Effective Natural Treatments for Bursitis Relief

Vitamin B12, Pecans
Posted by Alison (Jasper, Georgia USA) on 05/14/2007

My friends' chiropractor told her this remedy and she passed it on to me. After each meal take a handfull of pecans (enough to cover your palm) and eat them along with a B6 phospate. I couldn't do this since I HATE all nuts, so I began by grinding them up, but then found you can buy them already ground. I take two tablespoonsful in a small amound of water, along with a bit of grapefruit juice (doesn't taste so bad this way), along with the B6 phospate after each meal. It took about a month before I started to see results, but it worked! Bursitis in my hip is gone and I only do the treatment now about once a day. I've added in ACV and I'm sure that will keep it away.
