Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

Posted by Shelly (Sioux City)

In the fall when the time changes, I often have a very difficult time with anxiety and depression, especially as the holiday season approaches. After being on Effexor for a couple of years, I decided I needed to find a natural solution as I was tired of always feeling 2 steps behind. I experimented with the supplement SAM-e and discovered that it worked wonders fairly quickly. I also realized that some brands are better than others as it is a very unstable molecule. I took the lower dosage 2x a day for about a month. At that point I had to stop taking it for a while because it appeared that my brain chemistry had corrected itself and I no longer needed supplementation. Now I take it as needed, which is about 1 pill every few months. I hope others coming off the anti-anxiety medication will give this supplement a try. It was a wonderful discovery! By the way, doctors in Europe prescribe this remedy more often than prescription meds.

Fish Oil
Posted by Ethan (Nashville, Tennessee) on 11/20/2008

I take fish oil at least twice a week. I have been doing this a year now. Though it has not cured my depression it seems to help. I also take a multi vitamin occasionaly. I was skeptical of a natural cure working after having tried ST Johns Wart because it did not seem to work for me but I gave it a shot and I have been doing fairly well. I still get depressed but not for such long periods of time like I used to.

St John's Wort
Posted by Meghan (Los Angeles) on 09/22/2022

I'm so happy for you, Cynthia!

I feel I must caution those currently on antidepressants:

Combining St. John's wort and certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase in your body's levels of serotonin

Posted by Mary (San Gabriel, CA) on 10/01/2021

If anyone got the recipe of Oprah Winfrey's tea for depression containing Rhodiola can you please post it here on Earthclinic? I have been searching for it for a long time now. Thank you very much!!


Gratitude Practice
Posted by J. (Mn) on 02/16/2020

Hi. Very good advice I start and end the day with prayers of thanks. I have cleaned my entire place from top to bottom. Got rid of tons of clutter and I did feel better and less fatigue. When you look at clutter everywhere it's defeating and makes you tired. My problem is keeping up with it and staying on an even keel. I do really good keeping the house in order and then after some days I crash. Too tired to do anything. I don't know if this is a form of chronic fatigue or depression, although I don't think negatively this is not new I've had I would call it poor stamina all my adult life. I have attributed it to having a damaged nervous system from prolonged (like years) emotional trauma in youth. I'll have to do some more research. Thank you everyone for your ideas.

Gratitude Practice
Posted by Nonnie (Canada) on 11/27/2019

Hi Veronicah S. from Switzerland

- I enjoyed reading your post about gratitude / self love / self compassion. It's always good to have a gentle reminder of how much we have to be thankful for - regardless of our circumstances in life. Another great book (there are so many) is "Attitudes of Gratitude" by M.J. Ryan. I read it many years ago and I have to confess that I used to write in a gratitude journal but stopped for no particular reason. Now I'm going to make it part of my daily routine . . .

Thanks again and best wishes.

Brain Zap Recovery Supplements
Posted by Jane (Massachusetts) on 05/24/2019

I have not been able to find anything on Brain Zaps. From what I've read it is related to serotonin levels. People coming off of anti-depressants seem to get them. However my elderly father is now experiencing them and I'm wondering if it's due to aging and depletion of serotonin levels. I've read Omega 3 oils, b-6, b-12 and 5HTP are very effective. Has anyone had luck with these remedies?

St John's Wort
Posted by Tif (Maryland) on 01/15/2018

Natural treatments are cheaper only when comparing with the full price of the prescrption medication. Many people with insurance only pay $3, $5, $10 or possibly a $20 copay. Many supplements can cost $29-$69 or more. Oftentimes the prescriptions end up being far less expensive. Unfortunately, natural treatments aren't affordable to many on a tight budget.

Low BCAA Protein Diet
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 04/28/2016 2063 posts

L: Have you ever tried supplementing the amino acid Tyrosine?? It's one of my favs for mood & energy.

Test for Hypothyroidism
Posted by April (La, Ca) on 01/06/2016

My temp is 97.1@noon usually. Not normal. Which desiccated hormone therapy did u take? Armour? Maybe I didn't take enough. I had dep fr pms and the pms specialist prescribed that as well as hormones. But still fighting. So it vanished? None was fr life circumstances nor neg thinking? Sounds like purely physical???

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Stellysue (Oregon) on 08/24/2014

I've been on Sertraline (Zoloft) for over 12 years, with the dosage going up or down (currently at 100mgs.) depending on how crappy I felt. Two weeks ago, after a visit to the Dr, I started taking half doses with no withdrawal symptoms. Is there an average weaning length of time, and if so, how long? I just started on 5-htp today also. My Dr. is an internist and was somewhat vague about this issue.

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/25/2014

Dear Dave,

I, too, am so sorry for your loss.

I and many here at EC so appreciate your love and friendship and hate to see you hurting.

I love John and the Psalms, too.

You are in my prayers.

~Mama to Many~

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 07/25/2014

Dear Dave, I would like to add myself to those here who have expressed their feelings over your loss. It is a heart ache only time can lessen.

it is one of the experiences here on this planet that has hidden wisdom and it is a journey for all.

Perhaps if your mind sometime can dwell on the fact that in the not to near future, wisdom will dawn to take the pain and sorrow away for good. May your heart be soothed with the knowledge that wisdom will dawn to an understanding of the purpose of life transcending the mind.

Much Love, Om

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Kbugg (Kcmo Area) on 07/25/2014

Dear Dave,

I, too, weep for your loss....

Death is not natural, so, no, even though you knew the expected outcome, NOTHING can prepare you for that moment.

Continue to find comfort in the scriptures, my friend.....That alone can ease any shock or depression.

Grieving has its own time-line & is different for all. It can not be analyzed. Just endured and even embraced. The more you fight it, the more difficult, I believe......(Beware anyone who suggests you should 'medicate' your grief, even though herbs / supps / therapies may be needed to help with the side-effects of the grieving---you know, like lack of sleep & such)

So glad you found some comfort here from EC friends.......

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Suzanne (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 07/26/2014

Dave from Fountain Inn SC. Thank you Dave for sharing those sweet last minutes spent with your beloved wife. You have a kind, gentle way about you in your writings and are much appreciated. The deepest hurt, no doubt, is losing the one we have spent a lifetime loving. My heart goes out to you. I thank God that grief comes in spurts as we would not survive otherwise. On losing my father I came across a line from CS Lewis that helped me a bit to understand my brokenness, "No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear" . This was true for me as I had lost direction and hope. God bless you and hold you close.

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 07/26/2014


I am so sorry to read your posting about the loss of your wife. How could anyone ever be prepared for that? When you mentioned her eyes, I couldn't help but think of Steve Jobs last words, "Boy, of boy! " and I wondered if that was her reaction to her first glimpse of heaven? I hope you can draw strength from happy memories you have from your many years together, and if you have children, you will see she still is with you in them. All of us in your Earth family are here to support you in any way we can. Trust in God and lean on your friends until one day when the weight of this loss becomes bearable. Take care.

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Sp (Wb, Nj) on 07/26/2014

Dear Dave, thank you for sharing so openly. I am truly sorry for your loss. It sucks to be left behind, doesn't it?

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 07/26/2014

Hi Lilac - In your reply to Dave about depression, I read your comment about the book Great Sleep - Reduced Cancer by Hansler. I checked our library (they didn't have it) but I was able to get a Kindle version for less than $1 on Amazon. I haven't read it yet but I did check the customer comments on Amazon. I'm ready to get amber lights and glasses to see if it helps with insomnia. Thanks again Lilac - I love learning something new! Cheers, Bess

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Lilac (Northern Usa) on 07/26/2014

Dave, beautifully expressed and a memorable tribute to your beloved. Mourning the death of a friend, I was once extremely comforted by reading accounts of near-death experiences. So I recommend that to you. You can find such accounts at, or look at a book on this topic on Amazon, and see other books that are recommended there. One I found good is PROOF OF HEAVEN: A NEUROSURGEON'S JOURNEY INTO THE AFTERLIFE by Dr. Eben Alexander. Obviously you enjoy reading, so another thought I have for you is to read things written by men mourning a great loss. John Keats wrote "Ode to a Nightingale" (my favorite poem) soon after nursing his young brother, who died in his care. In this poem you can see Keats' reference to that experience. ("Where youth grows pale...") Wordsworth wrote his poem "Surprised by Joy, " while still in mourning for the death of his daughter. Goethe wrote his novel, THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER, while mourning over the unrequited love of a woman named Lotte. The process of writing this biographical novel was therapeutic to Goethe, and relieved him of his grief; this same situation and therapeutic outcome applied to Algernon Swinburne writing his poem "The Triumph of Time, " which I find so beautiful. Yes, Bibliotherapy...losing oneself in a book...visiting another person's life and for a while stepping out of our own. That is the best thing--being able to step out of our lives, slough off the pained ego, escape. I'm thinking of you, as are others here. Lilac

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/27/2014 2063 posts

Lilac: Thanks for the wonderful literary references. One line in particular that's always stuck on me is "heart for any fate" by Longfellow. More recently the prog rock Yes's "children of light - don't be afraid".

As for the NDE's, I bought & read one of the first publications on the subject authored by Gallop editors back in the late 70's as these reports kept coming in and validation was mounting for empirical after-life legitimacy. Then another from a Christian publisher in the 90's, and recently after loosing my mother, my kitty family, and what little health I had left, began reading all NDE accounts on the web. Some of mom's last words, as she glimpsed into the heavenly realms, were "It's beautiful - so beautiful".

Not to fall victim of liberal or romantic idealism, there is certainly cause for caution & alarm for people who live lawless and corrupt lives. Move on to all the horror stories of Alien abduction, livestock mutilation, and reptilian overlord mind and planet control. I have always been rather conservative and careful in assessing such nonconventional subjects but a long-standing disability has put me in the cross-hairs of what's really going on. It's where living w/ your back against the wall gets truly educational as suspicious after suspicious events are unambiguously validated.

To conclude, it is most imperative to do one's best at living an honest and sincere life, as there are spiritual beings that will absolutely deceive the blind into yet another slave world existence. I think they call it "energy harvesting" where these (trans-dimensional and thousands yrs old) overlords continue sucking the awareness directly from sentient beings consciousness, leaving the subjects not knowing the difference between what is and what is not. What's the Biblical New Testament record from St John "Little children, let no one deceive you".

I don't like making such long post of extraordinary subject but the importance cannot be overstated.

I particularly loved Andy's NDE account were millions of little lights grew closer and stronger until they were felt as wonderful spiritual beings that proclaimed they had known & loved him from all eternity. Then as the folks back on earth were reviving him from drowning an angel told him he was going back home, but Andy declared this place was his home and he didn't want to go back to earth.

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Carly (Usa ) on 07/26/2014


I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. She was a lucky woman to have had such a good and thoughtful husband for so many years. Bless you both.

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 07/27/2014

Hi Timh ---- well said. This is what counts. The Golden Age is not far off and there is enormous effort to deceive souls and keep them focused on media, etc.

These are tests. Practising keeping in the light and doing good works without expectations. That is for this age as well repeating the names of the Lord for protection.

Remember the story of Lot in the bible when they fled the city. She turned back and became petrified. This goes for all the evil effort today. Be in the light and be the light.

Namaste, Om

OTC Natural Lithium
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 07/27/2014

I am so very sorry for your loss, Dave.

My heart broke for you as I read your post. I am all too familiar with the emotions you are experiencing.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by Alla (California) on 01/14/2024

What is worm tablets?

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, NC) on 07/28/2014 88 posts

I weaned myself off my meds for BP about 10 years ago. I took lots of stuff and was still moderately depressed and still crashed big why was I taking them? I used truehope and s-l-o-w-l-y went off my meds and took tons of their vitamins. It took me about 5 months to get off all meds. My shrink was very supportive. I did well for about 5 years and then started having blips (depression) here and there. Upping vitamins, vit D, taking aminos and meditation helps. I am going to try acupuncture too.

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Amanda (USA) on 05/08/2013

I have been on Effexor 75mg er for about 6 months for anxiety and depression. I have had bad side effects and weight gain. How do I get off this poison and what do you recommend to help in this process? All help will be appreciated.

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 05/08/2013

The good news is, since you're taking a low dose and haven't been on it all that long, tapering off should be relatively easy for you.

The best advice is to go slow. The slower the better. Since you're taking the extended release version, the only lower dose is the 37.5mg capsules. (The immediate release goes as low as 25mgs and since they're tablets, they can be split into lower doses for a slower taper. The XR cap's don't go lower than 37.5mg.)

It's typically recommended to take the 37.5's for a week to ten days, then take a 37.5mg capsule every other day for a week to ten days, then you go off entirely.

I think you'll do well since your dose is low and you've only taken them for six months. All best!

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Wishing (You, Well) on 05/09/2013

I googled and read that some people go off Effexor by bridging with Prosac. I believe Prosac has fluoride in it so be aware of that.

Wishing YOU well!

Weaning Off Medications
Posted by Lou (Falmouth, Cornwall, England) on 04/22/2013

Hi, Having read your tips it states that it is useful for you to know the following:

Age: 33
Gender: female
Race/ethnicity: white, british
Blood type: unknown

General health/weight: Health is very good. The only issue is that I have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome about 10 years ago and depression since then. Have been on Citalopram 40mg for the last two years and am now slowly weaning myself off them (am currently at a dose of 20mg). Weight= 69kg which is slightly over what's considered normal for my height of 5'3".

At the moment I am feeling well but I want to do everthing in my power to make sure I stay well without the need for taking citalopram.

My question for you guys is- Will lithium orotate help me to come off citalopram and if so how much is a safe dose to take and what makes should I be looking at or avoid. I hope you can help.

Thank you! Lou

Medication Side Effects
Posted by Jenifer (San Francisco) on 07/03/2014

Seems to me being suicidal is worse than just being depressed! I had a friend who was on an antidepressant and she did take her life this past year. Sigh...glad you are doing well now.

Medication Side Effects
Posted by Casey (Montebello, Ca) on 07/04/2014

Please, Joy from Battleground, Wash. tell us what is your normal dose. Since double dose may cause heart palpitations, we would like to know the amount. Thank you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Somya (Hyderabad, India) on 02/15/2013

I have been diagnosed bipolar disorder, am using oxetol 450mg, amixide in the night, flutop 20mg on alternate days. I feel very sad for no reason, feel like crying, sensitivity in head. What diet can cure my low mood?

Posted by Desmond (Blawclee, Leinster, Southern Ireland) on 02/10/2013

DEAR SIR OR MADAM: Just as a matter of interest, what happens if I take, say, 2 liters of water every day to dispel my depression? I mean, won't the water just flush out all the vitamins and minerals that my body has inside? I really would welcome a reply for which I thank you.

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky) on 02/05/2013 2063 posts

For depression, I get very good results w/ Tyrosine. I like to take 1 grm daily but Tyrosine will raise the blood pressure in folks who have the condition. I am at least able to take 500mg daily now. Add some St John'sWort once daily along w/ the T and I'm a happy man again.

General Feedback
Posted by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny) on 01/10/2013

Hi everyone, I was just diagnosed Viibryd for depression, anxiety, and anorexia. Has anyone tried it before and had a good experience? I am a little skeptical and nervous about taking a Western pharmaceutical. I have been seeing a naturopath and want to find out if there are any better, more natural options... but thought I'd see if anyone on here has suggestions. Thanks! Gloria

General Feedback
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv Nevada) on 01/10/2013

I've had great results with 5HTP for depression. Worked within an hour of taking it. Went from crying at the drop of a hat to smiling like it never happened.

General Feedback
Posted by Pete (Latin America) on 01/11/2013

Please ready the book The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. It talks about the groups of chemicals we need for our well being, how to assess which ones you need, how to supplement and then maintain through dietary changes. I changed my life where everything else failed!

Example: 5htp didn't work for me in the past. It made everything worse and turned me a bit bipolar I felt. It wasn't until reading the book that I realized I wasn't taking it properly (it is important what time of the day you take it). Miracles happened after that!

Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, NY) on 01/12/2013

Got the book... Excited to give it a go! Any other suggestions and/or feedback about that specific medication?

General Feedback
Posted by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny) on 01/14/2013

Actually, got the book and tried 5-HTP and it made me manic!!! I was more anxious and had difficulty falling asleep... Weird... Any other suggestions?

General Feedback
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv) on 01/14/2013

Sam-E is said to normalize neurotransmitters and worth a try.

General Feedback
Posted by Julie (Charleston, Sc) on 01/15/2013

I expect many people experience side effects from 5-HTP or even Sam-E. I have also had bad reactions to various amino acids that I have tried over the years and have come to the conclusion that magnesium, fresh green juices and plenty of exercise are the best things for my brain chemistry and health. I recommend you start with very small dosages of any supplement that you are trying for depression. Good luck!

Green Juice
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va/usa) on 12/25/2012

Thanks for your excellent information on "green juice." As far as using slow masticating juicers, can you be more specific as to a specific brand or model; I understand that you probably can only communicate this off-line. (my eMail: LaKrutzel {at} yahoo[dot] com). The type juicers that you recommend, do they separate the pulp from the juice or do they totally liquefy the entire vegetable like the Vitamix blender? Also, can incorporation of ice, allow for the use of higher speed blenders, so as not to destroy the enzymes? Thanks, Larry

Hormone Related
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/29/2012

Hi Sue, I just wanted to say congratulations to you for being brave enough to take a stand for yourself in spite of how your psychiatrist reacted! And how wonderful you have a husband who has been there for you throughout all your experience. I too am fortunate to have a husband who has steadfastly been there for me through all of my disability and then recovery. Thanks for sharing your story with everyone, for it gives strength to all when someone is able to forge a path on their own and find answers which are perhaps, not of the mainstream information. I always feel fortunate to have found Earth Clinic as I have learned so much info here to maintain/ restore my health. And funny, it was 7 years ago for me too when I took my spiral and can look back on that path and see all I've learned through that experience mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. So, in the end, we grow and expand... and come out on the other end more able to reach back a hand to help others up.

I hope the Chinese herbs are still working well for you. I know mine are. Did you ever have a look at the Chinese Herbs book I recommended? Also, you refer to Daniel Ahem, did you mean Dr. Daniel Amen? Anyway, once again congratulations for overcoming your own terror and stepping forward to achieve your health again! Best to you always, Lisa

Hormone Related
Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 10/30/2012

Thank you Lisa.... Yes, I meant to type Dr. Daniel Amen, but typed Ahem instead. ") I realized my error when I was watching TV last night. And thank you for your words of encouragement. I really appreciate it.

As of now, my reading has been only on Dragon Herbs website. I plan to order his book very soon. I decided to switch up what I'm ordering from them after doing my reading. The senior consultant can only go by what I tell her I'm looking for and then make a recommendation. I decided to go by what I thought I needed. I'm going to continue with the Rehmannia Six Combo, but also the Goji & Schizandra. The Duanwood Reishi helped tremendously with my stress level, but don't think I'll be re-ordering. I'll continue with the 8 Immortals and determine when I'm almost out if I want to continue using.

I wanted to add this footnote: My psychiatrist had me on so many anti-depressants (and combos of said drugs) and when they weren't working, she starting mixing it up with meds for bi-polar, schizophrenia and manic depressive. I felt like I was literally in a black hole and just wanted help out. I was very fortunate to recover, but I know there are so many people who aren't that fortunate. My heart aches for you. Don't give up, tho. Just ask for guidance.... I prayed everyday.... When I switched off listening to the Dr.'s and really listened to my husband and inner voice, I knew it would be okay.

Lisa...Mom passed away last Friday afternoon. Very peacefully. Thank you for all your help.

Hormone Related
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/30/2012

Hi Sue, Sorry to hear of your loss. It's nice she went peacefully. Were you able to be with her? Sounds like you handled it with grace. I hope the herbs helped you as well. I'm so happy to hear that you have continued to read about the herbs on the site. It's a very informative site. I use it often as a reference in spite of the fact that I have the book! It's just so convenient and well- written. I too, have added the Goji and Schizandra on recommendation from one of the consultants when I went in to their tonic bar. He told me it would build my jing and according to my pulses, I needed that.

I also went in to my acupuncture last week as I hadn't been for quite awhile. He worked on me for my stomach and also my low back has really been bothering me. It's been very stiff and making it difficult to move. He said there was a lot of stagnation and did cupping on me. Within 5 minutes I could feel it calm down and literally feel the inflammation going down! It hasn't bothered me since.

I wanted to ask you if you meant Dr. Daniel Amen because I wanted to tell you I got to hear him speak at the Longevity Now conference which I attended in the spring. He's quite dynamic and funny. I too have read his books and have learned so much from them. He has a lot of fascinating information and is doing ground-breaking work. Have you heard him speak at all? I have received audio iterviews of him in the past so if I receive more, I'll be sure to post so you can hear him too.

Anyway, blessings to you and may peace prevail. It is always wonderful to hear from you. Lisa

Energy Healing
Posted by Carlos Sumpter (Lindenhurst, NY) on 05/27/2012

I practice a hands on application over the craneal area as a conduit of the healing energy it flows through me but it comes from a higher source it goes to the brain and balances any energetic imbalance that restores mental health. a sense of warmth and a placebo effect will follow as a pain reliever capable of producing symptomatic alleviation.

Carlos Sumpter

Urine Therapy
Posted by Sandy (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/01/2012

It is well known that depression is caused (at least in part) from nutritional deficiencies. Urine therapy is perfect for fixing mineral and electrolyte imbalances. Most people believe urine is a waste product. This is incorrect. The body can only process a certain amount of vitamins and minerals at any one time. The test is lost through urine. This makes urine very high in nutrients. Why waste it? Make sure you haven't eaten or drunk anything for at least 2 hours before you ingest urine to make sure you body is ready to accept the nutrients. Try not to mix it with other liquids (eg juice) and the body may absorb those vitamins instead. Secondly I would recommend a remedy that can be used in conjunction with urine therapy.

Energy fields emitted by crystals can help balance weak chakras. (another proven cause of depression simply google it and you'll find plenty of evidence). Simply hold the crystal to your forehead (I use tape. The longer it stays there the better) and within a week you should start to feel better. Which crystal you use may depend on your zodiac simply research which crystals are best for you or you may want to use your birthstone (also good). Let us know if you try either or both of these suggestions and if they worked for you!

Urine Therapy
Posted by Marie (Quebec, Canada) on 01/24/2015

Hi Sandy,

Hope you are still around and will see my post. First, I would say that "my" english is not perfect, as I speak french, so sorry for the language mistakes. My situation is that one: I suffered from chronic depression most of my life (I'm 37 now), been on antidepressants (without good results) for 16 years and now off of them since 2 months. I've tried soooo many alternatives and supplements or therapies (name it) without any relief. I'm not investigating about urine therapy. I'm really willing to start it NOW but need some guidance about how to start and the general procedure. (I don't need other suggestions than UT, because if so, I will be overwhelmed, and I'm interested about UT only...hope you understand) THANKS in advance :)

Primrose Oil
Posted by Railey (Detroit, Mi) on 01/25/2012

I HIGHLY reccomend PR OIL for depression. I have always had great will power and am strong minded, but after a couple of car accidents I have felt weak emotionally and physically for a couple years. I did research and found primrose oil. It is recommended for women, though a lot of men say they have had very much success with it. There are good seminars/workshops you can watch on Youtube if you would like to obtain more information.

Primrose oil works with a lot of different disorders and diseases, good luck!

Exercise, B Complex, Magnesium
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 10/20/2011

Hi Seekthetruth, I found exercise (walking over 1/2 hour), vit B complex and magnesium brought me out of depression. Also omega 3 fish oil is very good for depression. I don't think your friends will find these natural supplements too scary. Hope the best Lily.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/09/2011

I have had some severe bouts of depression, crying for several days at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason. One day it hit me for some reason that my seratononin levels must be off for me to be feeling this way. I had heard that many people have had good experiences with 5HTP so I bought some and emptied the cap under my tongue thinking it might absorb a little faster. I could feel a subtle change happening almost immediately. Haven't had any depression since that point. I take it once every few days if I feel a little off. My brother has also been suffering for several years with depression and he tried it the same way 50mg under the tongue. He began feeling better the same day and reported feeling brighter. Like the fog had lifted, and he sounds much happier. I believe if your seratonin levels are low then 5HTP will definitely help you feel better.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach, Ca) on 08/18/2011

I really like 5-HTP, too. I take 50 mg. Every night before I go to bed. It has made a positive difference for me. I am really pleased.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denny (Clarksville, Tennessee) on 06/25/2011

Tried apple cider vinegar for depression and did it not help.
