Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

Soothe Your Sore Throat Naturally with Cayenne Pepper

Posted by Armando (Boynton Beach, FL) on 07/30/2006

I have been trying OTC medicines for a couple of days seeking relief from a sore throat. You know it feels like you swallow every ten seconds when you have a sore thoat, you don't realize this relfex is repeated so often automatically UNTIL you have a sore throat! At any rate, I googled home remedies and found this powerful, effective method to relieve sore throat, I did it last night and felt relief right away, this morning it was a little bit painful again but I repeated the cayenne pepper gargles and felt relief right away, it works!

Posted by Sabrina (Boise, Idaho) on 07/29/2006

I was at the end of my rope for the day, it had felt like someone poured gasoline down my throat and lit it on fire. I found this when I googled home remedies and figured what do I have to lose. So I tried it, and have to say I thought I was going to die from the heat and the burning from it trickling down the back of my throat, but within a few mins I could swallow, did it a few more times before I went to bed and this morning when I woke up my throat was completely normal. LOve it will never use anything else again. Thank you so much.

Posted by Jennifer (Newton, Iowa) on 07/21/2006

I wasn't sure whether or not this would work. I got a sore throat today and it has gotten worse through the day. I have tried four different store medications and Lozenges nothing has made my throat feel any better at all. I got on the internet and looked for ways to cure sore throats and found the cayenne pepper remedy, So I went to the store and got some cayenne pepper and within a few minutes my throat felt better. at least I can swallow and talk now!

Posted by D (Abq, NM) on 07/19/2006

Made a cayenne pepper "tea" using 1/2t in 1 cup of very warm water and sipped slowly. The pain is gone for now, will repeat later with maybe 1/4t. Gargling was harder than just taking small sips. My first gargle really made me cough. The heat makes the fumes more potent.

Posted by Megan (Viola, DE) on 07/13/2006

I just finished gargling with cayenne pepper and my throat does feel better. It's less harsh than salt water and the taste doesn't make me gag. For strep you must follow your doctor's orders to take antibiotics for the mandated term. This is a good "comfort" remedy that I will recommend to anyone.

Posted by Carole (Alexandria, Ontario) on 07/08/2006

My throat was on fire! I couldn't swallow my spit it was horrible. Now I come here and read that I had to gargle with cayenne pepper? Well I was at the end of my rope, either try this or go to the hospital for it has been 4 days of pure hell. I first gargled this mixture WOW my mouth was on fire! After a few minutes I figured well at least something else hurt instead of my thoat so I tried it again after 15 minutes and again after that. It's amazing, I can actually feel my throat getting better! It doesn't hurt as much as before and I'm beginning to swallow without making a horrible face lol. Please, if you have a very bad sore throat, try it. Believe me it's worth it.

Posted by Kodi (Perthy, WA) on 07/07/2006

I am so amazed this worked. It was hot as hell, but within half an hour my glands had halved in size and it wasn't nearly as difficult to swallow. Will continue the gargle (2 tsp in glass of warm water) until symptoms disappear!! Yay.

Posted by Joe (Aransas Pass, Texas) on 07/02/2006

This remedy most definitely takes away the pain of a sore throat and also eases the swelling of glands in the throat. I simply boiled 2 cups of water and made a tea with about three tablespoons of pepper. I then gargled this tea for about 5 minutes and felt some great relief! I repeated this gargle in 15 minutes and noticed that my glands aren't nearly as swollen now. This is a wonderful remedy! You must try it!

Posted by John A (San Jose) on 07/01/2006

FRIGGIN A!!! this stuff actually works. Man i never EVER try anything i hear from the internet but this ISH works! I was out playing bball with the homies at the bball cage, we play till the nights get cold and even rainny nights. i guess i caught a fever and sore throat from that. it's been hurting now for 4 days. this instantly killed the pain. my swollen neck is dwindling in size and MAN! it feels good to be back in action. thanks penny and all the folks testimonies that helped me do this.

Posted by Shana (El Paso, TX) on 06/19/2006

This really worked or I would not have commented on it. I never comment about anything good or bad. This worked within seconds. When I was making this concoction I thought this is silly but as soon as the cayenne pepper and water mixture hit my throat I could tell it was already working. I turn into a little baby when I have a sore throat. Those days are over. Thank you for your help.

Posted by Mit (Van Nuys, CA) on 06/18/2006

I woke up this morning and my neck and cheeks were completely swollen. My throat felt like a knife was piercing through it. I gargled in salt water 3 times... and then i found this site. I tried the cayenne pepper in cold and hot water and gargled a whole bottle. I was in so much pain I was desperate for the swelling to go down. AND IT worked.... at 9:30pm, a few hours later... I was able to eat, talk and swallow again. Thanks so much... it's a sunday and I couldn't get to a doctor!!

Posted by Jonny (Los Angeles) on 06/15/2006

I too was in extreme pain from a viral sore throat infection and nothing else was seeming to do the trick to alleviate. I have heard of the cayenne thing before, but never tried it. Yesterday I decided to, and was (like everyone else) completely shocked at how well it worked. The only complaint I have is that last night and today, no matter how much cayenne I use, it doesn't seem to work quite as well. Whatever, at least it soothes the pain and lets me swallow. Thanks.

Posted by Mark (Cincinnati, OH) on 06/14/2006

i had bad strep throat to the point that i didn't want to swallow at all. i was desperate for some relief since nothing had helped yet. i searched online and came across this site with the cayenne pepper remedy. i tried it and could not believe how quickly my throat improved. Thank God for everybody sharing!

Posted by Lauren (DeSoto, MO) on 06/08/2006

Holy sh--! This stuff really works! I have had a terrible cold the past few days and nothing seemed to help. My throat got to hurting so bad I thought "what the hell?" I will try this cayenne pepper stuff. It is at home and I like not having to go out and buy medicine. I did it about three times one night and the next morning it was almost completely gone! The only part that was still sore was a tiny corner in the back of my throat, and later in the morning, even that went away. Thanks a lot!

Posted by Fionna (St. Andrews, Scotland) on 06/05/2006

I had a bad attack of sinusitis. In one day my throat was sore. I coughed up all sorts of nasties that night. Started herbs the next day, and that night it dropped in my chest. Unlike anything I have ever had. Anyway, after two weeks I saw the end of the tunnel, and BOOM! My throat started feeling sore... two days later I woke up with pain. I grabbed the flashlight, mirror, and took a wee look... hmmm... oh yes, red splosh with white heads... STREP. Will the torment ever end I said to myself. Again, I digress. I Googled strep, found this site. I tried the Apple success. I tried the cayenne. Burn baby burn. I noticed a wee bit of ease in about 40 minutes. I have done the cayenne about six times today and compared to the pain this morning, I dare say, my throat feels 40% better! :-) My tongue has wee bit more colour. Almost all the wee white heads are gone, and the red splosh...not as red! Again... :-) I will be more diligent tommorrow with the cayenne. I put about two cups of water in a pot. I then added about 4 cayenne capsules (40,000 Heat units each) to the water. I then simply heated it up on the stove everytime I gargled. Easy-Peasy. The burn is worth it. Give it a go then! I thank the Lord Almighty for this site and cayenne pepper. God bless and all get well soon!
