Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Chloe (East Greenwich, Rhode Island) on 02/15/2011

For a yeast infection that you get only occasionally, Grapefruit Seed Extract works miracles... usually in hours...not kidding Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day in juice... it's very bitter, so watch out!

If your Candida is systemic, chronic and ongoing:

1) Get on the low-fat, mostly raw Vegan train right now! Have copious amounts of organic fruits ONLY on an empty and wait 2 hours before eating anything else...have most of your fruit in the morning. As long as you have no fat or a very low-fat diet, you should not have reactions to the sugar in fruit. FRUIT is healing... You need it... Going long periods without it puts you at great risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The theory is that when you consume a lot of fat, even the healthy kinds, you are coating your intestines and the sugars that should normally be released quickly into your blood isn't released. The fruit, or other carbs, just sit there putrifying, clogged up with the fat, and the candida get to FEAST and make you feel terrible too.

As your only grains, I recommend organic quinoa and organic brown rice and if you are really craving protein, have only wild Alaskan Salmon.... but that's nuts, no red meats or pork - they will only clog you up... No adding excess oils to your meals - just maybe a tsp. Oilve oil per serving of a dish...and no more than half an avocado per day. You'd be wise, at least for the first few days, to eliminate all oils completely to cleanse your system.

2) Take the Niacin... 300-1000mg each day... working your way up slowly by taking 25mg 3 times a day with meals...eventually the flushing will be over or entirely tolerable and you can easily take 1000mg a day, no problem.

3) Take epsom salt baths... 1 per day, if you can.

4) Take about 3-5 capsules of SF-722 with each meal, which can be bought from

5) Buy gallons of spring water and put in at least 1 heaping teaspoon of SEA SALT in it and drink it all day...stay hydrated... Use only spring water in your cooking -- avoid tap water like the plague.

5) Do salt water flushes... as much as you can tolerate. Some say, do it 1st thing in the morning, but I like to do them in late afternoon on a day I'm not working - that way, the whole process is done within about 3 hours and I can have a good night's sleep afterwards.

Salt Water Flush Instructions >>>

The Salt Water Flush is performed by warming up one quart of water, only enough to make it lukewarm, not boiling. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt (not table salt), and include juice from a lime or lemon to improve taste. Drink the entire amount in one sitting, do this at sunrise every day for seven days. Make sure to sip the drink rather than gulping it. Within 30-45 minutes of drinking the saline solution, you will feel the need to have a bowel movement. Depending on your diet, and how many times you have performed the flush, you may feel bloated and the elimination may not come within the specified time frame. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises to speed up the process. The first recommended exercise is the Kogasana or Crow pose. Simply squat down with your back propped against a wall while you sip water.

Another exercise is to rub your stomach both clockwise and counter clockwise. Thirdly, you may try spreading your feet apart and spinning your body from left to right (this is a great stretch for the lower back and abdomen). Lastly, the traditional Cobra position is also great for stimulating the intestines.

You are almost set to begin your first Salt Water Flush, but don't begin before you read these tips:

* The Salt Water Flush is useful before beginning a new naturopathic program, such as a new dietary or vitamin regimen. It allows you to start with a clean state and observe the unadulterated benefits of the new program.

* Speak with a physician first if you have ulcers, appendicitis, tuberculosis, or cancer.

* Celtic Sea Salt is reported to make the taste more tolerable.

* Using a straw may help with the taste of the drink.

* A flush will not work properly if performed too soon after your last meal. Wait at least eight hours.

* Plan to be near the toilet for two hours after you drink the solution.

* Headaches are a frequent detoxification symptom. They usually disappear by day four.
