grade thread is for safety should the necklace get caught on anything, it would easily break. Keep the necklace under the baby's shirt and they won't think about it being there, therefore will not "play" with it or accidentally grab it. I helped with my younger brother and sister so I experienced it first hand. It works.

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Kaspars (Jelgava) on 04/06/2012

I can recommend these. Our daughter was an absolute nightmare with her teeth until we tried this. She has been wearing it since she was 8 months old and we haven't looked back since. I never take hers off, she sleeps with it on too. I have heard from a few people that take their lo's necklaces off at night and they all say that they still get sleepless nights due to teething. I think that they should be worn 24hrs a day. I feel quite happy that they are not a choking hazard. The necklace has a low breaking strain so if it had to get caught on something(an unlikely occurence) then it would snap. If it were to snap for any reason, each bead has been double knotted on, so that they wouldn't all fall off.

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Alexia (Onondaga, MI)

I strung up a necklace of whole allspice beads for my 4-month-old... he wears them all the time. It stopped the high fevers, fussiness, and most of the teething pain. It also tightened his gums right up so the teeth could just pop through.