Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by Rebeka (Henderson, TX) on 08/24/2006

Noticed a boil trying to start on my face, so i read your feedback and decided to try it. But instead of drinking it with water i went and bought some in pill form. I took 450 MG. That was last night, i woke this morning to a bump not as bad as the day before and i could tell it looked much better just overnight. THANKS EVERYONE!!!! I say use it!! IT WORKS!! Hopefully within a few days it will be gone i am continuing to take the medicine. along with vitamins.

Posted by Amanda (Kailua, HI) on 08/18/2006

I read your recommendation about the cure for staph being turmeric. I tried it and it worked. I used it in conjunction with a wet poultice of green clay. It cleared up the boil in 3 days and although 3 other little ones popped up, they never developed and disappeared on their 2nd day. We used this remedy after going to the doctor and getting antibiotics for a staph infection on my young son's leg. He took them and it went away but it came back on another leg a few days after we finished the treatment. The doctor said he had treated about 300 cases of staph in the past few weeks alone. He thought maybe the heat was causing the outbreak. Finding the turmeric was a wonderful stroke of luck, as I did not want to use antibiotics again, so I appreciate you posting this remedy. I have since found out that fresh turmeric root juice is a common remedy for staph on the Big Island of Hawaii, where staph is rampant, and with further research I have found out that turmeric is a potent healer of many ailments. Thanks again, Amanda

Posted by Mimi (PA) on 08/11/2006

I had a boils breaking out on my wrists and hands (weird)... I found your cure using turmeric and tried it starting on Monday. It took a couple of days taking turmeric in water, but they are going away! I think I will continue to take this for a week or so and then stop. Hopefully that will put an end to the outbreaks. I suggest that women supplement this spice with yogurt containing acidophilus. I have heard that too much turmeric can cause yeast infections. Thanks so much for posting this great cure.

Posted by Kevin (Houston, TX) on 07/10/2006

The turmeric was amazing. I took just 1/8 tsp in water last night ... This morning the dime-sized boil (which hadn't broken the skin yet) had disappeared. This remedy works!

Posted by Mitch (Durango, CO) on 05/28/2006

Turmeric cured my boils from saddle sores.

Posted by S (Los Angeles) on 05/25/2006

The turmeric in water 3x a day worked great on my boyfriend, who was experiencing his 2nd large boil on the face. The boil started to go away after the first day (he did make it burst with iodine though). I made him stop taking the turmeric after 4 days because I started to experience a terrible burning after sex! It went away after I washed carefully. I doubt people will connect the dots and see turmeric's "side-effect", so I thought I'd mention it. But it is a fantastic cure for boils.

Posted by Ashanti (Charlotte, NC)

I tried the tumeric paste mixed with water and put it on top of the boil and covered it with gauze and the boil opened within hours. It worked quickly and my boil was so painful that I could barely walk.
