Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gretchen (Las Vegas, USA) on 07/23/2015

I went straight to ACV for Candida. I've never felt better! My sugar and caffeine cravings have been gone for over a year! I start each day with 1 tbsp ACV in a glass of warm/hot water and at night too for better sleep! I also add 2 tbsp of ACV to my regular bottled water with a couple packets of stevia. Tastes like lemon aid and gives me an afternoon boost.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lee (Mn, Usa) on 01/01/2015

How much ACV do you take a day? Are you still Candidia free? I take ACV daily, but my Candidia is out of control. I wonder if I am not taking enough???

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 03/04/2012

Do not take the Lamisil as prescribed by your doctor. My doctor prescribed that to me as well, but I was uneasy in taking it because of high possibility of liver damage. Use the _____'s Apple Cider Vinegar in a soak. Soak your foot in apple cider vinegar (straight up) for 15 minutes at a time, 2-4 times daily. I had toe fungus, and it cleared up within a month of doing this. It may take longer, depending on how severe it is. Also, use a pair of toenail clippers only for this toe, cleaning it after every use. Trying to keep the nail short and cleaned as much as possible helps get rid of it. This worked for me, and I've gotten this twice since being prescribed for Lamisil. And it saved my liver! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Myoho (Nyc, Ny) on 03/04/2012

yes, it worked perfectly. plus lotramin creme.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachelle (Sydney, Ca, Usa) on 02/05/2012

Apple Cider Vinegar Cure for BV and Candida / Yeast

Hi Ladies, I just wanted to share what worked for me in the hopes that what helped me can help you. I've been dealing with BV/Candida for about 15 years now - sheesh! My doctors tested me for AIDS, HIV, diabetes (oookay - Im 5'5", 115lbs) anything and everything. Went to naturopaths, tried absolutely everything - threelac, syntol - you name it. Went on special diets, ate garlic... Voodoo magic (not really, but I would have if it helped! ) Some things helped, some did things did nothing. Most things were a complete waste of money and I wasted ALOT of money. BV/Candida is such a curse!! Anyways, as you may already know BV/candida is triggered when the pH of your vagina gets out of whack - which means the pH becomes more alkaline. Sugar, diet, yes.. But the crux of the problem is pH. The vagina becomes more alkaline during sex (to make life more hospitable for sperms), this also happens during the menstral cycle. Once the pH rises, this paves the way for things to start to grow. So the KEY IS THE PH. This means keeping the vagina acidic - what it is naturally.

Here's what worked for me: I started off douching with ACV and hydrogen peroxide, but hydrogen peroxide kills all the good bacteria along with the bad (which can cause alot of problems) and I found it to be too disrupting. Id get rid of the BV, but cause a yeast infection instead. Plus my husband is a scientist and he tells me that extensive use of h202 on mucous membranes can be cancer-causing. So then I just stuck to ACV, with a suppository of lactobacillus for the vagina. So douche in the morning, vaginal suppository during the day/night and then - and this is the important part - I started drinking apple cider vinegar twice a day. Just a couple of teaspoons with water in the morning/evening and my BV/Candida problem has COMPLETELY CLEARED UP!!!! Im telling you its a miracle. Now, when I feel like I've got a problem, I start back on the ACV drinks and within 24 hours everything is gone.

This has been my experience and I told my girlfriend about this after she started having recurring yeast infections and everything cleared up for her straight away too. So I can only hope that you find the same relief!! Thanks, Rachelle

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/22/2011

It is GREAT for the body and for candida... Work up to 1/4 cup three times a day along with kelp, echinacia, and plenty of fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, protein and healthy fats!

Also try FERMENTED rice vinegar... It is great too because it is a PREBIOTIC like ACV, oat bran, wheat bran, flax seed, chia, etc. You need plenty PREBIOTICS to rebuild good bacteria to fight off candida and other diseases.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (St. Louis, MO, USA) on 02/02/2009

My lady friend developed a severe case of some type of yeast or fungus overgrowth. It began as a red area under one breast, and soon spread to both breasts, upper chest, stomach and groin area. I suspect a recent injection of steroids (to relieve poison ivy) to be the cause, but that is only speculation. This rash was severe. She was Dr. prescribed a cream and then a powder-- with little effect. I recommended the Apple Cider Vinegar Cure, along with making sure the affected area stayed clean and dry. We applied (again, use only), organic, unfiltered, non-pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. She applied the ACV directly to the affected area. It is important to note that applying the ACV to a severe rash is Very Painful! I suggest that if you cannot tolerate the pain, you might start with a diluted (50%?) mixture until some of the "rawness" disappears. RESULTS: 100 Percent CURE! Absolutely amazing. She continued the application for about two weeks, with results beginning immediately. Her skin dried completely, the rash and finally the redness disappeared. Thank You Earthclinic, Thank You Ted!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sean (Sydney, Australia)

The Apple cider vinegar is amazing.. I was suffering from candidas overgrowth, and the GP in Sydney couldn't diagnose what's wrong with me..I am suffering with this intolerable illness for seven years. All these years I went for the frantic search for my solution on my constant migraine, constant numbness on my palm and feet, swaying backside, chronic fatigue and other negative symptom. I limit my diet, but that almost killed me, as I am losing pounds and becoming like a stick. But as soon as I apply myself with the ACV, the impact is almost instantaneous, my allergies are gone, I felt a new rush of energy, my face glow and my arthritis almost disappear miraculously. When I spit on a glass of water my saliva not longer form legs at the bottom, this happens only two days prior to the taking of ACV, and I am getting such an outstanding result. I am confident that if I apply myself daily for another month, I shall be liberate from this long torturing state. I would like to thank this site for providing me with such invaluable information, Thank you so much!!
