Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

Posted by Brian (Boulder, Co) on 03/02/2012


My caution is quite different: there is a VERY good chance your doctor will advise against 5-HTP (or any natural remedy). For many, that avenue then becomes a dead end.

I use 5-HTP now after being prescribed pharmaceuticals, and it is at least as effective. The dark secret about meds is that for many of us they don't do much in the first place, and eventually they destroy your liver (which happened to my sister, with many serious health consequences).

My advice for wearning yourself off your meds (which is what I did) is to do it VERY slowly, and introduce 5-HTP as slowly. At least 3 months, until the dosages you are taking are just tiny crumbs. This will keep your side effects down to a bare minimum. Good luck!

Posted by Jc (Boston, USA) on 02/12/2012

Rachel, You are right on. The reason eliminating irritants to the gut like gluten help is that many hormones and neurotransmitters like seratonin are manufactuered in the gut. Take good care of your digestive track by eliminating junk food and highly processed foods. Personally, I have found that Tryptophan is more effective than 5htp. Good post and thanks.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Sandy (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/01/2012

It is well known that depression is caused (at least in part) from nutritional deficiencies. Urine therapy is perfect for fixing mineral and electrolyte imbalances. Most people believe urine is a waste product. This is incorrect. The body can only process a certain amount of vitamins and minerals at any one time. The test is lost through urine. This makes urine very high in nutrients. Why waste it? Make sure you haven't eaten or drunk anything for at least 2 hours before you ingest urine to make sure you body is ready to accept the nutrients. Try not to mix it with other liquids (eg juice) and the body may absorb those vitamins instead. Secondly I would recommend a remedy that can be used in conjunction with urine therapy.

Energy fields emitted by crystals can help balance weak chakras. (another proven cause of depression simply google it and you'll find plenty of evidence). Simply hold the crystal to your forehead (I use tape. The longer it stays there the better) and within a week you should start to feel better. Which crystal you use may depend on your zodiac simply research which crystals are best for you or you may want to use your birthstone (also good). Let us know if you try either or both of these suggestions and if they worked for you!

Primrose Oil
Posted by Railey (Detroit, Mi) on 01/25/2012

I HIGHLY reccomend PR OIL for depression. I have always had great will power and am strong minded, but after a couple of car accidents I have felt weak emotionally and physically for a couple years. I did research and found primrose oil. It is recommended for women, though a lot of men say they have had very much success with it. There are good seminars/workshops you can watch on Youtube if you would like to obtain more information.

Primrose oil works with a lot of different disorders and diseases, good luck!

St John's Wort
Posted by Sarah (Ottawa, Canada) on 01/13/2012

I have been taking B100 complex and Omega 3 (both three times a day) to help me being down day-to-day (depression, I guess).

I tried them separately, but only if I take them both works for me..

Tried 5-HTP for weight loss and saw it decreased my appetite considerably, improved my mood but also made me sleepy. So, I only take it once in the evening.

None of these were helping though with my aweful PMS moods. So gave ST JOHN'S WORT a try. Started taking 2 weeks before my expected period and saw improvements almost in a matter of days.

I had no side effects and now use it regularly 1 week before my period and following week to keep the bitch under control (additional to all above vitamins).

I take 2-3 weeks off and then repeat, so far I'm very happy with the results. It doesn't make me happy, just content but that is way better than being angry for no good reason.

Posted by Rachel (Manchester, New Hampshire, Usa ) on 01/10/2012

You want the 5HTP to create serotonin in your brain, not your gut. The nausea from 5HTP comes about when the body makes serotonin in the gut rather than the brain. When Europeans take 5HTP they take it with a decarboxylase inhibitor so this will not happen. Try taking it sublingually. I've taken 5HTP on and off for years, but lately I'm having better results with Source Naturals' brand of Tryptophan. (See their website for a comparison of 5HTP and Tryptophan. ) When you take any amino acids, like Tryptophan, do not take with any other protein... Wait 2 or 3 hours, if possible. This may also apply to 5HTP. Amino Acids compete with each other to get into the brain, so it won't be effective if taken too near protein. Take these amino acid pills with fruits or fruit juices. Also take magnesium, folate, vitamin C and especially Vitamin B6 along with the 5HTP or Tryptophan to help your brain create serotonin. See LEF. ORG, then "tryptophan" for a helpful writeup. Here's a very good article:

You can also call LEF (Life Extension Foundation) for a free consultation (tel. 800-226-2370). I got relief from depression by following the GFCF diet (Gluten Free, Casein Free = no dairy, no wheat, barley, no rye, no oats unless gluten-free oats. ) My life picked up from that diet. Lots of info online about it; also see the book THE ULTRAMIND SOLUTION by Mark Hyman, M. D. Also I got great results by learning how to increase serotonin through diet. Do see this excellent book: NATURAL PROZAC by Dr. Joel Robertson. You can start by reading the reviews on Amazon for these books.

Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 12/11/2011

If the 5htp is a capsule you way want to try emptying it under your tongue for sublingual absorbtion. That way you don't have to process it through your digestive tract and avoid the nausea. I hold the 5htp powder under my tongue for about an hour or until I feel like I have absorbed it. This way has worked well for me.

Couch Exercise
Posted by Kathy (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/27/2011

Is this what they call planking? lol :-)

Posted by Jack (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 11/16/2011

Thank you all for your advice. It's greatly appreciated. I have a relative who has been on Luvox (an SSRI; anti-depressant) for a while, taking 50mg a day, and who was on a bunch of other drugs last year (they kept trying to treat the "symptoms" with a different drug, instead of figuring out the "cause" (ironically, the anti-depressant itself), and eliminating that), and we just found out about Niacinamide (Vitamin B-3), and how it helped the guy who started AA to get rid of his depression. Actually, he used Niacin, but Niacinamide doesn't have the hot flashes that Niacin causes.

Can we start to give him the Niacinamide while still on the Luvox? If so, how much Niacinamide do you suggest? They are in 500mg capsules.

Btw, I successfully stopped my panic attacks with it (I only had two attacks my whole life; I'm still blown away that I even had them). I took between 500mg and 2000mg per day, and only needed to take it for a few days. And that was over 3 years ago.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 10/21/2011

I spent about 15 years severely depressed and on medications which, in my opinion, numbed me and added to the already bad situation.

Couple of things that helped me...

1) Seeing a chiropracter and getting the spine re-aligned, which in turn allows the nerve endings to do their bit effectively.

2) Acupuncture and chinese herbs which allowed me to wean off the nasty allopathic depression meds that I was originally put on.

3) Soaking 1-2 times daily in dead sea salt (Available at ebay. The more you buy, and you use 3-4 heaped cups or more in a single soak). This allows your body to absorb magnesium and other critical elements and minerals that are missing from your body which may most definitely be adding to the 'low'.

4) Green juice first thing in the AM on an empty stomach. Include celery, cucumber, parsley, ginger and lemon juice. This detoxes your liver and flushes out the toxins from your body which will shift things very fast for you. FRESH juice drunk as soon as you have juiced, preferably withOUT the pulp.

5) Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine, atleast 30-45 mins daily in nature.

6) Walk barefoot atleast 30-45 minutes daily on the earth, grass, see earthing under separate heading on this site.

7) Exercise to release those endorphins.

8) Eliminate all sugar, white flour, and processed foods from your diet. HUGE in getting better. Substitute with more healthy choices like greek yogurt and agave and nuts for a 'sweet' treat.

9) Addition of raw foods to your diet. If you can go 50% raw, you will find you are getting better very soon.

10) Pranic healing. Please google it. Learn to do it yourself or find someone who can do it for you. Life CHANGING!

Please ask any specific questions. I really know the above has shifted my being and hope it can be helpful to you too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/20/2011

Seekthetruth, from reading about Earthing, maybe your friend's child could go outside and walk barefoot on the grass. There is science that goes along with this that it has a lot of healthy effects. Youtube has a lot of info on the benefits for the body.

Also vitamin D is good for getting endorphins and also for health, so sitting outside in the sun is very beneficial.

Exercise, B Complex, Magnesium
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 10/20/2011

Hi Seekthetruth, I found exercise (walking over 1/2 hour), vit B complex and magnesium brought me out of depression. Also omega 3 fish oil is very good for depression. I don't think your friends will find these natural supplements too scary. Hope the best Lily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 10/19/2011

Hi Seekthetruth - It's unfortunate that your friends don't believe in alternative medicine for their son's depression (especially since the conventional methods don't seem to be working for him). However, since he is an adult (you mentioned he was an adult male, under 30), he can decide for himself. By all means, share whatever you can with him. If his parents forbid you to do this, then they don't value your friendship. Their son's health is more important especially since you feel time is running out.

My sister-in-law has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals, had counselling, threatened suicide, took every medication ever made for depression (and endured the serious side effects) for years (she is in her 60s now). What has made a huge difference was cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and a change in her diet. She lived on processed food, artificial sweeteners (didn't want to gain weight) and a host of quick and easy meals that you just pop in the microwave (another evil - microwaved food).

Taking responsibility for what she put in her mouth was a huge challenge (and still is) but as long as she stayed away from junk, ate healthy, nutritious food (as in home cooked and not that frozen stuff with a million additives), NO sweeteners (even natural ones), took fish oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex (with extra Vitamin B12 - Connie is so right about Vitamin B12), drank enough water, exercised moderately, her depression lessened and her coping skills grew. She was able to be weaned off her pills by her doctor, with help from the cognitive behaviour therapist.

She also went to and typed in depression in the search field. She then went through the list of books and read the customer reviews. This is important feedback. When she found a book (tape, whatever) that had overwhelmingly good reviews, she got it from the library (she's on a limited budget). This reinforces for her that she's on the right track. When she cheats and doesn't eat properly, becomes dehydrated and just sits in front of the TV (another depressive - especially the news), she starts sliding back into a depression. It isn't easy for her - she really has to work at it but the outcome is worth it.

A Web site that may give you "ammunition" for a nutrition-based lifestyle for someone who is depressed is search for antidepressants and you will find many articles on how NOT to get on them in the first place and, if you already on them, how to get off of them. Also of interest are the comments from people who read the article. They have a lot to offer - many of them have suffered from depression.

The young man has a chance when someone like you guides him in the right direction. His desire to "live simply, without the chaos" may help him make that decision. Good luck.

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 10/19/2011

Hi Seekthetruth ; I'm an example of a person that's had depression long term. I remember it as far back as pre-school. I remember feeling an utter sadness even watching children's programs on television. It was particularly confusing as a child, but it remained throughout my teens and adulthood. It didn't seem to follow any pattern or even a situation, although negative stressors certainly worsened it. I did feel it throughout my body, though, especially in my chest and gut, along with my psyche. I agree that depression needs to be treated with the full gamut of procedures including, mind, body, and spirit.

But, I have found that the most effective treatment for me has been B12 therapy. I know that it doesn't work alone, but it does work! The rest of the B-complex is just as important for treating depression as well, of course, as amino acids and minerals in good proportion. B12 even aids in making certain amino acids available to the body. Now I feel that my gloomy times are more a part of the natural waves rather than the endless downward spirals. Even the medical community understands depression as a symptom of B12 deficiency, but only to a degree, and they assume that it's only true for elder folks. But it occurs in all ages, even infancy, and it does run in families. I see it my family, both sides. I have responded very well with sublingual lozenges of methylcobalamin, an active form of B12. Some people may respond better to injections. Also, with the other B's, some people respond better by varying the amounts of some of them. Some people increase B3, B5, B6, and Folate for depression. I recommend trying a low dose B-complex daily with extra subs. Of B12 for a few months or less, then try small increases of other B's to find a good proportion. I generally recommend between 1000-5000 mcg. Daily. The other B's may be felt more quickly, but B12 may take a while to be felt, so there could be some frustration with the healing process time.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/18/2011

Seekthetruth, I know what you mean about wanting to help someone and your friend not being open to it. I have a similar situation with someone. It is soo hard to even speak to them.

Niacin or B3 is very effective for treating depression and Dr. Hoffer had great success with it. From the linked article:

"Bill began to take niacin, 3 g daily. Within a few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone. He gave it to 30 of his close friends in AA and persuaded them to try it. Within 6 months he was convinced that it would be very helpful to alcoholics. Of the thirty, 10 were free of anxiety, tension and depression in one month. Another 10 were well in two months".

Also magnesium is very good for depression. Swimming in the ocean particularly good or just bathing in epson salts or magnesium chloride.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Seekthetruth (Wisconsin, Usa) on 10/18/2011

I am wondering - for those who have suffered a long time with depression (years and years) - and not just the basic 'blues' from time to time - but true depression, if someone can provide me with some advice on how to best proceed. I have a situation where a friend has a child (young adult under 30) that has been depressed and battling it for 10 years. My friend is not open to alternative remedies, but her child is - to a degree. He has been in and out of 'treatment' for depression (at facilities) a few times over the years and always tries to eat healthy, stopped drinking, etc. And still battles with it - he doesn't want to do drugs, and wants to live more simply, with less chaos in his life, but it seems his parents don't agree with that method - (no meds). He is stressed by this as well but would never say so to them. So what my question or need is - do I tell him about these wonderful remedies and offer my personal advice on his situation to him - and risk his parents friendship - or stay out of it. (I have experience with depression in a relative who committed suicide - we didn't know he was depressed until it was too late. ) I was forbidden to tell this friends son about my relative, by his parents.

If those of you who suffered with this depression for years - would let me know - if someone had the sort of info that is offered here and knew it would help you - would you want them to tell you about it - or stay out of it? I am not suffering from depression so I can't know what people who do feel about those who give them advice or tell them what to do - I don't want to be simply 'heard out' and not have it be of benefit because it was unsolicited or unwanted advice.

Let me know how you would want someone in my situation to proceed if you were the one who I wanted to tell about this. I am desparate to know - I feel like time could be short for him - and I want to help this family so much.

Thanks in advance for any help. I'll check back for posts in response to this. I'd also like to hear follow ups on those who have been taking ACV for depression for long periods of time and how it has been going. God bless!

Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 09/20/2011

For me it 5-HTP pulled me right out of a severe depression and the difference was immediate, like night and day. I took a 200mg Now brand 5HTP cap and put about half under my tongue for sublingual absorbtion. You can look at this reference for low serotonin levels as well as other neurotransmitters.

Peace, Steve

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Anna (Daytona, Florida) on 09/04/2011

I wanted to add my experience to the dietary reccommendations. My depression has vanished since I added more fat to my diet and since I have been taking a b complex pill everyday. I now eat a tablespoon of cocunut oil in my tea each morning.

Many people who have adopted a low carb diet with adequat fat and protein have been able to get rid of there depression. Protein is great but please don't forget the fat!! And no fat does not make you fat! In my opinion carbs do!

Hope this helps someone!


Posted by Granny Laura (Waco, Tx Usa) on 08/25/2011

I am elated to report that after taking inositol for about 2 months I do not have the big, black, depression I've had for the last 2 years! I had read about inositol for depression while researching Pyroluria and Histadelia and decided to try it. I ordered the powdered product, and began taking 1/4 teaspoon 4 times a day. After about a week I started going up on the dose until I was taking 1/2 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. That dose works out to 1200 mg 4 times a day. There was very little change at first but gradually I found that if I hadn't taked a dose that the depressive thoughts would start. After about 2 months I noticed that my mood had smoothed out so I waited about a week and cut my dose in half. That has worked just fine so far.

The powder is relatively inexpensive, and easy to take. The label says there is nothing in the powder but inositol. It is very sweet and I found I like it just fine dumped as a powder into my mouth from the measuring spoon. It would be fine to mix into anything that you drink as it has no taste except for being very sweet. I will try to remember to update if I have any changes in dose. I've never had anything for depression that didn't have really bad side effects so saying I'm very pleased would be an understatement.

Cold Showers
Posted by Learning (Northern, In) on 08/22/2011

I'm pretty sure she meant that if your temperature is 78 then you are dead...

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 08/18/2011

I read yesterday that the best way to get magnesium into you is to take it transdermally... Through the skin. A great way is to use magnesium oil and rub it on the skin but the best way is to swin in the ocean.. it is a veritable magnesium bath. The reason racehorses swim in the ocean after a race to relieve their muscles.

So if you live near the ocean go for a swim every day to relieve your depression or aches and pains. Or grab a bucket of sea water and soak your feet!

Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 08/18/2011

Hi Celia - I like your message about being calm while taking... Calm! I, too, use it nightly - although I only take a teaspoon (about 200 mg) so I probably should increase it. I use it to help me with restless legs and it works. I do get rather vivid dreams, though. I'll gradually up my dose and see what happens. Cheers, Bess

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach, Ca) on 08/18/2011

I really like 5-HTP, too. I take 50 mg. Every night before I go to bed. It has made a positive difference for me. I am really pleased.

Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach, Ca) on 08/18/2011

I like 5-HTP very much. I take one of the smallest dosages, 50 mg., but it has been very helpful.

Posted by Celia (Seattle, Wa) on 08/18/2011

I would like to share my wonderful discovery of the power of simple magnesium to alleviate depression. I had been taking a powdered form of magnesium every night before bed, which made me feel Calm and relaxed. Then I stopped taking it. I began to suffer a lot of mood problems when stopping it, and when I resumed the powdered magnesium citrate, I couldn't believe how much better I felt the next day.

I also use a combination herbal therapy for Mood Support, which works well. And every day I take vitamin D at 4000 mg, fish oil, and something called lithium orotate, a safe, commonly found supplement for brain and mood health. (Don't let the word lithium scare you. Unlike the drug lithium, lithium orotate is safe to take and you don't need to have your blood tested. Please look up lithium orotate online for more info.)

But to me, the most important missing link in the puzzle was magnesium. You can buy it at the drugstore, but I do suggest taking at least 700 mg a day to begin to see results. I stagger the dose, taking 200 mg magnesium citrate tablets twice a day at work, and then taking the wonderful fizzy magnesium drink at night as a hot tea, which makes me feel very sleepy and Calm.

Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada, United States) on 08/16/2011

Yes, 5HTP was a lifesaver for me. I had depression so bad that I would cry at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason. I took one 200mg NOW brand cap, opened it up and placed the powder under my tongue. I figured it would be absorbed faster this way. I was right. Within an hour I was back to myself, cracking jokes with my wife and feeling normal again. If you are low on seratonin this supplement is the ticket. I take a 5HTP whenever my body tells me too which is occasionally. I don't think it's good to be on this supplement forever as it is said to deplete dopamine levels, another important neurotransmitter. The big question is how do you know if you are low in seratonin? These are some of the telltale signs of low seratonin:

Anxiety - This can be anything from mild panic to extreme impairment and distress in a high-stress situation.

Fatigue - If you catch yourself being tired all the time regardless of the amount of sleep you get, consider caffeine a major food group and habitually experience mental fogginess, there may be something other than just being too tired.

Depression - Let's face it, everyone has times when they're just down and melancholy, it's part of life; however, if you have "the blues" consistently for extended periods of time you may be experiencing a depressed mood that may require additional intervention.

Impaired cognitive function - Can't remember where you put the car keys and have to think hard about simple math? Cognitive function is directly impacted by serotonin levels and a severe deficiency may result in mental fogginess, minor memory loss and slowed problem-solving abilities.

Low self-esteem - Habitually feeling disgusted by yourself or feeling worthless are not normal things. At times, everyone is bound to believe negative things about themselves. If this severely low self-esteem keeps up for weeks or months, other issues may be the cause.

Loss of pleasure - A marked loss of interest in hobbies previously enjoyed or a sudden lack of even a sense of satisfaction at a job well done are also symptoms of a serotonin deficiency. When the noted lack of pleasure gotten out of activities becomes nearly non-existent, it may be something beyond mere boredom.

Insomnia - Though everyone has the occasional difficulties sleeping at night due to stress or anxiety, insomnia or hyposomnia can be seriously detrimental to health if you're repeatedly not able to sleep until very late hours and only manage to get a few hours of sleep each night or have sleep that is consistently interrupted by waking and being unable to go back to sleep quickly. On the same token hypersomnia, or too much sleep, may also be a symptom of serotonin deficiency.

Poor impulse control - This may often manifest itself in obsessive-compulsive behaviors, manic spending or in addictions such as drugs or alcohol. Many severe addictions are caused or exacerbated by low levels of serotonin.

Peace, Steve

Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach, Ca) on 08/15/2011

I love 5-HTP. It has helped me while I've gone through some pretty tough times. I just take 50 mg. Every night. But even at that lowest dose, it has made a big difference for me. :-)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/09/2011

I have had some severe bouts of depression, crying for several days at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason. One day it hit me for some reason that my seratononin levels must be off for me to be feeling this way. I had heard that many people have had good experiences with 5HTP so I bought some and emptied the cap under my tongue thinking it might absorb a little faster. I could feel a subtle change happening almost immediately. Haven't had any depression since that point. I take it once every few days if I feel a little off. My brother has also been suffering for several years with depression and he tried it the same way 50mg under the tongue. He began feeling better the same day and reported feeling brighter. Like the fog had lifted, and he sounds much happier. I believe if your seratonin levels are low then 5HTP will definitely help you feel better.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Los Angeles, California) on 07/09/2011 49 posts

I have heard so many helpful hints to help you heal. I use to listen to Louise Hay a very well known woman who helped to heal many people. Ms Hay had been abused by her father as a small child. I didn't pay for her tapes as I found them in the library and made copies for myself.

I listened to her tapes every night for 9 years and they helped alot. Another woman who became a doctor after being Agoraphobic for years has a hospital but sorry to say she charges too much for her programs and that's a terrible shame after knowing how bad these panic attacks and depression feel and most people I know who have it bad can not work. She geta a big lump of coal from me!!

I did a lot of research to help myself. GABA is a very important supplement to take because it relaxes your mind enough to let you sleep and find therapy to help you get through it. Magnesium for me is 700 mg daily but check for your size and weight this helps to keep your muscles loose and not tight. Exercise for depression is very important. Don't eat too many foods that contain MSG this spice can actually bring on anxiety attacks. If you can go and swim in the beach the salt water takes away many negative energies and relaxes you. If you cannot, take epsom salt baths. Laughter is very good for your overall health. I have bought movies that make me laugh or I look up jokes and keep them in a folder. When I am down I go for these things to cheer me up. God bless you all and may you heal and have very wonderful lives. Please don't forget to "pay it forward" and help others who are in a difficult place in their lives.

Blessings to all, Mary
