Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Wisdom Ace (Port Huron, Michigan) on 12/26/2012

I have allergies that cause me to cough incessantly. At night I have post nasal drip very bad. I am allergic to household molds and dust and tree pollen. I had allergy shots and medications for 8 years but when I started taking Echinacea Goldenseal root Plus obtainable from CVS pharmacy, 3 times a day with meals, my coughing stopped and my symptoms all stopped completely. Now I've cut down to one capsule twice a day and I am allergy free now. Each capsule is 450mg. the directions say you may take one capsule 3 to 6 times a day but I do not recommend it because one of the other ingredients is Cayenne Pepper. It also contains wood betony, Burdock root, Gentian root, vegetable magnesium stearate, gelatin, and Silica. The last 3 ingredients being the capsule itself.

Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 10/04/2012

YEA - I have been taking 1000mg MSM each evening to help with hair loss due to low thyroid, but am simply AMAZED at it's efficiency to eliminate seasonal allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, coughing, etc.

If I take it in the AM, I do feel tired through the day, but taking it in the evening aids in sleeping through the night, and eliminates allergy symptons. Who knew?

Posted by Julie (Grand Rapids, Michigan United States) on 09/22/2012

My daughter has had asthma and allergy issues since birth and it got much worse the past few years. She is now 15 and free of medications for the first time ever! Last fall she was on seven different medications for asthma/allergies. The side effects were terrible and she had severe panic attacks as a result. She missed endless days of school and activities. She was in a vicious cycle because asthma and emotions are so closely related. She saw countless specialists and they kept giving her more and more medications that did not help. Allergy shots caused severe reactions so we stopped those. Not a single thing worked that the traditional medical field offered.

The only thing that has helped her is chiropractic care. She sees a chiropractor that performs the Torque Release Technique. He uses a small spring loaded tool that thunks the spine back in place. It is non-violent and does not hurt her one bit. Whenever the top of her spine is out she fills up with phlem and has a hard time taking a full breath. When a different part of the spine is out she gets sharp pains in the chest. These are only two examples but each symptom of her asthma can be allevaited by an adjustment. It has taken nine months of 1-4 adjustments a week to get her to this point. NO MEDICATIONS!!! She asks to go to the chiropractor whenever her symptoms emerge before her scheduled adjustment day. Now, nine months later, she is off every medication and no longer has panic attacks. Her asthma specialist is amazed and a lot annoyed. Her breathing tests have improved dramatically and she is happy!! The concept of chiropractic care is that the body heals itself from the inside out when the spine is in alignment. It takes time and repeatition to get the spine to align and stay there. She still goes for adjustments every week but that will eventually move to every other week and then monthly. The time and commitment has been worth the effort. My daughter has her life back and that is so important for a teenager!! Her body is truly healing itself from the inside out!!

Posted by Gean (Salina, Kansas) on 09/17/2012

My husband has had ragweed allergies for many years, and we've tried everything. Many times he had to sleep sitting up in a chair during the ragweed season because he couldn't breathe lying down, because of nasal congestion. This year he tried niacin, and within 20 minutes of taking it he has no more symptoms whatsoever. It has to be nicotinic acid, the kind that makes you flush. He takes 750 to 1000 mg twice a day. If the pollen count is very high he has to take the higher dose, otherwise 750 will do it. Do not take the no-flush kind, or the slow release kind. Has to be nicotinic acid - you can get it at health food stores. Do not take it more than twice a day, otherwise it can be harmful to the liver. Take at least as much mg vitamin C as niacin per day.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia) on 08/14/2012

I had been suffering severely each year during harvesting of the rice with acute hayfever symptoms. My eyes were red and very itchy and a runny, itchy nose with a scratchy throat. I had been taking Claryntyne for some time but was looking for something natural as it seemed this was an ongoing life condition. Through this wonderful website I discovered oil pulling. I was a little skeptical of course as the whole idea of oil pulling was very strange to me. However, being in the land of coconut oil and having some at my disposal in the bathroom to rub on my skin daily I figured it couldn't hurt to try. This was back towards the end of 2011. The first morning I tried was a Friday I pulled for 15min - timing it. The first day I did it twice - morning and night.

On the Saturday I woke with the most acute case of allergies I had ever had, I ended up spending the whole day in bed. However, I read here somewhere not to give up as it can sometimes make it worse before it gets better. So I persisted and within about 3 weeks all symptoms had gone. I kept pulling for about 3 months and then we went away on holidays for 3 weeks and I broke the routine. And the whole time my allergies didn't come back. When I talked with people about this I used to say things like - well it could have been a coincidence, maybe it went away because I stopped eating something different.

However, about a month ago it started again. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and a slightly runny nose. I was kind of pleased because it was my opportunity to test oil pulling for a 2nd time. I am extremely pleased to say that I have been oil pulling again now for about 3 weeks or so and I have no allergy symptoms again. This for me is proof that it actually works. I've recommended it to many people but I think they are just not sure. This time around also I have only been pulling in the morning for 10mins while I'm in the shower! I will continue to oil pull with coconut oil for a long time to come.

Raw Milk Kefir
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 04/13/2012

I have suffered the worst seasonal allergies from pollen and after 6 months of daily RAW milk kefir (8 oz daily) I can now say I am allergy free. I can step out and do anything on highest pollen days when people are suffering, but the allergies don't bother me anymore.

If you have access to RAW milk, please make kefir from it and consume and see how it changes your life.

Additionally it made my bowel movements normal, and my acne disappear too. Unreal!

Rosa Mosqueta
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 02/09/2012

I found that Rosa Mosqueta oil rubbed on my nose and under my eyes before bed helps considerably to open my nasal breathing. It also has numerous other cosmetic benefits... Buy organic. I too am a mouth breather prone to nasal alergies... Asthma. It also has other cosmetic benefits... (other rosehip oils may provide the same benefit but I haven't tried)

Posted by Cj (Leonia, Nj) on 02/09/2012

Also I foud kiwi to be amazing at alleviating nasal congestion from dust allergy. We made our son eat slices of 2 kiwi fruits everyday. He gained almost 95% cure from his allergy symptoms!

Posted by Unapiccolina (Irvine, Ca) on 01/14/2012

I have had horrible allergies for 20 years and have taken just about everything. At the health food store I came across Quercetin & Bromelain. The Quercetin helps with histamine production. The Bromelain (comes from pineapple) helps with sinus swelling. If you are allergic to pineapple you shouldn't take this. Also Vitamin C helps the immune system.

I just wish someone had shared this with me 20 years ago. It took about a week to work for me, but I now wake up every morning without headaches, grogginess, stuffy nose, or puffy eyes. This is what I have been taking and it has been life changing!

Quercetin - 500 mg or more

Bromelain - 250 mg or more

Vitamin C - 1,000 mg

In researching Quercetin, I also found that it's naturally occuring in foods like black/green tea, red onion, apples, red grapes, tomato, cranberries, spinach, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, blueberries and pears. I have also been eating more of these items as well.

Hope this helps,


Posted by Sb21 (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/13/2012

I was having a seasonal allergy to our local Texas Mountain Cedar. Some call it Mountain Cedar Fever. I already take apple cider vinegar (ACV), coconut oil, and acidophilus (probiotics) daily. When the Mountain Cedar allergies hit, I started taking locally grown honey.

I decided to got to my local health food store and I picked up a homeopathic remedy. There were a couple to choose from, but I picked the most popular one that happened to be on sale called Allergena. It may not matter which one you get, though. I got relief within 15 minutes. It says to take 12 drops 3X a day for adults. I took the 2nd dose and I feel 90-95% better already even with the pollen count being ridiculously high. I will probably be at 100% within the next day or 2 at the most. I guess I will stop then. Usually Mountain Cedar only lasts a month anyway, but you really don't want to have it at all.

Posted by Sue From Wa State (Bellingham, Wa) on 10/29/2011

Hi, I have had complete success with nettles eradicating a springtime pollen allergy, it was a completely miserable stuffy nose, but not at all a cold, etc. I made a nettle infusion actually, which is easy, just steeping 1/4 cup of dried nettles in hot water in a pint jar overnight, then strained and you drink it over the next two days. It's not bad, kind of an acquired taste and sure worth doing. I kind of learned this accidentally, from Susun Weed's book on menopause. Somewhere she mentioned nettles as helpful with allergies, so I gave it a go. Nettles seem to have many amazing properties.

Posted by Sheila (Cork, Ireland) on 10/27/2011

I have used nettles as an allergy cure for many years. In "The Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs" By Leslie Taylor ( the book is online ) nettles are the number one cure for allergies. Fresh is best. I put mine in salt water for a minute to kill any insects. They can be used as a salad vegetable, added to soup or made into a tea. For emergencies I keep dried nettle leaves in store. These can be purchased cheaply at most health food stores.

I searched online for the list of vitamins and minerals and came across Dr. Christopher's Herbal Legacy:

He lists nettles as containing:

Vitamins A C D E F K P B complexes, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium, boron, sodium, iodine, chromium, copper and sulfur.

Good Luck and God Bless You.

Love Is The Answer.

Posted by Nikki (Ft. Wayne, Indiana) on 09/27/2011

I took one tsp. Every day for about 3 months (to finish the one container I bought) in the morning over the winter time and the next spring my allergies that I had my entire life were gone. I didn't have to take meds for 9months out of the year anymore. Just a nasal spray for about 3 weeks in fall, but I just bought more honey that was made from pollen of fall plants. I am hoping this takes care of the last of the allergies. That one container I consumed has worked for the last 3 years. Honey is awesome!!

Posted by Nina (Malma, Sweden) on 08/30/2011

I myself have suffered from allergies in the past and found that cleansing the liver has helped tremendously. It came buy chance when I started taking protein powder(whey protein) which is supposed to help the liver detox. It also increases glutathion in the body which is a master antioxident. Turmeric seems to work in the same fashoin. Read up on turmeric here at earth clinic and you can see that some people who took it got rid of there allergies. Turmeric also known as curcumin also increases glutathion in the body.

Posted by Maddannie (St. Louis, Mo) on 07/28/2011

I have struggled with severe allergies over the last three years. I don't use pharmaceuticals so it's been trial and errror with numerous products for the last few years. Mostly, it's been error. I've tried the vinegar in the past, but did not see any improvemnt. This time I stuck with it. And thankfully I was given a very wise piece of advice from an old book. Chewing on honeycomb! It enabled me to go outside without my eyes swelling shut or sneezing. I would just chew the honeycomb as needed. It seemed to keep my symptoms at bay until the vinagar started working. After about a month of chewing I don't need it anymore and I'm allergy free. I still drink the vinegar every morning (taking two days off a week), to keep my allergies from coming back.

Note, chew the honeycomb for 10-15 minutes then spit out, and get another piece if needed.

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