Effective Natural Remedies for Bronchitis Relief

Raw Mushrooms
Posted by Mary (Logansport, Louisiana) on 09/16/2008

Hi, for years I had very bad bronchitis every year, usually during allergy season, seems all year long to me. But I havent been to the doctor for three years now for it. The only thing I can think of is that I added to my diet raw mushrooms which I find I love dearly. I eat them in salads, soups or right out of the package.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sandy (Marion, IA) on 06/10/2008

I live in the MidWest. My bronchitis and allergies all began when I was exposed to the chemicals of crop-dusting about 20 years ago. Immediately, I felt my lungs crystalize and started wheezing. I went to the Dr. the next day and was dianosed with "chemically induced bronchitis". It was downhill after that...years of battling the bronchitis every fall and spring using antibiotics. Then it got where I began having allergic reactions to many prescriptions and OTC's. My husband happened on to wild oregano a couple of years later and it was sweet relief from the bronchitis and help with my allergies!! A couple of years ago I found the _____ [Mangosteen] juice and started drinking it. I take them all year around because of my allergies. When I start to get a sinus migraine headache, I increase my dose and it doesn't materialize, as long as I catch it in the beginning stages. Hope this is of some help also!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/03/2006

I tried ACV, the spicy tomato tea, the onion halves with brown sugar, and the garlic soup. Especially the tomato tea and ACV brought some temporary relief from a month-long cough and sinus congestion that I'd had almost as long. As far as I'm concerned, though, the #1 choice and remedy should be Oil of Oregano. I bought a jar last Tues. and began taking three per day with meals. I am so encouraged and feel at least 95% well again. After doing some research on it I now know that this is an amazing product! Perhaps it doesn't work the same for everyone but it has done so much for me in six days. I've also been using a good quality colloidal silver in a nasal spray bottle. This has probably worked alongside the Oil of Oregano for the sinus congestion. It cured a month-long cough/bronchitis and sinus congestion. I'm wondering now if I could have increased the dosage of Oil of Oregano to say four a day. I've stayed at 3/day since I couldn't find any info. to let me know if more would be too much of a good thing. Any thoughts on that?

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Spring (Northern California) on 10/10/2022 4 posts

triple thank you, rob de kentucky!

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Naomi (Nc) on 10/11/2022


Not sure where you saw these for $10 but their website states around $100 or more. Still probably a good deal for the relief it could bring.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/11/2022

It only happened that 1st nite. Cayenne does some crazy things in the body.

Posted by Jan (Southern California ) on 02/18/2016


Well I have continued using the Hot Garlic Water

Every night and using a sheet like a tent over the solution to breath in the fumes. This seems to have gotten rid of my ear pain and throat pain!

I woke up the first day I tried it and felt wonderful. As did my husband. But later in the day the ear and throat pain still came on but not as bad as it was. It is like the ear and throat pain goes dormant and then sneaks up on me again. I have used this Hot Garlic Water for 3 nights before bed. This morning again the feel great and so far the throat and ear pain have not cropped up on me!

My husband is better only his issue seems to be asthma? He has had problem ever since the new neighbors moved in and started having BBQ parties on their patio and starting a bon-fire in a trash can! (their kids were throwing tumbleweed in the fire) The smoke entered out home and my husband seems to have been affected by this! We read that the smoke is like Creosote. I guess toxic!

Luckily they stopped using the bon-fire after my husband politely asked them if they could stop due to his coughing.

I'm going to have him use the Hot Garlic Water to see if it helps him like it did me!

My daughter had a laughing fit over the "witch" that suggested it!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/17/2014

Dear Dave,

I thought I would second this method of dealing with a bronchial infection. This week some of my children started with a cough. One of my sons, who is generally pretty healthy, gets the most awful sounding cough, and when he does, it lasts for a long time. This week I heard that cough of his start. I thought of your colloidal silver in the nebulizer recommendation. I started him on it right away. (I was only doing this 3-4 times a day; next time I may try more.) I used 10ppm colloidal silver, about 3ml worth. I did the same thing for my smaller children who were starting to cough (I may have only done about 2ml for small ones. Even my two year old can use the nebulizer.). I am thrilled with how well this worked. Usually a cough in a big family means a good bit of missed sleep for mama. My son noticed an immediate improvement in his breathing after using the nebulizer. This week, whenever I realized anyone was coughing, I would use the nebulizer on them. I do think catching it early makes a difference. They could tell it helped. Some were asking to use it!

I did pick back up on giving homemade Elderberry syrup to everyone. (I had gotten lax about dosing over the holidays.)

So, thanks for making this method known to me! It works for us, too.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/25/2018 446 posts

If you mix the ACV and lemon juice with a shot of hot water, first, it will heat/activate the goodies in the vinegar and THEN you can add the honey as it will be cool enough not to destroy the goodies in it.

I use the "small" function on my Keurig for the hot water. Straight into the lemon and ACV, stir, then add the honey. Sometimes with a pinch of cayenne - just because it's yummy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bbeky (Australia) on 06/20/2021

Hi Clyde,

If you look up the Medical Medium protocol for the heavy metal detox smoothie he explains what goes in it, how to make it and which ingredients detox which metals. It's an overall metals detox. You may also want to look into Advanced TRS which is a liquid zeolite (liquid being the key) and thousands of people are seeing results for heavy metal detoxing. Blessings for a successful detox :)

Oil Pulling
Posted by Chris P. (Seattle) on 09/02/2018

I didn't know what "Oil-pulling" was, found a pretty good resource, but basically it works indirectly by improving oral health - which does make a difference for many systems, especially including infections and inflammatory diseases caused by (you guessed it) lack of oral health. So, if you don't know where that bronchitis came from... :-)

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Jay (Altoona, Florida) on 05/16/2008

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation: While in Tucson, Arizona for an extended stay I caught a respiratory virus that nearly stopped my clock. The coughing was so severe and so frequent that I feared I would have a stroke. It was so bad that I literally could not sleep and was declining in health rapidly. I tried every over the counter cold medication I could buy with no improvement. Finally in desperation I bought a "Ocean Saline Nasal Sprayer Inhaler" --emptied out the contents --and replaced the saline with Hydrogen Peroxide 3% straight from the drug store shelf.I sprayed the H202 both in my throat and nose and relief was immediate. Within 3 hours the cough was under control. I continued using the spray for a week until the virus was killed. The only negative part of the cure was I lost my sense of smell and taste for several months. My taste and smell slowly returned to normal over a 6 month period. To say that I was scared by this virus, would be a gross understatement. To say that I am THANKFUL for H202, would also be an understatement. I am convinced it truly saved my life. 55 year old male.

Water Consumption and Bronchitis Link
Posted by Directrice (Mo. County, Maryland) on 04/16/2008


We know that athletes and small babies are subject to potential illness and even death because of too much water in a short period of time. But I have this theory that when I increased my water intake it predisposed me to Bronchitis.

I am not a "respiratory person" meaning, that is not an area I have ever had a problem with. My issues are more circulatory, and digestive. So when I got Bronchitis, not once, but twice, in 2 months I was surprised. Yes, it was going around and is contagious. But neither my husband nor my daughter caught it. I think my body was more hospitable to it for some reason.

Let me explain: I have edema. I am overweight, and that is a contributing factor, but I noticed it gets worse when I don't drink and become dehydrated. For some odd reason, I just don't like to drink. I never drink sodas or other soft drinks, mostly tea, and water, small amount of orgnic milk. I just resist drinking especially cold drinks (unless it is really hot). Part of this may be due to the fact that I have a cold body (chronic hyperglycemia). My average temp is around 97 degrees, when up. Morning, basal temp can be as low as 96.5. I am aware of thyroid indicators and will talk about that on the thyroid thread.

At any rate, I know when I am getting dehydrated, skin stars to dry up (I am only 34) so that prompts me to drink. So I read this book, forgot the name, about the value of water and how many illnesses it can cure and I decided to up my water intake. Knowing I am overweight and might need more than the average person, I forced myself to drink 5 times the amount I normally drink. I wasn't measuring but it was probably at least 12 glasses. When normally I may drink 3-5 glasses of total liquid.

That's when I came down hard with bronchitis. Lowered my drinking during illness, recovered and went back to my routine. I started drinking large quantities (and these were large amounts in one sitting, not slowly sipping, I was gulping, I hate it and had to force myself). I got hit with Bronchitis again!

I have since healed and since gone back to my typioal liquid intake, incrasing slightly due to warming weather, and mostly drinking herbal tea to avoid dehydration. I have been fine.

Another note, I saw a connection to salt and the bronchial tubes. I eat VERY little salt No chips, no fast food burgers, pickles, pretzles, rarely fries. I might add half a tsp to a whole baked chicken.

I found this on the net, (not endorsing their products AT ALL) just thought it makes an interesting connection to edema, dehydration, water intake and respritory issues.

This is the reason why in severe dehydration we develop an edema and retain water. The design of our bodies is such that the extent of the ocean of water outside the cells is expanded to have the extra water available for filtration and emergency injection into vital cells. The brain commands an increase in salt and water retention by the kidneys. This is how we get an edema when we don't drink enough water.


"Initially, the process of water filtration and its delivery into the cells is more efficient at night when the body is horizontal. The collected water, that mostly pools in the legs, does not have to fight the force of gravity to get onto the blood circulation. If reliance of this process of emergency hydration of some cells continues for long, the lungs begin to get waterlogged at night, and breathing becomes difficult. The person needs more pillows to sit upright to sleep. This condition is the consequence of dehydration. However, you might overload the system by drinking too much water at the beginning. Increases in water intake must be slow and spread out until urine production begins to increase at the same rate that you drink water."

I wonder if it would be beneficial for me to increase my salt a little and I guess it would have to be the right KIND of salt. I will look through Ted's suggestions on this.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Artemis (Nyc) on 10/26/2014

You should all be using the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide which is 35% and must be diluted to 3% for use. It is a ratio of 1 part H202 and 11 parts distilled water. The other store brand which you seem to be using has stabilizers and chemicals in it.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Joanne (Ventura California) on 01/14/2024

Spraying in nose and throat directly may be too harsh. I mix saline and hydrogen peroxide food grade in my nebulizer and increase the peroxide as I get used to it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginger (Wadsworth, us) on 10/11/2007

My 6 year old daughter was coughing uncontrollably EVERY 2 seconds yesterday. She has allergies and a cough that accompanies it. Her allergies and cough lasts throughout the school year. However, yesterday she sounded like she had bronchitis. The cough was non- stop. I was very desperate for a solution for her cough. I stumbled across the site and went out and bought Apple Cider Vinegar. I tried the remedy and it worked. Today I bought _ Apple Cider Vinegar with "The Mother" and THAT DID IT. It has been 20 mins now AND NO COUGH. I am SO AMAZED I FEEL LIKE SHOUTING IT FROM THE ROOF TOP. I have spent so much money on cough syrups that DON'T WORK... this is all it took. My entire family will be taking this EVERY day as it has MANY MANY other health benefits as well. If you are desperate for a cough remedy THIS IS IT... please go and get ACV NOW, IT WORKS..

Posted by Hillary (Jonesboro, Georga) on 09/27/2007

After years of suffering with horrible bouts of bronchitis, a lady, claiming to be a "witch" told me to soak my feet in hot garlic water, blanket over myself and the bucket, to inhale steam. She told me to do this for at least 6 hrs. I did not have bronchitis for 5 years. It is time to do it again (and I will), but was wondering, has anyone else heard of this "method" and what is is called?

Homeopathic Remedy
Posted by Diana (San Diego, CA) on 09/27/2007

I have found that if I eat anything with corn in it I will get a sinus infection I have alway thought it was the high frutose corn syrup because if I eat or drink anything with the corn syrup in it I get sinus infections. Also just corn tortillas will do it. I don't know if it is just all the altering of the corn to to enhance the growing process but something is wrong with corn now. Also, when something tends to be in everything...just the amounts that are consumed can create allergies to it. All I know is that Corn is one of my biggest factors in getting sinus infections and bronchitis. If it does go into my chest... Lymphomyosot by Heel is a good homeopatic remedy for it. I can alway clear up the bronchitis within 24 hours with it. Just take it every 20 minutes until you feel it getting better then do it 2 to 3 time day until well. I don't get bronchitis anymore since using it. I use to get bronchitis 2 to 3 times a year before.

Homeopathic Remedy
Posted by Don Matteo (London, UK) on 06/21/2011

It is possible that you are reacting to the corn because it is in all likelihood genetically modified. The biotech industry downplays adverse effects to GMOs, but in truth you are eating something that has been genetically altered using viruses and bacteria. They rigorously deny the possibility of horizontal gene transfer, but the presence of BT toxins in the blood of 93% of a sample group of Canadian women belies that. There's already plenty of evidence that the Bt-toxin produced in GM corn is toxic to humans and mammals and triggers immune system responses.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Olive Oil
Posted by Susan (Galloway, NJ) on 04/18/2007

I have suffered with sinus infections and allergies for 30 years Today I tried the acv baking soda and honey for my bronchitis I developed. I did it twice and then saw that someone wrote about using olive oil instead so I used 1/4t of baking soda 2T of olive oil 2T of ACV and decaf tea and haven't been coughing Thank God. I also have been using the Salt/baking soda/water to cleanse my nose out. I also rubbed vicks on my chest to help with the pain from coughing earlier. Thank you for putting this information out there. I appreciate any help other than expensive antibiotics that make me sick to my stomach. Thank you so much.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Olive Oil
Posted by Sally A (Mid Missouri) on 02/23/2018

I don't know about ACV and pregnancy, but I use olive oil when I have the deep bronchitis cough. It seems to thin the mucous and allow me to cough it up. I started out with 2 TBSP which kept me cough-free for 8-12 hours. Then I realized 1 TBSP did just as well and didn't give me diarrhea with it. I can't tolerate the taste well so I put it in a small cup with about 2 TBSP A&W rootbeer (anything strong flavored would work) and knocked it back in one gulp. Increase fiber if it gives you diarrhea, but this stuff WORKS! Especially helpful for someone like me with high blood pressure and unable to take cough medicine.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Deborah Alpert (California) on 10/10/2022

I read to take NAC on an empty stomach...but are you taking it in pm before bed? 1 x d?

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Guzin (Vancouver BC Canada) on 11/05/2022

Hi Paul,

Could you please tell me where can you get them for ten dollars? The sites I go to they start at one hundred dollars.
Thank you

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Franz (Graz) on 10/11/2022 7 posts

Hi please check the wonderful things about "germanium and silicon". you can read the e-book from the side www.robkalmeijer.nl. I have read the whole book and I'm fascinated by the hailing function of germanium. I will try then a kollo germanium. bye

Posted by Nate (San Diego, CA) on 03/27/2024

Thank you for posting this. I had the hunch that ivermectin would be very useful in treating a condition like acute viral bronchitis. As it is an antiparasitic and antiviral med. Thank you.

Vitamin D, Magnesium, Turmeric
Posted by Science (Cyprus) on 04/24/2022 21 posts

I am a researcher, thus I can suggest this curement.

For coronavirus curement, simple cough, severe bronchitis or pneumonia I can suggest you try using these ingredients. This curement was developed by me.

I suggest using this:

a) 30, 000IU vitamin D per day (notice here the dosage is 30, 000IU and not 3000IU) for three days (in case symptoms persist, take for another two days).

b) 600mg Magnesium Citrate per day

Probably you will see amazing results, since already in two different occasions, it eliminated cough in 2 days and on another occasion it eliminated cough in three days.

Use this curement completely on your own responsibility or inform your doctor as to supervise supplementation.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Gemma (Lancashire, England) on 07/17/2022

I love this website and have used many remedies from here over the years and direct my loved ones to do the same. I must encourage you to proceed with caution over using 3%. I used 1.5% and felt it was too strong. I then read that Mercola suggests 0.1%. Please be careful. God bless you.

Mullein Leaf
Posted by Cynthia C. (United States) on 11/16/2019

Hi Sheleigh, I had blood clots in both lungs several years ago, and since then...I get a bad case of bronchitis every year! Ugh!!! It's so miserable! Thank you so-o-o much for sharing this remedy!

Posted by Blanche (Louisiana) on 02/17/2016

That's so strange. I can't image someone suggesting soaking their feet for 6 hours.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brian (Sun City, Ca) on 04/04/2015

I diagnosed myself with viral bronchitis picked up while in public. Actually, it may be bacterial because of the symptoms. I probably picked up a virus or bacterium that invaded mu Upper respiratory tract and led to the bronchitis. Please do not go in public when you're sick. 7 miserable days later I now feel much better. I did not go to the doctor, as I treated myself at home. It was rough going but I am almost back to normal. 1 more day should do it, other than still having some bronchial secretions.

Highly recommend a pot of water heated to steam with 4 drops peppermint and 6 drops eucalyptus oils in it. Add 2 drops clove oil for sore throats. Do this 3 or 4 times/day about 15 mins or longer each time. Drink an organic non caffeine tea every 6 hrs. I used ginger pear tea with chamomile and lemon. I added more organic lemon juice to taste and 2 tablespoons of RAW organic honey. I added a few drops of clove oil and 2 drops of mountain oregano oil. Do not use more oregano as it is powerful and will burn your mouth, but two drops is fine. Add 2 drops of peppermint oil too. Get plenty of rest and sunshine For your immune system. Take some vitamin d too. Try not to eat too much as the blood digesting the food could be used to fight the inflammation. I should be ready to go to church tomorrow. 7-8 days to fix what can easily take up to a month to improve with traditional medical advice. hopes this helps someone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Missy (Bradford, Ohio) on 10/28/2014

I am 57 yrs old, have had asthma since I was little, but it never required me to get meds for it. The past 2 yrs I did notice a little that I would wheeze when I went out in the cold, or got upset, so I started using my grand-daughters puffer when I needed it...(I know..I should never do that) Anyway, the end of Aug. I went to my Dr., my chest was tight, and I was wheezing. She gave me a puffer for it, 4 days of presidone, and Abuterol for a Nebulizer. It got better for 10 days, then it got worse, so she gave me another 4 days of Presidone, plus an antibiotic for 4 days, and I quit smoking that day, Sept. 29th..(I had told her when I cough the AIR that came up tasted funny, like metal, which I think is infection..isent it?) and she changed my Nebulizer med. to ipratropium bromide and albuterol sulfate..

Anyway, it got better..alot better, I was wanting to be off the Nebulizer, but Dr. said 4 more wks, . The very next day I took a tour of a factory, I immediately could not breathe, due to glue there, and left the building wheezing. Two days (Oct 13) later I was worse, & had to go to the ER. They wrote Asthma/Acute Bronchitis, gave me steroid shot, another wk of antibiotic, and the 21 tablet presidon..I am much better, BUT I am coughing up alot of clear mucus, and every 4 hrs when its time for my Nebulizer, I try and wait, but become wheezy, and out of breathe. I also have allergies and clear mucus flows from my nose when I have coughing fits, so I am using a nasal wash, which helps...Its been 1 month since I quit smoking, coughing at nite a lot, and at 2am I wake wheezing..can the Apple Cider Vinegar HELP me at all???? I am doing Lung exersizes as well, and I exer. 45 min a day and ride a bike 2-3 miles a day. I have 2 more wks on Nebulizer..then what??? Will this go away???. sincerely Missy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Mi) on 02/12/2015

Missy, 1st congrats for quitting smoking. It is a hard thing to do! You may want to get a check up to rule out COPD or Emphysema. Stick to natural cures if you can at all costs. If you decide to do the hydrogen peroxide therapy please be aware that the mixture MUST be 3% food grade. You can find 35% food grade peroxide at some health food stores. You will then need to dilute down to 3%. There should be paperwork at the health food store how to dilute down to 3% or call the manufacture up. Never take 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store and inhale that. There are stablizers in there that I personally would not inhale into my lungs. Best of luck. And good old apple cider vinegar is a good cure all for most health issues.

Vitamin C
Posted by Karen (Cincinatti, Ohio) on 03/11/2014

I got a virus a couple weeks ago and unfortunately had to turn to a 5 day dose of antibiotics to help me when it turned into acute bronchitis. No supplements or home remedies helped me as I tried to battle the bronchitis. I took oregano oil, apple cider vinegar, colloidal silver, vitamin e and a few other supplements.

What's been helping the lingering cough and constant sinus drip is high doses of vitamin c. I am taking 1,000mg 4 times a day, with about 4 hours in between. What amazes me is how much vitamin c my body needs right now. Normally anything over 1,000 mg a day causes diarrhea. Now I'm up to 4,000 a day without any problems. It's rapidly healing the bronchitis cough and constant sinus drip. Amazing.

Next time I start to get a cough, I am going to go the high dose vitamin c route first and hopefully won't have to take antibiotics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by BackinService (NE Florida) on 06/20/2021

It will help restore your gut flora which is necessary if you want to start detoxing. Try drinking distilled water for heavy metal detox. Research Andrew Norton Webber's studies.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Eliza (Tampa, Fl, Usa) on 10/25/2011

I've been reading the posts here on use of HP since last night. Have used a nebulizer with albuterol off and on for several years. This is my allergy season and I'm congested and coughing. I was about to use the neb as usual this morning and instead took a look at the bottle of HP tucked away in a cabinet. It's 3% and label says okay to use as a rinse. So I put 1/8 tsp in the neb and used it. Nothing happened, no sudden upchuck, but I will continue using the hp instead of the drug and I will add updates.

Nice web site Earth Clinic! I'm passing it on to friends!

Posted by Abc Pneumonia (Kansas City, Missouri, Usa.) on 09/01/2011

This message is for JAY from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, or anybody who can be of help.

Jay, did you swallow the chopped garlic on an empty stomach, or did you eat before taking it? After swallowing it, and drinking the cup of water, what reaction followed in your body? Were there stomach cramps, hotness of the stomach, stooling or vomitting? Will this be good for a woman, that has lost a lot of weight, and has chest pain? Please, help me and GOD bless.

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