Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Garlic and GSE
Posted by Cindy (Milwaukee, WI)

Wow- what an info-packed webpage! I was beginning to get 2x yearly sinus infections, then read the MAYO Clinic report & made the candida connection. I have acne for years - was geting worse till I saw a site w. info on B5 for acne (, etc) - B5 heped my acne... but I always wondered about having candida (horreur). Most recently, I could not hear well for about 2 wks - started 600-900mg garlic 3x a dy & got sick form obvious "die-off" ugh. Still had bad hearing, so bought grapefruit seed extract - helped immediately. I dread going to see my ENT this week, I'm sure he won't know a damn thing about the Mayo/fungus news (how much are these guys paid???!!!) I've just placed anorder for CANDEX, have not rec'd it yet...I keep seeing THREELAC prodcut advertised on the web,was not sure about it.. THANKS for the wealth of Knowledge & Experience you share here.. GOOD LUCK!
