Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Unlit Match
Posted by Donna (Garnerville, NY) on 06/26/2008

I tried this last night and I'm shocked at how well it works!! When you hold the match head on the sore, it HURTS like you want to SCREAM, but when you're done, the pain practically disappears. The next day, the sore is significantly less painful and it has started to heal.

Posted by Litsa (Fairbanks, Alaska) on 05/14/2008

CURE FOR CANKER SORES: Hi i try many remedies but the best i try was ground cloves. Use your finger or q/tip take a small amount and put it in your mouth where is the canker sore is, hold it for 5 minutes, it will sting little bit , then wash your mouth with plain will heel about 4 to 6 hours. I never see anything like this happen with me or my friends, try it and you will see, By the way thanks for this site i recommend it to everyone i know. Thank you.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maddy (Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK) on 05/09/2008

I was suffering with mouth ulcers for some time and my GP gave me some cream to put on my tongue. The stuff was awfull and left a dry residue on my tongue. It did nothing for the pain. So I started using coconut oil. 1 Tablespoon, melted in microwave in a plastic cup (if you use glass the oil explodes and covers the inside of your microwave). Leave to cool enough so you can hold it in your mouth for approx. 1 minute, then swallow. I did this 2x a day for 2 days and my mouthulcers where gone. Maddy, UK

Unlit Match
Posted by Dee (Chicago, IL) on 04/28/2008

Holding an unlit matchhead directly onto the white center of the canker sore always helps to take the pain out and heal the sore more quickly. The white material is actually absorbed by the matchhead. It stings very badly, but I hold it on as long as I can stand it, then repeat 3 or 4 times. This has something to do with the sulfur in the matches, so make sure not to get the new kind that are sulfur-free.

Silver Nitrate Sticks
Posted by Mary (Houston, Texas) on 04/25/2008

When I underwent chemotherapy, I would also get mouth ulcers. The doctor gave me a prescription for a mouthwash, but it was useless. Rather than suffer for days with mouth ulcers, I decided to cauterize them using silver nitrate sticks. Yes, this is painful but only for seconds as compared to 10 days of daily suffering with mouth ulcers.

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Northern, Idaho) on 01/28/2008

I was having chronic canker sores, usually 3 at a time. I tried everything I'd ever heard of with little success. I started taking Omega 3 in the form of flax seed oil for general health reasons. Within a week or so my sores were gone and I haven't had one since. I alternate between flax oil capsules (6 a day), ground flax seeds (2 tablespoons) and eating about 1/4 cup of walnuts.

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Mary (New York, NY) on 06/30/2008

Many thanks to Jennifer from Northern Idaho. I tried the flax seed oil capsules and my canker sores have not appeared since. I had taken lysine capsules for two years when one day the canker sores reappeared. The flaxseed capsules have worked beautifully. Highly recommended.

Baking Soda
Posted by Shawna (Eugene, oregon) on 01/25/2008

Out of the blue 4 days ago I got a canker sore that was 1.5 inches large on the side of my tongue. It was excruciating! Last night before bed I tried putting a baking soda paste on it and I woke up this morning and it's almost gone! I am so glad I found this website!!!

Toothpaste Without Sls
Posted by Christina (Cambridge, MA) on 01/24/2008

Please please PLEASE try this. It really works. I suffered from multiple outbreaks of canker sores for years and now am down to one or two per year. ____ makes a toothpaste called _____ that is free of the ingredient Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This ingredient causes canker sores in many. Try this toothpaste, just once (it costs around $7.99 but lasts forever and is well worth it) and you will see a huge difference.

Posted by Patrick (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 01/18/2008

I have been getting mouth ulcers for as long as I can remember I have tried everything from baking soda to all the products you buy at the store to keep the pain down, witch a lot of them keep the pain down for a short time and they taste nasty so my food taste nasty. the best thing that works for me is a MULTI VITAMIN, I take one a day and I haven't had a mouth ulcer for months.

Posted by Alexis Carlino (Conway, South Carolina) on 12/20/2007

I occasionally get canker sores every now and then. One day about 6 years ago I asked my grandmother, "grandma do you know how to get rid of a canker sore?!" She told me to either gargle some salt water or dab a little bit of salt directly on the sore. Of course it will burn and sting enough to make you want to possibly just bite your tounge, but after a minute or two the pain from the salt and canker sore subsides. Keep applying the salt each time the pain may come back, and soon enough your canker sore will be gone.

Posted by al (Belleville, canada) on 12/16/2007

hi I appreciate your website I as well am subject to canker sores on my toung,especially when my body gets very acidic. So I cut out heavy spices and started drinking 2-1/2 pitchers of water every day in a week no more cankers try it.

Posted by T.S.Rajah (Wimledon, UK) on 12/07/2007

Fenugreek's leafy form belongs to the spinach family. However, its seeds are useful when cooking to combat the flatulence caused by certain foods, such as lentils and cauliflower. Its anti-viral properties mean it also helps against sore throat and mouth ulcers. Historically, fenugreek has been used to treat diabetes and is now thought to reduce blood pressure

Avoid Milk
Posted by Chris (Clifton Park, Ny, 12065) on 12/06/2007

For most of my life I was a regular (and during my younger years) heavy drinker of cow's milk. I suffered from horrible canker sores (3-4 at a time, each a half inch or longer) my whole life, right up until approximately 6 years ago when I eliminated milk from my diet. For me, it seems to only be related to the liquid form: I don't seem to have problems with cheese or even ice cream. However, a couple of times I've tried introducing milk again by having it on my cereal in the morning -- after about three days, I got a canker sore. Upon again stopping ingestion of milk -- no more canker sores. I was diagnosed when younger with an allergy to milk, and I wonder if this is related. I'm convinced science will catch up with this theory eventually and it will be shown that canker sores are closely related to allergies. Anyways, if you suffer from canker sores, try eliminating milk from your diet for 30 days and see what happens; I bet you'll be glad you did!

Baking Soda
Posted by Hayley (Rochester, NY) on 08/09/2007

I get canker sores often and they cause me alot of pain when I eat or talk. I heard that baking soda can help. I started using baking soda and it takes the pain out for hours at a time. First I mix it with water to make a paste, and apply it to the sore, hold it on for a straigt minute. (yes, it stings and will bring tears to your eyes) then swish with water and spit it out. I can go to work for 6 hours and have no pain. Rinsing mouth out with a teaspon of baking soda in a glass of water periodically during the day helps too.

Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Precious (Austin, TX) on 06/20/2007

Vinegar and Peroxide (mouth sores) I learned from my mother to treat mouth sores (whether a bit lip/tongue or a cold sore) with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar (any type of vinegar seems to work okay, but Apple Cider is the best and most palatable). I have always used this remedy, and nothing else has ever worked. I've tried many OTC remedies and none relieve the pain AND speed the healing process like this mixture. What I want to know is... why doesn't H2O2 alone have as good an effect? Some people seem to swear by it, but it has never been as effective when I tried it alone.

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