Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tinetine (Tennessee) on 08/24/2013


I have what I believe to be severe candida. when I stay on a diet of no sugar, bread, pasta, dairy, fruit it will take weeks but I will start to feel better. After staying on the diet for months I feel good, so I think I am well right, so I start eating everything again, two months later - sick again. symptoms are as follows;
left eye burning stinging itching watering.
severe sugar cravings and hunger
blured vision
itching inside ears
very sleepy after I eat will fall asleep and wake up just feeling bad tired no energy
feeling of just feeling bad
Please help I want to get rid of this and feel good all the time. I know I have a blood sugar issue but my blood sugar is in normal range

Dietary Changes
Posted by Martin (Leeds, Uk) on 11/07/2009


I am a 46 year old male who has had the symptoms of Candida for about 15 years. I started with severe bouts of sinusitis for which the doctor prescribed repeat prescriptions of antibiotics. I was on and off these for about 1-2 years until I came to my senses and realised I was not getting better. However, by this time I had developed mood swings and heart palpations and was constantly admitted to hospital to undergo cardiac tests and low and behold they all showed I was extremely fit and healthy at least cardically. The story goes on as many of the sufferers with this problem have outlined until I turned to alternative therapies and one reoccurring condition kept coming up which was candida. Now it seems like I am in the fight of my life I just can't seem to get this thing under control.


Taking 3 x 1250mg garlic tablets daily.
1 x 350mg caprylic acid tablet (not enteric coated)
3 x 500mg echnicea purpurea
4 cups of java tea
pure olive oil with seasame seed.
3/4 probiotics 100 million organisms at time of
1 1/2 litres of water per day approx.
restrictive diet (have lost 4 kgs in 3 weeks)
fennel seeds in tea to clear gas.

I have now been on this regime for about one month. The first 3 days I felt 200% better then something must have changed or I did something differently because I am still feeling very weak and understrength. Blood pressure has dropped from 130/90 with pulse at 54 to around 118/75 and pulse 75. Weight was 80.4 kg and is now 76.1 Kg.

As I am working in the MiddleEast I have not got access to all the various things that I would like such as lughol's solution which is banned as in most countries.

I have been following the posts with interest and especially Teds from Thailand. I would be grateful for some clear and sound advise as there is also a lot of contradictory statements or at least it appears so, but my own feeling is that this condition is a monster that can change and affect each person in a different way.

My diet consists of proteins derived from meat and poultry (no pork). I occasionally use minimal honey (one teaspoon a day) in my tea, I have barley porridge every two days. I eat vegetables and recommended fruits.

Oh, one thing after the first month of this routine I tried to introduce cream cheese and went into body shock and had to take a week of work. I woke up shivering although the temp was 33 centigrade, I had to put on two thick jumpers and three blankets to get warm.

I can smell the yeast on my skin and the eczema on my foot is still there with only a slight improvement also
my sinusitis has improved dramatically.

I look forward to hearing from anyone who can give salient advice in this matter.


1. How long should I continue this routine?
2. Can I find a compromise to lughol's solution.
