Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

Castor Oil
Posted by Maya (Silver Spring, Maryland, Usa) on 08/10/2012

in response to:

Hertsman (Feltham, Middlesex) on 07/24/2012
So many different suggestions on this thread, difficult to know what to try. So many folk talking about feet but can't find any mention of lower back pain neuropathy? The pain is awful, horrible sore pain that won't go away. I've read that r-lipoic acid is better than the standard lipoic acid. Can anyone give advice for nerve pain in lower back. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

After having suffered several acute lower back pain episodes and many visits to the doctor that helped little except the little releif from the strong pain killers prescribed. One night, during a really bad excruciating episode and out of desperation I took a good amount of castor oil and rubbed it on my back. Covered the area with a clean towel and lay on my stomach. The whole area felt immediately very warm and I experienced almost instant relief. It was a miracle! I was almost pain free in the morning. Even went on a 2 hour car trip to the country side and by night I was curling up by the fireplace as if nothing ever hurt. Prior to this, each episode would last for about a week. A week postrated in bed and suffering such horrific pain. Since then, whenever I get the feeling a pain attack is coming, I rub the blessed oil. I always, always carry some with me at all times. Hope this helps you. It doesn't hurt to give it a try. I suggest you read the Edgar Cayce cures using this miracle oil. Blessings!

Castor Oil
Posted by Michla (Long Beach, Ca 9080, Ca) on 09/09/2009

I am so happy to have found this castor oil remedy that I wish I could get the WORLD on board with it!!!! After going to doctor's, chiropracters using exercise, yoga, stretching, motrin, muscle relaxers to boot; I finally have something that truly deals with the symptoms for an injured lower back which flares up from time to time as well as neck and shoulder soreness which leads to significant tightness and discomfort.

My symptoms have been significantly reduced and my painful days are few and far between and I do not even use the full castor oil pack method as right now I do not have a heating pad...I improvised with a warm wet rag and a microwaveable bean bag and I am feeling much, much better than I ever have before. Typically during my menstrual cycle I am plagued by a lower back throbbing and discomfort and this month it is very minimal if anything at all and this is amazing!!!!

I also tried it out for bruising and again it worked wonders on cutting down on bruise life as well as soreness, discoloration (most of my bruising lasts at least a week but with castor oil right away it's perhaps 2 days and with more time passing before I get to it perhaps around 3.5 days.....WOW!!!!

If I could I would bathe in castor oil each and every day!!!!
