Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Candida Test
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/19/2012

I have recently stumbled upon a very useful questionnaire and tool that Dr William G Crook -- who wrote The Yeast Connection -- used to more accurately diagnose whether any of his patients had candida or not. With his permission, his questionnaire has been put up on this site:

Time and again on EC I have read posts from desperate people who know perfectly well that there is something very wrong with them. And when they go through all the docotor's tests, the doctors tell them there is nothing wrong with their bodies. Some believe that they might have candida but have no confirmation from doctors. Other's call it a mysterious illness because they don't know what the problem is and ask desperately for some help. Candida is a very dangerous disease due to its robustness and due to its associations with so many other diseases and conditions in the body.

I have said often that modern medical research really doesn't have a good reputation in properly being able to diagnose early or even late stage systemic candida problems.

William Crook's questionnaire is about 4 pages long and works from a point scoring system. Dr Orian Truss also included a questionnaire in his book -- Candida: The Missing Diagnosis. Truss's questionnaire was 11 pages. This just illustrates just how difficult it is to accurately diagnose candida, because it always seems to be associated with a host of other allergic, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.

For those who are unsure of their current condition or those who honestly suspect candida, taking the questionnaire should help to give you a clear answer.

Candida Test
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/19/2012

I've found the same test for candida(William Crook's Questionnaire) given in my original post at another site. This test is presented in a much clearer format and the point scoring is also automated and much easier to use. See this link:

Posted by Matthew (Toronto, On, Canada) on 08/13/2012

Hi Larisag, Biotin is actually a vitamin. It should be available wherever you can get a wide selection of vitamins (I got mine at the supermarket).

For me, the effect was noticeable after about a week. Within a few weeks, everything cleared up almost completely, and it just keeps getting better and better.

From what I've read, biotin works by preventing the formation of rhizoids (they're like roots that allow the fungus to attach to your intestines). In other words, it doesn't kill fungus at all.

Because of this, I think the treatment should be continued until long after the symptoms have subsided and it may be useful to add other approaches to the mix.

For me, eating more vegetables and fiber while reducing my consumption of coffee made a big difference.

I use virgin coconut oil every now and then too. It wasn't enough by itself, but it does seem to work well alongside the Biotin.

Candida Comments
Posted by Heather (Leicester) on 07/06/2012

Hi Bill, I meant to say thankyou for this post and all your others. Fascinating thank you and great detail and links.

Candida Comments
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/21/2013

Hi Ben.... For my own jock-itch problem, the most useful topically-applied substance I used seems to have been Magnesium Hydroxide in solution. So I just used Milk of Magnesia as my source of Magnesium Hydroxide and applied it all over the affected jock itch area and did this twice a day, morning and evening after having my shower. Basically I was simply attacking the jock-itch with high alkalinity -- MoM has a pH of about 12 which will kill any pathogen on the skin. If the skin dries out - just use some aloe vera oil to revive it every day as well. When I had jock itch it was bad and had moved down my thighs and was all round the back -- including on my bum. So, thinking logically, I immediately assumed that when I had candida -- some of the fungus might be moving out of my intestines into the external anal area of my bum and spreading the jock itch from there -- so I made a definite point of also disinfecting my anal region twice a day with MoM to kill any and all the fingus spreading from there -- just in case.

A mixture of HP and ACV as you have described will give para-acetic acid -- this will also kill most pathogens including fungus. Other substances which might help your condition -- 5 -10 drops of Orange Oil or Lavender Oil (mixed with a carrier oil like VCO) or just some Neem Oil or Castor Oil mixed with Virgin Coconut oil and applied directly to the skin.

Candida Comments
Posted by Ben (Wang, Nz) on 05/28/2013

Hi Bill thanks again for all your knowledge... The protocol is going great, doing most on the list... I have just started trying your mix of h2o2, milk of mag and borax. and the jock itch is not liking it... Which is best? just the milk of mag by itself or this other mix you gave me? The second seems to hit it on many more levels...

Also, I have read that milk of mag. is good to swish around in my mouth to cure my oral thrush. Can you please let me know the best protocol to use to cure this symptom... Thanks again...

Another little bonus with alkalising and changing your diet to sugar free, is that you lose weight and have increased energy once you are through the herx effects...

As a long term sufferer of candida I highly recommend Bills protocol.

Candida Comments
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/29/2013

Hi Ben... You can use the topical hydrogen peroxide, magnesium chloride and borax however you like. Personally, when you mix them all together in water, I think it's much more effective and will kill alot more than just fingus.

Milk of magnesia may well help to get rid of oral thrush for a while but thrush is also linked as a symptom to the intestinal as well as to the systemic forms of candida. In other words, if your candida fingal infection is already in your blood then your other localised/topical fungal problems -- like oral thrush and fungal skin problems -- are probably related to this internal candida problem and so these topical/local problems may well keep coming back until you finally defeat and remove the internal systemic candida problem as the root cause. When I had systemic candida, I had all sorts of skin problems(many for decades) including eczma, psoriasis, tinea cruris, dandruff etc. I didn't treat any of my skin problems -- I just hit my systemic candida problem hard with the internal candida remedies that I've defined on this site. I simply used a multiple protocol approach which worked well. And, as a result, all my own localized fungal skin problems and other issues -- which I never bothered to treat topically -- just disappeared on their own when my systemic candida was gone.

I have also read, again and again on many blogs, where women complain that they are unable to get rid of their uterine thrush problem. Using douches may or may not work, but if your candida has already evolved into the systemic fungal form(as opposed to the yeast form) then topical douches will simply not work -- the candida will just keep returning because your uterine candida problem is not just a topical or localized problem but it has infected your blood. Exactly the same argument goes for this problem -- to get rid of your persistently returning uterine candida problem you must first kill the candida infection inside your body(in your blood).

To ensure permanent riddance and for complete success against systemic and localised candida you should be using the anti-protocols shown here and follow a strict diet.

Candida Comments
Posted by Chris (California ) on 09/08/2021

Hi, I have suffered from candida overgrowth when I became a truck driver. I had a variety of symptoms including skin fungal infections, skin rashes, cutaneous candidiasis, severe bloating, weight gain, blurry vision, hair loss, fatigue, and even some pre diabetic symptoms like blood sugar whiplash.

I quit my job and did a full candida cleanse using natural remedies.

It's been cleared for the most part but I noticed that right before the cleanse, I had a smallish lump on my upper right shoulder. I thought it was a big pimple since I usually have back acne. After the cleanse, most of the acne disappeared but not this thing. A year later, it's still there and now I have 4 more of these strange lumps.

I did a lot of research and learned that they were keloids. I've looked desperately for answers on how to get rid of them. I've used scar creams but nothing. I've heard of ppl using the same anti-candida remedies I've used during my cleanse to get rid of these things with varying success. However, they appear to be very resistant. I strongly suspect they have some relationship of when I had the worst part of my candida since I've almost always had back acne and this never happened before.

I've read that when a candida spore burrows its way in fresh tissue (wounds like acne), it tries to create a colony. However, candida is stealthy as it tricks and avoids your immune system so what your body does instead is envelopes it with your own skin cells to prevent it from spreading .. kind of similar to the mechanics of cancer.

Right now my current theory is that even though I've eliminated the majority of the candida symptoms, there's a possibility that I may still have some hiding deep in tissue and systemically... in the blood.

Does anyone have more information about this and possible treatments??

Candida Comments
Posted by Ali (Harrahan, La) on 06/27/2013

Hi Bill, I am just wondering what protocol you exactly used to treat systemic candida?? I am willing to try it because I am sick of these docs, Thanks.

EC: Hi Ali, please see this page for Bill's Protocol:

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Hadassah (CA) on 06/26/2022

Hi Melissa,

It's been many years since you posted here, but I'd love to know if the diatomaceous earth worked to relieve you of the candida? Do you know if it was in the large or small intestine (the candida, I mean), or was it systemic?

Ginger Tea
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 03/01/2012

YES! I successfully cut up a piece of 3-4" ginger root and boil for 20 mins in 2 cups water and allow to cook on slow stove. I had this 3-4 times daily for few days and the nastiest of candida is now gone! Amazing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Cairo) on 11/03/2012

Hi Maryam, Metro supermarket sells American Garden acv. I found a reference to it on this site - its OK even if it is pasteurised. I found baking soda (Arm & Hammer) in the Royal House supermarket (Cairo by Merryland Park). Finding live yoghurt for thrush is a problem but there is something called Reyeb that seems to be probiotic? Maybe you can get the ingredients translated to find out the name of the active bacteria?

Its also possible to get iodine over the counter at the pharmacy (hurrah! You can't in the UK). Also H2O2, though you only need a little. I am trying to track down Milk Thistle (some hope here), and Coconut oil. The health store chain (also has an outlet in the Royal House) has tiny, expensive bottles of coconut oil. Not finding any Borax though, not available in the UK - even for washing clothes - and I have had no luck here either.

Hope you find some of the above helps and you get shot of the candida.

Baking Soda
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/07/2012

The side effect of having baking soda is not what caused your PH level to lower I can assure you. Baking Soda is highly alkalizing to the body. I take about 2-3 teaspoons of Baking Soda nearly every day and is awesome at maintaing PH balance. Baking Soda is roughly around 9 on the PH scale so it's not acidic.

Revisit your diet or prescription drugs you may have taken. Also realize that many websites who try to tell you what is Alkalining or Acidic contradict one another so you may be eating/drinking something you feel is alkalining when it really isn't. If you're at a 6, it's really bad!

Take two litres of Baking Soda a day, with 1-2 teaspoons in each litre of water (or 1/2 litre, what you prefer). That will alkaline you and get you back to normal. Add lime juice since you're really low. Do this for 2-3 days and after that just resume to. 5-1 litre Baking Soda

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 12/29/2014

It seems that we know the answer now. I asked Bill a similar question about lemon juice, which, I guess, is similar to ACV. Let me quote his answer below:

"Hi Marcin...if you were to drink lemon juice in its raw form then it would have to be neutralized by the pancreatic juices first in the duodenum before it was properly absorbed into the body as citrate (the safer and more alkaline chemical salt form).

So citrate may simply be thought of as the post-digested form of citric acid. The point to take away here is that drinking the raw lemon juice containing the citric acid needs to first be digested and neutralized to citrate form before digestion and absorbtion into the blood. But the bicarbonates stored in the pancreas are also crucial to help maintain the correct alkaline body pH in other parts of the body. So if you take the raw lemon juice then you are effectively wasting the body's bicarbonate stores(which could be used elsewhere in the body to aid other metabolic processes) in the pancreas and reducing them.

So that's why it's far better to take the post-digested form of lemon juice(as citrate) by adding water and sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) to the raw lemon juice and then drinking it this way. This form does not need to be converted to citrate -- it is already in the post-digested citrate form -- and will be easily absorbed into the blood without depleting the crucial bicarbonate stores in the pancreas.

And apart from the above reasons, if you drink raw acidic lemon juice or vinegar then the acids in them will tend to erode and dissolve the enamel on your teeth over the longer term. That's yet another reason why it's better to supplement the more alkaline citrate or post-digested form of lemon juice using sodium bicarbonate.

Regarding your UTI and back problems, these are probably being caused by excess cell and blood acidity caused by the candida and other poisons being released in your body. This acidity can cause damage to the fine filtration network in the kidneys which might be causing your back problems. And if your kidneys are not up scratch then fungal/bacterial infections will get through to infect the bladder causing the UTI problems. That's why its important that you should be taking the lemon in water mixed baking soda -- this will help to alkalize the cells and should help to reduce the pain. Take this outside mealtimes twice a day and also take 1/2 teaspoon baking soda on its own with water at about 9:00 pm before you sleep. Both these protocols will help to make your body more alkaline and should help you. For the back problem you might also want to try using a tablespoon of VCO mixed with about six drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil or clove oil for some immediate relief.

Posted by Denise (Waxahachie, Texas) on 04/19/2012

I would recommend you remove those amalgam fillings asap! They contain mercury. I went so far as to remove my root canaled teeth! All 8. But then I had infections and cavitations. If you read up on them and Weston A Price DDS Foundation, you will find information regarding these types of fillings. Best to you...

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/24/2011

Hi Lisa... The evidence that iodine is beneficial during pregnancy is quite strong and the historic, demographic evidence should be enough. From research by the Iodine Project:

"The literature search revealed that 60 million mainland Japanese consume a daily average of 13.8 mg of elemental iodine[mainly from kelp and seaweed as food] and they are one of the healthiest nations, based on overall wellbeing and cancer statistics (4). Japanese women do not stop consuming iodine-rich foods during pregnancy, and Japanese fetuses are exposed to maternal peripheral levels of iodide at concentrations of 10-5M to 10-6M. Either the Japanese are mutants, capable of striving on toxic levels of iodine or we have been grossly deceived, and the human body needs at least 100 times the RDA, which was established very recently in 1980 and confirmed in 1989!! " Source:

13.8 mgs is about 2 drops of 5% Lugols Iodine per day which is approx 100 times more than the current RDA for iodine. Further evidence has also confirmed that iodine supplementation by mothers both during and after pregnancy helps the baby's brain and CNS system to develop properly and also helps to reduce cretinism and retardation in the newborn such that there seems to be a direct relationship between the baby's intelligence outcome with a higher IQ and iodine intake. Iodine helps to reduce miscarriages and also reduces complications during pregnancy. After the baby has been born, it is also important that the mother continues taking iodine, because iodine in mother's milk will further help to protect the baby's health against germs, heavy metals and halogens during early stage development as well.

I must also add here that purchasing kelp tablets will not be sufficient to attain the proper dose as recommended above. I recently purchased a so-called good make of European kelp tablets and when I eventually read the label(stupid me!! ), this revealed that each tablet only contained 125 MICROgrams of actual iodine. Therefore I would have had to take 100 of these tablets PER DAY just to satisfy the same maintenance iodine intake as the healthy Japanese. Please understand that I have nothing against Kelp in natural food form, however I do object very much to the ridiculous RDA for Iodine as recommended by the medical regulatory authorities which is so rigidly enforced by the Codex laws in Europe -- and we all know why. This will also apply to American forms of kelp as well.

Finally, I was day-dreaming the other day -- as one does -- and had these thoughts.

Arthritis prevalence across the population in the US is about 22%. The prevalence of arthritis in Israel is 0.35% -- because their drinking water supply contains slightly over 3 ppm of borax.

Heart disease statistics in Finland were horrific until they added magnesium to their drinking water. Now their heart disease figures has gone "Oriental" and are the lowest in Europe.

Chlorine is used in western drinking water supplies. Why not use Iodine instead?

So, if we added proper amounts of borax, magnesium and iodine(not expensive) into our western water supplies --- then in one sweep we would greatly reduce heart disease, arthritis, goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cancer, infectious and fungal diseases etc and the western populations would immediately become healthier again!!

However and as far as I am aware, common sense has never yet entered into the rather bereft and squalid regions of political thinking and debate -- particularly regarding the important health needs of their ordinary citizens. Politicians only ever seem to think of their sick flock as tax mikcows these days. Or perhaps "Tax Cattle" would be the more appropriate term here.

Just some thoughts...

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 07/17/2017

Candida can travel through the bloodstream, or so I just read. I get a rash under my breast and the healthfood store advised using an ointment with GSE (grapefruit seed extract). The ointment is basically comprised of castor oil.

Posted by Soyjim (East Alton, Illinois) on 10/05/2011

There are probiotics that eat and live on fuguses like candida and yeast. Threelac is one. There maybe others. This stuff costs about a dollar a packet. This is expensive if you use much.

I have found that a probiotic culture can be grown on a medium of food grade brewers yeast and water. Brewers yeast is dead yeast cells that are high in protein and several vitamins and mineral. I have made yogart and buttermilk in the past and growing these cultures is very similar. The result is a sour thin liquid that tastes a little like buttermilk.

currently I use 2 cups of brewers yeast flakes in a gallon of water. To this I add a packet of the probiotics I want to grow. This will create a sour culture in 1 to 3 days. I then refrigerate the jug and drink as needed. In winter I have been culturing the liquid in an oven with the light on. Oven needs to be less than about 110 degrees farenheit.

I don't believe that this is a total cure for systemic candida infection but it is a start and should eliminate candida from the intestinal tract. When first starting this you need to be aware of the Herztheimer effect. Now I drink a cup every few days. I know I am not drinking enough if it causes my stomach to rumble within an hour or 2 of drinking. It does cause my eurin to be more yellow.

Brewers yeast is not delicious, and culturing makes it more sour. It is a good source of protein and nutrients. I get the flakes for about $16 a pound. That is at least 10 cups so I don't think of it as expensive because it is a food that enables me to eat grains and sugar that would not be allowed on a candida restricted diet.

I have been drinking this stuff for several years.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bianka (France) on 09/13/2011

Hi All, I take apple cider vinegar 4 drops with tsp honey bit of warm water to stir then add cold and knock it back only once a day it has helped my bad back no end but why would anyone want to take their concoctions more than once a day - anything that is taken too much is not good for you.

I also take quarter tsp of Bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water for my heartburn when it comes on which is about once a week now whereas before I lived on rennies - then the doctor put me on some sort of antacid tablets that had side effects like putting on weight. So I stick to carrying my bicarbonate of soda in an old tablet bottle.

Re CANDIDA - I got rid of mine that I had had for years on and off with the following:

2 -3 half capfuls of Aloe vera (cranberry flavour) juice (this is like a weed killer for yeast) 1 -2 acidophulus tablets (10 million per capsule) as the 4 Billion suggested capsule gave me a temperature. I gave up all sugars, all yeasts incl alcohol except Apple cider vinegar, and gave up mushrooms as suggested in the candida book - this I did (and noted on paper each day my headaches etc) I did this for 3 months suggested and all my ailments went away now I keep aloe vera in the fridge for when I need it (opened it only lasts a month) and always keep taking my acidophulus tablets 1 or 2 a day - they are the good bacteria that is suppossed to be found in Actimal and Yogurts and Yacult except that the later 3 things have sugar in them and make you fat hence contarindications.

I now take Selinium tablets - antioxidents once a day and a squirt of lemon juice also antioxident to ward of colds - I watched a documentary that said that oxygen oxideses our body like rust and therefore we should all be taking antioxidents because of this and the chemicals in the air.

Look after yourselfs and don't overdo your concoctions but personally I would do things over a course of a month or 2 -3 only and if it does not clear up then think again.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amanda (Boston, Ma) on 10/05/2012


Coconut oil also made my tongue turn completely white & I had a terrible taste in my mouth like metal. My tongue was fuzzy - it was horrible! But I also experienced great efffects like weight loss, smoother hair, and much better sleep (I think it was helping my hyperthyroid). I had to go off the coconut oil bc the white tongue - even when I went down to 1/8 of a teaspoon & the taste were intolerable.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ti (Houston, Usa) on 07/11/2011

I am going through a flush to get rid of candida myself, and am 50% better than I first started.

I eat veggies (nothing starchy), eggs, yogurt and lil bits of cheese. My breakfast is an omlette with different types of veggies and salsa for taste.

Once I omitted fruits and grains and other sugary items, I have been feeling much better but I still have some ways to go.

I also consume lots of raw garlic with food 3 times daily.

And I drink 2 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar in 8oz lukewarm water 3 time daily.

Hope you get better soon!

Candida Comments
Posted by Daisy (Dublin, Co Dublin) on 07/13/2012

I just wanted to say thank you to the site & everyone who has commented. This is the most informative thread I've ever found.

Candida Comments
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 08/09/2012

I think I got rid of almost all the candida now. I drank lots of colloidal silver 2 or 3 bottles per day for 3 months. It literally melts parasites and candida away. I lost 10 pounds. And I can finally think! As human. I realized that I was possessed. By the way now I make my own silver at home. So easy to make cost a cent maybe :) Just google how to make colloidal silver. And MSM is very good for killing bugs too. Vitamin C and lots of enema to avoid the die off reaction.. The worst nightmare... You guys know what I mean.. Good luck.

Baking Substitutions
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/04/2011

There was an article in this past week's Woman's World magazine claiming that if you eliminate wheat and products containing wheat from your diet altogether, that the sugar cravings will stop.

About the brown rice, I just started using Success brown rice that you boil for 10 minutes. It doesn't taste bad at all and I wonder if it would have the same effect? I am not good at chewing my food well, by the way.

Something I recently tried was chopping garlic and letting it sit for 10 minutes to release the allicin and then putting it in steamed veggies with a capful of olive oil. Delicious!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robyn (Lavaca, Ar) on 01/14/2011

First off, I would like to thank Earth Clinic!!! You may have saved my marriage! I was at my wits end with my husband. He has been in an ill dispostion for years. He has really bad depression, no concentration (he says his brain just feels foggy all the time), he has gained weight, he is now 330lbs! His depression comes along with a bad temper and extreme mood swings. He has always been like this, since I met him ten years ago but the past 2 years has gotten really bad. Well, I decided to treat him naturally for his depression since I have sucessfully treated myself naturally for different things over the years (haven't been to a docter in probably 15 years aside from The prenatal care and delivery of our 2 kids). I started giving him St. John's Wort, fish oil and a good multi vitamin. It helped slightly but was not enough for me to keep putting up with it. So about 2 days ago I started doing more research and found out about Candida. I have gone through this with my dogs so I was slightly familiar with it. Anyways I found a test to take to see if you have it! My husband definately has it! I think he was born with it! His mom seems to have had the same symptoms most of her adult life. His symptoms are; Chronic Athlete's foot (it's so bad, his feet are covered with probably a good 2 inches of solid callus. ), his armpits are brown with major pimples all over them, itchy anus, itchy ears, itchy and raw belly button, his belly is huge and hard, extreme gas and bloating, extreme appetite, horrible breath and body odor, acne on his rear, recurring jock itch, constant headaches, recurring bronchitis, joint and muscle pain, foggy vision And as mentioned above major mood swings, depression, anger problems... the symptoms can go on forever.

Well he had already agreed to go on a diet to lose weight because I am only 120lbs and it was becoming a real problem for me. It may sound superficial but it is causing real problems for me in the bedroom dept. Because his weight on top of me truly hurts. So I have now eliminated all sugars and refined flours and grains temporally. I plan to reintroduce whole grains after we've gotten the Candida under control. I have also started to give him fresh lemon juice with baking soda, fresh crushed garlic and warm water 3x's a day. Today I am going to get him som VCO and good pro-prebiotics. I really hope all this helps because I truly feel he has this so bad he could die soon from it if not treated immediately. He is only 29 years old and he is just miserable! And so is everyone else who has to live with him!

Anyways I have a few questions. First, should I be treating myself, my children and my animals also? My son, who is 4, Has bumpy, rashy arms, mild asthma, recurring broncitis and Gets thrush about once a year, usually after taking antibiotics, but is quickly cured with nystatin and lots of yogurt. He also had thrush for the first 6 months of his life, which I believe was due to the major iv antibiotics he was put on immediatly after birth (my water broke 2 days before he was delivered, it was a precaution). My daughter who is only 2 years old has mood swings compararable to a menapausal woman. I'm not exaggerating at all about her temperment, it can be unbearable at times. Second, does anyone recommend anything else for my familiy's condition? I must get rid of this monster afflicting us!

Thanks again Earth Clinic! I hope to reply back soon with good news!

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Becky (Ca) on 10/20/2018 31 posts

To Bill ( Philippines) In the post above you state that you had changed your diet becoming more rice and fruit based. Did you eat fruit while ridding your body of Candida? I have a serious systemic infection with the worst in my ear from a long standing ear fungal infection. When I try fruit I feel like this ear area is pushing into my brain. MANY say we need fruit to clean out our body of acidosis. I am trying to get there but this situation is touchy and go. Diet extremely limited so it hard not to eat meat. Anyway am curious if you ate fruit while detoxing Candida? Thanks!

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/20/2010

Forgot to mention in the foods to avoid -- No Sweeteners allowed -- no aspartame, sucralose, saccharine etc.

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/20/2010

Hi Cindy... No, betaine hydrochloride generates hydrochloric acid which would defeat the whole point of alkalizing if taken at the same time. Take betaine hydrochloride at mealtimes and alkalize outside mealtimes, this is what I do. I always alkalize at least one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal to avoid creating digestion problems.

I've just realized that the above explanation might confuse certain people who are taking baking soda for other reasons than alkalizing. So to clarify -- If you are taking sodium bicarbonate for acid reflux problems then you can use this in two ways. First, you can add a little -- 1/8 to 1/4 tspn baking soda -- to your drinking water at mealtimes to cut down on stomach acidity by reducing excess acidity from food like fruit, coffee etc. Another reason might be to take 1/4 tspn sodium bicarbonate in a half glass of water a half an hour after you have eaten your meal(when the food has all moved into the duodenum), this would help digestion by neutralizing the stomach acid chyme to slightly alkaline for efficient second stage digestion. This would also save the bicarbs in your pancreas which can then be used instead to alkalize the blood

There are many ways to use sodium bicarbonate, and alot of this has to do with timing, which can cause some confusion I think.

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Whisperingsage (N California) on 12/19/2014 45 posts

Gee, I always hold the Weston Price studies as a standard for ideal diets (book is now free online with the Gutenburg project), and these very high meat and fat eating healthy cultures never had problems with candida at all.

Also I know a lot of Phillipino people from work and they eat a lot of fish, not a lot of fruit. I enjoy their sharing quite a bit. I got hooked on their little salty whole fish. Eyes and guts and everything. (there's a lot of real vitamin A in those eyes.)

Posted by Self (NY) on 12/10/2010

Ted generally buys B.P. Grade or U.S.P. Grade borax (Sodium tetraborate) from a chemical supplier or you can look in google products for a 100% Sodium tetraborate or borax. If he can't find this, he'll use the one sold in the supermarket laundry aisle (e. G. 20 Mule Team Borax).


Candida Comments
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/08/2010

When I have had candida in the past, the only thing that helped mine was that I soaked a tampon in Glyco-thymoline and then inserted it into my vagina. I left it for approx an hour and then took it out and then douched with a solution of baking soda. It worked for me and has not returned.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 11/29/2010

Hi Tasha... I had candida for well over 8 years, and managed to get rid of it within a year using Ted's remedies. Here is a link to where I put all of Ted's candida remedies that I used together in one area. The link leads to a comment stream where I lay out the remedies with explanations. Here is the link:

At a minimum, I would use Ted's alkalizing remedies plus all the core attack remedies against candida from this protocol.

I still use all of these remedies today, haven't had a cold or flu or any illness, no aches and pains, good heart, for well over 4 years now and I'm over 60 y o. But when I had candida, it was a very different story.

Master Cleanse
Posted by Emi (Sarajevo, Bosnia) on 09/29/2011

No maple syrup!!! According to Ted, when erasing candida, no sweets should be consumed, including syrup!!! So no sugar, honey, white flour, milk products, sweetners, red meat, juice.. To be honest, I am not following it either, I am breastfeeding my ababy and cannot be on chicken and rice all day long.. But I am just saying..

Candida Symptoms
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/24/2010

Dear Julie, You are absolutely right about brain fogs related to the deficiency. The main cause of B12 deficiency is a damaged intestinal mucosa. The damaged mucosa could be attributed to many thing but the parasites are the big problem. The parasite infection leads to Candida. And I read so many people who suffered from white tongue that their tongue became normal once the parasite was gone. So you should test for a parasite infection. Best regards, Jean

Candida Symptoms
Posted by Cured (Houston, Tx) on 01/19/2011

Hi, I don't normally post to bulletin boards but I've cured my condition and want to share what I did. The symptoms I had were dry mouth with a rough surface, white and yellow coating, little red spots, and a deep split in the middle. Also tiredness and brain fog. Worst of all constant bad breath. I had this for years and would brush often and chew gum but it didn't help.

First, here are the things that didn't work when I tried them individually: drinking lots of water, stopped caffeine, stopped social smoking, stopped social alcohol drinking, gargling with mouthwashes(hydrogen peroxide made it worse), consuming apple cider vinegar, taking herbs(fang feng tong shen wan), eating more veggies, brushing w/baking soda, selecting food/drinks based on pH, stopped using steroid nasal spray.

In the end, I feel one key practice did it: use tongue scraper w/hard edge(but not too hard) then mix few drops of oil of oregano and grape seed extract in 1 cup hot water. Swirl mouthful for 30 sec and swallow. It will be bitter but repeat as often as you can, all day if possible. I saw results after 1 week and by 2nd week my tongue was red again and moist and slippery. It was a feeling I had almost forgotten. The split is not gone but getting smaller all the time.

Here are some additional things that I did in conjunction that may or may not have helped: reduced usage of steroid nasal spray (instead rinsed nose with water and little sea salt daily), stopped all caffeine and soda(even diet), drank only hot or warm water, took supplements milk thistle, coconut oil, multivitamin, and royal jelly.

I'm so much happier now! Thanks to everyone who posted on this problem and good luck!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj) on 11/22/2010

Tommy, make sure you are using DISTILLED water, and not ingesting anything else 3 hours before or 1 hour after. I do my regimen in the morning after not eating for 8 hours at night. Also, make sure you are starting with just one drop in water, and go up from there.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 08/01/2010

Hi Joe... In answer to your questions:

So the citrate remedies are more for intracellular alkalizing tested by our saliva?

Absolutely right. Both citrates and potassium are necessary for intracellular activity. The potassium, together with the magnesium are necessary to help balance the calcium within the cell. And the citrate form helps to produce cell energy within the cell and the end product of citrates from the Krebs or citric acid cycle is carbonates, which are highly alkaline and help maintain a high pH and a healthy cell environment.

Does it matter when you take the BS / lemon?

The best time for me is to take the BS/lemon remedy in late morning and late afternoon, always one hour before or two hours after meals.

For extracellular what is some of the best common remedies?

The best and simplest is simply the BS(Sodium Bicarbonate) with half a glass of water. I use this one all the time. Sometimes I use 1/4 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate, 1/4 tsp sodium carbonate and 1/4 tsp potassium citrate -- this one seems to calm my brain down, make it less acid perhaps and helps with insomnia. This is, perhaps a good all round one to alkalize both the intracellular and extracellular eninvironments, but I tend to use the lemon/lime with BS the most since this is also very balanced.

Can one use BS, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium citrate combo for alkalizing extracellular?

Yes, you can mix these together without problems. But these will alkalize the intracellular environment more. Just take plain old baking Soda in water if you want to alkalize the blood.

Baking Soda, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil
Posted by Anonomous (Everywhere, Usa) on 06/23/2010

My 2 cents on Candida

I won't go into great detail, but I had a rash for several years and I tried everything you can imagine. Borax both internally and externally, Niacinamide in large doses, Raw garlic in high doses, urine therapy and alot of other creams and natural cures. Some helped, but you can tell when something really starts to kill the stuff. And for me that was BAKING SODA 1/4 teaspoon in lemon juice 3 times daily, and coconut oil about one to teaspoons 2 or 3 times daily.

All the itching stopped, stuff came out of my skin and the rash went away finally... I DID NOT change my diet either and since then I eat and drink whatever I want to. Even Beer!

So, I am not saying this will work for everyone, but it worked for me. I did this for about 6 to 8 weeks.

Baking Soda, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil
Posted by john (london) on 10/18/2021

Hi Anonomous (Everywhere, Usa),

Please, could you please elaborate on the Baking Soda(BS) in lemon juice mixture?

Did you mix the BS in only lemon juice, no water? If so, in how much lemon juice did you mix the 1/4 tsp. BS?

When did you drink the BS+lemon juice mixture in relation to meals? Like did you drink it during meals, or 30 min before meals or right after meals, or 2 hours after meals?

Also, an important detail is the brand of the coconut oil. The one you took obviously worked. Many coconut oils on the market are worthless. So which brand of coconut oil you took?

Thank you very much

Dietary Changes, Omega 3
Posted by John (Seattle, Washington) on 05/13/2010

Smoking pot creates an acid pH, throwing off the acid-alkaline balance in the body. Can lead to kidney or liver cancer. Another excellent reason to quit.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/09/2010

Hi Karen...If you have Candida in the mouth then it's very likely you have candida in your intestines as well. I've had Intestinal Candida, and managed to cured it. Here is a past extract of what I used and how I cured it:

"Bill from San Fernando, Philippines replies: "Hi Deborah and Cured from Niceville...I had candida three years ago. My symptoms were psoriasis, eczma, BM and toilet only once every 4 days if I was lucky, tired and sluggish all day, severe grogginess and brainfog in the mornings, jock itch(tinea cruris) and overweight. I also regularly caught colds, flu etc many times a year on a regular basis.

This is what I took to cure candida:

* Ted's alkalizing remedies using either whole squeezed lemon/lime or 2 tbspns ACV plus 1/2 tspn baking soda(Arm & Hammer brand) two or three times a day. This is Ted's Alkalizing Remedy and this is THE NUMBER ONE CURE for Candida in my book.

* One tablespoons of virgin coconut oil stirred into my coffee at least 3 times a day.

* Blackstrap molasses in my coffee, no refined sugar or aspartame sweetener allowed in my diet.

When I started this remedy at the beginning, I got fairly severe flu-like symptoms -- it almost seemed as if the remedy was making me worse. But this die off or Herxheimer Effect always happens when you get the fungal toxins in your blood from the microbes and fungus, so think of it as a good sign.

Your liver and kidneys are overworked initially, until your immune system can get on top of it. After this die-off it was easy. All my skin problems just disappeared slowly (except the jock itch -- but that's another story) and I haven't had a cold or flu in 2 years.

Mind you, it took me a full year to completely get rid of my candida. And even though I'm clear of candida now, and since it is very difficult to eat non-acidic foods these days, I still always alkalize and take coconut oil a couple of times a week as a preventative even now (plus supplementing borax, magnesium, natural sea salt etc as recommended by Ted on this site).

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Cc (Slc, Utah) on 02/09/2010

To Karen - Your tongue was probably white then it turned black. I would say that you used way too much H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide) and killed everything that lives on your tongue the good and the bad. I also did this once when I used to much H202. It went from white to red then to black then back to white. Your tongue will most likely go back to a white color after a few days. Take Care.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/25/2010

Hi Labes... Much thanks for your reply. You probably know the protocol that I followed to get rid of my own candida and regarding your questions about alkalizing -- here is a link to a comment stream where I describe why alkaline bicarbonates are good for you:
Alkalinity and Sodium Bicarbonate

Here is a link to a comment stream where, in several detailed comments, I completely describe what protocols, herbs and supplements I used to rid myself of candida:
Candida Protocol

When I used this protocol I did not know what I know now -- 3 or 4 years later. My remedy took a whole year to get rid of my candida, but Ted has said that you can get rid of it in for months.

Here is the protocol I would use now:

To Improve your Body Terrain

*Take Ted's Lime/Lemon alkalizing remedies at least 2 times a day as recommended. These alkalizing remedies create the worst possible environment for the candida while simultaneously creating a healthy body terrain. Also take the BS with water remedy on it's own one hour before bed - this will help you get a good nights sleep. If you have problems with this, then use Ted's Carbicarb remedy -- this is more balanced and incorporates potassium to balance any sodium issues. Potassium citrate can be taken to more directly aid intracellular alkalization. See this link and read Ted's description.

*Take at least 2 tablespoons of VCO per day to help constipation and intestinal issues. VCO contains mainly medium chain saturated acids, very protective for the intestines, liver and blood. Contains lauric acid, caproic acid, caprylic acid and myristic acid -- these act as anti-microbials helping to destroy the candida as well as protecting the intestines from any further external microbial invasion. See this link. I don't use vegetable oils anymore, I cook only with VCO now.

*Take herb supplements like Milk Thistle or Dandelion because the candida die-off will create a big strain on both your immune system and the liver which will have to clear the dead candida debris and toxins from your blood. Think of this as taking out the candida trash. This die-off will give you flu-like or liverish symptoms and perhaps some diarrhea. Accept this and work your way through it as it should disappear once your body gains control again.

*Detox and get rid of heavy metals from your body. Due to diet and if you've taken medicinal drugs for any length of time you will have an accumulation of heavy metals. To get rid of this just drink green tea 2 or 3 times a day and eat Cilantro 3 times a week in salads. You can also use Sodium Thiosulphate to get rid of heavy metals, arsenic, cyanide and chlorine. These will get rid of heavy metals over time. Heavy metals create an ideal acidic environment for candida as well as for nanobacteria. Se this link for more details on ST.

Remedies that Directly Attack the Candida

*Drink 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a litre of water throughout the day. Take this for 4 days on then rest for 3 days. So, 4 days on, 3 days off with the Borax. Borax is the ultimate anti-fungal, also good for bones and helps to balance the hormones as well as leeches out the fluoride from your body. Borax affects your male hormones or androgens in a viagra-like manner, which is why you must rest for 3 days -- to avoid gland over-stimulation. Read about Borax here.

*Methylene Blue(MB). You can buy this at any aquatics or fish supply store. Used to get rid of fungal and bacterial infections on fish. Also used throughout the last century as a successful anti-malarial. Taking MB on its own will turn your urine green and the whites of your eyes blue, but if you take at least 1000 mgs Vitamin C with the MB, these side-effects will not occur. Dosage: Two drops of a 0.1% solution of MB in a full glass of water once or twice a day. Do not take MB after 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon - it gives you alot of energy so you will not be able to sleep !!(I learned this the hard way...LOL) MB is a deep acting anti-fungal that is able to penetrate the blood/brain and blood/bone barriers of the body. MB is also a marvelous mitochondrial super anti-oxidant for your brain -- gives you lots of energy. Read about MB here.

*Supplementing with at least 12.5 mgs of 5% lugols iodine per day -- two drops a day in a glass of water. You know the story of Dr Orian Truss, candida and lugol's iodine. Iodine will also help to balance your hormones and is also able to remove dangerous halogens like fluorine and bromine from your body.

*Hydrogen peroxide(food grade) I just use a capful of 3% HP in one litre of water a day when I need it. Sometimes I splash 3% HP all over my body, this kills everything bad topically as well as being absorbed quite well transdermally into my body by this method. Very potent against all forms of bacteria, viruses and fungus. See this link for more on HP.

Additional and Useful Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Vitamin C - Taken in the more alkaline form of Sodium Ascorbate -- at least 1000 mgs twice a day. Vit C is an anti-oxidant and also chelates heavy metals as well.

Magnesium -- Taken as Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate. Dosage: 250 mgs twice a day. Magnesium is involved in over 300 major enzyme body processes and also gets rid of any staph or strep bacteria quite well. Magnesium Chloride is the best form of magnesium in my opinion. See this link.

*Natural Sea Salt or Fulvic/Humic Acid. Both of these will act in the same way as absorption synergists as well as help create a healthy intestine and help to supply other much needed minerals to your body.


Avoid the following: all sugar and sugar foods, dairy, vegetable oils, aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, soft drinks, junk foods, fried foods, baked goods containing white flour, red meat. Your diet should contain low amounts of white meat like chicken, turkey and fish with high amounts of vegetables. Rice is OK.

There are other methods of helping to get rid of candida, but I've taken a blanket approach -- I always assume that other problems caused by other resident bacteria, viruses etc will arise because of candida and these also need to be addressed and so this is incorporated into the above protocol.

Ted from Bangkok will have many more remedies up his sleeve that will work -- such as BHT (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene) and Azoxystrobin (fungicide), but these remedies are hard to obtain and I've never used them so I can't really comment. But I have used(and still using) all the above recommended remedies and I haven't been ill -- no colds, flu or any other problem -- for well over 3 years and I'm over 60 y o now. I've tried to keep the candida remedy relatively simple yet potent. See this link for more descriptions from Ted on Candida.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 08/07/2010

Baking soda is not made from, nor does it contain, corn products. You are probably thunking of baking powder, which is a mixture of baking soda, cream of tartar and a neutral starch such as corn starch. You may be able to find some gluten-free baking powders made with potato starch to use in baking. As far as any remedies though baking soda has no corn in it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Johnson City, Tn) on 09/05/2011

To Lou from Tyler, TX: Boric acid is NOT borax! Boric acid is boric acid... Borax is sodium borate. If you do your research, you will learn that while boric acid is actually approved as a food additive, sodium borate is not. This is just one indicator of the relative toxicity of the two substances.

While I can't advocate the use of boric acid as anything other than a (relatively) safe pesticide, I did want to clear up this misconception, as sodium borate (trade name borax) and boric acid are definitely different substances, with very different effects on humans.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler) on 09/04/2016

Maybe I wasn't clear. I wasn't saying boric acid is Borax; I was telling them to use Borax and not to use boric acid.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eve (Sydney) on 12/26/2015

Just wondering Diane, if baking soda might also be called Bicarbonite Soda? Maybe this is its name in Australia???

Posted by Marlo (Hattiesburg, Ms) on 12/02/2009

I tried so many things to overcome my candida infection but the single most effective thing I tried was drinking a few dashes of cayenne pepper powder in a beverage. Vitamin and probiotic supplementation also helped some. It relieved my depression/fog, fatigue, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, yeasty body odor, itching, allergies, anxiety, high blood pressure, "blurred" vision, generalized muscle pain and spasms.

Candida Comments
Posted by Eh (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/17/2009

Candida Treatment: I had tried several things also, but the thing that worked for me was Grapefruit Seed Extract (sometimes referred to as GSE), and a very good (refrigerated) Pro-biotic. I can't mention the brand name here, but it has 3 different types of healthy bacteria in it -- it is awesome. I took the GSE 3x daily - 10 drops in an empty gelcap (can buy at most health food stores) or you can put it in a glass of water, but it's hard to swallow - very bitter. Make SURE you drink a full glass of water with the gelcap -- it can hurt your stomach if you do not. And, I took the pro-biotic 2x daily at first -- then once daily after for maybe 2 months. Also, make sure to wait at least 2-3 hrs to take your probiotic -- you don't want the GSE to kill the good bacteria! Even after I started to feel totally better, I continued the GSE 1 or 2x daily for months.. just to be sure. THere are many, many benefits to the GSE also (do a search on the web for it -- it's also very inexpensive for all the benefits it does ) And... NO, I do not sell the GSE :-) I'm just a believer! (If your candida is vaginal, you can also douche with it -- the bottle has instructions) I have heard people say that Collodial Silver does a great job also, but it's more expensive, so I just used the GSE. It is a great natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. I've gotten a couple of extra bottle in case anyone in my family contact swine flu. Hope this helps!

Candida Comments
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 03/26/2010

Hi everyone, It seems that candida plagues an awful lot of people and really can wreak havoc in their bodies and lives. I would like to bring to everyone's attention a woman named Donna Gates who offers so much information in restoring the body's ecological balance. She has her own website and offers lots of free info. You can also watch her on youtube making fermented veggies which she says can really help the body find its balance. I discovered her not that long ago and find her work extremely valuable and have incorporated fermented foods/drinks into my diet. She has her own method of eating called Body Ecology and also a book but you can just learn a lot if that is too expensive for you and start incorporating her ideas.

She also reminds us that now is the natural time in nature, of which we are a part of, to cleanse the body from all that we have stored up during the dormant months of winter. Our bodies are actually primed for this process in the spring but we have lost a connection to this as we have been increasingly separated from the natural rhythms of life. She suggests eliminating oils and fats right now, animal protein, or at least stepping back from it dramatically right now, adding in lots of greens to lighten our bodies, adding lemon or sour/bitter to our diets to help cleanse the liver which naturally wants to detoxify during the spring and prepare for the hot months of summer. By doing this now, we unload the toxins from our bodies that otherwise will continue to accumulate if this process is not done thereby, leading to all the various "diseases" that are plaguing people these days. The diet is very inclusive, meaning it can appeal to vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters, etc. She acknowledges that everyone is unique and has different needs. Hope you check this out- it is invaluable info!

Oh, and Rob from Manhattan, she talks a lot about the unbelievable benefits of natto! So amazing that I'm going to find some!

To our health, Lisa

Candida Comments
Posted by Terry (Qulin, Mo) on 08/08/2010

To control candida you must change your body terrain as Ted says. First raise ph also candida is one of the bodies defense against mercury so you must detox yourself of mercury or have problems from mercury release when you kill the candida. Use untreated diatomaceous earth baked in a starch product like corn bread. Dt earth removes the coating on all parasites including candida use 1 tbs per pan mixed in to ingredients. Also use enteric coated oregano oil to kill in colon. Also use cellulase enzyme to eat candida coating then detox.

Candida Comments
Posted by Terry (Qulin, Mo) on 08/11/2010

The reason you use a starch or sugar product with the diatomaceous earth is that is what the candida like to eat they come in contact with dt earth and die. The problem with many treatments such as drug or garlic and other herbs the candida are able to mutate and after a short time they become ineffective how ever this is not the case with dt earth or the cellulase enzymes that destroy candida's cell walls. Dt earth is very safe. You can also put in capsules and take with food. Or eat 3 2x2 pieces of bread a day and freeze the rest.

Candida Comments
Posted by Terry (Qulin, Missouri) on 08/14/2010

I found this by searching for treatments for candida put diatomateous earth and candida in search engine. I have used di earth for years as a parasite cleanse for my champion german shepherds I raised. I also used it to protect my grain from wevils for my chickens and used it in my garden. When I read about it on the internet, I thought of course this would work and used it myself and it did the job very fast and I still take it monthly for one week. I take it in capsules with my meals for all parasites.

Do not use di earth treated for swimming pools, anything else is fine. Also, I took a enzyme at night to get in my blood stream called cellulase, it digests the outer wall also. I would give you the name but this web site frowns up on that. Di earth is poorly absorbed so it mainly treats your digestive track but that is the main breeding and feeding ground for candida.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rhonda (Lakewood, Ca) on 08/07/2009

I want to make this site my home page! Ted from Bangkok could just save my life if I continue to get better. I am using his baking soda remedy for a fungus I got from taking antibiotics. Although I still am suffering, I can now at least eat. Doctors I've been to have failed me and in fact, got me in this situation in the first place with their prescriptions for antibiotics and acid blockers. My fingers are still crossed as I am only on day three of his two-week treatment but at least I can say that I no longer feel like I'm on death's doorstep for most of the day. I look forward to healing completely with Ted's remedy. Thank you so much.

EC: Can you please tell us which of his baking soda remedies you are taking? He has posted quite a few of them! Thanks...

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/18/2010

Hi Maria...In answer to your questions:

1. How much lime/lemon juice and baking soda is you use?

Use 1/2 tspn Baking soda dissolved in the juice of one lemon or lime. Just slowly add the BS to the lemon/lime juice in 1/2 glass of water until it stops fizzing(Do not worry if you use a little more or less than 1/2 tspn BS). Take this at least 2 times a day -- at least one hour before or two hours after meals. Never take this remedy with meals. Take this 5 times a week with 2 days rest every week.

2. Milk Thistle - is this in a form of tea or powder. How much and how frequently do you use it?

I took Milk Thistle powder in capsule form -- Two 1500 mg capsules per day. Do not buy the tablets, buy the capsule form containing powder. I took this every day in order to help my liver cope with the Herx reaction or fungal die-off.

Kelp tablets - not sure I need it or do I?

Kelp contains minerals, but I took it mainly for the iodine to support my immune system. It is always a good idea to support your immune system as much as possible. You can also use iodine foot-painting (transdermal absorbtion) as well as described here if you like:

I use iodine painting now. For this you can use lugol's iodine or just ordinary iodine tincture or even Betadine.

Ted advises the best way to get rid of oral thrush here:

Although I've never used the ACV plus hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) combo, I have used these two separately for different reasons and they are both powerful anti-fungals. I also agree wholeheartedly with all his other advice.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Kavita Ballah (Port Louis, Mauritius) on 06/04/2009

Hi my name is Kavita Ballah. i am a Mauritian, married and mother of two kids 22 & 18 yrs. i am now 43 yrs old. i had surffered from candida since 24 yrs now. i have never known what it's like not to suffer & not take medicines. All my life i have struggled and fought for my health. i tried so many things but there has never been a cure. i was very sick. For a very long time.

i tried all kinds of herbs and chemicals that exist on the market home and abroad. i spent all my saving going around the world ( US,UK,India,malaysia,Indonesia,Reunion island) in search of relief.In 2001, i had hysterectomy followed by adhesion on the left which nearly killed me.

3 months back, i was told i had Pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesion on the left again, left ovarian cyst 5.8 cm for the 4th time( had ablation done once), vaginal yeast infection, chronic cystitis, sinus infections and chemical allergies.

i knew about Urine Therapy some 10 yrs back. a friend insisted i should do it. Did not trust it that much then until one night i was on my knees crying becuase of pain in my lower abdomen. i just remembere UT. Next Morning i started on it and immediately my pain reduced to 20%. That day i did it whole day and the next dat my pain was down.i was suppose to go for surgery on the 3rd day. i postponed it and for following week. i gave myself one more week to decide. within 5 days my cyst shrunk and all my pain reduced to 60%. i started beleiving in it and from that day till now i am continuously drinking urine in the morning.

My chronic cystitis and yeast infections has disappeared . After one months, i was a new person. Today it's nearly 3 months and i am happy to confirm that i don't suffer anymore. my sexual life is so beautiful and i see life full of values.

This is a message to all women who are suffering from Candida. Urine therapy is the answer girls.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Betty (Gainesville, Ga) on 07/14/2011

I don't think so :( I've tried many things on this site and feel that I am open-minded, but that is a little much. I have recommended this site to many of my friends and family, but after reading this bizarre post, I will stop never do that again. It also makes me re-think some of the other "cures" I have read about here on this site -- if anyone can just post anything, no matter how weird or disgusting. There MUST be SOME kind of filter by whomever runs this webpage so that you are not viewed as totally crazy and bizarre, and then the GOOD things that are recommended are overlooked because of things like this one. But, "to each his own", I suppose.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 07/15/2011

Betty, please do not dismiss a therapy just because of your 'ick' factor. This is a forum where people post therapies that have worked or pose questions about solving their health issues. Urine therapy is an ancient form of treatment and it's benefits have been well-documented, as you would have found out if you had cared to do a web search. Yes, it is not for everyone and I fully understand (being one myself) but I have personally seen it work for a family member with a chronic skin problem. So I know it definitely has something to it. You remind me of a friend who scoffs at acupuncture saying sticking needles into one in hopes of a cure is just hogwash! I think it just airs one's ignorance.

Urine Therapy
Posted by :o) (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/15/2011

Hmmm. drinking urine or having the constant aroma of the gainesville chicken plants... Decisions drive me nuts! Research before reactions please!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ines (New York City, Ny, Usa) on 04/07/2011

When you have runny bowel movements drink 1tbl spoon of Apple Cider vinegar mixed with water. It helps almost instantly. How is the H2O2 treatment going so far?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tamra Klosowski (Falcon, Colorado) on 02/23/2009

I'm a little confused, does AVC contribute to candida or cause it? I don't seem to have any (obvious) negitive reations but after reading something on your website I started to wonder. I do deal with candida and I am doing what I know to get it under control. The last thing I want to do is make it worse. As I'm sure you know it can be a little bit of a challenge to figure out where the real reason for not feeling good is coming from. I like simple. Thats why I like AVC (and garlic) I believe AVC has kept my health. Again I understand that candida recks havoc on any ones system. Thank you for the imput. Tamra

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/04/2011

That also happened in a suburb of Chicago due to a dry cleaner leaching perchlorate into the water supply.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/01/2015

HI U PJ, , , , , , , , , this is my second attempt to address your post.

First, candida is a tough problem to deal with. If you don't have jack then you have to go with Bill's program. But if you do have jack, like say $4600, then you can buy you a plasma GB 4000 Rife Machine and treat every known ailment. That is the way I rid my self of Candida. I am still working on my blood cancer using this and other protocols.

As far as poison ivy is concerned, stay away. Or do as a couple told us about in my chelation sessions. Chew on young tender leaves of poison ivy. They did this and are no longer affected by poison ivy. It's the homeopathic way. Just take enough that your system builds up a resistance to the plant.

I really don't know why or how you equate candida and poison ivy , but I am not in your shoes. I wish I had the answer, but I don't.

You are right about your MD's. They have no appreciation for candida and have no clue how to rid you of this critter.

I wish you well.


Reader Theories
Posted by Evie (Bristol, UK) on 11/19/2008

Hi all. Really interesting and helpful comments from everyone, thanks.

I have been struggling with a candida problem for about 6 years now. Sometimes I think I have it cured, but then get a relapse every now and then even though I maintain a fairly strict diet. I have had some successful with quite a few of the things evry mentions, caprylic acid, oregano, GSE, probiotics etc.

I am just undergoing a bad relapse but dont know why. However there are two things that I am still confused about even after masses of research and reading over the last 6 years, and I would love to know what others think.

1. Most antifungals are also antibacterial. People with Candida are trying to kill off fungus and encourage good bacteria, and are usually taking antifungals and probiotics at the same time. But I am wondering how this can work? Surely by taking antifungals which are also antibacterial the good bacteria are going to be killed off as well? And we are therefore wasting our money buying expensive probiotics that are just not going to survive? The anti bacterial antifungals cannot discriminate between pathogenic bacteria that need to be killed off and the good friendly bacteria that we desperately need to be healthy.

2. Am I right in saying that candida needs an acidic encironment in which to flourish (ie less than pH7)? So we are all trying to alkalise our bodies. However, I have an outbreak of vaginal thrush currently and most people seem to reccomend curing it by applying an acid of one sort or another ie apple cider vinegar or similar. But how can applying an acid kill off the candida if it prefers acidity? I am confused! I was also told by several 'experts' when I first became ill to avoid all vinegars because these feed yeast / candida, but perhaps this is incorrect?

If anyone can clarify / answer these points I would be most grateful!

Posted by Lance (National City, California) on 10/21/2008

selenium deficency and anemia appear to be the biggest factor in promoting candida growth. years ago when i had hypot i also had a severe candida infection. i found a book titled candida silver (mercury) fillings and the immune system" which eventually led me to getting my mercury fillings removed. following this and supplementation with zinc and selenium, my candida and hypot both ended. Experiments with animals show that candida growth can be increased by selenium deprivation and reduced by selenium supplementation. Since mercury depletes selenium,it makes sense that candida is higher when there are mercury fillings in the teeth. Other studies show that anemia and iron deficiency increased candida growth. there are some studies suggesting that b12 and folic acid deficiencies may be involved in candida, since deficiencies of these lead to anemia. In anemia and iron deficiency friendly bacteria cannot grow well in the body. A lack of these bacteria probably is a key factor which promotes candida growth, since candida is a fungal growth rather than a bacteria growth. Another study showed that women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis correlate very with the deficiencies associated with hypothyroidism. the key nutrient deficiencies are probably selenium, zinc, iron and folic acid. Taking multi vitimins just doesnt seem to work. You need to buy the vitimins minerals indivudally its worth it to rid your self of candida. I found this cure after months of research. If you sweat under your arms, taking magnesium will help this a lot. Took 3pills 3 times a day execpt for the iron, zinc 2 times a day. This really does work it doesnt take very long for this to work less than 5 days. There will sill be some itching from the fungus is still in your skin.

EC: hypot = hypothyroid

Garlic, Dandelion, Turmeric, Cayenne
Posted by Kathy (Ozark, MO) on 08/08/2008

Hello, Because of this wonderful site, I used many of the remedies and my candida is in check. I swallow a half of teaspoon of minced garlic twice a day plus I take 3- 00 capsule of dandelion (which I harvested in fields and dried myself then I grinned them in a coffee grinneder and fill the 00 capsules). I also take 00 capsule of turmeric and cayenne pepper daily.

Thank you all for the wonderful imputs. :)

Xylitol, Bentonite Clay
Posted by Julie (Las Vegas, NV, USA) on 05/05/2008

Hello, I would like to share my cure. I had candida overgrowth for many years, due to too much penicillin and antibiotics when I was young. I had very bad yeast infections. I found xylitol and began using it in large doses, probably about 1/4 cup per day, which had a laxative effect. Immediately, I felt a lot better, but not 100%. Then I cleansed my intestines with bentonite - the candida sticks to the walls of the intestines, so the bentonite removes it, so it can't keep growing. Meanwhile, I was still eating xylitol, either by itself, or with recipes. Then I used a lot of acidophilus, and eventually, after about 6 months, I had no re-occurences. What relief! I might mention that I have written about this on another large health website, and some people reported headaches from the xylitol, due to alcohol content. Hope this helps someone.

Xylitol, Bentonite Clay
Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 06/04/2012

Guys, essential oil therapy!!!! Look up Dr young, and If you think they are a scam, (cuz there oils are expensive and they make alot of wild claims about curing things) research them on other forums, these oils really do work. In fact all essential oils work period.

I use the basic brands, cheap brands, like edens garden and Aura Cacia, and they work just fine. Y Altho, Young claims to use (for example clove) the whole entire plant to extract the oils not just the buds, which makes it more powerful. Also, google Dr Youngs recipe for super antibiotic essential oil formulas, amazing. I cured my interstitial cystitus and my moms COPD in a matter of days, using essential oils like, clove, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, and sandlewood oils. Look up essential oil antibiotic recipes online, You put various drops in Empty 00 gelcaps.

I used to think essential oils were dangerous to use, (and they are, in excessive amounts) but this is incredible.

They work better than antibiotics. I also treat my Vulvodynia, successfully with essential oils, including frankenscense and Myrrh. Please do your research on esssential oil therapy and Dr young.

Caprylic Acid
Posted by AC (West Midlands, England) on 04/21/2008

I read about Coconut oil on this site and went to my local health store to ask if they had any. They said no, but they suggested I take caprylic acid, which is in coconut oil and helps cure yeast overgrowth. I purchased it to help cure my athlete's foot and stomach discomfort.

I purchased it and I took one 350MG tablet daily as per directions. It did not cure my athlete's foot like I wanted, but I felt less hungry, less tired, and my stomach felt better. I also lost weight without serious effort. I've been taking it for two months now.

Warning: I experienced two things while taking this: stomach discomfort and a slightly yeasty odor coming from my body for a week or two.

The yeasty smell rubbed off on my washcloth and towels. I discovered by accident that putting a capful of hydrogen peroxide (the regular kind from the pharmacy, not the food grade kind) in my bathwater stopped this. It stopped me from emitting the yeasty smell and from transferring it to my wash cloth and towels.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kimberly (Scottsdale, AZ) on 02/20/2008

Please web search 35% h202 and look for any and all titles with Dr. David G. Williams. He has a very detailed dosage chart and lists what to do and what NOT to do while doing the hydro-therapy. There are a few important factors I have failed to mention in my previous entry that are important. As you become more comfortable taking 35% h202, you can adjust accordingly with slight variations like I have.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by David (Oregon) on 06/08/2022

Ozonated magnesium is a form of oxygen that will also facilitate expelling the evil orange fungus.

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/26/2010

Reply to Jason.. No no no to using baking powder instead of baking soda.. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, while baking powder is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, potassium tartrate and a starch such as cornflour to assist freeflow.

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Jenny (Jersey, Uk) on 12/05/2010

My partner had a course of antibiotics and within days had a white coating on his tongue which I instantly recognised as candida. I had had systemic candida a few years before and wished I had known then what I know now about the illness. I cured my candida after two years of feeling like death with oregano oil. I still take a course of it every now and then so I had some with me and got my partner to swill his mouth with the oil several times a day plus take it orally. The infection cleared up in four days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Veroanique (Melbourne, FL) on 07/22/2009

Try adding a pinch of baking soda. According to a lot of comments, that alleviated negative stomach reactions to ACV.
