Athlete's Foot
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Treat Athlete's Foot Effectively

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzy (Eugene, Or) on 07/03/2012

I found this site back in April. I swim 3 times a week and even though I wear flip flops I am very prone to athletes foot fungus and have been for 34 years ie.. Since high school gym class! A few years ago I even was prescribed an antifungal -- which did clear it up for a few months. But it has always came back. I had used with some success a mixture of garlic and lavender oil. But the smell was somewhat offensive. I began soaking my feet in ACV a non organic type. I must have a high tolerance for pain or it just felt better than the itch and burn as I can soak for 30 minutes. Just stick my feet in and sit back and watch the BIG BANG. I also began taking at the same time internally (once a day) ACV but the organic type with mother. 2 Tablespoons with about one half teaspoon of organic raw local honey. (I also have allergies and asthma and thought this might help). My athletes foot (toe type) has completely cleared. I am very careful and wash my feet daily with DR Bronners peppermint soap and then blow dry them. I did not treat my shoes or socks... Although I did buy 20 mule team Borax with this intent. I still have an issue with some ugly cracked heels, but the there is no burning and itching between my toes and no skin sloughing off.

I am certainly looking at other information on this site and have been doing the mini beet protocol but will post later regarding my results with that. Thank you EC.

Essential Oils
Posted by Delila (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 05/21/2012

I have suffered for years from smelly, itchy dry athletes foot and have had many sleepless nights itching and scratching feet to the point of bleeding. After using this treatment, my feet no longer smell or itch!! Before beginning make sure everything is ready and prepared and its best done after taking a shower or bath as its easier to remove the dead skin. Put some newspaper on the floor so as not to mess up the place. If you also suffer from fungus toes clip and file off as much of the diseased nail as possible with a nail file and then file off as much dry skin as you can with a good quality callous stone from all the dry rough areas of the feet.

Now for the treatment take 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 2 drops of teatree oil and mix with a small amount of almond oil and thoroughly massage feet for a few minutes concentrating especially between the toes and the very dry rough areas. Then take some tissue and rub vigourously feet to remove residue oil and to remove and smooth out all the dry skin. Once again take the callous stone and file off and remove any dry skin that you feel until the feet are smooth. You will see great improvement within days but repeat this treatment until completely healed and then every now and then for maintenance!!!

Salt Water
Posted by Jimbo (Glendale, Calif. Usa) on 04/30/2012

For: athletes foot. if you live near the pacific ocean (any ocean). Walk along the sandy beach and let the ocean waves wash up on shore over your feet. The natural salt water will heal your athletes foot. (30 minutes or more, if you have the time. It will cost you nothing. I had A/F as a kid and the salt water cured it every single time.

Go for it! and heal your feet.

Posted by Farmer Rose (Athens, Ga, Usa) on 12/06/2011

I haven't had althlete's foot since I was a child & I am 40 now so I was very surprised to find it creeping back in...!!! But I do a lot of hard manual labor in boots all day & let my shower get too dirty one time & there you go. So, I cleaned my shower and bleached all my floor mats, & put a bowl in my shower. When ever I got in I would pee in the bowl and add Hydrogen Peroxide to it. I like to take long showers, so while I was in there, I soaked one foot as I bathed and then the other & so on. After bathing, I dried the fungus area and put Calendula cream on it & put powder in my shoes. I ate lots of garlic, took a few epsom salt baths, stopped drinking alcohol & eating sugar/wheat and changed my socks several time a day. What plagued me my whole childhood, was gone in a week!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 11/30/2011

Re: ACV for althete's foot, I used a spray bottle of undiluted ACV from the regular grocery store 3-4 times a day and had complete relief of the cracking and peeling skin within a week. It's now 4 months later and the skin of my foot is still perfectly clear.

Unfortunately, the ACV did not help with my toenails. It also did not help the red cracked and peeling skin behind my ear. Still hoping for a solution as simple and fast for those as the ACV was for the skin of my foot.

Posted by Darlene (Kewaskum, Usa) on 09/28/2011

Regarding athlete's foot: try locating a weed, locally called cheeseweed and found on farmsteads [scientific name: malva neglecta; it looks like a low growing viney geranium with little blue or purple blossoms and round nutlike fruit that is edible], place a handful in water and bring to a boil; simmer for a while to extract nutrients; when cool enough to touch, dip a cloth into the 'juice', squeeze out, hold onto any location that is infected until cool; repeat this as often as possible until compote is cooled, you can repeat the process as often as you want. You can also place the foot or hand in the 'juice' until it has cooled; repeat as desired.

This 'juice' has been effective in drawing infection out of insect stings or slivers, clearing up athlete's foot, even drew blood poisioning out of my father's arm when it had nearly reached his shoulder. It is not a one time process; must be done repeatedly over days (you can reheat and reuse the original compote until it's really slimy) to achieve the end, but you should notice improvement after a few applications.

Posted by Jeliberry123 (Auckland) on 07/04/2012

I have been soaking the affected area in salt for 10 minutes then immediately after that soak it in warm water with 5 teabags using 1 litre if you can I soak it in there for 20 minutes ormore depending on the severity. Then if you have ACV soak your feet/ affected area for 10- 15 minutes twice a day, this was my way to get rid of this annoying medical problem that has been frustrating me for months on end, it may not be long after all I have been seeing cases of 20 years plus hope this works for all thhe people in the same boat. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/05/2011

Hiker, I had a fungal condition on my toe. I didn't use anything topically, only ingested ACV with honey and baking soda once or twice daily. It took three months for the toenail to fully grow out the fungus. I kept cutting the nail as it grew and the new nail had no fungus. It has been over a year and a half and my nails are still clear. It is a slow but worthwhile process.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Howdy1242 (Emery, Utah, Usa) on 08/20/2011

As a diabetic I must keep a close watch on my feet. In a 13x9 " baking dish, I shred 1 medium potato and 1 cup apple cider vinegar I soak each foot for 30 minutes twice a month. It has been a cure for athletes foot, as well as other fungi, It works well for me.

I also keep a spray bottle with 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar as a after shower body spray , for itchy skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pete (Portland, Oregon) on 03/03/2011

I used raw Apple Cider Vinegar on some nasty-looking athlete's foot for two weeks, and I now have beautiful new skin on both feet and no sign of the infection. I simply soaked a cotton ball to saturation and applied liberally (to dripping point) all over the affected areas. I then let it dry in the air and didn't rinse it off. I did this twice or three times a day, changed my socks the same number of times, and saw improvement daily. I can't thank you enough for all your advice and encouragement!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tiffany (Conway, Ar) on 01/09/2011

I would suggest to elevate your foot on a regular basis, above the level of your heart any time you're not walking. Try putting alum or talc powder in your sock (tall tube sock) before putting it on, then wrap your foot and leg in an ACE bandage to apply compression. Elevate the foot and wrap an ice pack around it. Do this as often as possible (2-3 times per day minimum).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kyle (B_town, Mn) on 02/15/2011

There is no cure to bad foot other then prevention. IF you do get it I swear on my life that ACV and Tea Tree Oil will calm it down. When my whole body shakes cause it itches so bad I soak it 50 percent water and 50 percent ACV for 15 to 20 mins on both feet. Even if its on one toe or foot both, add the other so it prevents it. Trust me it wont spread to the other foot.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ken (Alfred, New York Usa) on 09/01/2010

I acknowledge the success of Stephen from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, BUT he suffered from inter-digit type. It's short-lived. I am suffering from "moccasin" type known as Trichophyton rubrum, which is long-lasting and very difficult to treat. I've had this 8 months now with ups-downs. Vinegar soak helps but seems to have put the infection in a hibernation like state. Tolerable but not cured.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephen (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan) on 08/18/2010

This works people. Garlic does work in the beginning, but it won't cure your feet like the Apple Cider Vinegar will. Warning!! Your feet may actually become dry using ACV. Mine did, but it is way better than damp feet. If your feet get too dry you can always rub a little foot lotion on your feet, but if you do, DO NOT put socks over your feet that you just put lotion on.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephen (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan) on 08/18/2010

Matt, you can rinse you feet if you want, but don't wear socks unless your feet are dry. What I did, and what I forgot to add in my yea post was that at night, after soaking my feet, I left the vinegar to dry and then put my feet in plastic baggies with rubber bands to hold the baggies in place. I rinsed my feet in the morning, dried really well and wore sandals for the day. Also throw away all socks and buy new ones. Put your shoes in plastic bags, seal the bags and stick in the freezer over night. The fungi can survive the washing machine and stay in your socks. No joke!! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Posted by Tina (Louisville, Ky) on 06/24/2010

Hello, I just wanted to praise the healing effects of Apple Cider Vinegar and Garlic for my recent bout with Athlete's foot. I have never had a case before in my life, but I picked it up from my recent trip to New Orleans. It was awful. I knew it was bad to scratch but I couldn't help myself at first because it itched so bad. It was present on the top of my foot only, and the more I scratched the farther it spread. When it was approaching my toes and I saw that I was beginning to bleed I knew I had to do something. I used this site for a previous ailment that I had and it worked so I trusted the the apple cider vinegar and garlic remedy as suggested would work as well. It was also great because they were already two ingredients I had in my pantry. So at first I soaked my feet in a basin with non-diluted store brand ACV.I must say IT BURNED. I also got nervous after I saw my pickled feet and the the rashes raise up on my feet. I did this 1x/day for a couple of days and then I started to come to the last of my ACV. So I diluted about 3 cups vinegar and filled the rest of the basin with water. I reused this for about a week and then replaced the vinegar-water solution the next week. Each night prior to going to bed I sliced two cloves of fresh garlic and placed them on my feet directly on the rash areas and then put ankle socks over it so they would stay in place.WARNING-I advise not to do this during the day especially if you in public around people. I did it one time and the smell was so strong people were literally looking at me in disgust. just wear sandles during the day if you can or if you have to wear socks then I suggest sprinkling a little cayenne pepper in them (that's what I did). The combination of ACV and garlic everyday for two weeks has resulted in a DRAMATIC improvement in my feet. The skin is now smooth. I still have a couple of scabs that are still healing. I will continue this treatment until all signs of this are gone. I read how this condition can be persistent. Your feet will smell like vinegar and garlic a lot after its done but that does not compare to fungus-infected, bleeding feet! I just thought I would provide my testimony and really hope in some way this will help someone else. I know it has worked WONDERS for me. Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mn (West Midlands, England) on 05/27/2010

About two years ago, I tried taking ACV to cure my athlete's foot. It didn't work at all! I tried everything but it wouldn't go away.

Then about a month ago, after being off of ACV for a half a year or so, I started taking it again for allergies. Looking at my feet at the end of the week when I took a bath, I noticed about 50% of my athlete's foot had disappeared. I have no idea why it didn't work the first time. I hadn't changed my diet much except I had less processed foods.

Anyone wanting to cure Athlete's Foot should give ACV another try.

Posted by Denise (Austin, AR) on 07/29/2009

I have had problems with athlete's foot since I was a teenager. Now my teenage son has become bothered by it. I was told by an old friend that if I were to sprinkle a little bit of old fashioned cooking alum into his and my shoes and a little in our socks that it would take care of the athlete's foot and actually make his feet odorless. She (the friend) said that the alum closes the pores which prevents the feet from sweating, stopping the odor, and also the athlete's foot. I was told about this probably about ten years or so ago but have been reluctant to try it because it just doesn't sound like a healthy option. I'm certainly not going to try it on my child without knowing what repercussions will be as a result. Has this ever been suggested before?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by TimeSpirit (North Jersey, NJ) on 07/22/2009

I've had hideous toe and foot fungus for many years. I've tried a lot of OTC medicine and never had much relief. It's hard to believe but, I just used ACV ONCE and I saw an improvement. I was stunned. I took suggestions from other posts and sprinkled some cayenne pepper onto my feet and toes and put on clean socks. Can't tell if it's working or not but, the cayenne feels pretty nice, just like a soft foot powder. I'll update in a week after the treatment has some time to work. Thanks to all who post here. I really appreciate all the helpful remedies.

Posted by Kin (Auckland, New Zealand) on 06/09/2009

Urine for Athlete's Foot

Saw quite a few latest Posts regarding Athlete's Foot, so decided to post my experience. Urine works well for Athlete's Foot. I have Athlete's Foot for about a year, tried AVC, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, Grapefruit seed oil, they all work to certain degree but Urine is the best cure. Iodine works well too but urine is the most effective.

I soaked my feet in my own urine daily for about 15 minutes in a leak proof plastic bag; let my feet dried off before I had my shower. I saw improvement within days and after about a week or two, it was almost 100% cured. It's free and easily available. Pee on your feet method did not work that well for me. Wonder if urine can be used externally for face and hair?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Heather (Vancouver, BC) on 06/07/2009

Chuck from Lexington, KY wrote in his post - "I used a combination of approx. 60% "raw" apple cider vinegar, organic unfiltered with the mother, and probably about 40% hydrogen Peroxide. I soaked my affected areas for 30-40 minutes in the solution and let it air dry."

Do you re-use the ACV/HP? If the full treatment took weeks or months, it could become quite costly to have to refill the bottom couple of inches of a basin every day. Is it possible for the ACV/HP to become polluted/infected/dirtied by contact with the fungus on the foot? Where I live, Br**g organic ACV and HP are not cheap.

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this. I am a poor student, and have put off undertaking this treatment because of the cost factor. If it's OK to re-use the ACV/HP, I will begin at once.



Posted by Rob (Robertsville, MO) on 05/02/2009

i had athlete's foot so bad i would pull large chunks of skin and my feet would bleed my cousens girlfriend told me her grandpa told her brouther to pee on his feet when he first got in the shower then wait till last to wash them i started doing this that night and it took about 2 weeks its been about 4 years cince ive had any problem with my feet

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J-Rod (Houston, TX) on 05/14/2009

Hi, I just read some of these feedbacks and was wondering what could help my husbands stinky shoes? My husband has athletes foot really bad. I mean I hated washing his nasty yellow crusty hard socks. I want to try this beacuse I've tried everything over the counter and his parents have bought him some package they saw on t.v. It worked but it had too many steps and of course he has to go to work. So if we try this do you think the smell in his shoes will go away as well?

Posted by Scott (Anaheim, CA) on 03/04/2009

I tried everything OTC and nothing worked well. Literally everything. I am even put VICs on my feet before sleeping for 1 month. It cleared up the nails, but it came back really quickly after stopping. The nails started to get dark again. I did vinegar soaks and that didn't help either.

Finally, I decided to PEE on my feet twice a day (morning pee and night). I remembered a few years back, I had this bad headache that wouldn't go away and I ended up drinking my own morning urine for a week after trying everything else. It fixed that headache. Its really amazing, but it cleared up my feet in a matter of days, not months or 1 year. Don't believe those that say it doesn't work. Urine has thousands of nutrients, many of which can't be detected with our equipment. It literally cleared it up in 1 week. I also resorted to spitting on my feet and rubbing in the SALIVA letting dry. Remember dogs and cats always licking their paws? Its Saliva they are spreading and used to clean their paws.

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