Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Posted by Donnie (Spartanburg, SC)

A supplement called LYSINE helps to heal mouth sores faster, just take a 1-gram capsule 2 or 3 times a day.

Posted by Carol (Hamburg, NY) on 03/14/2007

For years, my teenage grandchildren suffered through excruciatingly painful episodes of canker sores. After trying & failing with many remedies suggested by their mother & others, including their M.D., they finally tried the old-fashioned home-remedy that their great-grandmother used! L-lysine, a simple, low cost cure. They now are tried & true users of L-lysine, and have almost become heroes with their college friends. The treatment is: Immediately upon the beginning of an out-break, take two 500 mg. tablets. Continue taking one 500 mg. tablet each day until 2 or 3 days past the day the canker sore appears to be healed. "L-lysine is an essential amino acid needed in our diet. It is found in animal protein, such as milk protein. It is recommended that young adults need approximately 23 mg of L-lysine per day per kilogram (10 mg per lb) of body weight. The proteins of cereals; wheat gluten, for example, do not provide enough L-lysine (Columbia University Press Encyclopedia)". Little do the young believe that Grandmother's could be so smart - until they try the "old- fashioned home remedies!

Green Tea
Posted by Steve (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 04/01/2007

For ALL of my adult life, I've been plagued by horrible outbreaks of canker sores, typically 2-3 very large sores at any given time. Six months ago I began drinking green tea daily as a substitute for soda. To my amazement, my canker sores disappeared and did not return. Green tea was the only dietary change I made (I still drink soda, just not as much). In addition, occasionally I will not have green tea for about a week, and soon enough the canker sores return.

I am not the type of person who really believes in folk or herbal remedies, but after discovering accidentally that green tea elminated my chronic canker sores, I am a believer in at least the health properties of green tea. I really cannot express what an improvement in quality of life this is for me and likely other chronic canker sore sufferers, so spread the word!

Tea Bags
Posted by Brenda (USA)

First, the tea bag, was very helpful in the healing process it definitely made the pain disappear in minutes as for the peroxide,i would use this as a last resort, but it does work! The tea bag was very successful! try it! it most definitely works! Use the peroxide as a last resort!

Tea Bags
Posted by Brijette (Bettendorf, Iowa)

My husband told me to put a tea bag on my canker sore. It definitely took away the pain! As for curing it, I think it speeded up the process. The tea bag remedy is good for any type of mouth sores because of the pain relieving effect. I usually use black tea, simply because that's what I have around most of the time. Green tea also works, and I'm sure any kind will probably do the trick. It is not necessary to steep the tea first, however it does work better if the bag is already wet before applying. If the strong taste is too much for you, drinking brewed tea also works if you swish it around over the canker sore while you drink it. However, it's been my experience that the tea bag directly on the sore is much more effective.

Toothpaste Without Sls
Posted by Christina (Cambridge, MA) on 01/24/2008

Please please PLEASE try this. It really works. I suffered from multiple outbreaks of canker sores for years and now am down to one or two per year. ____ makes a toothpaste called _____ that is free of the ingredient Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This ingredient causes canker sores in many. Try this toothpaste, just once (it costs around $7.99 but lasts forever and is well worth it) and you will see a huge difference.

Toothpaste Without Sls
Posted by Randi (LA, CA) on 02/07/2008

I suffered from the time I was a child. My mother has the same and now my kids also suffer. about 5 years ago my Dentist told me about recent findings on the link between Sodium Lauryl Sulfite and canker sores. This is a preservative found in almost ALL name brand toothpastes including some of the natural ones. I started using a SLS free Toothpaste and now I get one maybe once or twice per year (and that is usually if my hubby has brushed right before I kiss him). One brand I use is called ____. Very expensive, but worth it. You must be loyal and never use any toothpastes or mouthwashes with S.L. Sulfite. Good Luck

Posted by John (Fitchburg, MA) on 05/11/2007

i have two canker sores , one small one on my upper lip and a big one on my lower lip. i used saltwater but it just tasted nasty, stung, and didnt help at all. i put regular vinegar on a q-tip and held it on each sore for a minute. it stung but after another minute it stopped hurting. i could finally put on my chapstick with out using my finger to spread it. i just tried it so im still waiting to see if itll last until tomorrow

Posted by Kelsey (St. Louis, Mo) on 05/16/2007

Ok I had this terrible sore on my upper lip. I wear braces, so the braces were digging into it making it even more painful. I tried the vinegar and q-tip thing and it really worked! It's been about 2 minutes since I tried it, and I can't feel anything anymore. Thanks so much.

Avoid Milk
Posted by Chris (Clifton Park, Ny, 12065) on 12/06/2007

For most of my life I was a regular (and during my younger years) heavy drinker of cow's milk. I suffered from horrible canker sores (3-4 at a time, each a half inch or longer) my whole life, right up until approximately 6 years ago when I eliminated milk from my diet. For me, it seems to only be related to the liquid form: I don't seem to have problems with cheese or even ice cream. However, a couple of times I've tried introducing milk again by having it on my cereal in the morning -- after about three days, I got a canker sore. Upon again stopping ingestion of milk -- no more canker sores. I was diagnosed when younger with an allergy to milk, and I wonder if this is related. I'm convinced science will catch up with this theory eventually and it will be shown that canker sores are closely related to allergies. Anyways, if you suffer from canker sores, try eliminating milk from your diet for 30 days and see what happens; I bet you'll be glad you did!

Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Precious (Austin, TX) on 06/20/2007

Vinegar and Peroxide (mouth sores) I learned from my mother to treat mouth sores (whether a bit lip/tongue or a cold sore) with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar (any type of vinegar seems to work okay, but Apple Cider is the best and most palatable). I have always used this remedy, and nothing else has ever worked. I've tried many OTC remedies and none relieve the pain AND speed the healing process like this mixture. What I want to know is... why doesn't H2O2 alone have as good an effect? Some people seem to swear by it, but it has never been as effective when I tried it alone.

Posted by T.S.Rajah (Wimledon, UK) on 12/07/2007

Fenugreek's leafy form belongs to the spinach family. However, its seeds are useful when cooking to combat the flatulence caused by certain foods, such as lentils and cauliflower. Its anti-viral properties mean it also helps against sore throat and mouth ulcers. Historically, fenugreek has been used to treat diabetes and is now thought to reduce blood pressure

Posted by al (Belleville, canada) on 12/16/2007

hi I appreciate your website I as well am subject to canker sores on my toung,especially when my body gets very acidic. So I cut out heavy spices and started drinking 2-1/2 pitchers of water every day in a week no more cankers try it.

Posted by Jorge (Altoona, IA) on 10/13/2005

What you do is get a cotton swab with salt it won't cure it for a while but it will make it stop hurting. Also you can light up a match, blow it out and then put it on your canker sore and it will be gone in one to two days.

Posted by Al (Staples, MN) on 01/07/2006

two words: salt water! Don't believe me, try it
