Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

B Complex
Posted by Ellen (New Canaan, CT) on 09/20/2008

I was at Trader Joe's last week and was browsing through their line of supplements. One supplement in particular caught my eye - sublingual folic acid, b6 and b12. I had been seeing some good information on the web about the b vits, so I decided to buy it. (cheap by the way.) The one thing I noticed immediately is I am in such a darn good mood after I take it! I forgot to take one pill 2 days ago and some pms irritability set in. Took my vitamin and within half an hour, my mood improved. I think this may be a great supplement for those with depression or anxiety.

Shino's Remedies for Depression
Posted by Shino (Auckland, New Zealand) on 09/13/2008

hi, i have suffered chronic depression twice, and this second time ive been doing natural therapies. thought i would share what has helped me on this site, as i got some of this stuff through japanese sites that people may not have access to and some of it has been crucial to my recovery!

my depression got so bad i couldnt get out of bed, talk or even eat by myself. being only 27 i pushed myself with work despite feeling terrible for 8 months and this is what happened. i didnt want to take medications, which are still so unreliable, my dad found a site whose plan we followed. main points are:

1. eliminate all forms of stress, as much as possible, including work, study, jobs, housework, cooking...get others to do these for you. also important, avoid all reading, violent movies and programmes, the news, and all games, which cause the adrenals to go.

2. do what you want every day (not what you think you should do, or be doing) - if you just want to sleep, do that and tell others to support you, you need to realise that this is okay and important for recovery.

3. just get someone to make sure you`re eating well (greens to make up half the meal, then quarter protein and quarter carbs. keep to organics and whole foods which means less toxins for your body to have to waste energy on). Drink at least 1.5 litres of good water a day - this helps all your organs function properly and flush out baddies. Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol and sugar, which all cause strong mood imbalances.

4. take the following supplements 3 times a day: phosphatydilserine (solgar is gd brand) - this will elevate your mood within 30 mins - you can take this as you need it. soy protein powder (NOT whey. soy releases energy slowly and helps your blood sugar balance) i also found this elevated my mood and brain function each time within about 30 minutes. omega 3, B vitamins (tresos B is good, as is the V2000 by solgar). St Johns Wort - or any of the above can be taken in conjunction with antidepressants safely.

If you have pretty severe depression like i did, then you know that you`re so sensitive to anything that counselling or therapy is a nightmare. In this case the plan above is great because you get better purely by addressing the nutritional balance in your body first. i did it for about 3 months before i felt up to seeing a counsellor. the four points above are all equally important - basically the aim is to eliminate emotional, physical stress as well as any cause of stress on your organs (which i now realise is THE crucial thing with depression and anxiety which doctors and therapists tend to overlook or minimise the importance of), and give your body everything it needs to produce the right balance of mood hormones again. Just note, that as you get better you will find that you level of energy increases - and this can be a fragile time because this can mean that if you`re still having suicidal thoughts you now have the physical energy to carry it out. make sure people around are aware of this so that they can be there for you during this time until your thoughts catch up and balance out too.

These are additional supplements which my naturopath helped me with later - i am not sure if they are all compatible with antidepressants though so please check. 5 HTP has chilled me out a lot, helped ease my insomnia and overeating. adrenal gland tonic (herbal health stores can make them up for you) including things like withania, liquorice, shatavari, wood betony, has helped me as long-term stress in constant fight/flight mode has worn out my glands (hair loss is one indication of this, which i had). bach flower essences, taking epsom salt baths with lavendar, meditation, walking in nature - even taking a short walk in the sun, yoga, are also things that i got into when i was ready.

the rest are really more to address emotional and spiritual needs (which, in depression and anxiety is important) - network spinal analysis and reiki can provide temporary relief at an energetic level, and if you like these i have found that a good spiritual healer can be 10 times better than seeing a therapist as they are way more holistic in finding out what`s wrong, and really care. also EFT technique (free on the website). also an online community called and helped me connect with others who had the same thing. was especially helpful when i was too down to see any friends or family.

hope this helps...i am still not 100%, but this plan has been amazing. the supplement plan i wrote about is effective for those with medium and mild depression too, and from the hundreds of feedback i read on the site, it has helped so many people.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/05/2008 495 posts

Yea and congratulations. DANCING is a whole lot more fun and safer than popping antidepressants (which I have read are mostly fuorides, which is another excitotoxin or neurotoxin). The only adverse side effect I ever heard of from dancing was, my physical therapist, telling me that one of his male patients said his knee went out on him while he was dancing - Must have been "break" dancing, huh?

Couch Exercise
Posted by Gary (USA) on 05/09/2008

You would lie on the arm of sofa with your stomach. Legs on couch and head off. Use your arms like a pushup to help straighten your body. Your legs may want to raise up but you`ll have to secure them somehow.

In the exercise, I use my arms to help me straighten myself almost like a push up. Most people will not be able to do it without using their arms. I guess whats important is to use back muscles without straining them of course. Also, I just want to tell people with depression to go to a chiropractor,therapist or qualified trainer. This gets dismissed because they don`t have back pain. Spend $30 It could be the answer. It`s well worth it. Hope this helps.

Posted by Kellie (Vancouver BC, Canada) on 01/13/2008

Hi I found 5 htp a couple of years ago on the internet, looking for something to help my sadness and depression, so i heard about 5 htp , well i was desprite and i took 2 100 every day , it helped me so so much, I go off it some times because the side effects for me are, it makes me get my period more often , mind you i think that is when i was taking 300 mg . and also it has caused me to get itchy palms of my hand ,and the back of my head . but now that iv gone down on them and taken a break for a few months , im good . but i have to go on them because it helps me so much for depression. i have just discovered the 5 htp with 200 mg L- Ter , wow as far as I'm concerned its a bloody miracle. it changes my whole mood . makes me very happy .but for sure one other side effect I'm not as hungry when im on it . and i dream more vividly. but as far as I'm concerned it's a wonder drug, sorry for the spelling. let's just hope the drug companies don't take them away.

Posted by Renee (Pontiac, Michigan) on 05/03/2007

When i'm feeling stresssed, irritable, or so sad i want to die, i just drop everything and go for a walk! It's okay to stop thinking about everything all at once! I don't even think about where i'm walking to, i just go. Taking deep breaths along the way and just enjoying the control is the best way to go. I used to suffer from anxiety and bi-polar disorder, but walking, healthy eating, and love for myself and everyone else have cured it!"

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzi (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/19/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatological problem. My sister got me started taking _______'s organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.

Posted by Hermano (Lisbon, Portugal) on 10/16/2006

L-THEANINE is the best for a mild anxiety. also i tried before playing golf and the results are a four or five better score.this site of yours is the most informative and serious that i have found. thank you.

B12, Folic Acid, 5-HTP
Posted by Justin (Port St. Lucie) on 08/22/2006

I was under constant attack from anxiety, and depression was setting in because of it. I saw a therapist who taught me about positive thinking and ways to get myself out of a panic attack. It kinda worked but was a constant effort to always be managing my moods and still fighting random panic attacks. I started self medicating with a popular narcotic made to ease anxiety. We all know it as a small white rectangular pill. I became dependant and my tolerance built up way to high. I lost my job, and almost my wife and kid because of that stupid pill! I checked myself into a rehab ...mainly to get it out of my system while in a secure, stable environment. My mind was definitely set on getting that pill out of my life so it was easy to kick. When I got out I was so scared of my anxiety coming back...and it did! I then remembered someone telling me about B-12 and Folic Acid as a natural cure for anxiety. I went to the store found the vitamins and saw it was like $6 for a 3 months supply and said "what the heck, I'll try it".....2 years later only one ten minute panic attack! The one I did have was after a night of drinking and did not take my def. my own fault. I take 500mcgs of B-12 and 400 mcgs of Folic Acid twice a day (i'm a big guy) I rarely, very rarely even think of my anxiety.

I have also, overtime, added a supplement called 5-htp and always carry around Altoids. I take the 5-htp when it just feels like things aren't going my way, and within an hour I am as giddy as a 3yr old watching blues clues! The Altoids help me out just whenever, they give me my own personal break from everything. The freshness it gives just puts everything back on a balanced level. The extreme peppermint taste relaxes me. I pop one in before any stressful meeting, event, issue and it's like my own personal shield from stress!

As a side note since taking these new vitamins I have only been sick with a cold for one day out of 2 years! I have not gotten a single sore throat, flu, ear ache ...Everyone in my family can be sick and I get nothing! I feel invincible! Smiling more,

Water With Lemon, Music
Posted by Courtney (Caldwell, Idaho) on 03/08/2006

A tall cold glass of water with a slice of lemon and peter sterling's cd's cures depression and anxiety. i have not been diagnosed with depression, but it runs in my family and i get it often. it is always accompanied with anxiety. i have found that if you just put peter sterling's music on, and just sit back and SLOWLY sip a glass of lemon water, it will help you relax and brighten your mood.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Connie (Portland, OR)

I suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I tried at least six or seven medications over a five year period but nothing worked. They all were just expensive and had bad side effects. A naturopathic biologist told me to take ACV and after a couple of days I felt much better for the first time. I believe there are people who need the prescription medications -and counseling is a great help to most of us- but for those of us suffering from occasional recurrent depression/anxiety I believe it is a fantastic cure. I have only taken it when my depression pops up and found relief every time. After reading the benefits for weight loss though, I believe I will begin taking it daily - and brushing my teeth afterward!

Fish Oil
Posted by Colleen (Perry, Florida)

Omega 3 Fish Oils work great for depression!! Be sure to take them on a regular basis. They really work wonders for depression.

Posted by Charlotte (Richboro, PA)

My 6 year old grandson was diagnosed with "Select Mutism" 2 years ago and rather than put him on "Prozac", my daughter did some research and learned about 5HTP and chose to try it first. He started on 50mg every night. His psychologist saw the same results with the 5HTP as children on prescribed drugs. It's been a miracle for him. I have since then also taken it since our family seems to have anxiety problems and ADD runs in the family and it has helped very much with these problems. I usually take 100mg to 200mg daily depending on my stress levels at the time. We are so grateful our little grandson did not have to take Prozac or a similar drug. I would highly recommend it as a first choice to try at least.

Posted by Elise (Irving TX)

I am a manic depressive and i found that dancing gets my mind off of things when I'm feeling down plus it's a good exercise.

Proper Mental Diet
Posted by TessaBC (Okanagan) on 02/08/2024

Such an inspiring comment, Tiberius!

Thank you for those wise words.

I agree wholeheartedly with you about it being taught in schools. It would help so many young people on their journey through life.

I have printed it out and have it next to my computer as a gentle reminder to keep things in perspective.

Thanks again.

Cheers from Canada

Chlorella, Copper
Posted by Noohra (USA) on 08/05/2023

Hey Jeffrey!

Great tips, thanks for sharing!

I love Chlorella and fulvic acid. I should probably take it more often.

I was hoping you explain and give a little more detail about the chelated copper. I'm not depressed, but I am a big believer in taking supplements to stay happy and healthy. With 6 kids, I need to stay on top of my game :)

Vanilla Bean Powder
Posted by dibro (Southern USA) on 08/07/2021

For stress, anxiety or depression - Vanilla Bean Powder

Vanilla bean fine powder melts anxiety & takes depression away.

Add a teaspoonful to coffee or tea/or simply remove the cap and use it as an aromatherapy! Add a spoon full to cereal/ even swish with a bit of toothpaste and prevent tooth decay!

Yes, it's a fine powder, not a liquid. Of course U can find it on

St John's Wort
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 09/16/2020 47 posts

If you suffer from the occasional blues or even extended depression, St. John's wort is the herb for you. There have even been scientific studies that show St. John's wort to be as effective if not more effective than Prozac.

My wife and I have been using it whenever needed for years. Always great results. As with all herbal remedies, you probably want to pay attention to the quality and the place or origin. Personally I avoid everything from China. If you can get something locally, I think that is much preferred.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 08/09/2020

A one inch piece of fresh organic raw ginger, chewed and swallowed with water. Effective within minutes. Suicidal thoughts and depression had been happening for a few hours. Took more as needed, 3 or so times over the next few hours. Continued as needed over the next few days.
