Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

Posted by Keira (Ecuador) on 05/17/2021

I live in South America in Ecuador. Two days ago I woke up with terrible chest pain, cough, high fever and a very bad sore throat. I bought Ivermectin tablets in advance for a case like this. The package has 4 tablets and costs $2 here. I took two tablets on the first day and by the following day evening I was back to normal, no cough, no fever, no chest pain and no sore throat. On the 3rd day I finished the regimen by taking the remaining 2 pills from the box. Ivermectin works like magic.

Elderberry Extract
Posted by Jerald (CA) on 01/28/2021

I am 80 yrs. old and last year when this virus started, I started having runny nose and sniffles. I started using a Black Elderberry tincture I had made several years ago. I started taking 1 tsp. in a cup of water once a day and in a few days it had stopped. I have used this all year and have had no symptoms of COVID-19.


  • To make it, you need 1/4 lbs. of dried black elderberries. (must be Sambucus Negra).
  • Clean a quart jar, add 1/4 lbs. of fired elderberries. Now fill to the top with vodka 80 proof. Put the lid on tight. Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
  • Label and date your jar. Let it sit for at least 30 days before you stain it. You can use it without straining it also and it will continue to get stranger.

Preventive. Adult - 1 tsp. in water once daily.

Children. scale back by weight.

For flu, HSN (bird flu) and other viruses, take 3 x a day in water. You can let it sit for 30 mins or so and some of the alcohol will evaporate.

All tinctures are made with alcohol.

With these new strains coming around, I now take 1 tps in water in the morning and one before I go to bed.

I got this recipe from a doctor at the Herbal Healing Academy who passed away several years ago. Hope this helps someone. Blessings and take care. Jerald.

Posted by Donald (San Diego) on 08/14/2020

Well stated. I think listening to front line doctors that are getting results make so much much more sense that the main stream news smokescreen.

Posted by Tyler Vincent (Canyon BC) on 05/11/2020

Cayenne capsules are LIFE SAVERS, prevents covid19 induced stroke, heart attack, and blood clots; 70% of fatal cases had blood clot, 40% of ICU and severe home cases have blood clots. Canadian & US doctors prescribe blood thinners to even mild covid patients, sent back home, to prevent blood clots. Topical Himalayan pink salt will remove pains from kidneys and lower back.

I've had corona, now day 78. I'm 36; was a vaper until I got worst case corona cytokine storms, which have a 40% mortality rate. On day 58 I took two cayenne capsules, I was not prepared for what was about to happen. I felt the cayenne go into my lungs and completely clear them out. My lung pains and kidney pains are nearly totally gone now. Himalayan Pink salt finely ground in a coffee grinder placed under the kidneys in bed cured them over night. See my videos for more information. I had also posted previously about cocoa being effective for covid19... well it turns out cocoa also treats thrombosis which is caused by covid19, which causes blood clots. It also turns out cloves are the best iron reducer on earth, free iron oxidative stress is caused by covid19's attack up on hemoglobin as well, so get on cloves.

Blood clot info: Unexpected Cause of Death in Younger COVID-19 Patients is Related to Blood Clotting

COVID-19 Is Causing Blood Clots and Strokes in Some Patients—but Doctors Don't Know Why

Doctors increasingly concerned about blood clotting risk in severe COVID-19 patients

Potato Soup
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/05/2020 443 posts

Another note on the virus' aftermath - namely, the ongoing and unproductive coughing. I did not have the virus go down into my chest but it has been sitting, solid as a rock, in the back of my sinuses just above my throat. Nothing I tried would break it up. Not cayenne, not ACV, not vitamin C, not tea, lemon honey or steam - UNTIL - It occurred to me that the most comforting thing I can remember from when I was sick, as a child, was potato soup. Homemade potato soup. NON-CREAMED potato soup. There were two aspects of the "Irish" potato/onion soup my mom made. First, was the onion. Lost of onion. However much potatoes you used, you used half that amount of onion. Lots of onion. Which is, I suppose, a superfood but that's not the best part. The best part was the black pepper. Lots of salt and black pepper, together with the onion, would break up whatever congestion one had "stuck". I still haven't been out of the house so I have neither potatoes nor onions but I made a cup of sea salt and black pepper tea - NOT TO DRINK but, rather, to inhale. And it worked a treat!!works! The common, lingering cough leftover after a regular cold/flu respiratory virus during "the season" and it's breaking up. Almost instantly. I'm still going to make the soup which is as follows: 1 lb potatoes, chopped for boiling red onion (red for respiratory) - enough to make up half again as much potato Boil the potatoes and 1/4 of the onion in 4 cups of water until completely done and falling apart While the potatoes and onion are cooking, put 3 TBS of butter in a skillet and sautee the remaining onion until it is soft and mashable. Mash and whisk the fully cooked potatoes, onion and the water in which you've cooked them into liquid. Add the sauteed onion and butter to the mix and stir while reheating it all together. Whether you drink it from a mug or eat it with saltines, salt and pepper it to "tasty" before you eat it, mixing well after adding the salt and pepper. You want a spike of black pepper - ground or freshly ground, it doesn't seem to matter - that will make your nose run which is exactly what you want. Once it is breaking up, you can hit it with your vitamin C or whatever you're using to kill the virus because the "armor" of that viral congestion is broken down by the black pepper. You don't have to actually make soup - apparently, you can simply inhale a hheavy black pepper tea - but I can tell you that there is NOTHING more awesome than hot, buttery potato onion soup with lots of salt and pepper when you're sick. NOTHING! And I am SOOOOO glad to have that sinus "brick" broken up and the idea of not having that lingering, annoying/insane-driving, non-productive cough!

Celery Juice
Posted by Jackie (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/04/2021

Unfortunately, I have been exposed to Covid multiple times. Each time I get it, I drink 16 oz of celery juice. This can be homemade or store-bought. It must be pure celery juice, with no other additives or ingredients (besides lemon, at most! ). It is not the greatest tasting thing, but it works.

Today I woke up with a tight chest, a headache, and major muscle pain in my legs, torso, and hip area. Later, I had sensitivity to light and major fatigue.

This 4th time is similar to the 1st time I had Covid. It is miserable.

I usually take the celery juice right away if I start having symptoms and it nips it in the bud very quickly. I start to feel much better within an hour or 2 of drinking it.

But this time I waited because I did not think it was Covid at first. With my other covid experiences I usually had a cough or congestion. This time there I didn't have the coughing and congestion. I thought I just overworked my leg muscles or something. It wasn't until the severe shortness of breath, fatigue, and the light sensitivity that I knew it was Covid again.

I continue to drink the 16 oz of celery juice every morning until the symptoms fully subside. This usually takes about 3 - 4 days of drinking celery juice to feel back to nearly 100%.

During this time I also get lots of rest and eat a ton of greens and drink chicken broth with veggies and rice.

Finally, stay near a bathroom because celery juice has a strong laxative effect.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 01/05/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and I am now mentally back in my younger days bleaching pulp using Chlorine Dioxide. If this video of what is going on in Bolivia does not get your attention, then nothing will.

This German biologist is something else and explains why sometimes we need anti-oxidants and sometime oxidants. He shows just how stupid our medical leaders are. In any case, all need to know how to make and use CLO2. Tired of sleeping in a recliner and just bought a bed system that your head and/or feet can be elevated. Getting old is no fun... for certain.


Posted by Katherine3836 (Santa Monica ) on 07/02/2020

L-lysine 1000mg 3x a day upon 1st symptoms of Covid-19. No dairy while on lysine. No coffee or limit to 1 cup a day. 48 hours later recuse dose to 2x a day.

Note: Lysine gives you energy so try to take it hours before sleep or a sleep tea or pill at night (Vivid dreams are very likely).

Please post if it helped you. I found this when seeing how lysine helped stop my cold sore from resting its ugly head. At the same time- I noticed I had many Covid-19 symptoms- a week later- sooooooo much better. Hope it helps you.

Black Cumin Seed Oil
Posted by Mogamat (South Africa ) on 03/15/2020

Black cumin seed oil can prevent the coronavirus from spreading in your system and kill it. Recommendation of 1 teaspoon 3 times daily as a preventative measure. There is scientific research behind this.

I also read research where black seed oil (Nigella Sativa) cured the HIV virus to the effect of no HIV virus trace in the patients system.

The coronavirus may cause a cytokine storm syndrome, your body goes into overdrive to kill virus cells and that can become lethal. Black seed oil inhibits and protects you from this cytokine storm syndrome. If anyone has the virus and has bad symptoms, please try pure black cumin seed oil. It can help. If it's bad that please up the dose to deal with the symptoms. I would recommended 10ml 3 times a day that cured the HIV patient. Also boil the oil and breath it in it will help with the chest congestion / pneumonia even asthma.

Google Crede oils and search for black cumin or seed oil. This is a good brand. If anyone does try these who is infected with the coronavirus please provide feedback. The prophet (peace be upon him) said that black seed cures everything besides death. Thanks

Garlic and Sunshine
Posted by Mama jAck (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 01/19/2022

Garlic & sunshine cured my husband of Covid-19. Each day he felt better & better!

My husband got Covid-19 and I wanted to share what we did to have him well in 5 days, after being diagnosed. He had already been sick for 4 days, but we did not know yet, that it was Covid. His symptoms were intense, even though he & our entire family received the Pfizer vaccination about 10 months ago. The following regime helped him to feel so much better right away. After four days of the regime, he was almost completely well.

This is what we did to battle Covid:

1. In the morning, drink a glass of water with a capful of lemon in it, with a sprinkle of Black Pepper, Or have water with 2-4 capfuls of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. (Wait an hour before eating, or better yet, do not eat until 3pm or 4pm)

2. Then, (to combat Covid that has entered the lungs), suck on a small clove of raw garlic. (choose a small clove, about 3/4” long & 1/3 inch thick. If your cloves are bigger, just cut them in half or in thirds). The goal is to suck on the clove as long as you can. As the garlic flavor decreases, you can chew it a little, to get more flavor out, until you eventually chew it completely & then swallow the rest of the garlic with water. Keeping the garlic in the throat will give it time to kill the bacteria that is seemingly trapped in the throat area, as well as get rid of the Covid bacteria which is seemingly trapped in the lungs.

3. As he sucked on the garlic, we sat outside in the sun for about 15-20 minutes, as I read our favorite relationship book by Joel Osteen called, “Our Best Life Together.” (I highly recommend this affordable ebook to help heal & strengthen marriages). Getting sun helps the body to receive natural Vitamin D & light exposure, which helps the mind return to positivity & the body to be restored to wellness.

4. He did take a nap in the middle of the day, for about an hour or two. (Try to listen to your body, & rest until you feel like getting up).

5. I encourage him to stay away from eating sugar treats, as sugar feeds Covid. I also encouraged him to eat Salads, but he said he didn't feel he could chew it, so I made him a lot of soups, using the chunky & other canned soups as a base, and I would add some fresh onions to it, and sometimes Bell Pepper, Carrots & Potato. Basically, I just looked at the ingredients on the can, and added all that I had which was listed.

After doing all of these things, the following day, he felt a lot better. Keep in mind that he had already been terribly sick for 4 days, before we found out it was Covid, and by this point, he had shooting headache pain, which was unbearable. He also had a sore throat which he said felt like it was on fire. He was able to breathe okay, but soon the Covid bacteria went into his lungs, and his voice became very low, and he began coughing. This is when we found out it was Covid, and started this regime.

Amazingly, the following day, he felt better, instead of worse, and each day he kept improving. By day two of this regiment, he was feeling so much better, and by day 5, he was completely well.

Another thing to note, is that in our family of 6, only he & my Son (who doesn't live with us) got sick with Covid. The rest of us stayed well. Things that I did for the rest of us, was to drink the 2-3 capfuls of Bragg's Vinegar in water. We didn't do it every day, but maybe every other day. At one point, my other son started to feel sick, so I gave him the Vinegar Water, and then I had him lay down & I poured Hydrogen Peroxide in his ear & set a timer for 10 minutes, and then did the other ear. (It will start to fizz, but don't worry, it doesn't hurt, It is actually very soothing. The fizzing means that it is killing the bacteria.)

After 10 minutes, dump the hydrogen peroxide out of the ear & then gently use a Q-tip to clean the ear. Then do the other ear. Surprisingly, my son said he could tell that he felt better. The following day my son had no symptoms. Meanwhile, the rest of us 3 stayed symptom free. I know that God helped our family to know what to do to overcome Covid & to be made well & whole so quickly. I hope this can be a blessing for everyone who is suffering from Covid & other sicknesses. Remember, God IS with Us & trying to help us. We are indeed All His family!

Blessings2you from the Islands of the Sea, Mama jAck.

Celery Juice
Posted by Connie (Horicon) on 08/07/2021

I am a daily celery juicer(follow Medical Medium) and so happy to hear your success with CJ relieving your covid symptoms! I have another protocol in place in case I should get covid....and now great to know CJ is another effective protocol! There are plenty of effective protocols out there that should end the push for vaxes...I will NEVER get! Thank you for sharing your experiences to overcome covid infections!

Posted by Kathy (Waukesha, WI) on 05/02/2021

My daughter and I both got COVID at the same time. Her symptoms were quite severe, and we had just read about ivermectin. We found some animal grade Ivermectin at our local tractor and feed store in the horse section. It's for deworming horses, but don't be alarmed. Within 24 hours we were both much better and within three days we were almost completely well. Farm and Fleet also carries it. I've seen very credible doctors on YouTube who said that it would not hurt to take the veterinary ivermectin. I can tell you it didn't hurt and it cured us both for only $3.95.

Posted by Sunlight888 (Atlanta, Georgia) on 07/28/2020

My mom of 78 had Covid. Dry cough extreme headache, no strength whatsoever almost even to walk. No fever but body pains, pain in the lung area.. Stomach pains.. She took MMS with 4%hcl (citric acid has many side effects) 3 to 4 x a day 4 to 6 drops (varied).

Two days later, she was TOTALLY normal.. It was almost unreal.. Of course I was in tears as I love her a lot. Am taking it myself now for heavy metal detox as I read hair root tests after two weeks showed no more heavy metals. They put this stuff in bloodbags to kill Hiv etc and viruses. (look it up) also in our water. But to use as a cure they are so scared as there wd be no more money for Pharma and taxes.

They shout it is Bleach. It is NOT. I'll prove it, hydroxine peroxide H2O2 and water H2O, are they the same? No. Well the difference between Bleach and Chlorine Dioxide is ALSO one 0xygen molecule taken away... And as different as Hydroxine peroxide and water, so is Bleach and Chl. Dioxide.

Seriously, it's worth. Keep doses low, max 4 drops or 6 when you have Covid. Start low and when you feel any detoxing going too fast, go little less.. If any effects, it is from dying off of viruses or pathogens or fungus. When you don't take it for a while (been 3 hours, take vit C. Non acidic is better for your tummy for some of us who have hyper acidity)

Strength to you in these trying times.

Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY 11204) on 07/16/2020

Salt water for sore throat and other respiratory issues, maybe also worth trying for Coronavirus:

Drinking salt water (not only gargling with it) helps heal sore throat and other respiratory problems. The salt water should be pleasantly salty and not excessively salty. Salt water drinking might help some people even more than Vitamin C and Zinc, although Vitamin C, Zinc, (and Quercetin) are also very helpful.

Once I had a very painful sore throat and couldn't get to the doctor. Vitamin C and Zinc, which often helped, were not helping. The pain was so bad that I thought that maybe I should go to the emergency room. But after following a neighbor's recommendation to gargle with salt water (for fifteen minutes or more) there seemed to be a bit of improvement.

With great thankfulness to the Al-mighty's kindness, the thought of drinking a few glasses of salt water suddenly came to me. After taking several glasses of salty water, l felt significant improvement. Over the next few days I continued drinking several glasses of salt water each day. Within a few days, the sore throat was gone.

I gave this recommendation to a friend who had Coronavirus, who was feeling better, but was still having some respiratory issues. She said that drinking the salt water helped her a lot.

In conjunction with following the doctors instruction, maybe people with Coronavirus might try this simple thing as an ad-on to whatever else they are taking. It can't hurt, and it might help.

May there be quick healing for all of humanity and all of the world.

Posted by John Groden (New Brunswick) on 06/26/2020

Because you need to take hydroxy with zinc. Zinc is the critical piece as well. You can still get covid but the outcome should not be as critical.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Erin (Chicago, IL) on 03/12/2020

What about activated charcoal capsules for COVID-19? They saved our family from norovirus a few years ago.

Artemisia Annua
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 11/20/2021

I am always shocked that Artemisia Annua has been overlooked. It won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for alleviating infectious diseases. It costs $6. We open and take 2 capsules twice a day for one day and maybe one or two the next day. It works overnight. Only for viruses. It is amazing. No one in our family has had to take it more than 3 days, even my husband with terrible Covid. We've experienced no side effects whatsoever except feeling great. Wish I found it 30 years ago!

NOTE: It is marketed as Sweet Wormwood or Wormwood. There are 7 plants called Wormwood and they are very different!!!! Read the back of the bottle. Only buy if it says Artemisia Annua. Do not buy absyinth or any other kind at least for Covid or viruses in general. Also, open the capsule first so the herb itself touches your throat. Tastes terrible. Chase with juice.

Artemisia Annua
Posted by DELIA (VIRGINIA) on 12/22/2021

The president of Tanzania was a man of strong character. It was because of his Christian faith that he felt it necessary to warn his people of the depopulation shot. He wanted his people to live and not die. And to tell them the alternative of artemesia annua was the extra mile. We don't have leaders of character across the world anymore, only deep state. He gave his life for others.

Steam Inhalation
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, TN-626001) on 05/19/2021


There are many articles available in the net regarding Steam Inhalation for Covid-19.

Three articles are given below:

1) “Steam Inhalation Therapy found to inactivate SARS COV-2 Virions “. By Ananya Mandal.

2) “Steam Inhalation as an Adjuvant Treatment in COVID-19 Positive Health Care Professional.”

3) “Thermal inactivation of SARS COVID – 2 Virus.”

Different strains of Covid-19 virus are sensitive to the temperature and pH value of its surrounding. The steam temperature will be about 50 to 55 centigrade and its pH value will be about 7.0. Some hospitals in my area are asking Covid – 19 moderate to minor patients to take steam inhalation for about 4 to 5 times per day. Coronavirus mostly resides in the lungs, mouth and nose. When one takes steam inhalation, it is better to alternate between mouth and nose during steam inhalation. Electric steam inhalers are available online.

I am using steam inhalation since I have a heart problem and am 78 years old. I didn't take vaccination and I am taking steam inhalation for prevention. One can expect a cure for minor to moderate patients in about seven days. This treatment can be used both for prevention and cure.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Randell (Nashville, Tennessee) on 12/17/2020

My name is Randell Stroud. I have studied Alternative medicine and herbolgy for years. Since we are in flu, cold and Covid season, here is my protocol to prevent against and fight virus infections. I personally CURED my Corona virus infection in 6 days following this method.

1. Sleep- get 7-9 hours a day. Sleep is when your body repairs itself. Sleep is critical for restoration.

2. Water- drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of clean water or healthy freshly juiced beverages. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. We lose 2 cups of water a day just by breathing! Avoid caffeine while sick or anything that dehydrates.

3. Vitamin D3 - getting 30 minutes of sun contact a day will give you enough vitamin D. This vitamin is actually a hormone which regulates nearly every function in your body including your immune system. If you are darker skinned or stay inside alot, you need to supplement with at least 1000 IU per day. (5000 IU if you're deficient or fighting a cold. Get a blood test to check your level.)

4. Emergen C: if you hate taking nasty multivitamins, this product is great at ensuring you get your daily supply of essential minerals and Vitamins to support a strong immune system and repair damaged tissue. (Take 2times per day if sick)

5. Panax Korean Ginseng: An herb used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years, this herb energizes your system, helps regulate insulin and blood sugar, increases circulation, builds immunity and has a mild anti-viral compound as well as a mild stimulant effect. (Dont take at bedtime). 500 to 1000 mg per day should suffice. Take with food

6. Exercise- exercising atleast 3 days a week for an hour with cardio and weight training will boost immunity, lower depression, and build a stronger skeleton.

7. Garlic- putting a few cloves of fresh crushed garlic in a warm soup is a great idea. In fact, eating one clove or two of freshly crushed garlic mixed with honey per day, is a guaranteed way to lower cholesterol, kill viruses, bacteria, and cleanse your body. Garlic may stink, but the health benefits are so good!

8. Yogi Detox tea: this tea is great to drink while sick. It contains many herbs like mullein and Burdock, which break down mucus and have slight anti-viral compounds. Look for blends that contain milk thistle as well. This herb is great for the liver! The liver is responsible for filtering blood and toxins in our body! This herb is so good, many alcoholics have reversed cirrhosis of the liver conditions by using it.

9. Olive Leaft extract: my all time favorite herb! This herb has been shown to lower cholesterol and prevent alzheimers. Like ginseng, it is also great for type 2 diabetes sufferers. Olive leaf is also a POWERFUL anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Some users have reported a remission in herpes and HIV after taking this herb in therapeutic doses. I personally saw an abscess be cured from olive leaf alone. Taking 1000mg per day, or more while sick, should suffice for most. Take with food such as buttered toast. Fat content helps to transfer nutrients.

10. Prayer/religion: Those who engage in prayer, meditation, and belong to a religious community tend to live longer and have lowered stress levels. Stress saps immunity! Prayer and meditation will lower your stress hormones allowing you to sleep deeper and reduce inflammation. Being a part of a community helps combat loneliness and depression as well.

Note: Be sure to introduce herbs one at a time and evaluate yourself every few days. Watch out for any adverse reactions. Research dosages according to individual needs. Cycle on for 6 weeks and take 2 weeks off all herbs to avoid any overdosing and to prevent tolerance to herbs. Avoid smoking cigarettes and limit alcohol and fast food consumption. Check with your doctor or research any interactions with prescribed medications) you can experiment with dosage depending on body weight and tolerance. I weigh 175lbs. If you're bigger, or smaller, you may need more or less.

Hope this helps. Pass it along and share for those who need stronger immune systems more than ever now!

-Randell Stroud

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kalina (Hawaii) on 06/29/2020

Monolaurin is derived from coconut oil. My understanding is that this is the active ingredient that dissolves the fatty coating of the coronavirus cells. My doctor recommended 300 mg as a preventative and 2400 mg (divided into 3 or 4 doses throughout the day) if you have symptoms. He said he had 3 Covid patients and it worked for them.

Smoking Mullein
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 08/31/2021

Dear JGNY,

Herbalist Philip Fritchie says that if you are using mullein for smoke inhalation you should use the dried leaves of the first year. (Second year leaves have the long stalk with yellow flowers.) He says the first year leaves are most effective medicinally. (Though, personally I would use mullein leaves from first or second year, small or large, as long as they were healthy looking leaves, especially if the alternative is no mullein! This year the only mullein around me has been second year.)

Here is a great quote from Mr. Fritchie, "Mullein is a strong, self sowing biennial that is relatively easy to grow, loves poor soil and once established thrives on neglect." It is my kind of plant. :)

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Branka (Slovenia) on 06/28/2021

We had to take the horse paste as there are no human pills available without recipe. Dose was adjusted to weight. It worked. If only we had taken it earlier, we would have avoided one week of fever and suffering. Smell returned quickly in few days whereas the stepson, 26, did not take it and had lost smell for 6 months. My doc is not allowed to prescribe it if I do not have parasites.

Steam Inhalation
Posted by fram60 (Atlanta, GA) on 05/14/2021

Steam inhalation for COVID treatment and prevention

I watched a video from Nilesh Jogel, the founder of Jogi Ayurved Hospital in Surat, Gujarat. He said his staff and patients receive the same treatment to prevent or heal from COVID and no staff members have gotten sick and all their patients have recovered well.

They breathe in plain water steam twice per day, breathing in ten times through the nose and out through the mouth, and then breathing in ten times through the mouth and out through the nose. He said this is an easy, low cost, safe treatment that anyone can do with a stove and pan of water.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by Kristy (Colorado) on 03/13/2021

Chlorine Dioxide or MMS is amazing! We are all so focused on anti-oxidants, that we forget we need to flush out the the debris from the aftermath.....that's when an oxidant such as CD or Hydrogen peroxide comes into flush them out! Our famliy of 5 has all been sick, but as soon as it started we took CD several times a day in water and nebulizing hydrogen peroxide in saline, and we have been able to kick it between 2-5 days. Effective and cheap!

Thieves Oil
Posted by Bobbie (TX) on 12/29/2020

A member of our household came down with Covid19 and my husband caught it because he picked her up from work, I caught it because my husband and I share the same bed. We used thieves oil by putting five or six drops in a diffuser in our room, drinking any hot tea with a drop of thieves oil in it, I put a drop of thieves oil in a bottle of water and drank it throughout the day.

I put 5 or 6 drops in an 10 - 12 ounce spray bottle and we sprayed our throat as needed and it took away the soreness and helped with coughing, we put a drop under the bottom of our foot and rubbed it in because it is said to help build up the immune system. My husband only had symptoms for two days and the other member of the household had them for about five days. When she retested for Covid19 she tested negative.

The history of using thieves oil can be found on the internet and the recipe to make it also. It is made by using essential oils.

  • Clove oil: 40 drops
  • Cinnamon bark oil: 20 drops
  • Eucalyptus oil: 15 drops
  • Lemon oil: 35 drops
  • Rosemary oil: 10 drops

You can also find other recipes online and the oil already made in health food stores and online. If you make up your own, put it in a dark bottle but please look up the history because it was a little long for this posting

Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 09/26/2021

Just as I would not consume GMO foods, I would not take an experimental mRNA gene altering therapy into my body. Also the manufacturers of these jabs say it does not prevent one getting the virus, nor does it prevent transmission to others; in other words, it is ineffective requiring boosters ad infinitum.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Luann (Indiana, U.S.A.) on 05/09/2020

My husband and I started feeling the effects of Covid 19 and I think we had it for over a week before we realized this. So I googled Lugol's Iodine 5% kind and found where they used to use this to combat many different viruses, plus bacterial infections, etc in the old days. T

hey used this in 1918 when the Spanish flu hit is what I read with great success. So we tried what it said and gradually increased from two drops a day in water or our coffee once a day the first couple of days to where the paper I read said to start slowly. So first 3 days we used 2 drops a day. Then we went to 6 drops a day and after a few days we jumped up to using 6 drops in our coffee in the morning, then again in the middle of the day and then once more in the evening before bed in a glass of water. Mixing it in well before drinking it. We started improving in wellness with each passing day and our coughing we had went away after the 4th day.

This type of iodine is not like the kind with the skull and cross bones on the bottle. It's poison and you cannot put that kind in the body as it will poison you. But Lugol's Iodine you can use inside your body and drink in a glass of water, juice or coffee and I truly believe this is what healed my husband and I. We were not tested for the coronnavirus/covid 19 but we had 8 of the symptoms so I know we had it. We both had a temperature, cough, aches and pains, chest pains also, headache, etc. We took this Lugol's iodine for about two weeks or so and feel fine now. I believe it brought us through it quickly and easily and I am 66 yrs old and he is 68.

Read up on this Lugol's Iodine old time uses. There is a doctors chart of it's uses online, find it and heal yourself.

Posted by Jim from Frostburg (USA) on 03/25/2022

People, I have myself taken horse ivermectin at the first sign of a cold or flu. My symptoms subsequently disappeared within 2-3 days. It has worked beautifully two times now. My family members have experienced the same success. Do not wait until your lungs are filled with puss and your entire body is damaged before you take it. I have no doubts ivermectin will kill the virus (no zinc required), but the damage has been done. How fast you recover from that point on will be up to your body's healing-ability.

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/03/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,, ORH here and my posts are hard to come by these days. Persona non grata, I guess. My two integrative doctors have both experienced the Vax shedding thing. Our Knoxville Doc almost died after she treated an MD that had the Vax. She missed 23 days of work. The other is just now coming down and is using homeopathic to address his problem. I just learned that the famous Dr Z has learned that nebulizing HDC will cure Covid in one hour and not 80 hours as oral will. It goes directly into your blood via your lungs and not trough your digestion. I have the pills and the saline solution and will make my own concoction.

Finally years of studying Ch E at Ga Tech is paying off. Yep, I's practicing medicine without a license. So do you when you eat right. We go Monday to get our monthly UBI to avoid the flu shot. All this is on the net and you don't need me to hold your hand.


Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/17/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and got a text from our 50 year old youngest child in Atlanta that she has Covid. We got HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE a year ago for when this happens and overnighted her enough to hopefully get her through. She has a nursing degree from Auburn so why is her old Daddy having to bail her out? She has been in the medical field for some 30 years and is in LaLa land like most of the folks on EC. She was not a Boy Scout and does not know to BE PREPARED. We also have Ivermectin is required. Don't want D to flush this because we are close to when the SHTF. I am prepping like mad because my source says it starts this month and will be bad for some 6 months and last for years. The Afghan thing is just a warm up. We plant our fall and winter garden tomorrow and was going to be a minimum. That has all changed. Pulling my 2006 VW jetta diesel out of storage and tuning up because it gets 50 mpg and I have a 300 gal diesel tank. I will motor for a couple of years when others have no gas. Will save enough hens that we have plenty of eggs. Filling our 300 gal LP tank to generate electricity and diesel tank to last us 2+ years for farm tractor and Jetta. Have super rat traps to kill squirrels and will bait up and harvest a couple of deer from our log cabin bathroom. Have 2 years of firewood split and in the dry. I am lacking a solar generator. Will work on that. Just hope all take this with love....... not fussing, just want to be talking to all of you for many years to come.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Alabama) on 01/18/2021

I had the symptoms of COVID in March. I immediately upped my vitamin c, 1000 to 1500 mg. Daily. I upped my garlic, 3 caps a day. Started taking oregano oil, 3 caps a day. I also took 1T. of colloidal silver once a day. Gargled it than swallowed. I normally take melatonin every night. It took 3 weeks to run it off. The last week was when I lost my taste and smell. Through all this I never went to bed but felt pretty bad. I also prayed the whole time. This may help somebody.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (NY, NY) on 12/24/2020

My husband's aunt and I got COVID-19 at the same time after getting together for lunch. We both had a general ill feeling and loose stools for 3 days. Last Sunday, I had difficulty breathing. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER.

I mixed low sodium V8 Juice (the low sodium is high in potassium and chloride) with juice from a lemon & lime and horseradish and celery seed and Worcestershire Sauce which contains vinegar, molasses, onions, cloves, garlic and chili pepper extract. I alternated that with 8 ounces of hot water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon iodized salt.

I also ate small pieces of raw garlic. I also took a nasal spray that contains sodium chloride. I rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in a 50-50 combination per bottle instructions. I rubbed hydrogen peroxide on my face and hands. I don't have food grade hydrogen peroxide. After an hour my severe symptoms subsided. I continued to take small bites of the raw garlic every couple of hours and took sips of the salt water the rest of the day. I also ate pineapple which is high in enzymes and had chicken soup made with brown rice, salt and chicken bone broth. The bones had been simmered in water with a dash of vinegar for 6 hours.

I relayed this information to my husband's aunt. I was able to perform day to day duties on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My only subsequent symptoms are a sporadic cough. My husband's aunt was in the hospital on Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon the hospital discharged her. She was not allowed to eat or drink anything while in the hospital because they were running tests. The hospital confirmed she has COVID-19. The only treatment she got before leaving the hospital was a shot containing anti-coagulant medicine. Yesterday my husband's aunt had a severe sore throat and was laid up in bed. Her husband was fielding phone calls to let her rest.

Recent evidence in COVID-19 biology indicates there is significant reproduction of the virus in the nose and throat during the first five days of symptoms.

I have a glass of orange juice in the morning as part of my daily routine for Vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D. I take a vitamin D supplement and calcium carbonate supplement for my osteopenia. I take a pre-natal vitamin for vitamins and minerals and extra methylfolate. I am 60 years old. Going forward while the pandemic rages on I am going to switch back to white towels and white sheets washed in detergent and a small amount of bleach since bleach kills COVID-19 in 5 minutes. I bought a mold and mildew cleaner for the bathroom that contains sodium hypochlorite. I am washing my masks every 3 days. I am going to keep hydrated with spring water. I use iodized salt and sea salt while cooking. I have wild oregano herbs and oil of wild oregano in my arsenal if needed.

According to Doug Kaufmann from Know the Cause, chlorophyll in greens (spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, kale, etc.) is one of nature's great “detoxifiers”, anti-fungals and anti-mycotics. Fiber (eg. vegetables, oatmeal, ground flax seed) binds up toxins and eliminates them from the body.

I am going to try to get 50 grams of protein every day which is the RDA for some-one my height 5'11". I am going to get protein, fats, carbs, fiber, vitamins and minerals from food like salmon, cod, chicken, grass fed beef, chicken liver, turkey, eggs, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, walnuts, spinach, kale, raw almonds, yams, broccoli, beans, carrots, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits, chick peas, parmesan cheese, dried parsley, dried oregano, basil and cilantro. I eat fortified raisin bran cereal with half a sliced banana and 2% milk occasionally. I have a cappuccino every morning with 1/2 cup milk blended on high in the blender for 10 seconds and then heated with a tablespoon of coffee. I am going to look into the food grade hydrogen peroxide.

I don't know what the outcome will be for my husband's aunt. She is ten years older than me and is suffering greatly. She is limited to what she can take because of severe acid reflex. I have a 77 year old friend that had COVID-19 in February. He was in and out of the hospital over the course of 14 days. He received oxygen and a blood transfusion and a strong antibiotic while in the hospital and went home with an oxygen tank. It took him several months to recover. He uses a vaporizer with mineral salts every day.

Thank you Earth Clinic for getting vital information out to those struggling with disease. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season!

Posted by Tracy (Okc, Ok) on 08/02/2020

The studies you refer to were addressed by the Frontline Doctors in a Press Conference in Washington. DC. The 11 studies you refer to used very high doses of hydroxcloroquin and that's why they were ineffective. When used in proper dosage, this drug is safer then aspirin. The Frontline Doctors are not the only ones using it with success. It was used at the Henry Ford Health Center in Mich with 2,500 people. Dr. Immanuel in Houston used it with 350 patients along with Zinc and irthymyicin. Not sure of the spelling??? Her oldest patient was 92. All 350 patients survived!!!

Coconut Oil + Astragalus
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/08/2020

I forgot to mention my coconut oil in coffee method. 6 ounces hot coffee 1 Tablespoon coconut oil 1 teaspoon raw cacao powder 2 teaspoons maple syrup. I use a little battery operated milk frother to blend it up and it really does make it easier. I had been putting this all in the vitamix but that is kind of overkill for a cup of coffee and it's more to clean.

~Mama to Many~

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Chris Chung (A) on 10/08/2020

Interesting that you mentioned activated charcoal. Researchers are actually studying it out as a potential treatment for COVID.

Here's a link to that:

Also, 21% of Covid cases come with a rash.

Below is a story of a medical doctor that got an antibiotic resistant rash after treating his first covid patient. He tried a charcoal poultice as a last resort, and it promptly disappeared.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Maria (CA) on 06/02/2021

When I was charged for Frontline Dr's in May 2021, it was 90.00. Yes you do need an appointment. The cost for prescription for me was: $75 for HCQ, (four month supply), $80 for erythromycin, $180 for Ivermectin, (five day supply). The pharmacy called and spoke to me on a separate day - the pharmacist gave me WAY more information than the MD did. My concern is that HCQ can cause heart arrhythmia, (big concern for me).

In Africa, indigenous people take HCQ once a week, calling it 'Sunday, Sunday' as it keeps malaria at bay. I'm allergic to erythromycin but I was told I can take another antibiotic. The antibiotic is only to be used upon feeling a heavy pressure on the lungs as in have pneumonia. I asked if I could take the Ivermectin paste for animals and was told it was not advisable as it's not measured properly. (the Ivermectin paste made by Durvet, apple flavored, came highly recommended by several friends that have used it for over a year with successfully not contracting COVID19; cost is 5.99-10.99, depending where you purchase, (it's made for animals).

I hope this helps.


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