Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Chamomile Tea
Posted by JohnnieLou ( Lawton, OK) on 02/20/2007

I had suffered from severe reflux for months. Nothing seemed to help. While surfing the internet, I found some information about chamomile tea helping with reflux. I bought the green tea with chamomile and started drinking it at the first sign of reflux and always about an hour before bedtime. The chamomile tea helped immediately and I no longer have reflux. I guess Peter Rabbit's Mom knew what she was doing when she gave him chamomile tea and put him to bed after he ate too much in Mr. McGregor's garden! Regular chamomile works as well as the green tea/chamomile combination.

Betaine Hydrochloride
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 11/18/2022

OR - you could try Manuka Honey, which is great for acid reflex and heartburn. Many Naturopaths prescribe it for same.

And since HCL is what you have used with success, wouldn't ACV be cheaper and work just the same?! ; also its easier to find!

Posted by MrsAcon (Indiana) on 04/23/2024

I also was skeptical about this but it works immediately and every time! Just a spoonful of any yellow mustard does it. I even carry mustard packets with me now.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/29/2023

A friend and I were eating at a Mexican restaurant. We had several dishes that were acidic, plus a few glasses of coke. After the meal my friend took out a 4 inch stalk of celery from her purse, and began eating it. She told me that she had been living on Tums since she was young, but had just recently tried celery. By the time she had finished the stalk of celery, the severe burning sensation in her throat and chest were gone.

Since that time, I have learned to use this protocol for anyone experiencing acid reflux or heart burn.

After eating, always eat a 4 inch piece of celery behind it. I've seen people's reflux disappear completely in as little as 24 hours and as long as they stay eating the celery, they do not have a relaps.

Why does it work?

During ancient times, celery was considered to be a medicinal herb before it became a food and used to treat a variety of ailments. Celery is an old folk remedy for heartburn.

Celery is highly anti-inflammatory. It may help in reducing the severity of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, lupus, gout, Crohn's disease, leaky gut, etc. (1). This activity is attributed to the active ingredients like apigenin, apiin, and luteolin in celery juice (7).

Celery heals and activates the gut by restoring hydrochloric acid which helps us digest things faster and more efficiently. Celery juice helps raise stomach acid, which is necessary to help break down food, especially protein. Especially good for those on a high protein diet. If our stomach acid is low, the body has to use more resources to digest that food, often leaving us feeling tired and lethargic. Celery juice has the ability to significantly replenish depleted levels of gastric mucus that is needed in the stomach lining to heal and prevent ulcers and acid reflux.

Try it and let me know.

Posted by Christopher (New York) on 12/21/2020

Since I started drinking a cup of kefir in the morning my stomach acid discomfort has gone away. I just bought grains and within a week I will be drinking my own homemade kefir. Good luck, everyone!

Posted by Erin Olsen (United States) on 05/23/2020

I tried just about everything, chewing on a piece of fresh Ginger from the root, calmed me reflux instantly. I am off PPI's now for about a week. Ginger worked better than they ever did.

Sea Salt
Posted by Ken (Midwest) on 01/29/2017 46 posts

FWIW, sea salt, any kind will also give instant relief to acid reflux. I stumbled into a few years ago, and brought a small container to a weekend seminar in Albuquerque in 2012, and folks seen me using it and they wanted to try it too, lol, but it was good for all interested. I carried it in a small 15-ml nalgene bottle on the ready at a moments notice. I no longer need it, cuz I got a hold of some of my dietary issues. Anyways, others had relux and needed the salt and so were grateful, and I was glad to share.

Posted by Judy (Riverside, California) on 07/20/2016

Whiskey cured my husband's acid reflux!

For 2 months now my husband age 71 was suffering from severe Acid re-flux. His condition was so bad that the Acid Re-flux was going up his throat and causing sore throat and even his ears to burn. And eventually was causing severe asthma attacks! This had gotten so bad that he would go into coughing spells and 2 times we had to take him to the ER as he was having trouble breathing!One time his asthma became so bad we had to call 911 on him and an ambulance took him to the ER! He was given an Inhaler to stop the asthma attacks! One doctor told him he would have to learn to live with his asthma.

One day my husband had to go to the store and bought a small bottle of mild and inexpensive whiskey. He doesn't normally drink but thought since Whiskey was once considered "medicinal" he would try it as he was desperate!

He poured himself 2 shots of whiskey in water and drank it down and he said his stomach churned and this stopped his acid re-flux! So far it stopped his asthma from becoming really bad. He has had a couple coughing spells and has used the inhaler about 2 times but he has improved greatly!

This Whiskey treatment also brought out that my husband had a "silent strep throat" he didn't know he had? And he is treating his strep throat with organic vinegar/salt/and water gargle! Another improvement!

We wonder if the mucus from his strep throat was going down his stomach causing all the trouble?

Just letting others know what has worked for him.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 06/07/2016 46 posts

I used to carry a small container of himalayan pink salt, to instantly knock out acid reflux. I was at a transformational workshop and folks seen me taking a pinch and wondered what I was doing, so I shared that with them, of course it worked great. I rarely get the reflux, but am not sure why, I'm just glad it worked, and fast too!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta) on 10/17/2015

Hi Frederick,

According to Earth Clinic's contributor Ted, whom I just visited in Bangkok a few weeks ago and the one who has written extensively on apple cider vinegar and baking soda on this site, a remedy should work within 3 days. If it doesn't, he said it's time to try something else. That is Ted's golden rule. He kept telling me this when I visited him.

Posted by Lady Constance (Beaver Falls) on 04/27/2015

Also, re: Ginger, I use pickled ginger like they have at sushi restaurants. Works in seconds on the acid! And yummy too. Also candied ginger is yummy and works well. I always have baking soda in the house, 1 tsp to a cup or less of water, bobs your uncle, pain gone! God bless you.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Gena (Westport, Ct) on 12/09/2014

I have acid reflux and find that taking 4 capsules of slippery elm settles my stomach and makes the acid reflux disappear. I highly recommend it for anyone who suffers from it!

Don't Eat Before Bed
Posted by Lily (Nashville, TN) on 11/09/2014

Yes when I had reflux due to lack of acid Apple Cider Vinegar helped but so does changing the diet to more clean foods and not eating close to when you will sleep (elevate your head if you need to).

Posted by Michael (Alton, Il) on 05/27/2014

After suffering 2 years with acid reflux I was cured in 3 days drinking water.

1) upon waking, drink 44oz glass of water.
2) Required... drink (Only) water with meal.
3) Drink large glass of water before bed.

Posted by Evelyn (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 05/13/2014

I've been suffering with acid reflux for a long time. I finally realized from research that a zinc deficiency can cause this, so I tried supplementing with zinc and it has helped tremendously even though I still have to be careful with the types of food I eat and not eating before bed time, etc.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Bigpete2 (Eugene Oregon) on 12/05/2013

Hello: acid reflux or GERD is caused by the bacteria 'heliobacter pylorii"

This is the exact cause of stomach ulcers also. The symptoms of gerd are worsened by eating rich foods, and especially late at night.some thgeories blame the condition on a weak pyloric sphincter valve at the base of the esophagus but the condition is always food intake related.. ie no food eaten no symptoms noted. Taking drugs such as prevacid which reduce syomach acid production are counterproductive in the long haul as they can cause constipation and reduced energy due to lessened base sugar intake into the digestive system ie glucose the primary energy causing sugar.thus the type and time of ingestion of most foods is of great importance. Don't eat late at night!! And only eat unprocessed foods. but why worry about what you eat or when you eat it, when there is a BASIC CURE fore the condition. If you consulted a physician to have a stomache acid culture performed y the results nearly always would point to HELIOBACTER PYLORII as a bacteria that is present in the stomache walls. curing this conditionis VERY EASILY!

The condition can be CURED for literally months by ingesting the following "Food"!! Olive leaf powder (capsules) the prefered method of treatment is to open the capsules into the mouth and swirling them around until they dissolve! Then the user is to SWALLOW tyhe mixture of the olive leaf powder and saliva. the taste is clerly awful but lo and behold the GERD will quickly disappear and not return for weeks or perhaps months! With no side effects. the capsules MUST contain at least

16 % euloropein acid!! And the user should also try to avoid a product that contains fillers such as clover etc as the addons basically waste your $$$ olive leaf powder also treats ALL CLASSES of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungis, and even prions. unfor tunately it does not seem to be a systemic "food" and thus has little use unless it cah physically contact the offending organism . it is also effective against

Gum disease and any other symptom where itr can physiaclly contact the microorganism good luck bigpete2

Remove Chlorine
Posted by Charlie Trig (Raleigh Nc) on 11/17/2013

Taking the chlorine out of your diet can have a drastic effect on your GERD, Acid Reflux and LPR. Chlorine gas in tap and bottled water changes the chemistry of your stomach acid, resulting in HCLO instead of HCL.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Monica (Atlanta, Georgia ) on 11/07/2017

PLEASE seek professional medical help and do not stop until you find a doctor who will help you! You may have one of the severe cases that requires surgical intervention. This may sound scary, but it could save you from serious problems down the road. Even when you are without symptoms, GERD could still be causing difficulties internally. Please don't be disheartened. There IS help for you!
