Natural Relief and Prevention: Effective Remedies for Anal Fissures

Aloe Vera Gel
Posted by Marsh (Denver, Co) on 02/20/2013

I experienced a terrible interior and exterior fissures after a 3-1/2 week of menopausal bleeding. My naturalpath recommended 'rectal rockets'. If you search on the net and read a funny account, don't believe it, they do work and not anything like the over exaggerated account, but after the 1st one, I noticed my ankles had slightly swollen; the 2nd suppository, my ankles were huge. Edema isn't one of the side effects but decided to not use the 3rd. Instead, I used an oral syringe with a tip that is about 3", filled it with aloe vera gel and slightly inserted into the rectal canal. It worked magic. Hate to admit it but the generic of neosporin healed the outside overnight. Definitely clean after each bm, preferably without toilet paper which seems to be one of the culprits. An expensive temporary handheld showerhead is worth its weight in gold for a quick clean without irritation.

Aloe Vera Gel
Posted by Mild (Honolulu, Hi) on 07/11/2013

Why not get an Aloe Vera plant. Cut off a piece and cur one side off. Split it down the middle. pull ithe leaf apart, and pat on area.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Mchuco (London) on 07/09/2012

Hi all, I've been suffering from anal fissure since September 2011, getting really bad in the last couple of months. Gone to doctor several time the last time to surgeon. Gave me nytroglycerine cream to put but didn't help. I've tried several other things like aloevera gel, olive oil and honey, st johns wort oil, etc.

Im getting much better now with little pain/spasms after BM.

What really helped me: healthier diet, with lots of liquids, wash after BM. At home I use a plastic bowl that fits in the toilet pan and use it to wash and bath with warm water for 15-20 minutes to help with the spasms. Do it as many times as you need as it relaxes the muscles and you feel less pain. At work I use a plastic bottle, filled with warm water and wash after each BM. Very important always wash.

After wash, dry with toilet paper and apply CAVILON Cream. Got much much better after first time.

Every individual is different, but if you are in agony it is worth trying.

Good luck!!! This is really a pain in the butt....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 09/01/2011

- Vitamin E Oil Supplements - the most helpful remedy I've found for anal fissures. You can find these at Whole Foods or other health food stores. I can't name the particular brand, but there is one brand that contains high quality vitamin E oil and coconut oil that can be used for either rectal or vaginal use - let me just say that these have been a miracle to speed the healing, and helped heal my fissure within 2 days!

- Witch Hazel - after every bowel movement, make sure to clean the anal area with witch hazel. You can do it inside too like other readers mentioned, just buy a pair of rubber exam gloves to protect your hands and to keep bacteria out of that area. It's really important to keep the area clean to help decrease inflammation and to speed healing. You can buy (can't mention the brand, but it's a hemmorhoid brand) witch hazel wipes in the store, or you can just make some yourself with some witch hazel (try not to buy witch hazel that contains alcohol, ouch! ) and a cotton pad.

- Coconut Oil - see my method for creating coconut oil supplements on the hemmorhoid remedies page. Helps lubricate the area and speed healing.

- Soften bowel movements - if your anal fissues were due to constipation, it is important that you soften your future bowel movements to prevent any further tearing to the tissue during the healing process. You can use an over-the-counter stool softener (NOT laxative) to do this. Also increase your water intake and increase your vegetable/fruit intake.

- Change your position - like other readers have mentioned, changing your position in the bathroom can help relieve some of the strain on the anus. I prop my feet up on a stool to elevate them to bring my body more into a "squatting" position. You can experiment to see which position works better for you. This helps to strain less in the bathroom which means less pain and less damage to the injured area.

- Sitz baths - I take them every hour or so or after bowel movements to decrease pain. You can find epsom salts pretty cheap at the store. I also go in the ocean for the same reason, maybe it's psychological, but I think the salt water helps.

Hope this helps!

Rutin & Psyllium Husk
Posted by Ken (England) on 02/13/2024

Hi all,

I would like to add a little more info to my previous post regards Rutin and Psyllium husk as I have learnt more about the issue since creating that iniital post which I hope helps many like it did me.

My issue was ultimately hemorrhoids which gave me fissures due to the fact when hemorrhoids occur and you got to the toilet it causes more stretching around the exit area which causes tears. So I stopped the bleeding using Rutin, which is fantastic, 500mg a day does the job.

How I ultimately fixed my issue altogether is 20 mins of exercise a day, I am talking HIIT exercise as well. Do this everyday for few weeks and then every other day and the pre biotic which I will explain further.

I now take a pre biotic fibre supplement which has been a miracle for me. An emphasis on PRE biotic! If you look online you can find this called Inulin in forms such as chicory root. I take a PREbiotic powder with kefir yoghurt which is probiotic. If you want to understand more about why this works. Have a good look in to pre/pro biotic and fibre what they do for us. The pre biotic feeds the bacteria in the lower gut. Also to say fibre is not just 'roughage'as what I've been told all my life, fibre so much more than that for us.

All foods now off the shelf have next to no pre biotic in them in form of fibre which is why we have so many gut issues in younger people. This bacteria layer which lines our bowel is super important to keep healthy which the pre biotic feeds the little guys there and stops inflammation and dis-ease to occur.

Hope this helps some of you out there, it has been a journey to find this what works for me and fixed my issues.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Nicetothinkso (NYC ) on 07/20/2022

MANUKA HONEY UMF + 15 and above for anal fissures

Hello community,

just want to give some back as this site has saved me many times from myriad aches and pain. Caught Covid, got real sick quick as I've underlying co-morbidities. By 2nd day could hardly breathe so began paxlovid. Felt much better breathing by day 3 but suddenly anal fissures presented and I believe I was getting PTSD just from the idea of thinking about going to the bathroom. The pain during and after BMs has few equals in my 51 years. Olive oil helped via a q-tip. But then I also read about manuka honey as the olive oil required 4 Tylenol to help ease the out. After 5 days I began to put Manuka Honey UMF +19 on rectum with Q-tip best I could and in two days all the pain was gone even without Tylenol. By day 3 it is like a bad dream and all back to normal. The Manuka Honey caused some burn but well worth the quick recovery.

UMF +15 and above is medical grade - but do your reading and homework first. Regular manuka honey below UMF +15 may not have the same restorative powers but do your homework. A little extra money for the higher more powerful manuka may save you a world of hurt.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/18/2016 2063 posts

Not simply Water in these toxic times, one must drink purified water. Looking back in the days before using a carbon filter for tap water, I say "I can't believe I drank that tap water". For many yrs I have used the carbon filter and only recently figured out that it was not sufficient in removing Fluoride as my metabolism was very bad ... until I started ozonating the filtered water, and both me and my Kitty have more energy and feel better. I use a 500mg per hr Food & Water Ozone Generator with a diffuser ball and only takes about 30 secs for 1 gal jug.

Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Goldenseal
Posted by Atticus (Los Angeles) on 08/15/2013

Anal Fissures: Man, these are painful! I had no idea. It was extremely uncomfortable to sit or walk for a week or two. I tried lots of things. MSM, B6, horse chestnut and sitz baths are some I would definitely recommend. But what really sped up the healing process for me was making a paste consisting of manuka honey, turmeric and golden seal (I bought these in capsules and emptied them out). There isn't an exact ratio to the mixture, just make it thick enough to stay put. I applied this twice a day or as often as needed (after showers, bathroom etc... ) It really worked. Also, eating mostly raw foods and drinking lots of water are essential to healing. Keep that ph up. Hope this helps.

Olive Oil
Posted by Dee (Nyc, Ny) on 03/27/2011

My mother discovered that drinking a shot of olive oil cured her constipation and fissures that she had suffered with for years.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Gentle (Erie, Pa, Usa) on 03/03/2010

I've been plagued with an anal fissure for over 10 years. I've tried many things, and have finally found a few things that are working for me that I'd like to share.

First of all, I quit drinking coffee. I noticed that I would frequently have bowel movements after drinking it, so decided to try to quit it and see what would happen. I substituted green tea, and was able to avoid any withdrawal headache. I would suggest watching carefully what you intake and how it affects your bowel movements, especially if you have an easily irritable stomach and bowels. With anal fissures, I believe it's important to have regular and healthy bowel movements, that don't require a lot of wiping which will only irritate the fissure more and suppress healing. So watch what irritates it and stop those things or reduce them.

Secondly, when I do have a bowel movement, instead of wiping a lot, I'll only wipe once with toilet paper, then watch thoroughly with soapy water using your hand. I know it's gross, but you need to irritate this area as little as possible. Also, think of it as a cut that needs to heal. What do you do to cuts? You wash them and keep them clean to prevent infection. I think the same applies with fissures. If you can stomach it, use you finger to wash inside, and then to rinse, and gently wipe dry with a paper towel.

Third, I've been applying a solution of pure olive oil (from whole foods) and crushed up MSM tablet, which promotes the healing. You can crush it by putting it in a plastic baggy and pounding with a mallet. You want it in powder form. If it's to chunky it will scratch and only hurt the situation. Mix it thoroughly with the olive oil and apply to the fissure and inside the anus after every bowel movement, when you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night.

Finally, itching. An anal fissure can itch terribly, but scratching it will only make it worse. When it itches what keeps me from scratching is to think that when a wound is healing, sometimes it itches, therefore if the fissure is itching it is healing, which is a sign of progress. This thought keeps me from scratching and therefore setting healing back.

I would say that mostly it is about finding out what causes your particular body to have unhealthy bowel movements(really watery or really hard) and substituting something that doesn't have that affect. Coffee, alcohol, greasy and junky foods, etc.

This has been working for me, I hope it helps others as this is a really draining and painful illness to have.

Olive Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Honey
Posted by Deb (Califon, Nj) on 04/04/2012

My husband has been suffering agonizing and debilitating pain from fissures for several weeks-- having to call in sick to work and not knowing day to day whether he would be fine or not able to function at all. This is such a horrible affliction to deal with Doctor-prescribed pain killers didn't even seem to help lessen the pain when he was going through the agony of a freshly irritated fissure post bm... The olive oil/cod liver oil/ honey remedy seems to be the first of many tried that helped somewhat more than all the other things he had been trying. I also want to share what we just tried this morning that really helped lessen another bout of excruciating pain so that he could go back to sleep.

First of all-- Let me share the whole regimen he has been on: Changing his diet to include more raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables and less processed or sugary or oily junk foods or starchy sides (such as rice or pasta or mashed potatoes). Then Orally on a daily basis: Psyllium Whole Husks which he mixes with juice and drinks at night.. Also one tablespoon of olive oil also at night, one tablespoon raw honey one capsule of cod liver oil and one tablet B6 (100 mg) and a multivitamin with zinc (the store didn't have just zinc alone so we used this with some good effect). This regimen seems to help make a much softer/smoother bm that he can pass without straining and also helps with stress level and healing processes. The fissure takes a while to heal, however, and pain still has been occurring unpredictably, on and off, even with this oral regimen-- Day to day he doesn't know if he will be fine or suffer with debilitating pain where he can't drive or go to work.. From what I have read this pain is as bad as being in labor... Topically he has found that witch hazel applied with a cotton pad to the area gives some relief (temporarily) as well as sitting in a warm bath. However, the day is still shot and he is really not able to do much except to moan and groan and fret about this. What I want everyone to know is what we JUST tried this morning that had IMMEDIATE soothing effect for the internal pain. Nothing we have tried up to now has made such an immediate difference...had read about the healing effectiveness of a mix of things and decided we should be prepared to try if he had another flare up.

Yesterday I bought an oral syringe (pharmacy didn't carry rectal syringe. I made sure it had a smooth rounded end to it (several have a pointy end which you do not want as it can possibly re-injure the area) I mixed about a 1/2 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (100% pure) with about a 1/2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and a splash of Aloe Vera juice. Once it was well mixed I took as much of it as I could get into the syringe (which I had first coated the outside end of the syringe with coconut oil) and then gave it to my husband to administer rectally. Very important to not put the syringe to far in (just the tip up to the 2 ml mark at most) so that you don't risk damaging the area. This gave him IMMEDIATE relief so that he could go right back to sleep and from what I have been reading on line, Manuka honey has healed fissures completely within three days of daily treatment. We shall see if this works. All I can say is I am SO relieved he is not bellowing and stomping the floor in the middle of the night and hyper-ventilating and panicking that he will end up losing his job because of this affliction. I gave him a sanitary pad to use in case the stuff comes out and all I can say is how relieved I was that his pain was substantially helped.

This may be our Miracle Cure...We will do this every night before sleep and hope for no more incidents. If I remember I will post again to let you know if this treatment is 100% successful in curing and healing him.. Just wanted to share as this site has been so helpful for treating other ailments during the last few years. I recommend checking out Earth Clinic's website to everyone I speak with who is suffering from any ailment. Hope this helps someone out there!

Olive Oil
Posted by Psr (Texas, US) on 06/05/2014

I currently fissure, had H for over 30 yrs with no real issues, about 6 months ago pain started, thought it was my H, after colon test now at 58 have a fissure. I have prescription for antibiotics and anal cream now taken 5 days, after completion of antibiotics, pain back not as bad , but still cannot sit , drive etc. normally hurts only after BM, hurt all day finally went to sleep after sitz bath and apply cream, within 2 hours woke up in severe pain, found this site.

1. Drink 3 tablespoon of olive oil,

2. (Did not have Manuka honey; used organic honey use enema bottle and mixed 1/2 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (100% pure) with about a 1/2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and a splash of Aloe Vera juice. Once it was well mixed I took as much of it as I could get into the syringe (which I had first coated the outside end of the syringe with coconut oil). Had a BM immediately, then 3 more, to be honest pain is gone, I thought the mix was suppose to stay, so I mixed a second batch, imnediately 2 BM, little to no pain.

3. Clean area with witch hazel in baby wipe, then applied organic coconut oil to rectum, resting comfortable at this time.

what I learned:

1. I will take1-2 tablespoon organic olive oil at bedtime

2. Clean area with baby wipes soak in witch hazel and then apply organic coconut oil.

3. Will use honey mixture as enema as needed

I update


Dietary Changes
Posted by Earthgirl (Cairns, Queensland) on 03/25/2011

I have to strongly disagree about drinking MINERAL OIL, (it should not be used on the skin either). Mineral oil is petroleum-based. Petroleum-based products are known carcinogenics. In other words, cancer causing. Yes, plain old baby oil is unsafe for babies and children and adults.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 07/20/2022

Re: buying only the best / highest grade Manuka honey would be best. Let's face it, not many of us can afford it.

I sustained an incredibly bad scrape on my right knee, with no skin left on it. The only Manuka I could afford that day was a Manuka/blend available at superstore in canada (it was a pc product) available for 5.99 at the time. That honey was runnier than high grade Manuka and did not have the same medicinal smell either, but it still had Manuka in it. That scrape healed beautifully, with no debriding or infection; there is and never was a scar. It was a mammoth healing project of 6 weeks, 2 bottles of that manuka/blend and 25+ boxes of the largest bandaids you can buy, as I needed two just to cover the wound. The cheap stuff did this.

So yeah, high grade us best, but buy what you can afford, or just a really a small jar, but the stuff is worth having. I hear a certain warehouse-store sells big plastic jugs of the lowest grade Manuka available, and it would be a worthy investment. I have cured toothaches, burns, sores, boils, rashes, etc, with the power of Manuka, even in its weakest (cheapest) form.

Happy healing, everyone. Manuka will be a powerful ally for you. The cheap stuff did not let me down, and I believe it can help you, too.

Posted by Christina (UK) on 12/23/2019

I would just like to say I have started taking turmeric capsules for an unrelated reason just over a week ago. To my complete amazement my anal fissure has cleared on its own with no other treatments. Amazing.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ammazurin (UK) on 04/12/2021

This is an addendum to my original post... Olive oil and apples were great to ease symptoms and give the impression that a fissure has gone, but I only really managed to eradicate my chronic fissure with borax.

When the majority of fissure symptoms subside, if you have a skin tag, slight tenderness, and pain when pressed, it's probably a chronic fissure that hasn't fully healed. It's a highly understood area but I believe Candida is what's preventing your fissure from healing fully and a low sugar diet with borax should finally work, as it did for me. I take one-eighth of a teaspoon with any hot drink on weekdays only. Your body needs a break from it so leave it out at the weekend.

Posted by Mardi (Australia) on 04/04/2014

Hope my experiences will help someone. I had chronic anal fissures which my doctor suggested to look at surgery and also a extremely bad heamorriod episode . It took awhile to get them healed and had to have antibiotics to help the heamorriods issue. I used Chlorophyll 30mls daily after this episode. Its now been 2 years and I have continued to take Chlorophyll with good success. My Fissues have settled and have had no real problems since. Ive noticed someone said to also use Coconut Oil. That's great too as it is a great product for any viral bacterial or fungus problems and a good healer to use internally and externally. Love the product but make sure it's the organic kind. So good for the skin and this comes from personal experience. Good luck to you. hope you will be ok.

Witch Hazel, Coconut Oil
Posted by Cindy (Nh) on 04/04/2014

A few years ago I developed what I first thought was a hemorrhoid. Couldn't really see what was going on, but really, really painful. Tried baths and Preperation-H, lots of fiber. Didn't help that much. I finally went to my doctor who said it was a fistula!! Yikes. Then sent to a surgeon who agreed and wanted to operate. Everyone said it was the only way to "fix" it. (But also said one couldn't be sure it was a fistula until you found the other "internal" end. ). Well, maybe it wasn't a fistula, but I cured whatever it was by cleaning area really well with witch hazel and then applying coconut oil. Took months, but my doctor was impressed on my next yearly physical. Said area was completely healed. I haven't had a problem since. Love both these products and use them for lots of issues.

Posted by Lynda (Central Us) on 12/02/2016

Anal fissures are not boils that bore holes in the anal tissue. That's a Fistula. Big difference. An anal fissure is a tear in the anal tissue. Another reason to get them, besides the list at the top of the page, is "bracing". If you have pelvic floor tightness your muscles will "brace" and tighten up the opening and then it's like a trying to squeeze a zucchini through a keyhole....which does't work and then we tear. If you have pelvic floor tightness (dysfunction as well), you may also get anal spasms from time to time. My body is so used to being "braced", as soon as the urge hits, the involuntary muscles tighten up on me. I try to go before the urge hits. Squatty Potty position really helps (you can turn a trash can on it's side or a stepping stool ..look up squatty potty). I have had surgery before to cut the sphincter but that doesn't stop the body from bracing so I still get fissures. I can go for a long time and then something will cause my muscles to tighten again and I get another fissure. Currently, it's due to a chest cold and constant hard coughing. I have even been to a physical therapist who helped a LOT but it never lasts and I end up with another fissure. She suggested I do my own internal work (a really thin dialator that is thinner than a finger) but I just can't bring myself to do that. The anus was tight that she could barely get her fingertip in and when she showed me her finger after, the end of her pinky was bright red from being squeezed! I could swear she was putting a baseball bat up inside but it was just her pinky! UGH..... Anyway...that's some TMI. It took about a month of 2x weekly visits to finally be able to not bind up as soon as she started her work. I then did one more month of 1x weekly. I also hear there is valium suppositories to help relax the area as well now. Don't know much about them. I just wanted to let others know that pelvic floor tightness is a big reason to get continuing and chronic anal fissures as well. While I still get fissures after surgery and PT, I don't get them as often and they don't last as long as they used to.

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by Vikas (India) on 05/05/2017

Which noni juice you are talking about. Kindly share the exact name

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Divyam (Mumbai) on 09/05/2013

Hi there, I was googling and got earth clinic and read so many tips bout anal fissure.. Im having it since last 2 months, sometime it bleed on tissue paper, people say that it will take a longer time to heal, I never had constipation in my life, im very active, but I remember that while passing tools once I felt like brick inside but than to forcefully defecated.. And got immence pain after.. Since than im suffering.. Went to specialist and he said it will take time, used creams like pilex, Smuth, fisofine, oil, castor oil, ghee but every morning it cuts.. Doctor said I have ano fissure inside its like 12o clock.. Sitz bathr r good.. Im really fed up and sometimes I cry too.. Got so many tips already here... Thank you so much.. But please tell me if something more to get rid of this.. I will be a good girl now.. No force in defecating.. Waiting for a day when ill do smuth potty without feeling fissure horror feel.. oh god save me ....

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, South Africa) on 09/07/2013

Hi Divjam, Cutting out all starches is a starting point, & if that does not help have a look at your thyroid. Starches cause a lot of problems & seeing that you are Indian that is your staple food.

Saline Solution
Posted by Plagued (Hollywood, Ca) on 12/11/2011

I've been plagued with fissures for the last couple years and have tried everything including dietary changes, nitroglycerine, diltizen, metamusil, etc. And nothing seems to work long term. I can go a few weeks without major problems and then whammo, I get hit with another one. I have had multiple fissures so I think my problem must be severe. The only good thing is that only a few of the fissures have been excrutiating. Most have been fairly shallow, but still a major annoyance and inconvenience.

I really don't want to have surgery due to the risk of incontinence so I have been getting desperate. The one thing that has finally given me some relief and started to really work is injecting a small amount of saline into the rectum before each bowel movement. This really softens up the initial surge (which is where I always had my tears and pain occur). It's a bit of a hassle and kind of gross, but it does really work. I just use a small syringe (the same type used for giving medicine to kids) and just mix some saline solution that is used for nasal flushes and neti pots. The one problem is you can't use it everywhere, so I still occassionally have some episodes of minor fissures but they are usually small, have minor pain, and go away quickly. At least it makes things manageble without the risk of surgery.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Whatworks (Woodbridge, Va) on 10/24/2011

Hey everyone,

I've been plauged by a chronic fissure for the past couple of months and I feel that I have to share my remedy of getting better with the world.

Honestly, everyone is different but half of the stuff I've tried out there that people swear by does not work.

I visited a top Washington DC doc and had two other opinions on follow ups by different docs. Surgery seemed to be the answer. I didn't want to take the risk cause I am only 29. I'm in good health and I just randomly got a fissure one day. I have been plauged by hemmorroids during the course of my life so that may have contributed to it.

Okay, NITRO-BID ointment (by prescription), applied 3 times a day 6 hours apart in the amount of a pea sized drop, around the anus caused the sphincter muscle to stop spasm. This helped me a great deal to keep pressure off of the fissure to enable it to heal.

Dubicaine (lidocaine) for hemmorroids applied directly on the fissure before a BM helped take the pain away as did taking ADVIL. TYLENOL does not work. ADVIL is a blood thinner so my thought is that it keeps the blood from building up causing inflammation.

I would take MIRALAX everyday. It's not habit forming and works wonders to soften the stool. GO TO THE BATHROOM! Don't wait cause it hurts, it's gonna hurt and you are gonna have to suck it up a little. But the sooner you realize this the better and on the road to healing. Keeping the body free of waste will enable your BM to start consistently becoming soft and easy to pass. The longer you hold it the more rock hard it will be, tearing you everytime.

Lot's of soluable and insoluable fiber. 30 grams a day. Avoid solid foods such as wheat and pasta. Eat lots of fruit and salad until the pain goes away then gently introduce items that are more solid. Soft foods help!

Drink lots of water. The old adage of 8 glasses a day is BS! I looked up the new guidelines and you need to find out your body weight, then divide that by 2. That is how many ounces of water a day you should consume. For example: I'm 280 pounds, divided by 2 is 140. 140 ounces of water is ideal for my body weight, and more if I am exercising.

Finally, use this stuff called Dr. WHEATGRASS cream. It's made in Australia, but sold here by a couple of retailers. You can find it on from a couple of different sources. I apply it directly and it works wonders to help the healing process. I don't understand why doctors think all of this natural stuff is bs... guess they want to just make money on surgery.

Finally, take a multivitamin. I also take B12, B6 for bleeding associated with it, and a good quality Vitamin E capsule.

I swear if you do these things it will help. It helped a lot for me and I had terrible terrible pain for 2 weeks until I finally started figuring my body out and what I needed to do to fix it.

Also, in the future if you get constipated. Don't try to pass it and risk a tear. Here is what you do, and it's nasty but it saves you the pain.

As you strain to push the poop from your body your anus is stretched at that point and the poop is barely sticking out, often rock hard. At that point take a finger and stick it into the poop and push your finger as far as you can while pushing the poop out. This breaks the poop up into a smaller, more easy piece to pass thus not tearing your anus. It's disgusting cause you will have stuff over your fingers but it works. Keep doing it until you have passed everything. As the poop starts to exit the colon it should become more soft as it is freshly exiting the large intestine.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sita (Boston, Ma) on 09/13/2011

After suffering from fissures for almost 6 months, I was desperate for a cure. I was seriously considering surgery but was able to avoid that with the help of multiple things. I will list them here:

1. If you have the urge to go, don't stop it - just GO

2. Sitz baths really helped in pain relief. Atleast twice a day is a must (more if possible)

3. Keep the rectum area well lubricated all the time. I tried multiple things but what helped me most was Ghee(Rarified butter). This is a very common product in Indian cuisine. I ate one tablespoon of ghee (sometimes more) everyday and also applied it externally two-three times a day. Also make sure to apply it before a bowel motion. Trust me, it works like a miracle on the pain.

4. Incorporated more fiber in the diet. I like Fiber One original cereal (1 serving has 57% of daily fiber requirement). Some foods I swear by are: cabbage, brocolli, sweet potato, apples, pears, papaya and mango.

5. I took botox injections in the rectal area. This is not very known in the US but is apparantly quite common in Australia. They help relax the rectal muscles and restore blood flow to the region which helps in healing of fissures. Ask your doctor about it. It took me about 2 weeks before I started noticing a reduction in pain.

6. I also take vitamin D supplements. Avoid acidic foods. Eat well and enough so that it is easier to have a bowel motion. Sleep is a great healer.

All the Best! Have faith - this is not a severe condition but yes, the pain is severe. It does get better, it does heal!

Posted by Pat (Tempe, AZ, USA) on 10/31/2008

I suffered from the pain of anal fissues for four years, and found that a homeopathy remedy called Aesculus Hippocastanum 30c (aka horse chestnut) resolved this issue. I took 5, 30c pellets for 15 days.. and wala...gone and has never returned. It has been six months. Hope this helps you and it only costs about $12.00...Since horse chestnut has been used in creams for varicose veins, most anal problem are a result of some kind of inflammed vein in this location...It should help internal and external hemorrhoids as well. You have nothing to lose and there are little to no side effects with homeopathy remedies.

Posted by Ally (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 02/12/2008

I too have had hemorrhoids and fissures for 9 years, tried everything on the market including' ACV, cocconut oil was about to go for surgery and read about vitamin B6. I took 50 mg of B6 after meals. It took 3 weeks for this to work, but I noticed a big difference in 3 days. I am now free of this very painful mess and it has been 6 months. If you have a relapse just go to the B6 bottle. I just want to thank Michele who wrote in about B6, on this site.

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