Holistic Treatments for Breast Cancer

Ayurvedic Remedies
Posted by Tenny (Kochi, India) on 01/16/2012

Ayurvedic Remedy for Liver Restoration

300 gms of aloe vera-washed n chopped

1/2 ltr of honey

4tbs of brandy

Beat all this well , and refrigerate if required. Have 1 tbs an hr before each meal. That would be 3 times per day, get the mix to room temp before ingesting it. This course is to be had for 10 days and then a 10 day gap should be taken. Ayurveda says that this mix is so strong that there is a tendency for it to do away with all the good bacteria in the colon as well. The 10 day gap is for the replenishment of this bacteria, which are an essential part of your gastrointestinal tract. Continue this as long as the problem persists. My mom's been using this for the last 7mths. She has stage4 breast cancer. She's been having it along with the graviola fruit whenever available and tablets whenever scarce. She also has soya milk and cod liver capsules in her diet.

Posted by Arimian (Port Of Spain, Trinidad) on 01/04/2012

Hi Kat, Read on the Budwig Diet and use this, it's very helpful.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Martin (Banbridge, Ireland) on 01/02/2012

To the woman Emilie from the philippines who has breast cancer and doesn't want to get destroyed by the medical industry, try black salve to help draw the growth out of your breast. I heard a lot of good things about it for all types of cancer... black salve comes from the plant called bloodroot... It's just a pity I hadn't discovered this about black salve before my mother was told she had breast cancer! May I add that she had her first mammogram 8 months prior to being told she had breast cancer and that after that first mammogram she was cleared, so that just copper fastened my belief that they are giving us cancer in as many ways as they can... To all those medical doctors who support these methods hang your heads in shame!!!!!

Posted by Kat (Campbell River, Bc) on 12/16/2011

How did the poultice work??? I sure hope I can hook up with you I really need to chat with someone that is going through the same thing , How are the Drs. treating you?? I live on the island and would love to chat. My Dr. are closing the door if I do not go to the Cancer Clinic. I too have breast cancer. I did the lumpectomy, it was a large mass, now I have another lump in the armpit area, ultra sound sound like it's back. I did not do chemo or radiation- been using natural remedies as well / scared stiff/ how is your breast cancer?? You said it was a large mass- so was mine... Sorry I did have it removed I think it just traveled elsewhere.. What else are you doing to help yourself? I need some wisdom.. And strength. thanks, Kat

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/24/2011

You know, Funlovingal, for every suggestion there is a counter-suggestion and that makes knowing what to eat and how to live nowadays very difficult! You advise the China Study, although I haven't read it I have read a lot of reviews and to be honest.... I must prefer books like Trick and Treat by Barry Groves! He advises the contrary and he explains why. Probably both books sound right.... Very hear to know what to do! Anyway, people have to see on which diet they feel better, I don't think that anyone can tell you what to do! And it is not only Trick and Treat that demystify the old beliefs that being a vegan or a vegetarian will change your health for the better.... Lots of literature out there!

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 10/21/2011

It might be worth adding that the present studies have found that the sugar fructose, made from corn starch, which is used to sweeten just about everything in the western world, feeds cancer cells like fertiliser feeds crops. When denied this booster the immune system keeps them in check.

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Funlovingal (Roseville, California) on 10/21/2011

My suggestion after reading books on dietary, i'd switch to vegan. MEAT & DAIRY cause issues that people arent even aware of unless they read books and about it. Read "The China Study". Studies after studies of evidence shows vegan diet can reverse/cure diabetes, heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, alzheimer. Your body is getting a lot of toxins from eating the commom Western diet. Casein is a cancer causing agent in dairy products; esp milk. Wheat grass is good for curing cancers and tumors and such. I drink 1 oz a day. I also drink a homemade probiotic daily. If you change your eating habits to vegan and drink 1 0z or 2 of wheatgrass I think you can start to heal your health from the inside out including the breast cancer. But seek professional help as well. I think if you change your eating habits to healthy, your body will begin to heal itself. The book can be found on Amazon for like $10. Please read it, it may change your life forever and your health. Also drink at least 32 oz of water daily to cleanse your system from toxins. I have other suggestions for reading on this topic is anyone is interested I will give you the name sof the books I have read. It is true, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Sindee (Carlsbad, California) on 10/20/2011

Well I would suggest adding lentils and beans in your diet. I make soups from all varities of lentils and beans (Indian & Mid-Eastern), add veggies and natural seasonings out of your herbal garden or kitchen cabinet. Healthier and body gets what it needs to protect you and your teeth.

Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 06/15/2011

Hi: I just wanted to offer my idea. I saw a video on the Hoksley(sp?) cure and Black Salve rings a bell. It was for treating the ones that had ulcerated. Also baking soda in maple syrup drink. I found a link reagarding a cure from an Italian Oncologist named Dr. Tulio Simoncini. he is having success with this.

hope this is of assistance, Mary

Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 06/11/2011

Do a search on dmso and cancer. At a good health food store you should be able to find a dmso gel which is a combination on dmso and aloe vera to try.

Posted by Cheryl (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 06/11/2011

Hello, I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago... No chemo or radiation for me however... Tumor has now grown and has pushed outside the breast resulting in a malodorous cauliflower growth. Was wondering if anyone had ever tried a poultice made of ground flax seeds, water and activated charcoal? I have heard that this may help with the odor. Has anyone ever tried it? Thanks for your replies!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Asa (Portland, Oregon, Us) on 11/15/2010

This is for Emillie from the phillipines and everyone else. I have heard that hemp oil from cannabis plants can be used topically and internally to cure a number of ailments including cancer. "Run from the cure a Rick Simpson story" is a documentary by Rick Simpson who claims to have cured his own skin cancer as well as a number of cancers and disorders with hemp oil. I came across it doing research for my fathers leukemia... Very interesting stuff. I encourage anyone to do there own research on this one, knowledge is power. Good luck and many blessings!

Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga, USA) on 08/10/2010

Hello to all. I came across a very interesting article on Bras and Breast Cancer.


Every women needs to read this article!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Emilie (Quezon City, Philippines) on 07/26/2010

I have breast cancer and am presently taking 9 oz. Of Essiac Tea daily. I was diagnosed 5 yrs. ago and this has kept my cancer from spreading. However, I have a tumor the size of a golfball just under my right nipple. It is hard, sometimes painful and itchy and there is a continuous bloody secretion. I plan to try the H2O2 protocol together with Vitalzym (enzymes) and magnesium as I read in the CancerTutor. I want to know if I can use Alkaline Ionized Water instead of Distilled Water when I take the drops of H2O2. Can I also combine this with 1/4 tsp. of baking soda? Also, what can I apply on the tumor to help it shrink and dry up? Would be extremely grateful for any advice. Emilie

Multiple Remedies
Posted by J. (Little Rock, Ca) on 07/17/2010

I also had this experience with the tumor breaking through the skin and making a horrible wound for which I had to wear socks beneath my bra to absorb any weeping of the wound or blood which would spurt out if the wound were bumped (it was between the sternum and upper breast, almost exact location of L. Day's). This was a very large hard tumor, size of tennis ball. I had been putting tea tree oil on the site and decided this was not a good idea as it was getting worse so found a product and immediately begin using it 2-3 x daily and it completely healed the open wound within a week or two. The name of it is Argentyn, and is recommended for any type of wound, burn, blister abrasion, rash, ulceration, etc. Two ingredients are silver hydrosol and aloe. This has nothing to do with shrinking the tumor but is good for any open wound.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Cynthia (Toledo, Oh) on 06/26/2010

Dear Meg,

I am very interested in Pueraria Mirifica. Where do you purchase Pueraria Mirifica? How much should you take?

Thank you,

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 04/23/2010

I don't know where to draw the line between medical advice and just advice, but there is a lot of studies and details on the net about using IODINE for tumors, and specifically breast tumors.

There are astounding per cent increases of everything from cancers to chronic fatigue to thyroid to sick building syndrome the past 25 years or so, and many say it's the abysmally low iodine intake in the world, except for Japan!

Key names to search would be Dr. Abraham, Dr. Brownstein, and Dr. Derry (Victoria, BC).

I understand that in the USA now since 2007, thanks to the DEA, no amount of LUGOL's iodine in its nearly 2-century old strength of 5/10% is available for personal purchase in a size over 1 30-ml bottle.

There's also SSKI, which as the name implies, is only the KI= Potassium iodide (reduced) form of iodine (no plain iodine). The SS= Super Saturated.

Some plain drug stores likely sell the small bottles of weaker mixed 'tincture' of iodine/iodide; some in water, some in ETHYL alcohol, and some in ISOPROPYL alcohol(this last one NOT to be taken internally ever, and not even reco for skin application.)

Hope this is helpful to you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by LK (Anon, USA) on 04/22/2010

tumour coming out of breast

hi, i am looking for a way to deal with the tumor that seems to be pushing out of my skin-skin wound is getting bigger -i need to be prepared-thing of using tumorx paste-first tumor removed in october 2009, drs. said perimeters were clear-but its there again -wound is at the site of second biopsy(after surgery) i got to burn this thing off me fast-i am on raw food diet-essiac formula,wormwood combo + clove, powdered wheatgrass,nuts all organic-h202 and baking soda-not fruit or breads- somebody help please-

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Meg (Seattle, Wa) on 04/07/2010

Pueraria Mirifica (also known as kwao krua) has many benefits, including: Breast firming and enlarging, better skin, anti-aging and stronger nails an hair. It grows in Northern and Northeastern Thailand, the region where this plant is grown is remarkable for its low rate of breast cancer and impressive longevity.

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Michael (Cuenca, Ecuador) on 02/25/2010

Dr. Bernhard Weber of NaturMedNet (www.naturmednet.de/) (the German cancer clinic using electro-carcinoma therapy against cancer) says they have success in 30-70% of their cases. Destroying tumors with electricity was a common procedure between 1907 and 1930 in the USA. Then the AMA and big drug companies took over the medical scene. ECT has been an approved procedure in China since 1987 in all their hospitals. For more info on this subject go to www.dragonfly75.com/eng/DCrecap.html

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Michael (Cuenca, Ecuador) on 02/25/2010

Gums receding is what I experienced from a no-animal-protein vegetarian diet. I did some research and found that it commonly happens when there is not enough protein in the diet. I added animal protein to my diet and the receeding gum problem stopped.

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Patricia (St. Petersburg, Florida, U.s.a.) on 12/12/2009

There's a possibility that she's low on minerals and omega oils. You don't mention how much protein she is getting. Check oil pulling cures here in Earth Clinic, I just read about gum and teeth great results. Good luck.

Baking Soda
Posted by Screenname (Plano, Tx) on 11/10/2009

Perhaps hope for you is in tomography (search internet). I know of a man who had "seed tumors" all over his body after cancer surgery. He walked into a tomography place, had a brief treatment, and (his stepson tells me) walked out cancer-free with no recovery. Tomography targets only tumors--precisely.

EC: More about Tomography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomography

Baking Soda
Posted by Holly (Mooresville, In) on 08/01/2009

Please read a post:

03/02/2007: Barry ([email protected]) from Blountville, TN ([email protected])
Garlic and late stage cancer

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, Qld Australia) on 08/01/2009

Hi ec, I am concerned now since your response, I have been stringently taking baking powder, but it should be baking soda. Hope I haven't done more harm than good. zeeka3

EC: Two posts about baking soda vs baking powder from our baking soda remedies page (https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/baking_soda.html#BSBP)

04/23/2007: Janelle from Brisbane, Australia replies: "After reading a lot of comments regarding this remedy, it seems that people are getting confused between Bicarb Soda and Baking Soda. They are two different products. Could you please make it clear to those people who are referring to Bicarb Soda. Thanks.

4/24/2007: Janelle writes again: "Hi, I wrote to you yesterday asking if you could advise people about the difference between Baking Soda and Bicarbonate Soda. It seems that it was actually my mistake. In Australia and England (it seems) we don't refer to a product called Baking Soda. We call it Bicarb Soda. I think some people outside the US are getting confused because we also have Baking Powder which is a different product, usually Wheat/Corn flour with added Mineral Salts. Bicarb Soda is definately Sodium Bicarbonate and is the correct product. Hope this clears things up. Thanks for the great website."

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, Qld Australia) on 08/01/2009


Regards zeeka3

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, Qld Australia ) on 08/01/2009

Yes Yea , I too came to the conclusion that bra's are dangerous, I remember my Mother had big heavey Boobs and the straps were done up so tight to hold them up, she developed a huge lump on her shoulder from the strap, She died from bone and breast Cancer too. also the upwards lift is quite unatural and must interfere with circulation, don't you think, as Boobs naturally drop down. Regards, Zeeka3

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, Qld Australia) on 08/01/2009

Hi again, Well fate seems to be against me, It is,now a death sentence as they discovered the Cancer is all over my body and bones, not treatable. I still take the baking powder not soda with citric acid as the baking powder destroys the vitamin C. It may be too late for me, I didn't even know i had anything wrong until a week ago. But I am scared to death now I hate pain, and do not know how much to expect. Back-up seems to be rare here, I feel like I have been dumped. Hope you all get and keep well health is the best gift we have love to all. Zeeka3

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, QLD, Australia) on 07/30/2009

Hi, I have just been diagnosed, with breast Cancer, My good friends sent me the baking powder recipe, which I am trying vefore I have any surgery. It has made me feel very good and pains in my legs and hips, seem to have gone. A few days ago I could hardly walk, I will let you know if the cure is real

I pray it is as I hate any pain zeeka3

EC: Hi Zeeka3, can you please tell us which baking powder (in the USA we call it baking soda) recipe you are trying? Is it one of these?

https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/cancer2.html#BAKINGSODA or https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/cancer2.html#BSMS

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Natalie (Cleveland, OH) on 06/13/2009



My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 years ago and as soon as she was notified she went on an organic raw food juicing diet. She only drank organic juices and ate fruit and vegetables for the past 2 years. She drank apple/carrot juice and a green leaf veggie juice mixed with red cabbage and red apple. She alternated the apple/carrot juice with the green juice throughout the day, drinking about 8-10 juices daily with 3 meals in between. She also drank organic orange juice freshly squeezed every morning. She got the diet from Dr. Lorain Day. Dr. Day cured herself of breast cancer using this diet.

Everything has been going well so far, but in the past 6 months, my mom's gums have receded drastically. She has been to the dentist but he told her she does not have periodontal disease. She is afraid that if they get any lower then her teeth might start to fall out. Do you have any idea if she is missing any vitamins? Maybe she needs some oils, or B vitamins that she does not get from her diet. Please let me know if you can help.
She does not eat any sugar, animal products, or take any vitamins/minerals/oils. This is what Dr. Day did for when she beat breast cancer.

Thank you,


Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Sharon (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 12/30/2008

Please tell me what are the doses of each? I would like to try it. Thank you.

Oxygen Therapy - Warning!
Posted by Mike Ryan (North Reading, MA) on 12/07/2008

HBOT is not recommended for those with cancer, in general. Oxygen under pressure is beneficial for those recovering from chemotherapy and radiation poisoning. To learn more, visit http://www.The-HOPE-Clinic.com.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Suzi (Missoula, Montana) on 11/20/2008

Hello Joy.....Oh yes, absolutely....such pertinent information...I recall this warning years ago and have heeded it ever since. Makes perfect sense to me. I immediately unhinge my bra whenever I return home from 5 hours in workforce and on weekends, sans bra. It is just a habit now and I don't even think about it, like washing your hands, or brushing and flossing.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Joy (Richmond, VA, USA) on 11/20/2008

I am almost 61 years old, a widow with 3 sons, working, with average health issues for my age, nothing serious and nothing that Earth Clinic hasn't helped me with greatly. I take no medication other than supplements. I am writing because I feel passionately that there IS solid evidence that there is something every woman can do to drastically reduce her chances of getting breast cancer, and that is to not wear a bra at all....or to wear one NO MORE than 12 hours a day. I urge everyone to do research about this, because you have no particular reason to believe me. I have personally not worn a bra since the bra-burning 1960s. Needless to say, I have not had breast cancer, but my bra-wearing mother has. Don't listen to me; do some research and you will undoubtedly come to one book that is stunning in its conclusions. Once you understand the delicate and yet absolutely essential function of the lymphatic system (which is gravely compromised by tight clothing), you will be convinced. And believe me, after one week of going braless, I cannot believe you will ever be able to harness yourself in again. If you need a 'recipe,' I will pass on this: all-cotton camisoles or undershirts! They are so comfortable, winter and summer. They are not supportive, but they do help to preserve your modesty.

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Sherri (Dallas, Tx) on 05/19/2008

I use Tea Tree Oil Deodrant, Tea Tree Oil toothpaste, Shampoo, Body Lotion, mouthwash. etc. It takes all odors away, is an essential oil. These products are awesome!!! You can buy them at a health food store and the oil itself is great for pain and muscle strain, and for jock itch, yeast under your arms, razor burn, you can put a drop in your bath water. I swear by them. If I get stopped up, or have a headache I will put some of the oil on my forehead or breath in the vapors and my sinus open up. The toothpaste is great for halitosis, and helps keep all tartar and tooth decay away!!

Oxygen Therapy - Warning!
Posted by Carol (La Verne, CA) on 05/08/2008


I've been a fan of Earth Clinics remedies for a long time. Had success with oil pulling, leaching out fluoride, ACV with baking soda, but one remedy I have to warn against is the oxygen therapy for cancer. I have breast cancer and tried the HBOT (oxygen tank). It was $6,000 for 40 sessions. At the end of these sessions my tumor grew from a large grape size to a large grapefruit size. In addition I tried soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide and taking Bill's spray. This irritated the tumor and sprouted another tumor in my lymph node area under my arm. Later from a doctor I found out that that a lot of cancer patients using external remedied applied cause the tumors to grow out of the skin and cause other more serious problems. So I just want to warn those of you with cancer to be weary.

Blackstrap Molasses, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Hotsprings, AR) on 07/04/2006

I take a tblsp of blackstrap in the morning and "chase it" with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it, with 3 tablespoons of warm water.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 53. I had my femur replaced, took 10 radiation treatments and 6months of chemo. I have been on this regimen and KNOW that these things are from GOD made ingredients and, therefore, have kept me well. I have always been borderline anemic. My blood counts are better than they have EVER been in my entire life. I believe if I had been doing these things for myself BEFORE I got cancer that I would NOT have had cancer in the first place.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by M. Boyle (Birmingham, AL) on 02/07/2007

During the fall of 2005 I was put on a series of antibiotics for a period of 4 months treating a throat and gland problem. My Dr. referred me to a Nose Throat ear specialist. Test were done and this time I was diagnosed with Mono(from a patient I treated) Again more antibiotics I got worse night fevers swelling then the knots came I was then diagnosed with Lymphoma. Yes, the antibiotics played a big part, but there were other factors. One- tight wired bras were cutting the lymph tubes where the toxins could not flow. Also wearing bras to bed and wearing under panties with elastic bands around the waste and groin area which also cut lymph tubes. Ladies, get out of the tight under garments. This is a big factor in breast cancer because the toxins stop at the breast area when the lymph tubes are squeezed tight and cannot flow and remove the toxins.

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by nancy (melville, new york) on 07/20/2007

over a year I was diagnosed with DCIS which is stage 0 breast cancer, non-invasive or pre-cancerous. The surgeons of course suggest masectomy. After studying internet, library, bookstore and disecting every word on pathology report I am convinced of diet change. i pretty much stopped drinking red wine (so much for red wine being good for you) I'm slim already but since going organic on meat, eggs, milk and taking Vitamins b, c, d,e, germanium, magnesium, beta-carotene, coq10, turmeric, DIM, liquid fish oil, ground flax seed, progesterone cream, I have in the past year lost my little stomach, I go to the toilet regularly which I never ever did sometimes more than once, my hair is thicker, my skin on my face is tighter, the stiffness I get in my joints at the end of the night is gone, I have stamina the entire day being able to move about without tiring and even not getting dizzy in the summer heat. I get lots of comments about my skin color looking good and it's all true. I can't pin point which supplement is doing what. I always used olive oil and love my green vegetables but obviously that wasn't enough to keep cancer from creeping in. I also use red palm oil (lots of tocotrienols and vitamin A) coconut oil too, I've drunk plenty of apple cider vinegar, it's like a shot of alcohol for me haha. I did have a urinary infection recently and decided to go the natural path using mannose-d. It seemed to work. I even found oil-pulling on your website. It really does make morning mouth go away. I'm a born again nutritionist. I want to spread the word to everyone. I've become obsessed with hydrogenated oil too. My boy is having a hard time getting snacks from me when I have to check every ingredient. Unfortunately for me, I will not go back to check on DCIS which by the way is 15% chance in 10 yrs of becoming invasive and 1.5% chance of spreading. Oh also my bosums are softer too. They were always lumpy my entire life. I've taken other things through the year like cesium, kefir, noni juice and I just bought aloe vera juice and grapefruit seed extract. Anything that could be good for you I do it. Ginger in hot water is great. I'm almost 48 and am feeling younger every month. I practically feel like a teenager again. If I do go off my routine like eating snacks or drinking a little wine I will get puffy faced in the morning or have a funny taste in my mouth. I don't think many women are as foolish or wise as I am in studying big time on this subject. The more I read the more I was exposed to and thanks to your website I have the oil-pulling to thank you for. This site is great for information. Thanks a lot

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Julissa (New york , New york) on 07/23/2007

Molasses in spanish is MELASA. For years I have heard my dominican family member say that a mixture of molasses, aloe vera and BEETS will remove any cysts from women breast and ovaries. I just found out i have two cysts. According to my dominican aunts i must take the this mixture for 40 days. I will post my results. I have true faith in natural resources.

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Tracy (Frederick, MD) on 01/21/2008


Patti from Albany, USA writes: "I wanted to find out from Erin (Fremont, MI) what type/brand of Natural Deodorant she uses (hope it's okay to ask for the brand)...."

Please tell her that the best thing that I have found is Baking soda. I have gone organic and was trying every organic deordorant on the market and I would still stink!! It was making me crazy, then I came here and read about everyone using BS with great results and IT IS TRUE! After my shower, I pat some in each armpit (I'm pretty liberal). And I have absolutley no underarm odor. Even in my wool sweaters which can really trap the smell...So, I put BS in a pretty bowl in the bathroom and use that. IT WORKS!

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Patti (Albany, USA) on 01/17/2008

I wanted to find out from Erin (Fremont, MI) what type/brand of Natural Deodorant she uses (hope it's okay to ask for the brand). I'ved tried several brands, but nothing seems to stop the underarm odor. Days when I know I'm going to be doing activities that will make me sweat, I'm forced to use regular deodorant (aluminum & all) to keep from offending people.

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Erin (Fremont , Mi) on 01/15/2008

Breast Cancer History Breast cancer runs in my family. My aunt is fighting it now. Not to mention from using regular store bough underarm deodorant as a teen myself I use to get lumps under my arms/right in the pit area. They had to be lanced and drained at the hospital. From that point on I did alot of research and found that the aluminum they put in the deodorant clogs the glands under your arms which inturn are very close to the breast. I have not used store bought deodorant for about 15 yrs now-I only use all natural from health food store and never had a problem again. Just wanted to let you ladies and men too know to STOP USING REGULAR STORE BOUGHT DEODORANT ONLY USE NATURAL. Thank you have a wonderful week all

Posted by Debra (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/29/2008

Dr Derry from Vicotria on Vancouver Island has a book out about Breast Cancer and his research shows that taking 1 to 2 drops of iodine a day in a glass of water can help to prevent breast cancer. His book is very informative and gives a scientific reason why it works. I have been using Iodine this way for 6 years. I also use it on moles, tags and other skin conitions and it helps to make them small again. I have used it for sore throats too and it works wonderfully. Just use it sparingly as it can be toxic with too much use.

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