Effective Natural Anemia Remedies

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Connie (Rochester, NY) on 03/10/2007

I have always had heavy periods, and had a fibroid tumor removed several years ago. I was anemic often as a teenager, but couldn't stomach any iron pills. Now as a 40-year-old woman, I'm starting to become "normal" in terms of menstrual flow, but often feel weak and fatigued. I had my thyroid checked, but that turned out to be okay. I then figured I was probably lacking iron. I remembered reading somewhere that blackstrap molasses was high in iron. I bought an inexpensive bottle ($2.79) of House of Herbs blackstrap molasses and was quite impressed to see that one tablespoon contains 70% of the RDA for iron. For the past two months, I've been adding a tablespoon to my coffee every morning in place of sugar. It tastes great, and I haven't felt tired or drained. I see here from others' comments that molasses is also a good remedy for constipation (which had also frequently plagued me, despite my high-fiber diet and increased intake of water), and thinking back over the past several weeks, I realize that I haven't been constipated. Great to know that it works that way, too!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Wikid Willow (Naples, USA) on 03/28/2007

I had SEVERE anemia after the birth of my son 29 years ago... Was already on prenatal vitamins with lots of iron. The Dr. suggested Black Strap molasses, and after the intial tast encounter, learned to LOVE it. My anemia went away and I felt better than I had in years. Great news, yes? Well, where do I find Black Strap molasses now... there is dark, etc., but I never see Black Strap! I really need to locate a source of it because my father is having some serious troubles... I think that since modern medicine cannot find or do anything for him, and based on what is happening (he is slipping away) that Black Strap cannot hurt... PLEASE HELP! Thanks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Misty (Harrisonville, Missouri) on 04/27/2007

Hello, I have written before about the blackstrap molasses offering an idea on how to drink it. I have been fighting a fibroid tumor for a long time now and began several months ago with the molasses. I just had a sono yesterday and there was no change with my tumor. I did however notice some great changes when I began the molasses. It did get rid of my anemic symptoms, it will keep you regular and I think if you include this in your daily diet it may help to prevent fibroid tumors from forming, or help shrink small tumors when caught early enough. I think over all my health has improved greatly since I began eating at home and avoid eating out as much as possible. Coconut oil is great for the skin I can't live without it. I like the A.C.V. it does work great external and can help you loose weight, but I don't think it is the miracle cure for weight loss. I still have to eat healthier and get active or the weight will remain the same or I will gain. Pretty much everything I have tried so far on this site I have had great results with. Be healthy and God Bless.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Maria (Houston, Texas) on 05/05/2007

I was suffering for years with anemia and I had even been let go from my job due to the fact that I could not keep my strength up. I had been told by several doctors that my multiple fibroids required a hysterectomy. I had no tolerance for ANY type of iron supplement. I was steadily getting worse. One doctor even gave up treating me. When that happened I was greatly distressed. I began to recall an island friend telling me that I needed to take blackstrap molasses. So I began using it and lo and behold I improved immediately. My blood count went up from 6 to 7.8 in one month. I now am going through menopause and have found that it helps even with that. I love it and tell everyone about it. My husband takes it daily. I also have no more symptoms of anemia and fibroid issues. I take it now for the calcium and other minerals that are great for menopause troubles.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Katy (Astoria, Oregon) on 06/04/2007

Molasses (Remedy): Molasses is packed with iron and other nutrients. I have a large fibroid and have been losing lots of blood during period, this caused my iron deficiency! I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia and was not craving ice like many of the other writers, but was eating tons of MINTS. Ice craving, I have read many times, is associated with iron deficiency! It's actually called "Pica," or a craving for unusual substances without nutritional value. People often eat dirt as well. I noticed that when I ate molasses as well as started an iron supplement along with my usual multivitamin, my mint craving went away. I see that people say their ice craving went away after taking molasses and that made me want to mention the link with iron deficiency and this strange craving! Thanks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nicole (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/28/2007

I am a huge fan of BSM. I have used it to help alleviate symptoms from anemia and it really works. Recently, I had a weird thing happen where I was feeling slightly nauseated after consuming even small amounts of sugar. I switched from drinking my customary one cup of coffee to a cup of English tea sweetened with BSM and some half & half. The nausea disappeared and on top of that I feel like I am burning 'cleaner' energy- if you will. Maybe it's the minerals. Give it a try- it's great!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kim (Philadelphia, PA) on 11/25/2007

About 6 months ago I found out I had very low iron levels (they were at a 7 and I think normal is a 12) The DR. put me on iron pills twice daily which did help. Than I read about the BSM and started taking it about a week or so ago instead of the iron pills. At first I thought it made me feel better and energized but now I am starting to notice some of my old symtoms coming back again like dizzy spells at night and just an overall strange feeling. I'm kind of concerned too because I read on another site that BSM really has no benefits at all and that was on rawfoodexplained.com I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth to the article or not. I will be getting my iron levels checked soon and will find out if it is actually working or not.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Carol (Pocatello, Idaho) on 11/07/2006


I work as a Nurse Practitioner in a hematology clinic. Please remember that not all patients with anemia have it because of low iron stores. Too much iron can have significant medical side effects. Therefore, I would recommend having your iron blood levels checked prior to starting any replacement iron, molasses, or other herbal products.

Cream of Wheat Cereal, Molasses, Raisins and Flax Seeds
Posted by Tanya (Olympia, Wa) on 01/21/2008

I wrote back in November about my anemia and would like to report that I just got a blood test and my iron is 38 percent, way into the normal range. I have eaten cream of wheat with 2 tbls of unsulphered black strap molasses and raisins with flax seed every morning since September when I was diagnosed with fibroids. I have also been drinking 1 tbls of Mothers Apple Cider Vinegar with Apple Juice every day. During my cycle I drink it first thing in the morning because I read it helps to clot blood. My cycles have been very light and I just saw my Natropath Friday and she was amazed at how high I got my iron and how well I was doing. She also has me taking some liquid herbs to shrink the fibroid. My cycles have been great only thing is the last two were only 15 days apart. When I told my Dr. about this she said perhaps it is my body getting back on track? She wants me to go back in May to get an follow-up ultrasound. I will report back when I have that done.

Cream of Wheat Cereal, Molasses, Raisins and Flax Seeds
Posted by Tanya (Olympia, WA) on 11/08/2007

I have had anemia for over a year and was treating it with iron pills that were not working. My iron went from 31 to 35 and back to 31. I had a ultrasound done and found out I had fibroids. I chose not to have any procedure done and am treating everything naturally. I tried the black strap molasses in coffee and couldn't get it down so I've been eating 1 tablespoon in a bowl of Cream of Wheat every morning with raisins and a tablespoon of flaxseed every morning. All of those foods together provide 78% of your daily iron! I just got my blood checked and I am normal! My iron is 36! That was only after one month of eating the Cream of wheat every day.

Now for my fibroids, I will get those checked in 4 more months, but I feel so much better than i did two months ago. For those I have not drank any alchohol, and stop taking birth control pills. Since Fibroids grow with Estrogen I decided after being on them 20 years it was time to give my body a break anyhow (even though I don't smoke etc) I have also been taking 1250 mg primrose oil, B-100 vitamins and turmeric. I have also been drinking a glass of Apple Cider with a tablespoon of ACV in it every night. I have been following a candida diet which if someone would like to know what it is I can post. So, thank you so much for the advice! I will definately post the results of my future ultrasound and I'm sure the news will be great!

Foods High in Nitrilosides for Sickle Cell Anemia
Posted by G. Michael (Reading, PA) on 12/05/2007

About 3 years ago I was at work when I noticed that a co-worker was very upset, so I asked her why she was so distressed. She responded that a co-worker's son was in the hospital in terrible condition with sickle-cell anemia. I told her that the Lord had given me a ministry in helping people overcome their illnesses(this was before I realized that He wanted me to write a book about the matter.) The next day I went to Albright College where I ususally did my health research. While driving to the college I started to say to the Lord "Why I am going to research a disease for which there is no cure?" Of course, the Lord ignored my ridiculous objection and I continued to the college. I went to the library, got on the computer and googled "Sickle-cell Anemia, Natural Cures" Within a couple of minutes the "de-facto" cure was on the screen. Praise The Lord! The treatment is eating foods that are high in nitrilosides. These nitrilosides are transformed in your body to thiocyanate which prevents your blood from sickling. Some are these foods are millet, african yams, sorghum, and apricot seeds. Of course, it is always important when you're adding to your diet what is going to help you, to stop unhealthy food, especially fast food. The combination is devastating to illnesses. By the way, the National Institute of Health knew about what I just told you and said that thiocyanate is a wonderful anti-sickler. Unfortunately, they did nothing with this wonderful information. After the Lord revealed to me this wonderful treatment for sickle-cell anemia I drove to work, talking to myself all the way. When I got to work I saw the father of the child whose son had the sickle-cell anemia and I told him what the Lord had just revealed to me. Within a short time his son was doing wonderfully and has been in great health ever since. And for a long time whenever I would have contact with the son's father there was such gratitude on his face. Praise The Lord

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