Effective Natural Remedies for Burns

Lavender Oil
Posted by Evelina (United Kingdom) on 01/26/2014

I badly burnt the back of my right hand when putting the top back onto the coffee percolator, my hand going into the pot of hot coffee, in my panic to get my hand out I forgot to make my hand small enough to exit the narrow top of the pot. A blister the size of my hand appeared immediately. A & E ran my hand under the cold tap and applied cream. My hand was frying with this cream. They told me to come back in a few days and I may need a skin graft. In agony that night I took out my natural remedy book. LAVENDER it said. Grabbing the lavender from the bedside cabinet I saturated my hand, within minutes the pain subsided. I continued to use it over the next few days. Went back to the hospital who could not believe how it had healed and no scarring. I always keep a bottle of good quality lavender oil in my bag for burn emergencies. I hope by sharing this I may help someone, somewhere. Evelina

Raw Onions
Posted by Julia (Massachusetts) on 11/03/2013

I sewar by raw onions for burns!!! Just put it directly on the burn it smells but doesnt sting! It also speeds up healing time and prevents scarring!!! An old down south remedy!

Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Tammy (Wichita, Ks) on 11/03/2013

Last evening while cooking dinner I received a steam burn on my palm, wrist and forearm. Hurt like crazy of course. I immediately put an ice pack on it but it still turned deep red and formed a few blisters. After the ice pack, I had a jar of vitamin e cream with tea tree oil in it. I slathered that on - very gently because it was so painful. I had been reading on this site about Extra Virgin Coconut Oi' and all of its wonders and decided to slather some of that on as well. Arm still was painful and red when I went to bed about 4 hours after the burn occured, so right before bed, I applied more coconut oil. I woke up at 3:30am and NO PAIN. In the morning I checked my arm and you really couldn't tell a burn had ever occured. Not sure if it was the tea tree oil, the coconut oil or the combination, but if I get burned again, I'm going to mix a few drops of tea tree oil in some EVCO and apply it.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/08/2013

Iodine - the regular Betadine - applied to a kitchen type burn a few times over a few days, really works fast, thank G-d!!

Cold Water
Posted by BB (Santiago) on 10/02/2013

I put foil on my fingers but it did not work then the next day I put my fingers in super cold water for 30 min and my pain went away

Posted by Senamon (Jacksonville, Il) on 09/02/2013

I burnt my finger bad earlier, and I remember a friend telling me that if you have a burn that you can rub on your ears, it will take the sting out, I have tried hand sanitiizer all day but the burn comes back, I rubbed my finger on my ear and the burning has subsided. Apparantly, there is a substance our bodies produce that comes out of our ears that remedies burns...

Plaintain Tea, Nettles
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/23/2013

Yesterday my teenage son was seeding a bunch of jalepeno peppers without gloves (even though he knew he should use gloves! ) After he did that, his fingers were burning up and he was very uncomfortable. He washed his hands well but it didn't help at all. He has a pretty high pain tolerance, so I knew it must have been very painful. He tried a burn salve but it didn't help. I made a strong plantain tea (and cooled it) for him and he soaked his fingers in it. That gave immediate relief. But as soon as he took his fingers out of the tea, the pain returned. He soaked his fingers on and off all afteroon, but that was getting old. He was getting ready to take Tylenol for pain when I thought of Nettles. If you touch the nettle plant, you will sting your fingers. And nettles (in tea or capsules or tincture) is the cure for this pain. So, I figured, since nettles cures skin pain caused by nettles and other plants, perhaps they would help his jalepeno burn. (He had no noticeable redness or blistering or anything. ) He took 4 nettles capsules and 20 minutes his was no longer in pain! Praise the Lord for such strong medicine in such a humble (but apparently not so simple) plant!

I don't know that nettles would help pain from other types of burns, but I would expect it to work well with burns from plants. However, I may just try it to help pain from any type of burn in the future!

By the way, his jalepeno recipe turned out great and he will surely make it again... With gloves on. :)

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tea Dropper (Prince George, BC, Canada) on 07/17/2013

Hi, So my sister and I just tried this apple cider vinegar from b____. We had it sitting in the back of our cupboard and one day we decided, what the heck, mine as well try it out! She had a really bad burn on her leg, so we thought we would try it on externally. Within a day, her burn was minimal compared to what we are sure it would have been!

So anyone who decides to spill hot tea all over their legs, apple cider vinegar poured onto a damp cloth and placed over top of the burn helps majorly!

Tea Dropper.

White Flour
Posted by Love God (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 03/24/2013 1 posts

Plain white flour stops the pain and blistering from burns quickly. It even worked with napalm in Vietnam. Simply put the burn in white flour or the white flour on the burn. It's even better if the flour is cool or cold. We keep some in the freezer.

EC: For those of us who don't know what napalm is...

"U.S. troops used a substance known as napalm from about 1965 to 1972 in the Vietnam War; napalm is a mixture of plastic polystyrene, hydrocarbon benzene, and gasoline. This mixture creates a jelly-like substance that, when ignited, sticks to practically anything and burns up to ten minutes. The effects of napalm on the human body are unbearably painful and almost always cause death among its victims."
Source: http://vietnamawbb.weebly.com/napalm-agent-orange.html

Posted by Kdo090578 (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 02/26/2013

I used hand sanitizer on a burn from a curling iron and now a couple of hours later after constant reapplying the burn is pretty much gone. The burning sensation was also relieved immediately from each application.

Place Burn on Earlobe
Posted by Diana (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ) on 01/17/2013

This is a quck, foolproof way to instantly stop the burning & pain from a burn that affects a small area... Say you are lighting a candle & some hot wax gets on your hand or you accidentally burn your finger on a hot pot.... IMMEDIATELY place the part of ur skin that is burning on your earlobe. You will start to feel relief instantly & if the pain hasn't subsided completely, proceed to move up the side of your ear or transfer to the other ear. Within a very short period of time, the pain of the burn will BE GONE... Your earlobes may feel pretty warm, but the spot where you were burning will be cool & painfree! This can help prevent the burn from blistering as well. This works by halting the burning from progressing, the earlobe draws the heat out from the spot where it has been burned & your earlobes are the PERFECT temp to cool the burn w/o feeling the need to keep it under ice cold water!!! This works very much the same way tin foil does.... But even better, b/c it doesn't get worse bf it gets better & it works much faster!!! But in order for it to be most effective, you have to apply the burned area to your earlobes ASAP!!! It takes a few times to remember to place the burned area against your earlobe, but b4 u know it, it will become an automatic reflex!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Leesa (El Cerrito, Ca, Usa) on 11/05/2012

I burned the top of my had while putting wood in the fireplace. My hand sat on the metal screen frame for a couple seconds. I knew it was going to be a very bad burn. I instantly started putting Coconut Oil on it. I put enough on so it looked wet. I did not rub it in. I wanted it to soak up the oil. The most important part of this is keeping it covered in CO. It was unbelievable that the hot, aching burning feeling from a new burn disappeared almost immediately. I burned myself a couple of hours before bed time. When I woke there was no blister! This was so surprising because this was a nasty burn. I continued to put CO on it every chance I go. I think CO is a miracle for so many things that I keep it in my kitchen, bathroom and a tiny jar in my purse :). After two days it became brown and scabbed. It never swelled. In a few more days the scab started to flake off and you cannot even see a burn! This is why I am writing! I have used it before for burns and it was great, but I wanted to write because this was a very bad burn that normally would have blistered and scarred. I use Virgin, Organic Coconut Oil.

Hope this helps someone. I get great advice myself and have used many treatments with success-THANKS!

Lavender Oil
Posted by Medina (Birmingham, W.mids, England Uk) on 10/22/2012

I've used neat lavender essential oil on minor burns for years for pain relief and speedy healing, but the real test came when I burnt my hand fairly badly with steam. Despite running it under a cold tap & applying ice my hand turned bright red & began to blister. It hurt like crazy. I applied neat lavender essential oil for the pain which took my breath away every time I moved my hand or a slight breeze caught it. The lavender oil dulled the pain for an hour or two then had to be reapplied. The next day, the pain had gone completely, as had the blisters and redness. It was really quite a dramatic healing effect. It calms the pain immediately, but needs to be reapplied every 2 hours or so, and also heals the burn. Amazing stuff.

Posted by Mikbethnz (Auckland, New Zealand) on 10/17/2012

I used hand sanitizer which is all I had in the cupboards and it soothed the burns on my fingers instantly. The pain returned within minutes so I applied more hand sanitizer (small drops) and each time the pain lessened! The pain was minimised to the point where I didn't even notice it! It was gone within an HOUR!! I returned to playing the piano without pain yay! Thank you Earth Clinic!

Posted by Trinity (Pelham, Canada) on 10/13/2012

I was baking cookies when my cooking glove fell off and the pan burned my hand. I put it under cold water and after about 10 seconds and put a alcohol swab on it- the pain was instanly gone.

Posted by Beth (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 10/08/2012

I just burned my fingers pretty bad after grabbing a hot pan. I hadn't even read this yet, but I ran to the bathroom to check my medicine cabinet to try and find something to help. My fingers are blistered and the pain was becoming unbearable. I saw the toothpaste and remebered that it contains menthol, which helps ease pain. I put it on around 5 min. ago and my fingers still smart but feel around 85% better. Also, 2 beers have also helped dull the pain a bit as well.

Posted by Jazmin (Lakewood, Washington) on 09/30/2012

so after I read what you said about useing toothpast on bunt areas I didnt think it was gunna work... But I tryed it and it feels so much better then haveing to stand by the sink for minutes lol

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Zathadady (Gas City, Indiana) on 08/13/2012

Sorry folks, I tried all of the other remedies on here, but the last 2 times I burt my phalangies I used white vinegar and a tad of the baking soda. As long as it roiled, it felt good. Same with alcohol, as long as I left it in soak and the rubbing alcohol stayed cool; it was ok. 30 minutes of soaking was too much, I was getting sick on the fumes.

Last night I burnt my left thumb and pointing finger on a super heated baking sheet (aluminum-very hot)

I ran the cool water for what seemed like hours(it was only 4-5 minutes) as soon as I took out the affected fingys, I hurt BADLY!!!

I decided to try a peroxide soak. It burt me for a second next to the cuticle and where the blister was, but after only 5 minutes, the pain was gone enough to wrap it loosly in guaze and try not to bump it all night! Please try it when you're ready to skip the pain! God Bless!

Honey and Flour Paste
Posted by Janis In Nyc (New York, Ny) on 07/26/2012

Cooking a piece of salmon tonight, with a honey mustard topping. As I was removing it from the pan to the table some of the hot honey mustard dripped on my finger, and immediately started to blister. I sat and ate dinner with my finger in a glass of ice water, changing it as soon as the ice melted. This was great until I removed my finger from the water. Then it would immediately start to burn again. I went to the Internet... And read page after page of home remedies until I spotted one that looked interesting. Honey mixed with flour to form a paste.

I mixed it in a small empty pharmacy pill bottle and dipped my finger in it. It burned for about 3-5 minutes more. Then stopped. I wiped off the gritty excess and left the mixture just on the blister. I now have a band-aid covering it, and it no longer burns. As a matter of fact, I'm typing this using the burned digit.

Can't tell you what a relief it is to know I'll be able to sleep tonight without attempting to keep my finger in a glass of ice water.

Posted by Sandra (Houston, Tx) on 06/17/2012

My mom told me about toothpaste for burns while she was visiting a few days ago. I listened but it was one of those things I just figured was an old wives tale. Well, today my hubby was using the smoker to cook meat so I thought the built in BBQ was off. It was not. I leaned my arm on it for a second and it sizzled! After running inside and putting my arm under cold water for about 10 minutes, I put a good about of white Colgate toothpaste on it. I can't believe I am going to say this but it feels so much better. I let the water run on it for another 5 min to let the toothpaste dissolve and I put another thick coat on it. It is feeling really good now. I also took ibuprofen as well to help with any swelling. The skin on my arm is not broken anywhere so I felt safe trying the toothpaste. It really has worked so far!

Cool Water
Posted by Bret (Sweet Home, Oregon, U.s.) on 06/15/2012

While attempting to mow a friends back lawn, I accidently touched the mowers engine, within seconds, I had lost feeling in my right middle finger and had a nasty blister forming on my right ring finger. After rushing home, I filled a small glass with water and added 3 cubes of ice. This happened maybe 20 minutes ago. That's right, as I'm typing, my right middle and ring finger are still submerged in the cold water. Aside from limiting mobility, I can't even feel the pain right now.

Posted by Charlena (Brent, Al) on 06/15/2012

Hot grease splattered on my hand.. The pain was awful. After keeping it in cold water about 2 hours I searched and found these remedies. Tried alcohol first... Wow! Alot of relief with alcohol but the pain kept returing in one small area so I tried the foil method. I was not impressed with it at all. Moved on to the toothpaste. Its been 15-20 mins, I have rinsed it off now and am pain free! Absolutely amazing! Alcohol and toothpaste win!

Posted by Jenna (Phoenix, Arizona) on 04/19/2012

As a healthcare provider I have learned what works and doesn't, don't use butter! I burned myself on a iron skillet nothing has burned me worse before. All I had around was hand sanitizer which was a high percentage of alcohol. Reccomended 100%.

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