Natural Cures for Cardiac Arrhythmia

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nan (Burnsville, North Carolina ) on 11/24/2021

I've had arrhythmia for years and have been on a heart med since diagnosed. Even with meds, my heartbeat was still irregular. I started taking 2 tablespoons of ACV every day, about 2 months ago. Haven't had an episode since.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ash (England Uk) on 07/06/2015

I hope people are not put off by the suggestion that cider apple vinegar is not worth taking. The huge point is none of us really know exactly how the body uses different foods. If people with heart conditions say it helps them then who are we to say otherwise.. even if we are scientists, we are not so very enlightened that we know it all, otherwise we would have a cure. We are all looking for an answer and I think we can only help each other with sites like this. BRILLIANT to not feel so alone. I know that cider vinegar with mama can't harm and it always makes me feel better when I include it as part of my diet. Through studying what many people have found, cider vinegar appears to help the body soak up some of the poisons in our systems that may well contribute to triggering an arrhythmia. Best we all keep our own fact sheets and post results for other to decide weather to try or not. Namaste everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diana (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 05/12/2011

I have to tell you about this awesome remedy, I made my own apple cider vinegar after I read all the good comments about it :). I am taking one tablespoon in the morning with a glass of warm water. I wasn't really expecting much, but I got a lot :). I was having a heartbeat problem which sometimes was soo bad, but after a month or maybe less it stopped and I believe it is from the vinegar. Also from forever I was having problems with my voice, it would get low and people would not understand me. There was this tightness in my throat, I had to make an effort to talk and if I had to talk longer louder.. O my God. It was affecting my self esteem and I didn;t know what was causing it. And the previous couple of days I noticed that my voice was normal and clear and just wonderful. I am so happy :), I have to put a sticker on my car bumper - I love ACV :)
