Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by James (Hartford, Ct) on 04/03/2013

I take acidophilus every night for its beneficial bacteria. I noticed about a week after I started taking it that I no longer get acid reflux. I take 2 refrigerated pills with a glass of water just before going to bed. Highly recommend this.

Sugar Tea
Posted by Brook (Birmingham, Alabama) on 03/28/2013

This is going to sound weird, but I tried all of the remedies above and nothing helped me long term except sugar. My grandmother, an 80 year old woman told me to put a table spoon of sugar in a cup of hot hot water and drink it like a tea. The first time I took it I heard a gulp in my stomach. I did it for a few days and no acid reflux. Now, I don't wake up with acid burning in my throat anymore. If I eat something acidic, I just make sure to drink my sugar tea. I also lost a couple of pounds. But, I try not to do that often. Trust me it works!

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Gerd Fighter (Atlanta, Ga, Us) on 03/13/2013

Bill: for me, I already have high BP - for me it always remains around 140/90...

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union\\\\\\\\, Philippine) on 03/12/2013

Hi Gerd Fighter... I usually find that I now alkalize, using both the sodium bicarbonate and water(alkalizes the intestines and blood) and the lime/lemon and water(alkalizes inside the cells) remedies. I may not use these every day but I usually use them several times every week because 80% to 90% of all our processed food is acid forming in the body. So, yes, I use these alkalizing remedies constantly every week.

The dosages referred to in the link I provided were 7 half tspns of baking soda for adults and 3 half tspns for anyone over 60. It's rare that you will ever have to take 7 half tspns unless your body is extremely acidic.

Most people link high blood pressure to too much sodium intake in the body. But just like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, sodium is easily regulated by the kidneys. The problems really arise if there is a lack of sodium, calcium, potassium or magnesium in the diet. You cannot regulate minerals that are already at low levels in your body can you?

Calcium is usually always found to be in excess in our processed food diets(everything is fortified with calcium these days!! ) whereas potassium and magnesium are always lacking in our diets. Sodium, as salt intake, is tricky. Alot of people avoid salt and other people just use refined salt(acidic). Our bodies need the Sea Salt form of salt which is more alkaline than refined salt and sea salt also contains many other essential and useful minerals.

The fear with salt is because people believe that sodium will raise their blood pressure. But this is simply not true. It is the excess chloride in refined salt that raises the blood pressure. In his book pH Balanced for Life (which is sold on this site) Ted from Bangkok reveals that he did an experiment on himself to prove this. He took sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and potassium chloride at different times and found that the magnesium chloride and potassium chloride always tended to raise his blood pressure whereas sodium bicarbonate did not raise BP. So it isn't because of the sodium but is because of the chloride content in refined salt that causes a rise in BP. For myself, I am constantly taking the Baking Soda alkalizing remedies and my own blood pressure has never varied in 6 years-- it always remains at around 110/70.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Gerd Fighter (Atlanta, Ga, Us) on 03/12/2013

Thanks a lot Bill and Timh!! This is a great site.

Bill: I checked the links provided by you - there it is mentioned that "Do not use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks. " - so, is the oral intake of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) harmful for prolonged use? Can I take baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) orally with water everyday (in prescribed amount) - throughout my rest of life? It looks like even after using the digestive enzymes - I'm having residual acidity - which is not very severe, but not comfortable at all. If I take baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) orally with water it is going away. So, to me it looks like it is working as a antacid. My only concern here, everyday use of it throughout the rest of life. Also, if it (prolonged use) is not harmful then why do everybody talks about reducing the consumption of sodium? Now-a-days probably in every food products it is mentioned that low level of sodium - why is that? Please clarify.

Thanks again for the help!

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/12/2013 2063 posts

Gerd Fighter: Bill is our expert on the Buffer solutions, so do follow his advise, as many folks are getting well as a result. I personally use about half spoon of 50% Sea Salt mixed with 50% Sodium Bicarbonate 3x daily as I have acidosis problems.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/11/2013

Hi Gerd Fighter... I would not agree with your opinion on alkalizing with sodium bicarbonate. Read the evidence in these links:

Oral Dosages of Sodium Bicarbonate

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies

I took Sodium Bicarbonate with water(to alkalize the blood) as well as the lemon/lime sodium bicarbonate remedy(to alkalize inside the cells) as a major part of my own successful protocol to help defeat my own systemic candida problems. I still take these alkalizing remedies today and my candida problems have never returned as a result.

Sodium bicarbonate is also well recognized by the body as a friendly nutrient. Bicarbonates are used throughout the blood and cells for alkalizing and as long as you have a fully functioning kidney to regulate sodium, there should be no real problems taking sodium bicarbonate with water.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Gerd Fighter (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/11/2013

Thanks for the feedback Timh. But daily intake of baking soda will be harmful for the body as well, as it is again a chemical - right?

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union, Philippines) on 03/10/2013

Hi Gerd Fighter... I have been particularly interested in GERD problems because GERD and reflux problems occur alot as a co-problem with candida. So I have tried to research this problem in some depth.

In the early 1900s, John Beard was researching protease enzymes and he discovered, quite by accident, that low levels protease enzymes in the blood related directly to cancer formation. These protease enzymes found in the blood are exactly what are used in normal digestion -- excess protease enzymes not used during digestion are just absorbed into the blood. William Kelley's successful Metabolic Protocol against cancer came into being because of John Beard's research. Kelly and Gonzalez also found that protease enzymes greatly assisted the immune system in removing pathogens and trash from the blood. So I would therefore say that taking protease enzymes over a long period certainly wouldn't hurt you at all and would probably work to achieve more benefit by helping to protect not only your digestion but also your immune system.

Since the GERD problem can occur due to lack of chlorides -- supplementing betaine hydrochloride and supplementing both Magnesium Chloride and Sea Salt would also help to generate hydrochloric acid in the stomach for proper first stage digestion(and to help kill all incoming pathogens with food). But this problem is different. As the affects of supplementing chlorides in the diet takes effect, there will be less and less need to supplement betaine HCL until, eventually, your stomach is back to normal HCL production. In this instance -- only Magnesium Chloride and/or Sea Salt need be supplemented(no betaine HCL) to maintain normal HCL levels for digestion.

The other problem, which is not recognized by most people, is that normal duodenal digestion, after stomach digestion, MUST be alkline. So if your pancreas lacks bicarbonates in its juices that should neutralize the stomach acid, then the medium for duodenal digestion will be acid instead of properly alkaline -- so the food just sits there, undigested, fast-breeding bacteria -- giving you further problems.

Therefore I always advise using Ted's Sodium Bicarbonate and water remedy in this protocol -- just in case the digestion problems are also caused by lack of bicarbonates in the pancreatic juices. This remedy ensures proper main stage digestion in the duodenum. The dose is 1/4 to 1/2 tspn of sodium bicarbonate(Baking Soda) taken 1/2 hr to 1 hour after all meals.

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/09/2013 2063 posts

Gerd Fighter: It is generally considered completely safe on the probiotics and enzymes at recommended doses short and long-term, as these are produced naturally in the body. Too much enzyme in a single dose could cause excess bowel movement, so you could always know when to stop upping the dosage by this symptom.

Do consider addressing common underlying problems of the digestive system like dirty colon, gallstones, and sometimes liver disease. There is lots of info on "cleanses" of these three organs. Also, after completing the cleanses, try an herbal pancreas formula (Nature's Sunshine used to have one called P14 but I think it's a different name now). This herbal pancreas formula will give new life to the pancreas (which is what produces all the enzymes you talk of substituting). Chronic parasite infestations as well as chronic pathogens can disrupt digestion (a very common cause of digestive diseases).

Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics
Posted by Gerd Fighter (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/08/2013

I've been suffering from severe acid reflux for 13 long years now. Doctors did numerous endoscopy and declared that I've small hiatus hernia and acid reflux. They put me on PPI medication and I used all sort of PPIs like protonix, omeparzole, esomeprazole etc. Nexium (esomeprazole) worked for me best. With this one I almost did not have any problem. But, I've been taking it since 13 long years everyday!! The problem of these medications(chemicals) is it will kill you one day if you keep on taking it for so long. It prevents the body to absorbe the essential nutrients/minerals from the food you take. So, as a result, with prolonged use of these medicines you get other side effects like decreasing bone density and all other form of problems and gradually it will take you towards a silent death. But, no doctors will tell you these facts to you. The pharmacitucal companies warn you to take it not more than 4 months max. You have other options like surgery - but, no guarantee that will work for you and doctors will allow you to do it. In my case the doctors said surgery will not be effective for me. Also, the surgeries need to be repeated after some times if it works.

Then...I started looking for alternative medicines as I was desparate to get rid of Nexium. I searched all the web sites like this one and tried homeopathic medicines, apple cider vinegar, apple etc. But, all these did not work for me. Then in this site I came to know about natural digestive enzymes and probiotics. Medicines like Nexium works by stopping the acid production in stomach - which ultimately harms the body as you need the acid in stomach to digest the food. Digestive enzymes and probiotics works on the root cause of the acid problem of the stomach. They help in digesting the food quickly/properly so the body is not required to produce excess acid thereby reducing the cause of acid reflux. I could not think of a single day without Nexium. But, since I've been started using digestive enzymes and probiotics they helped me - I'm not taking the Nexium currently as I'm taking digestive enzymes and probiotics. My symptoms are not fully gone - but, definitely they are less with these. I believe if I do more research with these natural remedies it will help to keep this monster away. But, anyway you need to take them for ever as long as you live. But, it is better and safe to take it like food, as long as you live - and not like Nexium. So, my suggestion to all the trillions of sufferers worldwide to try your best to work out a natural solution which suites your body most and definitely try to get rid of PPI and other form of chemical medications. Try the digestive enzymes and probiotics - available in health food stores and also in pharmacies - in US.

I've one question though - does anybody know the side effects, problems (if any) of using digestive enzymes and probiotics for prolonged period or has anyone experienced any problem. Though these are natural products - we all know too much of everything is bad. So, I would be really interested to know this - as, if it works, I need to take it forever.

Posted by Gokhals (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 02/20/2013 34 posts

Acid reflux, especially in people over 25 is generally caused by too little acid, rather than too much acid in the stomach. I saw miraculous results with unpasteurized sauerkraut on my friends and family who had GERD.

Sauerkraut is made by mixing shredded cabbage with a tablespoon of sea salt, covering up with a cabbage leaf and leaving on the counter 3-5 days, until the cabbage is soured. Then refrigerate. Eat a tablespoon when you get acid reflux, or related stomach problems. They will disappear instantaneously. Your heartburn will vanish. Your bloating will vanish. Your stomachache will vanish.

The whole proton pump inhibitor industry is a gigantic scam. PPIs are also extremely detrimental to health.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon
Posted by Lilli (Kenmore, Wa, Usa) on 02/13/2013 13 posts

I've found that ACV works the best for my acid reflux. However, I had to tweak the formula a bit.

I cannot stand the taste of straight ACV so I added fresh lemon juice in equal amounts to the ACV. I used to drink a tall glass of water but found that too much water triggered the AR, especially before bedtime.

Now I use apx. 6 ounces of filtered water and add 1 tbs. ACV, and 1 tbs. Lemon juice. If this mixture is too sour, just add a squirt of good quality honey. Some have mentioned adding baking soda. I never have, but if the acidity bothers you, it is worth a try.

I drink the mixture throughout the day and never before bedtime. I've even tried drinking it with my meals in place of other drinks.

Another thing that has helped tremendously is not eating or drinking after the evening meal and at least 4 hours before bedtime. I also limit my intake of liquids while I am eating to aid digestion. I've added more raw fruits and vegetables. Apples work really well.

I find that these things work best whenever I feel the first twinge or feel the acid coming up in my throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Mike (London, Uk) on 02/13/2013

The Apple Cyder Vineger thing REALLY does work its astonishing, its a wonder why it isnt more widely known as a remedy. I've had GERD/bad heartburn for months (with Laryngitis)and it was making me miserable, after stumbling across this website by accident I'd thought what have I got to lose.

So after going to Tescos I took 1 tablespoon ACV, 1/8 spoon bicarb of soda, 1 spoon honey with a splash of water, downed in one (it tastes disgusting), and bobs yer uncle 2 hours later it was gone, 1 week later I've had slight symptoms but one dose of the elixer and it was gone again.

I only take it now as a cure and not prevention and fingers crossed I'll be OK.

I've never ever posted a message before on a forum, but was compelled to do so and will spread the word!

Basil Seeds
Posted by Soneeta (Santa Cruz, California) on 02/10/2013

Acid Reflux: Mix 1 teaspoon Basil seeds (Tutmalanga) in a glass of water, let sit for 5 minutes (the seeds will look like it has fuzz on it) than drink it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gracie (Flushing, New York, USA) on 02/01/2013

What kinds of supplements did you take to get rid of the fungus? Did you take any supplements to help your overall condition?

PS: I hope you recover from your current health issue, soon.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Curious_Emily (Berkshire, New York, Usa) on 01/23/2013

I've just recently learned that acid reflux can be a symptom of adult-onset soy allergy, or soy intolerance. It is very simple to see if this is all, or part, of the problem. Just eliminate all soy products from the diet for 2 weeks and see if symptoms improve. Please note that soybean oil, soy lecithin, and soy protein isolate are in a wide variety of foods, supplements, and vitamins, so it's very important to read labels carefully. For example, most brands of mayonaise are made with soybean oil, as are most products that contain vegetable oil or vegetable shortening. Factory-farmed eggs also contain a lot of soy, since soy protein is fed to the chickens; ditto for farmed fish. So many people must avoid these foods as well. After eliminating all soy from the diet for at least 2 weeks, deliberately eat something very high in soy content, preferably unfermented, such as soy milk. If your acid reflux symptoms return, you have your answer.

As a bonus, several other health issues have resolved since eliminating soy, including a decrease in chronic arthritis pain, brain fog/short term memory issues, loose bowels, insomnia, and vitamin B and D deficiencies. After some study, I've found that these are all common side effects of adult soy allergies.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Hannah (Paris, France) on 01/14/2013

Hi Nylle, I'm interested in the sesame oil. I have some virgin oil that I started using for oil pulling, but I am not sure I understand which oil you are recommending. So in the scheme of Extra Virgin, Virgin, Refined and Pure, you are saying to get Pure is that correct?

Will it specify that the sesame seeds have been roasted on the bottle, or is the name "Pure" simply a way of stating that roasting is a part of the process?Are there any brands you would recommend?

I currently live in Paris, France and the nearest Chinese grocery is not near at all. I did see a Pure sesame oil at my local grocery store but I wasn't sure if it would do.

Also, is this a cure for GERD or only acid reflux? Thanks for your help!

Ibuprofen Connection
Posted by Lea (Janesville, Ca, Usa) on 01/04/2013

I developed acid reflux after taking ibuprofen. Once I stopped, the acid reflux slowly went away. With so many people suffering from acid reflux and with so many taking these pills, I highly suspect a connection.

Avoid Non-Fat Dairy
Posted by Tracy (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/31/2012

I stopped having acid reflux episodes when I stopped consuming non-fat dairy products. Try going to 1%. If that doesn't work, go to 2%. 2% works fine for me.

I used to think the episodes were a result of eating acidic foods (e. g., tomato sauce, etc. ), but found that consumption of non-fat dairy actually was the underlying cause that made my system intolerant of those foods. I can eat the other foods now with no problem.

Be sure to read labels, because skim milk and skim milk powder can be found where you least expect. I rarely get reflux now, but can trace it back to accidental ingestion of non-fat dairy every time it happens.

Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Kamran (New York, Newyork) on 12/06/2012

I can attest to this. This worked for me. I started making tomato tea (TT) for the colds and I started taking TT last year 2011. I usually take 1-2 tablespoons daily during late fall and early spring as well as when I sense that the weather is abruptly going up and down in the winter and my body is sending early warning signals that I am getting "sniffles" that a cold is coming. The only problem I have with taking TT is that I get very bad heartburns... It feels like I am getting heart attack / pains... At that point, I immediately swallowed small mustard packets every 10 minutes or so (they are free along with ketchup, mayo, salt, pepper, etc. ) that one gets in the fast food restaurants or sandwich shops. The packets are small, do not break and easy to carry). Yesterday I took TT in the morning and late afternoon in anticipation of an oncoming cold (which did not happen). In the early evening I swallowed three packets, 15-30 minutes apart and within or less than taking the first packet my pains went down by 50%. Within 30 minutes, my heart pains totally went away... Can't live one without the other.. This worked for me..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Hannah (West Orange, Nj) on 11/20/2012

Hi Kaizzzma! Was wondering how long it took you to heal your gut and did this heal your reflux for good?? Or do u still have to continue with supplements?

Baking Soda in Orange Juice
Posted by Drmikedo (Northumberland, Pa, Usa) on 10/22/2012

Awesome acupressure post for reflux. I know this technique as the diaphramatic release. My understanding is that this works because diaphragm spasm (or tightness) causes it to be ineffective at supporting the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). If this is a component to your reflux, it will definitely help.

For the acid part, my favorite is Sodium citrate. Works by neutralizing and then buffering the stomach's acidity. Does not cause the rebound effect of calcium containing solutions (calcium stimulates the body to secrete more acid, as acid is required for its absorption). Can easily be made by combining 4oz of orange juice with 1/2 tsp of baking soda.

Posted by Scar1ett (Lethbridge, Alberta) on 10/17/2012

Actually toradol is also very hard on your stomach and my doctor would rather give me a slight narcotic than toradol. So, anyone with acid reflux should stay away from it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kaizzzma (Monmouth Beach, Nj) on 10/15/2012

The best thing I found for Acid reflux and getting off Nexium was powdered glutamine, heaping tsp in water in the AM with heaping tsp of powdered vit c and then a carnotine pill and carnosine and NAG 750 glucosimine.... this healed my gut right away and my esophogus....

Palm Oil
Posted by Phummy (Evanston, Illinois) on 10/13/2012

In Africa, Palm oil is used to give relief for most abdominal problems. Just take 2-3 tablespoons at onset of the problem.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Taco13 (Millard, Ne) on 09/03/2012

To: E. S. From Gulf Shores, AL; Just curious, did your symptoms start shortly after any military service or vacinations? An earlier post said his started right after a flu shot. The first time I remember having any reflux was during the gulf war right after we received all of our vacinations. I also experinced food getting lodged in my throat and having to vomit so I could breathe during this same time. Wondering if there is a connection.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Moomie (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/03/2012

Sleeping on my left side causes acid reflux for me. I suggest anyone try different sleeping positions, I had been told by my Gastroenterologist to sleep on my left side, but everytime I do I wake up in severe pain and choking to the point of throwing up. If I go to sleep on my right side and flip a little later to my left it will get me everytime. If I start out on my left side it gets me sooner. I can only sleep on my left side after several HOURS of being in bed. So it is different for everyone. There is no one "remedy" or "cure" that will work for everyone. You will have to try each of them single and in combination until you find what works for you, but natural is soooo much better than prescription with all the side effects any day.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Eva (Ballymena, Northern Ireland) on 08/18/2012

My acid reflux started about 1 year ago. I wasn't sure at the beginning why I was so sick, had a nausea, was dizzy sometimes, tired.. Then I found out it is acid reflux. I was trying to heal it with Aloe, Apple cider vinegar and baking soda.. It did help for awhile but definately didn't heal it. Then I said to myself STOP. If I wont heal it, I can develope a cancer of aesophagus. I stopped to drink coffee, stopped to eat chocolate, began a vegan, started to make vegetable and fruit juices everyday and I feel 100% better! When I eat chocolate, I start to feel sick again. So I am better off from all these things.

I definately recomment lifestyle changes, because your body is trying to say: 'Stop to put all this rubbish to me! I need much more nutrition to keep you healthy and happy! ' I am quite glad now, that I started to have a GERD, because that made me think about my lifestyle and now I started to live healthy again with right choices of food as I used to do years ago. I make vegetable and fruit juices for my wee son as well, buy lots of vegetables and fruits everyday, try to make some new healthy vegan food nearly everyday. And I am very happy when my son eat it and like it, because I know, that I am giving him the best nutrition. So people. Don't be afraid to change your diet. It is the best think you can do for yourself in long term. I didnt want to take medicines for this, because I knew, it will only make my problem worst and then I will really get sick. I don't even need any medication anymore. Food is my medication. And avoiding coffee, chocolate and meat was the most important thing for me.

Posted by Tony (Melbourne, Vic., Australia) on 08/12/2012

Forget Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux. Go on to Metamucil. Metamucil is basically Psyllium Fibre with a nice taste to it. I had the worst stomach problems ever, but Metamucil has solved the problem. It is not a cure, but it is a management solution. I take it morning and evening every day. I suffered for several years, but not for the last three years. Give it a go. Best wishes, Tony, Australia.

Posted by Dr. Matt (Gilbert, Az) on 08/09/2012

Just to clarify for the above anecdote: Pepto Bismol contains BISMUTH, not BARIUM. On occasion, antibiotics may temporarily eradicate acid causing bacteria if they are present. Barium and Bismuth are relatively inert elements. (unless they are of the radioactive kind)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bullet (Los Angeles, Ca/usa) on 08/03/2012

Hey I am new to this cite.. Ive been having acid reflux and gas for a month.. I started with bloating... And burping.. I am scared to death of dying from this.. My doctor put me on acciphex 20 once a day it helps but still get some reflux.. I drink live yogurt evry morning on an empty stomach.. Then a pill of garlic it has to be natural with the garlic smell.. I eat a small meal... I drink horse tail tea mix ith 8oz of water.. And two pills of dgle licorice extract... And it works.. I am waiting on blood test this sypmtoms may be h. Pylori... But can cause gerd.

Reader Theories
Posted by Sandra (Humboldt, Tn) on 07/31/2012

same here, I am going to gastro doc tomorrow for a consult. Regular doc thinks I might have narrowing of the espohgas which can be caused by reflux. I hope not because I have heard that if you have these sidtures then you will have to keep having your throat stretched to open it back up. It is bad when even water won't go down like it is supposed to.

Reader Theories
Posted by Sandra (Humboldt, Tn) on 07/31/2012

First I do not have my Gallbladder so stomach has worsened since when it comes to eating. I found that on occassion I would have bloat in my stomach when I would eat anything, like the food was not digesting and would sit in there for days, ouch hurt. Nothing helped. Not baking soda, gas tabs, nothing. I could see the air pumping up my tummy and it stayed in there, no gas no burping just bloated pain. Which of course greatly reduced ability to eat anything. I felt full all the time. Hardly ever did I have acid reflux, but on occassion I would get a sharp pain in my chest that took my breath away and made my heart race for a few seconds till it passed. Feeling of someone scared me bad. Anyway I found out by accident something that worked for the acid and bloat.

I started drinking cinnimon and honey tea I make Step One: Boiling 8 ounces of filtered water in the microwave for 1.50 minutes, then stirred in one level teaspoon of SIAGON(Spelling ?) ground cinnimon (because the cheap stuff turns to snot looking stuff impossible to filter, yuck! ) steep 30 minutes cover cup with plastic wrap of sandwich baggy. This makes one days worth which is two servings. You can drink it warm or room temp. Just don't add the honey to really hot water because it destroys the honey's properties.

Next Step: Pour half the tea in the cup you will be drinking out of reserving the remander infusion of cinnimon tea for at or around hour before bedtime.

Next step: add 1/4 teaspoon honey to the 1/2 cup of cinnimon infused tea, and stir. [I use local honey from my area due to allergies, store bought will work. ]

NEXT: Add 4 more ounces of filtered water to make a full 8 ounce cup and drink it on an empty stomach 15 minutes in the morning brefore eating and on an empty stomach before bed. Do not drink the sediment as it can upset your tummy. You can add 1/4 tsp ground or 1 slice of fresh ginger to the cinnimon mix at steeping time and that also helps restore natural balance in your tummy if you have been on meds for reflux. Not only will this over time rid you of your issue but will help with weight loss and detoix your intestines of sludge. Drink filtered water perferably room tempature cool or tepid and wait to see the difference you get. Never drink ice cold drinks when eating it turns the fats in your food to sludge in you stomach and wrecks havoic in your gut.

*If you can't find SIAGON cinnimon use the cheap stuff but there is a trick to getting the slimy blob to settle onthe bottom of the cup before pouring off measured amount for tea. After steeping stir, wait hour or so to settle on bottom then pour off for tea. Or make this the night before for morning tea to be room temp and then add filtered water to the remainder 4 ounces infused tea mix to equal 8 ounces. Stir and cover then by bed time the residue will settle to bottom of cup then just take care when pouring off this time no need to add water because you already did that. Tea time. I am having to do this for now due to stores here not carrying the SIAGON cinnmon right now.

Aloe Vera
Posted by E.s. (Gulf Shores, Al) on 07/20/2012

I was recently diagnosed with Diverticulitis, Barrett's Esophagus and a Hiatal Hernia. I am a Disabled American Veteran and one of my problems has been GERD, which I have suffered with for many years. Some nights it got so bad I would wake up and jump out of bed, choking for air. I have been on a regime of Omniprozole for many years as well, but have recently starting takin Aloe Vera Gel, ACV, Slippery Elm, Papaya Enzyme and a Probiotic and can say I've had the most restful sleep I've had in a long time. Plus the bloated, hard and puffed out stomach is no longer there. I am not sure if one thing is doing it or a combination of all of them, but for now I am going to stick with it.
