Alcoholism Treatment Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by C1265 (Jacksonville, Fl, Usa) on 02/06/2011

I quit drinking about a month ago and now I having some type of episodes where my whole body feels like electricity is flowing thru me. I've tried vitamins and b complex but they seems to make it worse. I had one last night after take a bath in epsom salt and could not sleep the entire night. Can anyone help me with this? Could I have another issue that's serious?

General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Florida) on 08/25/2015

It is not well known, but in addition to b vitamins, the body is also depleted of minerals, specifically magnesium and potassium. The muscle tightening sensation is a lack of magnesium, and potassium also helps with muscle cramps and nervous issues. This is why the apple cider vinegar works in providing those trace minerals, but you can take a 100 mg of magnesium, and a 100 mg potassium. We are all different, so some need more magnesium and potassium to get fast results. It works better taking them separately, than having them combined in one tablet.

Chloride of Gold
Posted by Lynn (Indiana) on 05/15/2015

Read more about oral gold treatment here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Akron, Oh) on 12/31/2012

roughly one ounce of liquid.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nela (Vancouver, Washington) on 07/06/2015

How much of each did you put in the mix?

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Jolly (Uk) on 09/21/2015

I want to share my experience with treating alcoholism, no doctor listen to me in UK. I came to situation, when at 24 years old I would just pass out. One minute I was fine, another I didn't remember and just embarrased myself. My father had as well crazy reaction to alcohoL. I was a shy person back then and couldn't attend alcoholics anonymous, I ordered some supplement for neurotransmitter deficiency (with amino acids and minerals). I coudn't believe myself, after 2 months I stopped craving, and even I drunk one glass, I didn't want another, I could easily stop. That time I understand, alcohol is some kind of imbalance, thank you god and company who created this. This happened like 9 years ago. Few years ago, I had twins and sleepless nights and this lack of sleep gave me prediabetes. Alcohol craving returned, though not so much. I ordered 2 more bottles of the supplement, so I will write again if it will help.

My point - control your sugar cravings, they somehow cause alcohol cravings.

Posted by Dee (Kent) on 12/04/2015

I am reading a message from 2007 which states that L-Glutamine really helps with alcohol cravings. Is this correct?

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 04/21/2015

In response to Jeanna's post on treating alcohol addiction:

A very effective way to reduce one's craving for alcohol is by taking a 50mg tablet of naltrexone one hour before having a drink. This is called the Sinclair Method. It works because naltrexone blocks the endorphin release from drinking alcohol or taking drugs, and as the user becomes accustomed to no "high" from drinking, the desire for alcohol is lessened or goes away. Here is the site to learn more:

There are many other sites and Facebook pages as well. There is also a book that details this process. Unlike low dose naltrexone, which most people on Earth Clinic know I advocate for a variety of illnesses and is sometimes difficult to get a doctor to prescribe, 50mg Naltrexone is an FDA approved drug and should be easy to get a prescription to use as this is what it was originally approved to do. It is inexpensive and easily taken by tablet before drinking to reduce the desire for alcohol, very effective and does not require the user to stop drinking to utilize it. Best wishes.

Posted by Tami (Nevada) on 06/26/2013

Hello you had Epicae added to one of your tea mixes. What is it? I can't seem to find it. Thank you. Tami

Posted by Maryjane (Phil) on 06/22/2015

Were can I buy this herb to stop drinking liquor?

General Feedback
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 02/06/2011

Hi to C1265, well done giving up the alcohol. Google delirium tremons and you will find a lot of information about alcohol withdrawal, most people think that the dt's are a hangover but they are a lot more serious than that. You will find some extra information and I would try to find a forum where ex drinkers are discussing their symptons and what they did to relieve them. I do know that juice is quite helpful in restoring the sugar in your body that the withdrawals deplete. Hope the best for you. Lily.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/12/2012

Strange. I was only a social drinker for about 15 years, the last 10 years being very rare that I had a drink. The first 5 years I would have a couple of drinks on a Friday after work--but not every week. Twenty years after I drank my last drink at a wedding (which was my first drink in 10 years), I came up with fatty liver disease. Would that small amount of alcohol have caused this? Dr. Oz says it comes from sugar. I found that taking milk thistle with artichokes helped a lot and ordering fresh salads with artichokes were helpful. I also drank dandelion tea religously. I was able to reverse it, but now it's back. I didn't know dandelion contained lecithin. I tried soy lecithin granules and had a severe allergic reaction. Never again!!! I've had gallstones come and go. Sometimes, when I noticed they came back, I would go out and eat a big greasy burger with fries. It would flush everything out of me. Seemed to work, anyway. Love this site and all the information available! Thanks, EC.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/07/2014

Danial: I had drinking problems off and on for 30 years. When I was bored and unhappy, bogged down in civilizations ludicrous hype, sometimes I would turn to alcohol. That became a habit. When I liked what I was doing and the people I was doing that with I became interested in becoming proficient so I stopped drinking. When I was homeless instead of drinking I read books. I was always interested in whatever I was reading. When I got disability I learned to operate a computer and studied folk medicine. I have not drank too much in 20 years. There are 2 addictions. 1 is the buzz. The other is the mechanical action of drinking. You can try this remedy to cure both addictions. Put 100g activated barley in 1 gallon of water. Sip on that all day long. Activated barley has enzymes to give you a buzz and sipping replaces the mechanical addiction. Try getting interested in something. You can do like me, read books and study the way food affects cellular biology.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 05/14/2014

I don't think you are supposed to consume peroxide, 2 hours before and after eating food. I could be wrong, but you may want to read up on this. I believe your post said you ate peanut butter toast and drank the water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Santiago M (Japan ) on 09/19/2022

I Totally agree real deep Drinkers would not just take ACV and say oh we're good.. we want to get drunk not have a similar tasting thing at all.. It's Totally BS to think ACV helps stop drinking alone.

THOUGH!! Once someone is already accepting to detox it can save lives it helps a lot to detox and restabilize the blood, reduce the anxiety, jitters and burning sensation that one can get while going through heavy detox, there's tons of reasons and ways it helps to cleanse and stabilize but it's not a replacement for alcohol that's not the same department at all

General Feedback
Posted by D (SF, CA) on 01/25/2009

Rich: I must have missed something. Sorry. In your last sentence, you said "in this drug". What drug are you referring to that has the same anti-fungal components as turmeric? Thank you.

L-Tryphophan and B Vitamins
Posted by Sara (Texas) on 04/06/2024

Thank you for sharing. I wanted to ask if he took the vitamins in the morning, afternoon or night time?

Dihydromyricetin (DHM)
Posted by Lacey (Missouri) on 04/27/2024

Hi there! Do you know if this is ok to take with antidepressants?

Psilocybin Mushroom
Posted by Nicole (Va) on 08/23/2023

Where do you get it from?

Scletium Tortuosum
Posted by Diane (Richmond, Va) on 03/27/2016

Where can I find this herb for that amount. $18/bottle, 2 months supply.

The african herbal website I visited it was $63.00 for a very small bottle with no instructions for dosage.

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 06/21/2016

Hi Wydo,

This article says that the naltrexone will have to be taken before drinking alcohol for the rest of one's life, although 25% decide to give up alcohol completely.

Naltrexone is an out of patent FDA approved drug and is not expensive. I am unfamiliar with the B3 approach, but if it works, then who can argue with success? Low carb seems to be a beneficial way of eating for many conditions, and alcohol often contains high levels of sugar, so a low carb diet to reduce sugar cravings would make sense. Best wishes.

Anti-Yeast Diet
Posted by Goldye (Texas) on 11/11/2013

Please explain thd anti-yeast diet.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Dawn (Milwaukee, Wi) on 12/07/2011

I have not been to a doctor but I know I drink too much and am beginning to worry. I have been reading up on cirrhosis and found that itching is a symptom and I do have that. Every once and a while I do have some pain on my right side. My question is if I take this ALA , Selenium and Milk Thistle now will it help? Also, I vowed to give up drinking during the week but would like to have a few on the weekends, would this stop the ALA, Selenium and Milk Thistle from working?

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/08/2011 2063 posts

Dawn, the nutrients you listed will help your liver if you take them.

If you don't have gallstones or hepatitis, then you are several big steps out of the danger zone. In chronic alcohol consumption, the first thing to happen to the liver is the buildup of fat. If fatty liver continues it will become enlarged and cirrhotic. If you eat well and don't drink severely and you do take a good multivitamin/min, you should not have progressive fatty liver.

As for supplements, zinc is also critical for alcohol control. Choline and Carnitine are the two main fat burners, but all b-vit are good and augment the C & C. Also you must have lots of the omega 3's in your diet as alcohol depletes them.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Dawn (Milwaukee, Wi) on 12/08/2011

So, It's okay for me to have a few drinks on the weekends as long as I take all of these supplements and this will not damage my liver any more? What about the itching and the pain in my abdomen? I used to have 4-5 glasses of wine each night, now only on weekends, could this have caused the fatty liver you discussed?

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/09/2011 2063 posts

Dawn, any or all the nutrients will greatly help your liver regardless of your past or current lifestyle. Try any or all these supplements and if the pain & itching is your liver, it should subside. If the pain & itching is severe, you may want to have your liver checked out by a physician. A parasite infestation or some kind of infection may be causing these symptoms, so also consider herbals for that possibility.

Report back as to your progress.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Olavo (Latin America, La) on 12/09/2011

I too enjoy drinking a little too much and I do struggle to cut back. I have found vitamin therapy (especially niacin) and water cure (thirst was triggering cravings) helped a bunch! I suggest you read the entries related to alcoholism in

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 02/09/2013

i was drinking coz of chronic pain xxxxxxxx The only way is STOP!!!!! Take alpha lopoic, drink water, distilled if possible xxxx Selenium, and also b-vits. You will get a healing crises too xxxxxxxxxx Listen to your body xxxxxxxxx The meds I was put on, oxycodone, valium, are doing a number on me xxxxxxxx They made me crave ciggarettes and alchohol xxxxxxxxx And my liver is trying to run away!!!!!! I also got BLETHERITIS fro these bastards xxxxxxxxxx There is no easy way out xxxxxxxxxx You have to STOP all of it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAN!!! Your gonna feel it too!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I refuse to get DOCTORS involved, they will give you MORE DRUGS????? Its no good xxxxxxxxxx Will your self to live xxxxxxxxxxxx Its hard!!!!!! BUT remember, it took years of medical abuse to put you there xxxxxxxxxxx It will not be an over night cure. What works for 1. May not work for another xxxxxxxxxx Keep trying <3 <3 <3 You will find your own path <3 It takes time xxxxxxxxxxx Love Andrea c

Sea Salt and Water Cure
Posted by Marlon (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/28/2011

about your problem with your craving for beer and alcohol and low libido... Try the water and sea salt cure.. It works amazing.. Your craving for anything stops and you have a total control of yourself.. Your libido will be at its highest and you will no longer need viagra.. Thats how amazing it works... try it you will not regret it...


Sea Salt and Water Cure
Posted by Samuel (Auckland, New Zealand) on 07/31/2012

How often do u take that and how many teaspoon to a glass of water.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Devon (Johnson, Vt) on 08/30/2009

Hey Ted, interesting article on Alcohol addiction. I was surprised to see very little on Glutamine, but then at the end noticed it mentioned. From what I was reading Glutamine under the tongue can have an immediate effect on alcohol craving. Also, I noticed you singled out Seritonin entirely as the nerotransmission basis for your article. Makes me curious about the other transmitters; in particular I thought that dopamine release was related to alcohol as well. Finally, I thought that Kudzu would be a worthy mention as well. Thanks for your article.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Ma.usa) on 05/06/2011

Tittiger;I do not feel that what you are writing or copied per se' is totally accurate about an alcoholic, it takes much rigorous work such as mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to help with alcoholism. Please be aware of what real damage can do if any drunk should feel this really works.

If vitamins are not a sure thing for a sick or dying person then who is to say that the vitamins you say or copied are rest assured to work? Not.

There are millions of alcoholics still out there too ashamed to go to AA with hopes one day there will be an easier, simpler cure. In all honesty most of us may live on blind faith, I know I do. Good luck

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by frangee (Oregon) on 11/18/2022

i agree with you.i feel the aa is outmoded and shame based.i believe there could be positive ways of handling this, the yeast is a fierce desirous creature.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Danial (Berlin,germany) on 03/07/2014

Hi Andrea, great, very happy on your success, Congratulations.I am in th e same boat and want to quit alcohol.Would you like to tell me how have you taken L-tryptophan, B3, and other vitamins?Did you quit alcohol cold turkey or gradually?Did you drink any alcohol during treatment or notice any interaction with vitamins or L-tryptophan.I want to know your whole protocol of supplements and vitamins.I am in great trouble.Please help me if other ECs members have any information and experience about this topic .Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Anthony (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/19/2014

Can someone add info on L-Dopa for mood and a positive mental state. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patricia (North Carolina) on 05/23/2023

What about detox?

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